
Political Theory Quotes

There are 476 quotes

"What Marx is really talking about is a kind of political love."
"Democracy is like a rare flower that demands a lot of preconditions in order to succeed."
"Maybe we should think of that linear political spectrum as more of a circle, and that the two halves, the two extremes, actually have many things in common, so maybe they touch on the other end."
"Democracy can mean very different things... for revolutionary Marxists like Lenin, it was more about economics and equality."
"Democracy is the political enactment of a spiritual idea."
"As Aristotle said in politics, poverty is the parent of revolution and crime."
"Fascism is often said to be capitalism in decay."
"Legitimate government is government founded on consent."
"Gramsci is often credited with this idea that politics is downstream from culture."
"I believe social democracy can address all the issues that socialism attempts to address and offers a more realistic proposition for an organization of society."
"The civil libertarian ideals of classical liberalism are valuable and inform progressivism, which is to say modern, evolved liberalism, social democracy, democratic socialism."
"Heidegger and political theory show us the philosophical constitution of the political, offering an essential guide to passionate thinking."
"The fourth political theory is neither liberal, communist, nor fascist, offering a unique stance against traditional political ideologies."
"If you live in an oligarchy, the government is not choosing not to act on behalf of the oligarchy. That's not what an oligarchy is."
"We end up with Western Marxism taking many forms but with one overarching approach."
"The bare minimum and most common feature in all of fascism is powerful and continuing nationalism."
"This whole national divorce thing, isn't that the entire point of having different states? And this has been working well."
"The framers quite explicitly and uniformly chose to vest executive power in a solitary individual because they believed that vesting executive authority in one person would imbue the presidency with precisely the attributes necessary for energetic government."
"Liberal democracy is based on the insight that the voter knows best."
"We are destined to keep citing him [Marx] and testing his ideas until the kind of society that he struggled to bring about is finally realized."
"Power in that case is not something that is given; it's not something that's surrendered. Power is something that is taken."
"This is the period when Francis Fukuyama was talking about the end of history by which he meant that liberal democracy was sweeping the world."
"There are plenty of elements of Marxist theory that I think are highly agreeable."
"Social democracy will always contain within itself the seeds of its own destruction."
"When this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved and tyranny is erected on its ruins."
"Communism: an attractive alternative to capitalism."
"The experiment of liberalism... really does feel like it's getting to its end right now."
"Vigorous political competition ultimately benefits voters more than the candidates permitted to compete for their support."
"Democracy means the rule of the people, not the rule of monarchs or the money, but the rule of the people."
"Historic function of fascism: Smash the working class, destroy its organizations, and stifle political liberties."
"Governments derive their authority through the consent of the governed."
"Democracy is neither inevitable nor self-executing."
"I would actually encourage people to read... 'Political Ponerology'."
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." - Lord Acton
"State ownership of the means of production is the core of socialism."
"Power doesn't bend to reason; power only bends to power."
"It's time to start exploring post-liberal options."
"Rosa Luxemburg's own words on the matter: 'Can social reforms substitute for the social revolution? Certainly not.'"
"Obama's theory here is simple: Ukraine is a core Russian interest but not an American one."
"The two regimes... are rapidly evolving towards the same system—a form of oligarchical collectivism." - George Orwell
"Politics was the art of what was practical and possible."
"Sage rights are the powers held by individual U.S. states rather than the federal government... States rights too are a dry tinder for much larger fire."
"Every system of government can't be subjective to the populous as any whim at some point you have to decide either an appropriate role of government or what it is that you believe."
"Capitalism is basically a precondition for fascism."
"Federalism: a way of organizing a nation so that two or more levels of government have formal authority over the same area and people."
"The only way you can maintain power is if the people choose to let you."
"It isn't a matter of left versus right, it's top versus bottom. Class struggle is not left or right, it's class."
"The concentration of power is very dangerous."
"Democracy is a process of self-determination, so if any part of that process is being determined from abroad through democracy promotion from another country, that is not actually democracy, that is actually undermining democracy."
