
Judiciary Quotes

There are 788 quotes

"The justices are looking for a way out of this case where they can, if possible, find complete consensus and issue a unanimous decision on a relief arrow narrow point of law that would dispense of this matter."
"Our highest courts consistently remind us that prosecutors are held to a unique and exacting professional standard."
"The courts are going to be like, 'I'll just do what they tell me,' because the courts ultimately, in the end, are just enforcing popular opinion."
"The Judiciary has served as a bulwark against efforts to undo our democratic system from within."
"The Supreme Court often tries to uphold the Constitution, and they like striking down unconstitutional laws."
"We need more women, and women of color particularly, on the bench."
"Judicial decision-making must be based on law and sound jurisprudence, not subject to the whims of public opinion or clamor."
"The enormous interest in this hearing today underscores the importance of a fair and open look at the evidence from witnesses."
"The Supreme Court's not supposed to be as political, but they oftentimes are."
"The pen is mightier than the sword, but the judge's pen is mightier than anybody else's pen."
"Being a good judge means that sometimes you're going to make decisions that you really don't like." - Justice Scalia
"The court had a high duty and responsibility to the nation at least to decide the questions presented."
"It is confidence in the men and women who administer the judicial system that is the true backbone of the rule of law."
"The courts actually stripping the parents of parental rights if they exercise their parental rights in a way that the courts don't agree with, in the absence of any compelling, urgent, and dire need."
"We condemn any intimidation of judges... Peaceful protest should be allowed... It is the intimidation and the violence that we condemn."
"Activist judges... not legislate from the bench."
"I'm confident that many, if not most of you, actually care about having a qualified judiciary."
"This judge is a radical, is extreme. If he's confirmed, we can count on him to let violent criminals out of jail."
"The truth matters, and the truth is, America, that this judicial nominee has made her views so clear, and this President is trying to put her in a position of power to make decisions about your lives."
"It is now up to a higher court: the American people."
"Let's be frank, never been a judge before, presiding over the case."
"An independent, fair, and impartial judiciary is indispensable to our system of justice."
"A judge must apply the law as written. Judges are not policymakers, and they must be resolute in setting aside any policy views they might hold."
"The trial judge likes to stick by their guns. They like to basically make their ruling, stick to that ruling, and allow that ruling to proceed all the way to a verdict."
"We should be electing judges and heads of state who are capable of doing the job. We need brilliant minds with broad horizons, who have sufficient comprehension and compassion, wisdom, and expertise."
"This has all led to increased calls for setting term limits for our highest court and our Congress people."
"She did not wait to show her expertise and show why she was absolutely the right choice to be on the United States Supreme Court."
"She ready for y'all like she came to play on her first days of the Court."
"Republicans plan to use that as a cudgel against her but she now has been on the bench for a full decade."
"For too long our government, our courts haven't looked like America and I believe it's time that we have a court reflects the full talents and greatness of our nation."
"The judges are not political actors, regardless of what the president calls them."
"The court has become a tool for a perpetrator to continue his abuse and control."
"Judge Evelyn Baker sentenced Bobby to 241 years in prison."
"Giving judges discretion to not grant eviction orders if hardship is due to Covid-19."
"Every juror or grand juror that's ever taken a look at anything involving Donald Trump has voted against him."
"Courts have sought to strike a fair balance between the interests of defendants and plaintiffs."
"Why does Donald Trump continuously attack the judge? Perhaps it just boils down to that he is trying to intimidate them, intimidate the judge, intimidate the court, and the legal system."
"Judge Katanji Brown Jackson of the U.S. Court of Appeals for D.C. becoming the first black woman ever nominated to the nation's highest court."
"He said he believed her but at the same time he uh he didn't try to brow beat thomas enough."
"Appointing federal judges is winning the culture war."
"It's not in the Constitution so it should be decided by the people, not a court of unelected men and women."
"We surrender control to a judge or a jury, and right or wrong, they get to make the decision."
"The Supreme Court is holding the line... It's supposed to be logical arguments based on founding documents that sucks all emotion out of that conversation."
"Unless court orders are respected by the executive branch, we don't live in a democracy."
"The Supreme Court has played the most pivotal role for protecting our fundamental rights."
"This is really an interesting case that was brought to this level."
"My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed." - Ruth Bader Ginsburg
"We can't go into this election without a full supreme court. We have to have an odd number of people to make whatever decisions come up."
"The only thing I want to see now is a black woman sitting on the United States Supreme Court."
