
Corporate Criticism Quotes

There are 319 quotes

"Disney is not your friend. They are a mega-corporation that commodifies and exploits any culture it touches."
"I spent most of my career helping wealthy corporations become even wealthier. I wanted to do something that mattered more in the world."
"AI coming to rip our words away from us sours the experience and replaces the love and community with corporate greed."
"Corporate choices at the upper and middle levels of CD Projekt Red have essentially permanently sabotaged their anti-corporate video game."
"We're brought up in a world where the system dominates and our hearts are left to be squashed and ignored in order to climb some sort of an imaginary ladder in the corporate world."
"The sheer amount of shade cast in Activision's direction by Bungie last night was just incredible."
"Corporate fascism is like you not getting benefits, you being a more productive worker as a consequence of technological improvements and yet not seeing any of the profits that you generate for the company that you work for."
"These game executives could care less about their employees, the products they release, or the consumers; it's always going to be about the money."
"How the hell does that make any sense it doesn't that's the best way to explain ESG"
"Americans are held captive by corporations, forced to work absurd hours for basic benefits."
"There's no way in hell that anybody is ever going to be able to import a cell phone screen to be able to repair a device ever again except for Samsung and Apple, that's the world that we're heading to here."
"I'm going to say this today and I'm going to stand behind it: I think Samsung is worse than Apple."
"Blizzard continues to be a disgrace to the very industry that they built up."
"If you can't find a role for Samoa Joe in a company with so many employees, then you're doing something wrong. It's just that simple."
"I appreciate you guys sticking it to the big evil corporations."
"The success of a company does not trickle down."
"In a healthy free market society, a company like Boeing probably deserves to collapse."
"They overwork their talents, they underappreciate their talents, and then when they're done, they throw them to the side."
"Most big corporate institutions are very political, very slow, not good at innovating."
"CDPR have pulled some of the same stunts that other publishers do, but anyone claiming there is some kind of equivalence here between CD Projekt Red and companies like EA and Ubisoft must be high on [ __ ] drugs or getting paid."
"Blizzard made it very hard to like Overwatch. I think Activision Blizzard leadership made that hard. Kaplan probably did everything that he could."
"Games Workshop is wrong and the situation needs to stop."
"Some areas that the company is falling way short in the game development side of things."
"You don't have to thank companies, especially the ones that just took away your livelihood after telling you they care about you for so long."
"Companies do not give a [__] about you, okay? Corporations are people they just happen to be sociopathic."
"I really hate what EA is trying to do now and I bet you in the coming years you're gonna keep on hearing these like oh it wasn't that bad there was just maybe some little outrage that got out of hand and I swear that's going to end up happening."
"Anything short of Amazon's bankruptcy is injustice."
"Strive without worrying about possibilities."
"Oh god, back to Blizzard. Activision Blizzard has revealed itself to be the true villain of the new decade."
"Sony needs a shake-up over at their offices."
"Madden has a long way to go... and EA has failed to justify why it deserves the exclusive simulation NFL license."
"The decisions being made at YouTube are making them look fucking stupid."
"Disney, the company that says about Scarlett Johansson, 'that she had a callous disregard for the horrific and prolonged global effects of the COVID-19 pandemic,' has just taken their Christmas event and jacked it from 105 to 155 up to 169 to 250."
"Everybody join the boycott, don't order anything from Amazon. Amazon proving once again to be perhaps the most dangerous private dictatorship in the world."
"Wokewashing political corporate activism only increases negative perceptions of a company."
"It's absurd because it won't buy Hasbro, right? They have no soul, it seems to me."
"We're gonna really rail against these big tech companies."
"I don't like these big companies. I feel no sympathy for them when people do steal from them."
"It's very difficult to defend this company in any which way. They are losing the fans' faith more and more every single week."
"Disney: fighting the war against mom since 1937."
"Corporations do not exist in nature. They are a governmental construct."
"All right, the LA based rock band the Banzai Predicament protested the petroleum giant Shell today by giving away a tanker full of gasoline."
"A company that YouTube promoted and creators embraced was actually unmatched as the company embodiment of a trash fire."
