
Marxism Quotes

There are 213 quotes

"For Marx, eating a peach is production, as is the realization of sensuous human capacities."
"What Marx is really talking about is a kind of political love."
"Karl Marx and all of his writings were driven by the assumption that the goal of an economy should be to maximize human freedom."
"The theoretical origins of Marxist ideas are easy to identify as stemming primarily from Marx and Engels."
"Marxism says that the problems of capitalism are built into the system and if you want to solve them, you have to face the fact that the system itself is the problem."
"The spread of Marxism is STAGGERINGLY successful."
"Marxism was a variant of the story of Cain and Abel, it's the ancient way of viewing the world through the lens of resentment."
"Democracy can mean very different things... for revolutionary Marxists like Lenin, it was more about economics and equality."
"China now, for has just celebrated the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party. It is a Marxist Leninist party, which in the year 2022, takes Marxist Leninism deadly seriously."
"I'm trying to explain to people what it was that Marx was talking about and to do it in terms which are simple without being simplistic."
"Marx correctly asserted that the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles."
"Every individual Marxist tests their own vision of their utopian future."
"Those of us who bother to look at history know where Marxism goes."
"I see the connection between the post-modernist types and the Marxists as a sleight of hand that replaced the notion of the oppression of the proletariat by the bourgeoisie as the oppression by one identity group by another."
"Marxism is a critique of capitalism. The best way to understand it is that when any system arrives on our planet, not just capitalism but slavery, feudalism, any kind of system... it always generates people who love it and celebrate it on the one hand, and people who are critical and think we can do better as human beings on the other."
"What Marx was interested in were the achievements of capitalism... but he was equally determined to point out its shortcomings, its failures, who benefits from it, who doesn't, and how you could move at least generally in a direction that would hold on to the benefits of capitalism but allow us to go beyond its failures and its flaws."
"We're fighting against Marxism taught in our schools because that's why there's no financial education in schools."
"Marxism is a genus of ideological thought... Critical race theory, queer theory, and postcolonial theory are species in this genus."
"Marxism transcends economics and even transcends social theory. The theory of Marxism bears a religious-like structure."
"Pure Marxism is kind of a utopian society, where you don't have classes, everyone is equal, everyone is leading these kind of rich, diverse, fulfilling lives."
"We discuss Marxism, how it evolved from a singular ideology into a genus, spawning many oppressor/oppressed dogmas across modern culture."
"Marx outlined an entire theory of man and the world, and our behavior in it."
"Finally read the Manifesto, and I was instantly struck by how many parts of it easily could be written today."
"In order to win and to bring about a Marxist revolution, you've got to change the culture. You have to win the culture."
"There are plenty of elements of Marxist theory that I think are highly agreeable."
"And I would go so far as to say that the Democrat Party today is Marxist light."
"I think Marxism is built on a bunch of lies about the human condition about human nature." - Unknown speaker
"The number one killer of citizens from innocent civilians the last 100 years has been the very idea that you shamelessly wear on your sleeve every single day: Marxism has killed more people than any other ideology over the last 100 years."
"Google Marxism just repeats Karl Marx's error with the new technology."
"They're claiming to be the true heirs to Karl Marx and Frederick Engels."
"Marx starts with the commodity because it's the most universal concept."
"Marxism is there and when we have a Marxist Progressive Party they have two primary goals: the redistribution of wealth and the transfer of power. That is your wealth and your power."
"I think the defensible part of Marxism... there are these historical materialist forces that resulted in say capitalism emerging from feudalism."
"You don't have to support that Marxist movement to recognize that."
"Queer theory is the Marxist theory of sex, gender, sexuality, and more."
"Using critical race theory, I'm going to expose the secret of Marxism."
"Marxism as a theory of wanting to understand exploitation and end exploitation... is the dharmic way."
"In the last paragraph of the Communist Manifesto Marx and Engels call for a forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."
"Wokeness is an attempt to recreate the dynamics of Christianity without Christ. It's an attempt to reconstruct a kind of Marxist form of Christianity."
"Marx understood the interplay between class exploitation and national exploitation, highlighting the contradictions of capitalism."
"It's important we talk about honestly and right now there's just a lot of propaganda going on in revisionism about radical Marxism."
"Empirically provable data shows Marxism is a failure."
"From each according to their means and ability to each according to need."