"You have more black women put on the federal courts of appeals than it's ever been done by any president."
"I'm worried about the weaponization of the judiciary and the spying and the censorship."
"Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections."
"Judge Amy Coney Barrett is one of the most impressive legal minds in the United States."
"The judge has to put that aside based on the facts and the law."
"If a trial judge is unable to follow the law as determined by a higher appellate court, that trial judge is in the wrong line of work."
"I think we may now have the most conservative Supreme Court in maybe a hundred years."
"Here is a man of distinguished education distinguished background this is the kind of person that should be on the supreme court."
"How do you protect and expand progressive gains in state Supreme Courts?"
"The court seems to apply the law more consistently with less partisan influence."
"We have confidence in the independence of Canada's judiciary..."
"I've considered that we are very extremely proud the independence of our judicial system..."
"It's actually shocking. I've covered the court for 15 years and the court has gone on for centuries before that but this is exceptionally rare that something like this would happen."
"If that trust that the justices have for their collegial process is lost, the court doesn't exist as the institution we've known for centuries."
"The most important thing we have done today is we've ensured that in the future with Judge Barrett, the societal changes that people hope and dream about are not excluded."
"It's not my problem the time has come and gone and do I feel guilty for talking about this stuff online? No, I don't not at all."
"It doesn't matter whether Kavanaugh is guilty or innocent the only thing that matters is how he treats a woman's pain."
"She was really an excellent judge, she was really phenomenal."
"The judge might show some leniency or some heart in that type of a situation."
"The judicial system should not shame defendants that could be judges cruel and unusual penalty punishment exactly."
"The conservative justices are coming to conservative conclusions and then justifying it by finding the fragments in the historical record to support what they want to do."
"We need black robes, folks, not red and blue."
"The Supreme Court is taking this case seriously and is demanding a serious response from the four defendant states."
"The Supreme Court agreed with Texas that there were due process violations and equal protection violations."
"Nobody should be rushing this process. We have the rule of law, we have the opportunity to petition courts, present our case, and let's see what happens."
"These folk have in store this, and if y'all thought the last Supreme Court term was crazy."
"I have the ability to tell you what I think was in the scope of the questions... deeply committed to the Constitution."
"It's great to hear that they take their jobs very seriously as intellectuals and they try to get it right as best they can at the Supreme Court."
"Bruin simply elaborated upon the Heller text and history approach... when they said text in history, that's what they meant."
"That's what all of this is practice for, all of this stuff that they're doing now."
"Trump already has five conservative votes on the Supreme Court. He should gracefully back off."
"Our judiciary and our legal system is so important. It was truly the last line of defense, and it did hold up."
"The court finally for the first time in my lifetime as we can actually treat itself as a court that interprets the text of the constitution."
"Not only was she the first woman on the Supreme Court..."
"Judge previously removed Fanny Willis from 2020 election case for political bias."
"The attempt to turn the Supreme Court into just another avenue of power has been the legacy of the Democratic Party."
"The fact of the matter is I don't think the chief justice presides because the president is not the sitting president; he's a former president."
"Is America even worth defending if the Supreme Court has a leaker?"
"I think the Supreme Court is fully politicized... they respond to political pressure."
"Judge Meta's ruling was a sweeping and systemic rebuke of the President's claims that he is above the law and not susceptible to congressional oversight."
"The recent Supreme Court decision eliminating concealed carry laws has ignited a spirited exchange of opinions among the justices, reflecting a broader divergence in perspectives on Second Amendment interpretation."
"I think that the billionaire influence over the Supreme Court is right now greater than the legal influence over the Supreme Court."
"The constitution is clear that the number of justices is a question for congress not the judiciary..."
"China's courts take copyright infringement seriously when they themselves are involved."
"The Supreme Court has for some time now... become a fully political entity."
"Our Western democracy and our judicial system has been in the making for hundreds of years."
"When you add seats to the Supreme Court, you're actually unpacking the Supreme Court."
"To act as if the Supreme Court isn't a political institution, especially while they are making so many obviously political decisions is just pretty gosh darn silly."
"Being a supreme court law clerk sounds like the most amazing job."
"The notion that Katanji Brown is the only qualified black woman to be on the Supreme Court, that's innately racist within itself."
"If you support the commission, you support court packing. This is a shell game and a way to make this politically and publicly palatable idea to the American people. It won’t work, though."
"I wish more elected officials acted like members of the Supreme Court."
