
Economic Transition Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"The transition from a fourth Industrial Revolution to a fifth Industrial Revolution is a change from a profit economy to a benefit economy."
"That's what helped get us out of feudalism. Mmm, reasonable to assume. It'll help us get out of capitalism."
"We're dealing with a transition. We're coming out of a pandemic, an economy that has really bounced back... We're in a transition period where we're going to be in a place where it's more stable and more steady."
"A recession is the transition of an economy from one that's booming with high consumer spending to one that's contracting."
"Bitcoin has a half-life of forever, infinite forever. Once people figure that out, you have a mass exodus from the fiat currency system."
"The great wealth transfer is coming and it is going to have very significant impacts."
"Any transition to a socialist economy is something which should be done very carefully and deliberately."
"We are going to use finance, we're going to mobilize finance to make this transition and we're going to do it quickly."
"It went from a definitively third-world country to a definitively first-world country."
"I want to see a just transition from a dirty economy to a clean economy."
"We cannot allow fossil fuel jobs to be better than new energy jobs."
"We need to help fund and fuel a transition to a different kind of economy that works for you and your family."
"That old economy, that old way of looking at things, that old way of putting on a party, it's over."
"The transformation that we're going through economically is genuinely the largest economic transition since the Industrial Revolution."
"We need a new beginning, a transition from a dirty economy to a clean economy."
"Taiwan's story of transitioning from an agrarian economy to a low-cost manufacturing center and then finally on to becoming an advanced Center of world leading Industries is not unique."
"The winners are going to be the ones that are able to intelligibly and patiently make those transitions."
"We were a export powerhouse... and eventually we shifted towards a more consumer-oriented market."
"Switching to green energy will create more jobs than our current energy system."
"That transition from higher margin to lower margin and higher valuation to lower valuation can mean a stagnant choppy sideways stock market."
"China's long-run problem here is that it's transitioning from the pre-2008 model of limited capitalism and free markets."
"China is revealing just what is possible in a transition to a zero carbon economy."
"We moved from an economy that makes things into an economy that services things and where there is financial engineering that's where the money becomes."
"You cannot kill that industry without having a viable alternative."
"Sustainability is not a bad thing in and of itself, but when we get into a sustainable economy now, there triggers a different set of values, a different set of circumstances."
"I think we are in a big transition away from an ultra loose indulgent kind of Arena where people are suddenly going to have to be a lot more Discerning with their capital."
"The US has transitioned more to like capital markets rather than the petrodollar."
"We're certainly in the process of a secular change from a deflationary to an inflationary environment."
"There's an argument for it... need to build out the green transition."
"The experts tell us that putting a price on carbon is the best way to tackle climate change. Don't believe the naysayers; the transition to a low-carbon economy is an incredible Economic Opportunity and we need to embrace it now."
"The real question is, can bitcoin leapfrog into fiat, more specifically the U.S. dollar?"
"The market has migrated from hope to optimism."
"We do not want the transition from a fossil fuel economy to an electric economy to represent an erosion in the unionization and rights of workers."
"We need a vision for what the post-carbon economy looks like that is inspiring enough and delivers enough in terms of jobs, in terms of new opportunities, in terms of better health. It has to be exciting."
"Bisbee transitioned from a mining economy to a retiree community and a busy tourist destination."
"Swapping away from being in a war economy and going back toward a civilian economy."
"Each day the world is getting closer and closer to accepting this as real currency."
"A transition to another system of more local production and distribution of goods is absolutely called for, but such a transition to that system will most likely not happen without even more disruptions."
"Is this sensible? And that question is now on every frontier of the transition, and it's the best argument for degrowth."
"If you haven't played the game, I hope this convinces you to give it a shot."
"He admitted that the higher gas prices in the US are part of an incredible transition away from fossil fuels."
"We need bitcoin adoption to allow for a transition path and broadly distribute abundance gained from technology."
"We inherited an economy that was on the cusp of recession in late 2016."
"Coal may be dying, but many here aren't ready to let it go."
"If it passes, the US will have pivoted in a major way toward a clean energy economy."
"It presents a chance for the European Union to expedite its transition to net zero decarbonize its industry and build the future economy."
"People are beginning to leave behind the agrarian lifestyle for more manufacturing or service sector jobs."
"Transitioning to a clean energy economy will not be easy. But we can no longer delay putting a framework for a clean energy economy in place."
"We are in the third inning of the greatest economic and technological transition in the history of the world."
"The first Industrial Revolution... was about the movement from family economy to a community economy."
"A universal basic income is the best and most efficient way to help millions of Americans transition through this period."
"We're at a turning point in geopolitical and geo-economic systems."
"EU integration has propelled the countries that joined in the early 2000 to move to high income economies."
"India went from socialism without entry to capitalism without exit."
"We're talking about a changeover of the entire financial system."