"You will own nothing and you will be happy: sounds like the Transcendence of private property from Marx."
"We should all be Marxists in a sense of agreeing with his diagnosis of our troubles."
"Karl Marx theorized that the driver of history was not nations and instead was class struggle, the material circumstances of people's economic position determined their lives more than anything else."
"Marx believed that the next revolution would result in a proletarian dictatorship and this would be the last world revolution."
"Real Marxism is in a sense esoteric. But it's not ultimately really that difficult or hard to figure out. The meaning of Marxism actually is constant Perpetual Revolution."
"The end goal of Marxism isn't a Marxist dictator; it's the withering away of the state."
"You can decommodify stuff like say housing or railway networks transportation medical care..."
"Marx understood the difference that's the reason why he wrote Capital and he wrote the Communist Manifesto and they're written very differently."
"Xi Jinping... should be understood... as a Marxist leninist."
"Fight back against this destructive Marxist ideology."
"Marxism is inherently not just dishonest, it's a fraudulent ruse that in its heart is disingenuine."
"Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other — Bourgeoisie and Proletariat."
"The Communist revolution is the most radical rupture with traditional property relations."
"Neo-marxism is a 20th-century school of thought that critiques classical Marxism while retaining many of its essential features."
"Each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. That's exactly right, that's Marxism."
"Themes of imperialism, colonialization, Marxism, and workers' Revolution are very much baked into what this game is about."
"They want us to hate our country so they can replace it with their Marxist Utopia."
"It is a means for politically grooming the perspective of students into a Marxist mindset."
"Critical race theory is a marxian theory of race, a conflict theory of race."
"Some of these pastors and even from some conservative evangelical traditions have really fallen into thinking about the world in a Marxist sort of framework."
"This is a faith in the school that combines the idea of critical hope into Marxism."
"Black Lives Matter is openly Marxist. This isn't something that you and I invented here. It's not conspiracy theory, it's the reality."
"His dream of a utopian society built on Marxism crumbled around him yet he never gave up on his ideals."
"A teenage Stalin was immediately hooked on Marx and Engel's words."
"I am astounded by this because I thought the whole thing was just Marxism and it's not. Apparently, there's hypnosis involved."
"Capitalism is a religion and Marxism is a religion."
"Marx's concept of value is something which is internalized."
"Communism is good because true Marxist communism is as close to a utopia as we can get."
"Lenin's Marxist ideology found fertile ground among the discontented workers and soldiers of Russia."
"Capitalism is a system premised on what Marx called exploitation."
"Solidarity is the key...to connect this neo-marxism to the woke movement." - Linking Marxist ideals to contemporary social movements.
"Marxism didn't have a correct understanding of relationships between humanity and society."
"Marx believed that once mankind has been liberated from the chains of tradition, belief, and past ideas, only then could mankind create a system built purely from mankind itself."
"Marx was right about the late stage of capitalism which is what we're in now."
"The point is not to understand the world but to change it." - Karl Marx
"It's straight Marxist Leninist strategy. They've got a war against God, against traditional values, morality, the family, the church, government, law and order."
"Cancel culture goes back to a Marxist worldview."
"The ultimate goal of the left is to impose Marxism in our country."
"Black Lives Matter is a Marxist organization that believes in the abolition of traditional families."
"Marxism almost every narrative in society today has its roots in Marxism."
"The relevancy of the Communist Manifesto is exactly that it's not nearly as relevant today, but the central dialectical logic, the analysis of contradictions hidden within Marx's thought, is where we see relevancy truly emerge."
"Marxism is not necessarily a prescriptive politics, but rather a dialectical analysis of the world."
"I'd like to see a bit of an old-fashioned dose of Marxism come back."
"The collapse of Marxism is only the collapse of the outer edge of the societal and civilizing assumptions that we have made."
"Our economic policy is focused on doing away with feudal remnants, protecting national capital, and industrializing the economy."
"We have to apply Marxism according to the concrete conditions of the country."
"It has been Marxist analyses that have proven capable of moving beyond description to explanation of persistent socioeconomic inequalities."
"The career of Marxism in the world is, of course, one of the foremost examples of the effect of ideas on history."
"It's called a preference Cascade where, like Monday everybody as a Marxist maybe not a super enthusiastic Marxist but yeah sure everybody's a Marxist and then Tuesday nobody was ever a Marxist ever in their life."