"What you are doing here is sending a message to every worker in America. The time is now to stand up to our oligarchy and stand up to this excessive corporate greed."
"The DeLorean became the butt of jokes, as did Ford for foisting the car upon the public."
"Bernie's out there. He's going to take on corporate greed, take on the pharmaceutical companies."
"Whether you're a nationalist who loves America or a lefty who hates exploitation, there's no reason to support Nike."
"Ridiculous that PayPal believes they can take people's money for the wrong opinions. Anyway, who decided what is and what isn't misinformation anyway?" - Elon Musk
"The company has quite clearly lost its way." - Former Founders and Executives of PayPal
"It's been [] refreshing not thinking of all the ways 2k has [] us."
"EA Sports became famous for its slogan 'It's in the game.' Over the past decade and a half, it's become clear that the entire company's focus has completely shifted away from creating quality products."
"The situation is unprecedented... absolute unmitigated failure on the part of all previous Executives."
"He swore at the financial companies, he swore at the banks, he swore at the real estate developers."
"It's essentially a money printing machine when it comes to its ad Tech business." - Zach Voorhees, Google whistleblower
"The founding fathers borderline despised corporations, they said they are a danger to the republic."
"The PC master-race is our only safeguard against a greedy corporation."
"Disney's nickel and diming people and they literally are."
"Whether they're Weight Watchers or WW, they're just a red light in my book."
"Stop buying EA games. Don't buy a single one for as long as they stay on the course of the money-grubbing monolith."
"Enough is enough, you know? Disney's been damaged in this way, that way, and the other, right?"
"It's just an evil business, yeah? So calculated, everything was done so perfectly."
"It is solely based on the flat-out disrespectful and politically charged responses that both dice and EA on several occasions directed at their fans and customers for voicing their legitimate criticisms."
"Apple's behavior is bad it's really bad and the fact that they're settling this the fact that they're settling this to the tune of 100 million dollars in a small developer fund tells you how bad it is and how badly they want this to go away."
"You're not really doing anyone any favors. Look out for AMD look out for you guys the consumers."
"He's still unapologetic. He is still not taking accountability. He's still a coward."
"Defending the right of workers to organize unions free from legal corporate union busting. Love it. Great title."
"Amazon is ground zero. It's the seemingly invincible giant enforcing the current system to new extremes of cruelty and inhumanity."
"Disney needs to be saved from itself." - Abigail Disney
"Pepsi and Beyond Meat are interested in profits, not your health."
"The result is music that can at once be read as a celebration and lament of the waste generated as a byproduct of corporate machinations."
"OverWatch 2 represents everything wrong with the industry and Activision Blizzard King."
"On the one hand, industry consolidation and centralization sucks. On the other hand, Bobby Kotick sucks."
"I genuinely cannot believe how allergic to success these companies are."
"Rockstar is the worst company that communicates with their fans."
"The corporate world has really lost sight of what it is."
"It just doesn't seem like this is the best decision, seems like corporate greed once again."
"These companies thrive on uncertainty and prey on the vulnerable."
"Let's finish this one off with a recap: Nvidia anti-competitive, anti-consumer, and anti-technology."
"This is genuinely some of the most shameful stuff that I've ever seen out of any company."
"I really, really, really think we need to break up Facebook."
"Attacking a company like Tesla that has done so much good for California should not be the overriding aim of a state agency with prosecutorial authority. The interests of workers and fundamental fairness must come first."
"It's inconceivable that a game company could possibly be this stupid and out of touch."
"I think it's nonsense, I think it's overly aggressive, it's just them being dicks, they didn't have to do it."
"We should start focusing on Real Change rather than just letting corporations sell us what they think is sustainable."
"Monsanto emerged from the bungled launch of GMOs in the UK looking like a bully, and the image stuck."
"This isn't an anti-war video, this is an anti-Monsanto video."
"Not all that glitters is gold once the shine wears off sometimes it really just looks like a lot of stressful company policies drama broken promises and some brainwashing mixed in."
"Star Wars Battlefront 2 is dead on arrival and my only hope now is that either EA changes its ways or that they lose the exclusive rights to this license."