"This confirmation process has become a national disgrace. The Constitution gives the Senate an important role in the confirmation process, but you have replaced advice and consent with search and destroy."
"The behavior of several Democratic members of this committee a few weeks ago at my hearing was an embarrassment, but at least it was just an old-fashioned attempt at borking."
"John Roberts is just a terrible justice... constantly kicking the can down the road." - Ben Shapiro
"A judge cannot use their power to punish out-of-court speech."
"The Senate just voted to confirm President Trump's nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to succeed Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court."
"Amy Coney Barrett will take the constitutional high road for decades to come."
"I disagree with her judicial philosophy but I think she's an amazing human being."
"A judge just used chat GPT to make a court decision."
"We do need to expand the court which is why we do need to codify Roe v. Wade and ensure access to abortion for all people."
"The law is so important, and what we saw in the 2020 election is that what actually held everything together was the Judiciary."
"You may as well at that point actually not have the independent Judiciary we've relied on for nearly a quarter of a millennium."
"We're thinking of solutions that would actually solve that problem for players."
"It's big news not only because this could have an impact on the Biden administration's ability to replace a liberal justice with another liberal justice, it also communicates something. It implies something."
"There's no mechanism to enforce any ethical standards at the Supreme Court. There's no accountability."
"A well-constituted court for the trial of impeachments is an object not more to be desired than difficult to obtain in a government wholly effective."
"Supreme Court justices should prioritize the law over their personal religious convictions."
"In the end, the judge said, 'I find it admissible. Not only do I find it admissible, I think it's some of the best forensic testimony that I've ever seen, and the jury is going to be very, very interested in this testimony.'"
"The greatest accomplishment of President Trump is his stacking of the courts."
"Fill judicial vacancies by nominating well-qualified judges."
"Courts had to rule on a lot of false election fraud claims."
"We are confirmed and this is something they say most important thing you can do judges I say most important thing is defense second is judges a record number of 217 federal judges who will interpret the Constitution as written."
"This idea we somehow think that people from the bench are beyond error, they're not."
"This is the most consequential supreme court decision of the last 50 years."
"A good judge must be an umpire, a neutral and impartial arbiter who favors no political party, litigant, or policy."
"Can you imagine being Kavanaugh knowing that even if you're confirmed, a third of the country is always going to believe that you're a probable gang rapist?"
"A supreme court that I agree with our President Joe Biden said in one line summed it up this is not a normal Court."
"Let him do something else. This referee makes specific findings that each and every witness that testified at this final hearing were credible Witnesses."
"Thank you, President Trump, for appointing sensible Supreme Court Justices who protected constitutional government."
"Legitimacy is everything. Belief in the court is everything."
"You don't just casually suggest a former president should pop down and tell the grand jurors stories."
"The courts are still the last Bastion of protecting democracy... even conservative courts are finding it unpalatable to reduce voting or to reduce the role of voting rights."
"You can't sue a judge... unless a judge runs over your foot out in the parking lot."
"President Trump supposedly said 'John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it.'"
"In reality, the Supreme Court and other federal courts have to depend on the executive branch to enforce their orders."
"We are confirmed a record number of 217 federal judges who will interpret the Constitution as written."
"The judge is Scott McAfee and he's got the patience of a saint and he's got the intellect of a scholar."
"The safety of our judges is even more important."
"All of the legal concerns which are extremely grave legal concerns in this case have been dismissed by the judge."
"I could imagine that President Biden would not be interested in having an espionage trial for a publisher."
"The last thing we need is to turn the Supreme Court into just a political football."
"The Supreme Court doesn't have a codified ethical code." - Ken Harbaugh
"Recusal can't be forced, it has to be taken by the judge."
"President Trump, after less than 18 months in office, not yet halfway through one term as president, is already making his second nomination to the court."
"The majority of the court appears to fear that the Voting Rights Act is too 'radical.'"
"His trial is not a charade or a joke or a hoax. It is deadly serious business." - Judge Andrew Napolitano
"Through the shaping of the supreme court, the presidency, and in the highest levels of American industry, we see the evidence that the forming of this image is in process."
"This lawsuit is a defining moment in this country and this judge knows it. He's a constitutionalist, he's a rare judge, he has great courage."
"The seriousness is will the January 6 defendant be held accountable."
"The original judge would not allow that affirmative defense."
"She served 27 years on the Supreme Court and she was its most prominent member. She was five foot one but she was a giant."
"A former Mahoning County court judge was convicted of stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars."
"What Republicans did with Merrick Garland is something that has never been done before, and they did it without any hesitance, without any shame."