"A large Republic is the best way to control factions."
"Facts are stubborn things, you know Jesus said the truth shall set you free."
"This is what a great theorist years ago called the beginnings of dual power when the working class looks for its own power institutions because the existing ones have become irrelevant."
"Non-violence empowers the state and the state enforces fascism. Property rights are linked to racism, linked to a system of white supremacy."
"Rose, Oro, or Akira because they are not out yet and we haven't even really played with Rose ourselves."
"You intervene with the government in the name of doing good, you crowd out private alternatives, and then you point to the fact that private alternatives have been crowded out to grow government even more."
"There is no good argument against transracialism from the left-wing perspective."
"Fascism and socialism have similarities, both lead to state control and oppression."
"More freedom equals reduced corruption, more democracy, more liberalism."
"The working class needs to be the agent of its own emancipation."
"Get Republicans out of office I think it'll make a big difference if you want to vote for progresses knock yourselves out but man uh get Republicans out of office."
"Tyranny advances under many names and many theories, but it always comes down to the desire for domination."
"This idea that it's a republic not a democracy...that's sort of nonsense."
"We need a new paradigm of global governance."
"Rules for Radicals is really good... effectively cover the sociological and the economic side of what I'd consider to be like a really strong introduction to lefty theory."
"Democracy isn't necessarily about majority rule... it's consistent with a minority of people getting what they voted for."
"Democracy might be overthrown by autocrats... been part of the nature of democracy."
"Tyranny does not extinguish extremism; tyranny creates extremism."
"It's a total horseshoe Theory situation where the Republicans went so far right that they ended up back on the left."
"There's a difference between pragmatic advocacy for a political system and the construction of a hypothetical to illustrate the dynamics of a moral system."
"Tyranny comes in many forms, it can come from an external power or internally."
"The world that I am describing to you is simultaneously libertarian, Marxist, and Keynesian."
"The key to this benign or good nationalism is citizenship."
"You'll not be surprised that the phrase from Marx labor that gladdened my heart most was that this is a war between capital and commodities..."
"Democracy simply means government by the people."
"Our schools today are not indoctrinating students into Marxism... They are programming children to be critical theorists."
"The 20th century's most successful political idea is under attack: democracy is facing a crisis of confidence."
"The founders believed in majority, not minority rule." - Mehdi Hasan
"Nazism fascism Marxism all these isms claim to be scientific but in reality are all religions and Cults."
"As much as we would want to do otherwise we need to recognize the national socialism fascism Marxism and so on are religions."
"A dictatorship can never be a good solution. No matter how good the intention, how thoroughly prepared, there will be an absence of a check and balance."
"The advance of the left has its roots in the spiritual realm."
"We want a form of social democracy or something which moves beyond capitalism altogether." - Grace Blakely
"I think that at the end of the day we might be, or might not be, reading about liberal democracy just in the books because most probably in that other way of living there will be no books about liberal democracy."
"I figured it would make a well-rounded video since it is a laptop I'm leaving for Jan."
"There is no rank voting system with the following three properties: unanimity, independence of irrelevant alternatives, and non-dictatorial."
"We need to recover the language of class warfare to grasp what is happening to us."
"Believe it or not, it was exactly this kind of chaos that James Madison was trying to avoid."
"Socialism is just as inevitable and necessary as capitalism is."
"The government's legitimacy comes from the consent of the governed, it does not exist to inform the people how they should think."
"Socialism will produce what is demanded by the people in a way that the government deems optimal."
"Political parties as a concept are antithetical to democracy."
"They have a plan laid out, on the other hand, the increasing influence of the workers and farmers and the rising political importance of men of science may transform the United States into welfare state with a planned economy."
"Original theory that Donald Trump was somehow in cahoots with Putin in 2016, that was a bunch of nonsense."
"Article 370 internalizes the fundamental contradiction of the two-nation theory."