"No, it's one of the many Marxist attempts to find a substitute for God by personalizing, giving a personality to something which doesn't have one and therefore giving it the ability to judge between right and wrong."
"The extraction of surplus value, the extraction of value that these workers are creating with their hands but aren't actually being paid, he believed was theft and exploitation."
"To complete the picture and thereby to arrive at a full understanding of capitalist society, we need to go beyond not only the mainstream economic conception but also the traditional Marxist alternative."
"The Soviet debacle demonstrated Marxism's death as a living ideology."
"What Marx is doing is not forcing us up to a sort of reconciliation with heaven, quite the contrary, he wants to get us ultimately back to nature."
"Karl Marx's historical materialism... irrevocably changed... geopolitical realities, social struggles, and historical and sociological analysis."
"He's judging capitalism deficient because it's not as good as communism. It's a problem for Marxism as a political project."
"You can cut off that communist part, the political project of Marx, and leave behind the mode of analysis of the past."
"Marxism, since it is such a broad project, is really best used as a series of resources which we can eclectically draw and leave that which we don't wish behind."
"Marxist historical materialism may be the most useful part of Marxism for analysts today and hopefully in the future."
"Marx argues that there have been exactly three distinct modes of production in the civilized West: the slave mode, the feudal mode, and the capitalist mode."
"Marx says that the opposition between laborer and capitalist that exists under the capitalist conditions of private property leads to a contradiction."
"So, I would argue that's why Marx is relevant because he teaches this lesson, and from that understanding of the system flows, I think, that's a great note, that's a great way to end it, I think."
"They're the ones trying to suppress it, they're the ones who developed and made up cancel culture, which is completely a Marxist belief."
"One Marxist regime after the next, going up to North Korea, has wound up creating these incredibly tragic and disastrous societies."
"I think Marx is due for a big revival. I don't think he was right in his solutions but he was a fantastically perceptive analyst of the capitalist system and particularly the role of power in that system."
"New versions of Marx have developed and grown in the 21st century which questioned our modernity."
"I love Marx, you see, I just detest communism, because it betrayed Marx."
"Chinese officials, through being immersed in dialectical Marxism and Chinese history, actually provides them a certain amount of dynamism to adapt to changes."
"In the social production of their existence, men inevitably enter into definite relations which are independence of their will, namely relations of production appropriate to a given stage in the development of their material forces of production."
"The beginning of the end of Marxism is, I think, the recognition that scarcity is endemic to the human condition."
"This is part of the complication of analyzing Marxist texts."
"Identity politics is a strain of neo-marxism. It's the assumption that competition among social groups always involves an oppressor and the oppressed."
"Okay, so Marxist or a leftist or next capitalist would say that the best way to solve our problem is to solve the inherent contradictions that exist under capitalism. Okay? And the best way to do that is by giving power to the people, by giving power back to the people."
"...if we address all those points that fascists are addressing but in their own insane manner through a Marxist lens, we will have a much better time."
"Made Popular by the writings of German philosopher Carl Marx, Marxism promised to rid the world of the suffocating chains of classism."
"...you don't read a lot of science fiction books that have marxist theory built into them anymore not in a real way despite what people shriek about."
"A much more accurate reading of Marx would produce the true essence of his work: the spirit of revolution among common people."
"Marx's work took off the ground in contention with utopianism."
"This is actually the only designer piece I own. She says she's a Marxist but here we are."
"They weren't exactly Marxists, they were heroic, they were dedicated."
"Instead of looking at Marxism as an entire form of government on all or nothing and hand-waving it away, if some part of this is worth believing, the utility of this belief is that even now you can see your consumption as the record of someone else's labor."
"The whole dialectical way in which Marx sets this in motion is a fascinating reflection on how to understand the dynamics of a capitalist society."
"One of the internal contradictions you have is that capital operates on profit and marx interprets profit as surplus value and basically says well you have to produce a surplus and because profit comes from the surplus."
"This whole kind of thing then becomes very significant as Marx points out in his dual chapter that you know he says you know commodities are in love with money but you know and this is his Shakespearean moment but the true course of true love never did run smooth."
"The socioeconomic conditions must be created to maximize human evolution and emancipate human potential for as many people as possible. In this regard, Marxism tries to carry the torch of the Enlightenment conclusions and critical reflections."
"The fact that you brought together two individuals you knew yourself from three different corners of the world, people with three different perspectives yet all united through Marx's thought..."
