
Change Catalyst Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"The greatest catalyst for change in a relationship is complete acceptance of your partner as he or she is, without needing to judge or change them in any way."
"The fool is the precursor to the savior... because the fool will tell the truth."
"The world needs to see what's happening and force change. The more people who see it, the more pressure there is to make it right."
"And it could be one of many sparks that eventually do ignite real lasting change."
"There will be a piece of content that changes the course."
"Hope is very powerful at this time and it can be a really huge Catalyst for change."
"This isn't just a movie, this is a movement because one small choice you make will make ripples of change."
"This is a huge, huge wake-up call, and if this doesn't make any change, nothing will."
"We will change a grain of sand and with it, the whole world." - Jonas
"An avalanche starts with a snowflake and ends up burying a village."
"Black Lives Matter needs to be a moment... a turning point... a defining moment."
"There is a mounting catalyst for change for the need of digital innovation."
"You will only change when the pain to stay the same becomes greater than the pain to make a change."
"Bitcoin could force that change essentially."
"Eventually you just need one of them to collapse and then the whole system will collapse, and you'll get to see some new stuff."
"The only way change happens is with transparency."
"This wouldn't be happening if he wasn't making it happen."
"You preach to the choir because it's the choir who goes out and has relationships one-on-one which is actually where most people change their mind."
"Being uncomfortable is always the key to change."
"Just when you're feeling apathy, just when you're feeling fed up, along comes the universe to shake up the mix."
"I think there's a productive anger too which can lead to change... when you get so fed up with something that you're willing to speak out then that's more of like a righteous anger."
"As soon as you have a disruption take place... the whole thing begins to fall apart."
"The globalists are stirring things up, preparing the way."
"The universe is conspiring to create dramatic change."
"This is the catalyst for change that will happen sooner than later."
"Tower moments happen because something needs to get removed, something needs to be shook up."
"You cannot use the justification of your feelings for someone else to accept an unacceptable situation."
"You're gonna change the world and you're gonna change how people think and how people feel."
"It just took one little thread to unravel it all."
"Ideas are the only things that can change the world; the rest is details."
"All the signs were there but everything to change your mind was put out in front of you."
"There is no middle ground. Events must occur. If events don't occur, things aren't gonna change here."
"Maybe that's the place to lever the wheel of fortune."
"You are meant to be a Guiding Light in the darkest of times, a catalyst for change."
"Maybe he's straight up the middle where the change happens."
"Now begins the era of the wild card, the one who could turn everything upside down."
"Fearlessness is the key attribute of being able to change the world."
"Fear of the negative consequences can be one impetus towards change."
"Lex Luger showing up on fucking Monday Nitro, that's where the change is gonna come."
"What's always moved the needle is the popular action."
"You are not in this generation by coincidence. You were created for such a time as this to be a change agent."
"Your rebellious spirit makes you a great system buster."
"I hope that should spark change in social media."
"The only way we can ever change anything is to look in the mirror and to find no enemy."
"For anything to happen to lead to change, there has to be in some way a disruption of those routines."
"It can be a catalyst to something bigger and better."
"A righteous anger at the situation, and that just changes everything."
"Your enduring positivity serves as a catalyst for change."
"Life doesn't change by chance; it changes by your choice."
"Feed your mind with quality information; nothing will ever change until your mind changes."
"Our social entrepreneurs do not exist to change the world; they are the catalysts of change."
"Despite being arguably the catalyst for such a change in the first place, she was the woman who started the hashtag 'Give Divas a chance' and brought their lowly treatment into the eyes of people making the decisions around WWE."
"It just takes one thing to kind of tip the scales."
"It starts with one, and that's all it takes."
"If you want to change, the fastest way you can change is to change yourself."
"Don't nothing change till you make a decision."
"Faith is the factor. It's the difference in getting something changed and not getting it changed."
"You will never change that which you tolerate."
"One little spark like this could change the whole set."
"They're taking control, they're coming to get it, and the eclipse is the catalyst for it."