"The core essence of fascism: collaboration of corporate and state elements."
"Competition is as important among governments as it is amongst companies."
"Accelerationism: Embraced by both extremes, where left meets right."
"Collective ownership over the means of production just doesn't work."
"The family is the bedrock political institution."
"These are these puppets that they put out there in front of a television camera we believe are running the show, but they're not these elected leaders, right?"
"The pandemic is a kill bill-like hit to capitalism, now with the second wave and what will follow, it is becoming more and more clear that what I provocatively call communism will prove necessary."
"A rule of absolute immunity for the president will not leave the nation without sufficient protection against misconduct."
"The civilizational state is when a civilization more or less coincides with the underlying nation state."
"Maintaining a democracy is constant struggle and one that sometimes requires being realistic instead of idealistic."
"Putting capitalism and socialism in a dialectical relationship in fact might have been Marcus's most significant contribution to leftist thought."
"We should all be Marxists in a sense of agreeing with his diagnosis of our troubles."
"Why wouldn't the Communist Manifesto be a really popular thing I mean you can pick a PDF online for free but why not go and buy a physical copy of it before your rights to own things is rescinded by the state."
"A unified world would not go well because that means man has ultimate control."
"It's about complete Absolute Total State control."
"You cannot reach communism without breaking eggs."
"It's not about progressivism versus conservatism. It's about civilization versus anarchy."
"Marx believed that the next revolution would result in a proletarian dictatorship and this would be the last world revolution."
"Most of the proposals to transform the existing economic structure are proposals to move away from the neoliberal consensus."
"Any reform that gets pushed through is not gain for the working class but a concession given to them by the ruling class instead."
"If we just followed the constitution, the government would be very much smaller."
"Utopianism is in fact, by its nature, violent. It foresees the overthrow of the things which it hates and wishes to sweep from the surface of the earth."
"No one is or was really arguing about the existence of god; we were arguing over the limitations of liberal progressive political projects to improve the condition of humanity."
"National self-determination: the essence of modern nationalism."
"The essence of democracy is defending people who don't believe in democracy."
"Can we really say the Nordic countries are socialist?"
"There is an effort to kind of move the Overton window to imagine a more Humane and just society."
"Government and the concept of the state will eventually be outgrown entirely."
"Critical race theory is just that, it's a theory."
"The court is undermining majority rule but see this cuts both ways."
"This is what the founders meant by tyranny of the majority."
"This is about shifting to a totally different kind of governance model."
"Let the tyranny come from the elected body, not the appointed administrative state."
"The left prefers theory to reality, utopias to our actual fallen human nature."
"Critical social justice can destroy liberalism from within."
"Just because capitalism seems like it's failing doesn't necessarily mean there has to be a rise in fascism."
"Identity politics is the division of society into groups that cannot communicate or cooperate."
"Democratic socialism to me requires achieving political and economic freedom in every community."
"Dwight embodies the futuristic politics of accelerationism."
"Why are these new forms of government better? It's important to us today."
"You might be able to vote your way into communism, but eventually your grandchildren will have to shoot their way out."
"If we really believed in democracy, this kind of socialism argues, we would recognize that's where adults spend most of their adult life."
"Hitler's National Socialism demands the removal of the Jews from society because they're against capitalism and Marxism."
"Orwell's understanding of Technology and communist nations is very accurate."
"This book is so important... it talks about how power works."
"So, you take this concept and you merge it with the Marxist idea of equity, and you have just the perfect Frankenstein monster."
"The Righteous Mind is a thought-provoking and entertaining exploration of politics, family, and personal identity."
"Foreign policy is domestic policy is public policy."
"A democracy powered by smarter people is better than a democracy powered by dumber people."
"We shall have World Government whether or not we like it; the only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent."
"Communism is when the government completely controls culture and economy."
"He who controls the past controls the future, and he who controls the present controls the past."
"The ratchet effect: government grows after crises but rarely shrinks back."