"Marx would look at all of that and say, 'Look, our society is full of conflict everywhere we go.'"
"The idea of reciprocally complementing one another makes it clear how much Marx's cooperative model owes to the Hegelian idea of freedom."
"As long as capitalism is around, Marxism will be around because there is no other theory that actually is capable of understanding capitalism."
"A serious kind of open-minded engagement with the intellectual Legacy of KL Marx."
"Marxism needs to control all elements of society. It becomes a religion, a replacement for Christianity."
"Gramshi is one of the most significant Marxist thinkers of the 20th century."
"Gramshi's thought brings Marx's thought into different directions, specifically in terms of how we understand culture and the notion of hegemony."
"Gramshi becomes this hero of the Marxist and he still is portrayed this way often today."
"Just as we see in a figure like Marx, there are a number of schools of interpretation of Gramsci which are influential."
"This is our program. That is the program of Marxism. That's what we defend. We invite you to assist us in continuing the fight for the only cause which is worthwhile at the beginning of the 21st century, the cause for the struggle for the emancipation of the working class."
"Marxism is the most developed systemic critique of capitalism that we have."
"Marx saw that inevitably capitalism would lead to massive inequity."
"When we undertake a Marxist Literary Criticism approach to a piece of culture, then, we're fundamentally viewing a piece of culture as a piece of evidence about the society that produced it."
"For Marx, man remained not just a natural being but a human natural being whose engagement in social struggle was a product of distinctively man-made social and cultural institutions."
"I've accepted the basic truths of Marxist theory of class struggle, of Marxist analysis of the capitalist economy."
"What Marxism has contributed are the tools for an analysis that's been invaluable."
"Marx is not a sort of esoteric thinker who is inaccessible."
"I'm a Marxist so that one day we can all live like anarchists."
"As an observer of his times, [Marx] was really extraordinary and as a tech writer he was really good."
"The entire Marxist teleology points to a machinery to make humanity work as a species and not as a collection of individuated consciousness."
"What Marx did was brought together all the different socialist and communist movements."
"The Dalai Lama has referred to himself as a Marxist, criticizing capitalism for only being concerned with gain and profitability."
"Marxism is a predominantly a set of economic and philosophical theories which deal with the critiques of capitalism."
"Marxism takes its point of departure from the study of real forces and production, conflicting forces in relationship reduction, study of capitalism's kind of thing."
"When Marxist comrades disagree, they are supposed to settle their issues with arguments based on Marxist theories, not artillery shells."
"What really made the International a significant affair was the presence in it of Karl Marx."
"He identified an already existing class of men, the workers, the industrial workers, more broadly the poor, with the people who would inherit the earth."
"Marx, like a great many thinkers before him, begins with the proposition that all true questions have answers, one true answer, and all the other answers being false."
"According to the Marxist theory, there is a fixed human nature with certain discoverable human desires."
"Marxist analysis of capitalism's most basic mechanisms and functions is still valid."
"The young Marx and the mature Marx have a very important continuity."
"I have sympathies with certain forms of anarchism, the forms that are close to Marxism."
"I think that a Marxist theory is more worthwhile than the anarchist theory that I'm familiar with."
"He uses the term 'the philosophy of praxis' leaving many of us thinking, what is that and how is that different from Marxism?"
"In any given catalytic environment, the proletariat would revolt against their oppressor, the bourgeoisie."
"China's economic model is much more in line with Marx than was for example the Soviet economy."
"Marxism: the family performs essential functions for society which benefit the bourgeoisie and the economy but disadvantage the proletariat."
"Gandhi helped me grow out of dogmatic Marxism."
"The first generation of Russian Marxists was born."
"Marxism was kind of the post-modernism of its day."
"Marxists focus on the inequalities that exist between different social classes."
"He's reading 'The Capitalism' by Karl Marx, who wants to start a revolution."
"Marxism would argue that marketization is merely the method to perpetuate class inequality through parentocracy."
"Louis Althusser was a French Marxist philosopher and an educational theorist."
"Marxism itself is an ideology because it is a set of ideas which have united people across the planet."
"Marxism inherently is about the working class and the international working class."
"The Marxist perspective is a critique of capitalism and an evaluation of it."
"Marxist economics... explains what's happening and makes testable future predictions."
"Marxism sees society as based on conflict rather than consensus."