
National Image Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"We are not a respected country anymore, we are laughed at all over the world."
"The mighty, prosperous Germany for years a symbol of opulence, productivity, and good work."
"The current path of our country is embarrassing to me. And, by the way, I need to tell you, from a political perspective, I don't sit on either side."
"Israel is perceived as good because it is a good country filled with people who are trying to survive in the face of radical anti-Semitism across the world."
"Israel cannot hope to succeed as a pariah opposed by the rest of the world."
"There's such potential for China to be such a wonderful and amazing place."
"If you're watching us from Canada, you'd think of this country as being free and open."
"We represent a new Eritrea, one that is embracing many liberal democratic values I spoke about earlier."
"USA came out looking very unique... the risk did pay off."
"We're a laughing stock all over the world. We're going to get that changed very quickly."
"I really despise anyone who wants to disparage Russia as some kind of dystopian capitalist and imperialist regime."
"We are an embarrassment. We're an absolute embarrassment."
"America is being disgraced and embarrassed, but that's not the America that's a hope, and the hope is an awakening."
"We are and must always be a land of hope, of light, and of glory to all the world."
"Ukraine could look like a very peaceful prosperous country."
"We are really an embarrassment of a country guys."
"China is absolutely terrified of any bad press at the moment."
"It reflects poorly... it reflects poorly on the character of our country."
"America is the least racist nation on the planet."
"I just think in every conceivable way, even independently of his agendas which are horrible, I wouldn't want [Trump] leading my nation at all. It's an embarrassment to the United States."
"There's no bottom to the degree to which president Trump will degrade himself and the nation."
"Regardless of the outcome of that case, the damage is done to Sweden's reputation."
"He wanted the United States to be that kind of beacon for the rest of the world to follow."
"America has always been a pillar of strength and a beacon of hope to people around the globe."
"Australia is now an international laughing stock because of our pearl clutching over less than two thousand covid cases and a country of 25 million people."
"The United States is still the shining beacon."
"Pham Nhat Vuong wants to promote his own business, but he also wants to contribute to Vietnam's image as a rising power."
"Under Biden and the radical Democrats, America has been mocked, derided, and brought to its knees perhaps like never before. But we are here tonight to declare that it does not have to be this way."
"This hurts the American brand. We don't do this in America. We don't go after the Office of the President with pornstar cases." - Kevin O'Leary
"We look like clowns to the rest of the world when we walk this stuff out." - Emily Compagno
"You're making us look bad in the eyes of the world."
"I want the face of America abroad to be a Peace Corps volunteer."
"If we can just change Pakistan's global perception, if we can change the country's PR, the country can make a complete turn around."
"This trip we put together was a privately funded initiative, fully funded privately by CPIC, just to show Pakistan and show to the world what Pakistan is all about."
"The United States of America has emerged as the champion of the downtrodden."
"America was the beacon of hope... that image is now being damaged."
"And so we're starting to see what the future looks like which is, you know, Russia's put in this camp of the official baddie pariah states that the U.S is going to try to sort of bleed dry and crush economically over a long period of time."
"Americans don't want to be led by weakness that's the danger to us and our children we don't want to be embarrassed on the world stage."
"Part of Scott's genius... reinvented a notion of Scottishness."
"He's a national disaster, he's an embarrassment to this country."
"A nation that emanates great mystery through its warm and accepting."
"Sport allows these countries to sell a completely different image: an image of modernity, competition, success, all positive attributes."
"...government should follow policies which make the United States admired and respected and liked as much as we can."
"We're trying to restore the reputation of our country."
"Russia, she's a country of the facade and the parade."
"It's so important for our image, it's so important for the way people feel about the country."
"The Queen had become something of a keystone in the nation's architecture, a solid and immovable piece that defined the nation's image to itself."
"India is showing itself to the world as the land of Space Explorers rather than just the land of snake Charmers."
"Somalia has come a long way from the days where it used to be depicted as a failed state in the media some 30 years ago."
"...Germany came to be known as a flourishing country that was growing richer and richer."
"We really cannot sell ourselves as a tourist nation keeping the place looking so shabby."
"This is a prime minister that is young, dynamic, and projects a sense that he represents a new Britain."
"Because this is the image of our country, our history, our past, and it will make a big, significant contribution to our future."
"Green people are diplomatic, they are the people who should represent the country."