"Regardless, I don't think that CDPR or any company deserves this."
"Companies are not your friends. They don't care about you. It's profits first at the end of the day."
"But there's no unseeing the shocking abuse of our corporate overlords to everyday workers."
"We don't want workers anywhere to be treated the way workers at Amazon are being treated today."
"EA has earned its reputation as gaming's greediest and most manipulative publisher."
"You can't lecture consumers about driving gas powered cars or using plastic and then also support Lockheed and Raytheon, right?"
"Their customers revolt en masse to the growing disparity between reality and Ubisoft's rose-colored but bullshit-smelling version of events."
"Why hold a sale at all if you don't want consumers buying a lot of games?"
"Games publishers... just trying to screw you as subtly as they possibly can until it becomes impossible for you to pretend that you're not being screwed anymore."
"Wealth never disappears, it merely shifts location."
"This contract shows that things are much worse than we had suspected, no one should be in any doubt anymore that Nijisanji is a black company."
"Trader Joe's has shown that they're pretty hostile."
"When they reach the corporate level and say, 'Hey, we're doing this wrong, we should do this instead,' what reward do they expect? They often get a pink slip."
"I'm tired of large profitable corporations shutting down here and moving abroad. I am sick and tired of corporate greed."
"Nintendo is either grossly incompetent or massively ignorant."
"It will absolutely break the back of these woke companies if they get sued."
"I think people have been too complacent with corporations. They've gone too far, they're not people."
"This is consumers saying no, and I think a large part of that has been that we feel like cattle."
"It's rare that I would ever declare a game immoral, but I think the sum total of these deliberate tactics to deceive and ensnare consumers marks a low point for Bethesda and for games in general."
"The solution is more data centers to soften the load. How do EA not know that?"
"Remember, you can’t steal from a corporation - it’s called reclamation."
"Anyway, steal from Activision, it’s good to do."
"Content is the word of the executives and... it's the language of the oppressor."
"Welcome to Corporate America where your boss makes a dollar, you make a dime, and you take the heat for the company’s crimes."
"Things keep going from bad to worse over at Activision Blizzard... a flaming pile of yes."
"Americans have had it. They are done supporting companies that rank in hundreds of millions and billions of dollars while trashing this country and the success that made all of it possible."
"PG&E is not only not in prison, it is still supplying power to millions of Californians who have no choice in the matter. And if you're thinking how the heck is that possible, that is what this story is about."
"And to see just how bad all this can get, let's go back to PG&E, arguably California's most hated company. In fact, a quick skim through any PG&E affiliate's Yelp page gives you just a taste of that because you'll find reviews like..."
"Don't ever put all of your eggs into the basket of the corporate world because they hate you, they don't care about you, you mean nothing to them."
"This stuff really makes you have to appreciate how much Peppy and his team aren't like a corporate entity."
"Apple doesn't care about you, they just want your money."
"It showed signs of life for the little guy against an evil soulless Corporation known as Nexon."
"Their greed is just this open festering wound that I can't wait to pour salt in."
"Love the developers, love the art, love the work, love the game, yes, but don't love the company."
"Guess what? You're kind of just being a useful corporate patsy."
"Using a modded version of Doom to publicly shame a billion dollar Corporation into treating Farmers better is very based."
"The Shinra corporation personifies the current economic and business systems of the world."
"I think that statement is glazanomics." - Critiquing corporate influence on decision-making.
"When major videogame publishers don't fucking like something, it usually means it's a pretty fucking good something."
"This just reeks of Sony seeing that the reception of the leaks is negative and attacking people."
"We all hate Bobby Kotick, we can all agree Bobby Kotick kinda an a**."
"Brazil just straight up said it: 'we don't give a f about Sony, this is about customers.'"
"Big tech, banks, multinational corporates, sleazy empty suits... they're all in it together."
"In that context, we're all conspiracy theorists if you don't buy the lie anymore from these corporate entities."
"This video is not another like 'let's jump on AMD and say they're a terrible company.'"
"I'm allowed to be pissed off at this [ __ ] company, you should be too."