"Anarcho-capitalism implemented as it is will inherently turn into a state."
"You can't run a government just like a family and you can't run a government just like a business there has to be middle ground holy agreed."
"What 'could have been' for both anarchism and communism can, in the imagination of the audience, turn into 'what could be'."
"A specter is haunting Europe -- the specter of communism."
"Liberalism rests at its very bottom on a very parsimonious answer to the question of what's going on here, what's the world and what are we in it."
"Nobody thinks that government should stay out of our Lives completely unless you are an advocate of there being no government unless you are actually an anarchist."
"Democracy debate is more like do you honestly think that liberal democracy is the absolute best that Humanity can ever come up with."
"This is the end of neoliberal globalization... What we're seeing is a new form of globalization where there are different poles. It's a multi-polar world."
"True sovereignty, true national self-determination, and democratic representation are two sides of the same coin."
"Independent of the opinions of many great authors, a free elective government cannot be extended over large territories."
"The reason woke-ism and modern leftism has caught on is because it's a mind virus, a virus is very easy to catch and hard to get rid of."
"The biggest threat to our freedoms is found in the administrative State."
"It's a sad state of affairs but it seems to be that old adage that power corrupts and absolute power seems to corrupt absolutely."
"The state exists entirely to enforce class relations."
"This is all reminiscent of Noam Chomsky in his book Manufactured Consent."
"Politics is Downstream from culture if you get the culture then the politics Will Change it's not the other way around."
"The lesser evil paradigm is just simply broken. It's not game theoretically stable."
"Democracy hinges on a very small radical minority running roughshod over the desires of the vast majority."
"Statism is the biggest lie sold to us over the thousands of years."
"The notion that the United States is going to collapse is not the least bit outlandish."
"National socialism and fascism and Marxism are not opposite ends. They are the same side, they are status, they are socialists."
"Fascism is going to bring government into it, corporatism could be like John Rockefeller owns every road."
"I think it's okay to keep states represented and invested in the ongoings of the Union."
"Labor under capitalism is exploitation, child labor under socialism is just work."
"Pay attention to the red flags, you need to love yourself first."
"Fascism emerges in the period of crisis of capitalism... and it's in this period of crisis of capitalism that fascism becomes more powerful."
"Socialism is a system that might have within it a built-in mechanism to at least reduce the inequality that haunts capitalism."
"Civilized democracy only works if you have the principle of losers consent."
"America could not be an Empire abroad and continue to be a democracy."
"When a country becomes the servant of its business owners, that's technically fascism."
"One of the issues we face is that if we stop calling America a republic and start calling it a democracy, it does confuse the idea of what we are as a country."
"The government should be of the people, by the people, and for the people."
"The only thing communism usually rises up is that there's corruption or oppression and the communists who take office are frequently motivated by a theory."
"Communism may work in theory socialism may work in theory and that's why it's so popular in places where you don't have to prove yourself."
"The accusation that 'all there is is power' justifies the use of power."
"Political power exists everywhere that we're being human it exists to at least some extent."
"The most important scarce resource is legitimacy."
"The idea here is to destroy Christianity and the values of Christianity."
"The free market would have eliminated the bad politicians eventually."
"Resistance breeds the failure of the authoritarian State."
"The end of the Soviet Union was somehow an American plot."
"We're very much in a post-constitutional era."
"Those extractive institutions were designed to extract from the many for the benefit of the few."
"Inclusive political institutions create a more equal distribution of power."
"We're not going to get a national divorce, but we might get something more along the lines of national separation."
"This Constitution puts into practice the insights of proper terianism, completing the founding fathers' vision."
"You can have economic freedom without political freedom."
"The idea that government is effective is crucial."
"Communism is a philosophical, political, social, and economic ideology."
"The true anti-imperialism all along came from capitalism."
"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner."
"Once America is gone, you can kiss freedom throughout the world goodbye."
"It would require a constitutional amendment to basically say, you know, you could delay a bill but you can't stop it for example."