"This judge is setting a tone pretty early to say, look, if you don't disclose these documents now, you cannot use them at trial."
"The vaccine is helpful, it does reduce hospitalizations."
"Criticism of the judicial system is now off limits?"
"Even the biggest, most ardent, most invested fan would put aside their hero worship while a jury deliberates."
"So if we have a 6-3 court those are the policy consequences those are the consequences that will cause millions of Americans to suffer."
"I think that's the right thing to say they are packing the court, um, you know these are people that wanted to shrink that, they successfully shrunk the size of the Supreme Court, uh, in 2016."
"Judge Brett Kavanaugh crush Dianne Feinstein's assault on gun ban arguments."
"A clear majority of Americans oppose packing the Supreme Court."
"The judge ruled in favor of Jesse Wu to dismiss all these claims."
"We thought about that and we actually get into this in the last chapter as well but if this is what happened when you were replacing a swing vote on the court with a nominee from a Trump nominee just imagine how much worse it could get."
"I think it's important since you need to remember why this is happening though and the why is that the Supreme Court has gotten more political by virtue of how it's been ruling."
"We learned that a lot of the people had cited what happened to Justice Thomas as the moment that made them actually care about these things."
"A judge shall perform judicial duties without bias or prejudice."
"For most presidents, the only thing they get to do that outlasts their presidency is appoint Supreme Court justices."
"It's very hard for a law to pass strict scrutiny."
"We're very clear: The American people are voting right now, and it should be their decision about who will serve on this most important body for a lifetime."
"The Judiciary is the hope of the masses, the hope of the Common Man."
"Bottom line, do you trust our federal court system right now to be fair and impartial?"
"Sure, the Warren Court marked a bit of a liberal shift, but today we know it was a shift that was desperately needed."
"The unelected branch of government that now sets policy for the country has been installed as a result of presidents who have lost the majority vote in this country over the last 20 years."
"They want to get to your country because they feel that you've got the rule of law and you've got an independent Judiciary."
"This judge seems to be one of those judges that walks the fine line of the law, just as long as it follows the law you should be happy."
"Judge Cavanaugh has impeccable credentials, unsurpassed qualifications, and a proven commitment to equal justice under the law."
"The truth has to be said: any decision that is taken by the court, democracy will not fade off in Nigeria. We will go through our path and become better."
"We cannot allow an out of control Supreme Court... to take away freedoms and our personal autonomy."
"We appointed over 300 federal judges and three great Supreme Court Justices."
"Last year those justices bravely and Incredibly ruled on something that everybody has wanted for decades for 51 years they ruled to end Roe v Wade."
"One victory for Trump this year was seeing Brett Kavanaugh sworn in to the Supreme Court."
"Think of the extraordinary nature from our perspective of an injunction against the executive branch in a pre-indictment situation."
"SCOTUS is the ballast of the ship. No term limits."
"Why can't we just have unanimity here? Americans, take heart on the fact that this is a nothing decision."
"Supreme Court has betrayed democracy... it must be dissolved."
"The case got dropped because the judge said this is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen in my life."
"Lifetime appointments in the Supreme Court would completely eliminate any and all biases or partisanship."
"It's not supposed to be based on party. They're supposed to be objective and based on the constitution."
"You attack the legitimacy of the court and say that the court is an illegitimate institution."
"Be like Judge Jackson and maybe you might not get to the Supreme Court, but maybe if you're lucky, you'll fall somewhere short."
"I actually really like the judge, the prosecutors were fantastic."
"According to ABC News, Brandenburg faced a maximum penalty of 10 years of imprisonment at $250,000 in fines for each felony count. Prosecutors asked for a sentence of three years and five months, and they got pretty much what they asked for."
"I cannot recommend it enough if you want to understand how money in Washington works if you want to understand how the right wing has packed the courts full of Judges it's just incredibly well done."
"Just invent it out of whole cloths, what happened conservatives? I thought you hated activist judges."
"They'd given them 42 months... It says they recommend a 42 months sentence."
"There were clear signs that the long-awaited indictment in Fulton County, Georgia, was truly imminent."
"Over half a century our judges... lied about the law."
"If you respect the rule of law, you respect our institutions, you respect the Judiciary, the guy's now a convicted felon."
"A lifetime appointment that could dramatically impact individual freedoms and change the direction of the court for at least a generation is too important to get boggled down in politics."
"It's a grave miscarriage of justice what happened with Justice Brett Kavanaugh."