
Inner Life Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"All life is from within out. This is something that cannot be reiterated too often."
"Don't you know, all of our inner lives are different, but I guess you can kind of look at similarities between how people process things."
"Can you be the tree who cares for its outer rings... and also awaken to the life that's happening inside of you?"
"Spirituality is simply the valorizing of the inner life over the outer life, the need to connect, to feel something truthful and real."
"You start to lose interest in material achievements. The inner world becomes more interesting."
"The years when I pursued the inner images were the most important time of my life. Everything else is to be derived from this."
"We belong together. Our society needs us to bring this healing to our inner life and each other."
"You are the thing within which experience occurs."
"Nothing lasts forever, so why are we so obsessed with the outside when we don't even know what's going on inside?"
"Love itself is endless... found inside of our heart."
"In her heart, [Mary] spent every moment in profound inner recollection, prayer, and spiritual communion with God."
"We're so focused on the outside that we've lost consciousness of what's inside us."
"I think he presents himself to the world very differently than what's actually going on inside."
"Whatever is happening on the inside will eventually find expression on the outside."
"The life of God is in your born-again spirit."
"You lose your faith, you lose the sense that your inner life means anything."
"This person's soul operates more on a spiritual level than a material one."
"We must learn to live from the inside out, not the outside in."
"The messiness of the world is in part a reflection of the messiness of our interior lives."
"Kindness has been a blessing to me because it's freed me from the exterior and opened my inner life."
"The ambitious person would have deformed his inner life until it became all some organ or faculty of his ambition."
"...true abundance is not measured by the size of one's bank account, but by the depth of one's relationships and the richness of one's inner life."
"There is a secret cabal running your show, and it's your inner life."
"What happens within you must be determined by you."
"This just chaotic stew of urges and impulses and desires that is your inner life."
"The real world in which you live is the world inside, and the happiest position is the position of a life that's right inside."
"I decided to die outside and to live within for that reason I turned away and sought the place of the inner life."
"...people have an inner life that is often very different from their outer life."
"I think the ultimate relief to our anxiety is to cultivate a quiet inner life through a deep life of Prayer."
"The inner life of the individual is infinitely greater, infinitely more important than the physical life."
"What in our lives prevents us from having as much intimacy or connection or open-heartedness as we’d like to, with our inner life, with each other, with our world?"
"You are the CEO of your inner life."
"The soul is the place in which God is alive within us."
"The Holy Spirit is the master of the interior life by giving birth to the inner man, justification entails the sanctification of the whole being."
"If you be dead with Him, nevertheless you live, yet not you but the Christ that liveth within you."
"Fear and faith are between your spirit, mind, will, emotions, and body."
"Socrates' inner life is marked by a connection to his daimonion, a divine sign or voice."
"The real freedom is the outcome of enlightenment. When someone realizes this in whatever situation they may find themselves, they are always free in their inner life."
"There's something inside me, something that beats."
"Living by the spirit, this is something which is lost on so many people."
"Our conscience is the spirit alive in us."
"We keep the spirit alive inside of us."
"All of this is going on inside us all of the time, and that is why it is so hard to meditate."
"In our soul life, we live within the fullest range of feelings and emotions, and in thoughts, images, ideas, and will impulses."
"Live from the inside out and be on this Earth but not of this Earth."
"How you treat yourself inside is going to reflect on the outside."
"I am life, I am the innermost, the spirit, the animating cause of your being."
"Life is not a matter of making the best of what happens out here but life is lived from within."
"Outward circumstances are no substitute for inner experience."
"They all seemed to have a very strong kind of inner life."
"Something in the chaos of your inner life begins to settle, shift, and change."
"What else can matter to us, other than how our lives feel from the inside?"
"The spiritual scientist differentiates what presents itself in outer life, albeit by means of an inner process that must be prepared in the soul's very depths."
"We realize that our outer circumstances are nothing compared to our inner experience."
"Our inner life wasn't designed as a place to obsess about ourselves; it's the place of transformation and connection with the law of nature, the singular force of love."
"The great unexplored territory at the present time is the inner life of man himself."
"Cultivate your interior life, a secret life with God where nobody knows, nobody sees."
"Feeling totally at home with my inner life and the world."
"The influence of the Holy Spirit is the life of Christ in the soul."
"It's my inner life that determines whether I'm pleasing to you, Lord."
"Everything that you do inside reflects to the outside."
"The Holy Spirit lives within me, and He communes with my spirit."
"Your hidden life is much more important than your visible life."
"You will have this natural tendency towards a very intense inner life, naturally."
"What is not addressed inwardly has a tendency to start playing its way out in the outer world as fate."
"Do not let the kingdom of heaven become a desert within you."
"It's not about the external, it's about what's happening inside."
"We need to have the thoughts and feelings of Jesus; we need to have Him in our heart."
"Another level of your life opens up when you recognize that actually you have a life that is active inside."
"Our inner experience has causal effects on the rest of the world; all of our thoughts somehow are impacting our mood, our body, our emotions, our biochemistry, our immune system."
"How we deal with our inner world drives everything: how we love, how we live, how we parent, how we lead."
"Living life from the inside out, that's the way God does things."
"Developing and deciphering the inner life becomes the most profoundest need for disciple making today."
"You have a life within you, right? So you are a galaxy, solar system, universe, all within one."
"It's very important the inner world, the inner life, and the inner relationship."
"It is the hidden life that's the most important part of the believer's life."
"Even the most repressed woman has a secret life with secret thoughts and secret feelings which are lush and wild, that is natural."
"The tremendous faithfulness of Jesus in his inner life."
"You get a richer inner life. It's a beautiful thing."
"God's Word is alive, and it lives on the inside of me."
"How we feel on the outside mirrors what is going on inside."
"You have a lot going on inside of you... a lot that needs to be nurtured."
"In the Kingdom Life, we live out of our spirit, we do not live out of our mind, will, and emotions."
"The equipment for the inner life is simple; it consists particularly of a quiet place, a quiet hour, and a quiet heart."
"Everything that's on the inside of a man, how it comes out in your life, is going to be determined by how you handle those things on the inside of you."