"GameStop Incorporated is like an asshole factory, and the bigger the asshole, the lower the personal standards, the smaller the sense of personal morality, the higher the salary."
"Not since Grand Moff Tarkin obliterated Alderaan has there been an empire quite as mustache-twirlingly evil as GameStop Incorporated."
"This is nothing against anyone, this is against EA."
"I firmly believe they deserve a fierce, fierce spanking, and I'm going to promote it Non-Stop. How's that sound? Bankrupt PayPal!"
"There's no accountability in corporate America."
"Let's not leave tonight without recognizing that the person who has fought corporate power longer, more effectively, and with more integrity than anyone in the country, Ralph Nader."
"This is a killer way to play the re-1 remaster."
"It's blatant honesty about corporate greed and workplace discrimination sticks out like a sore thumb but not in a bad way."
"It's from a Marxist perspective, technically it is wage slavery if you are working at a [__] company and you're generating value and they're exploiting you."
"A lot of pushback against Activision Blizzard."
"I believe anglo-american is the biggest Mafia company on the African continent."
"No, it was a [ __ ] show obviously just when you think they couldn't stoop any lower despicable company this is really gross and weird and I don't know why they're doing this profiteering from the dreams of dying children."
"Disney's SJW mainstream media fueled the COVID hysteria, and now they're being devoured by the beast."
"Still, at least we have to give Nintendo credit for knowing they had f'ed up when it came to the system before the Ultra 64 had even hit store shelves."
"We didn't go after Nvidia hard enough for the pricing... that's a valid criticism."
"Shout out to EA Sports, they are one of the greatest finessers in the history of gaming."
"This is WWE dropping the ball as always with something that could have potentially been something great."
"They're corporate vampires profiting off your hard-earned money."
"It's so exemplifying so many of these stressors that are the result of austerity politics, of corporate greed."
"Battle the brands. Child labor should not be used to mass produce sneakers. F**k you, Phil Knight."
"If Benny can go in a room with them and say, 'Yo I got 26, 27 to the number 1s,' that's why he has more number ones than anybody in the industry."
"I think Rollins deep down knows that his company is crap and it's limiting him."
"Do you still think Disney is fine? Do you all still think that everything's okay?"
"It's hard for me to openly criticize a company I used to love... but PayPal's new AUP goes against everything I believe in." - David Marcus, Former PayPal President
"You guys are fucked. Johnson & Johnson. They're fucked."
"If the government really cares about us... make those places better... not tax breaks for [__] super-rich corporations."
"Apple deserves to be ragged on as much as possible for every move they do."
"EA is known as the money hungry company by the way that stands for Electronic Arts as they have made so many electronic pieces of art."
"ESG and DEI are smoke screens allowing big businesses and liberal politicians to create a false sense of progress."
"Richard Hayes, every time he opens up his mouth, he's freaking out his customers, and more and more people are dumping their synthetic products."
"The ugly truth behind Netflix, the ugly truth behind Amazon."
"Thinking that you're making the world a better place by doing it and just absolutely wage slaving loyally to a company that doesn't give a [ __ ] about you is not."
"This multi-billion dollar organization has all of these staff members that work for almost nothing and that they even have to be on food stamps."
"This is absolutely terrible for Facebook's brand... if every brand was like yeah no no to advertising."
"We despise corporate welfare. We absolutely despise this idea that the government will take tax dollars and then give it to the businesses with the best lobbyists."
"Square Enix just, to me, is such a failure that I'm happy that they're selling off and giving it to a company that's not going to make these games exclusive."
"It just goes to show, at least in my opinion, that every time the higher-ups at Ford bring up quality and how they're going to address it, it's just 100% pure corporate BS."
"We now have a country where the bottom line and the way we function is short-term profit maximization for huge corporate entities rather than humanitarian values."
"These people do not have our best interest in mind at all."
"Let all the big companies just go under. Yes, let them drop out. Who cares? Save Main Street, forget Wall Street."
"Our current emphasis on corporate profits isn't working for the vast majority of Americans."
"Amazon rightfully ticked off a lot of people."
"Manchester United isn't about being the best football team in the world. Manchester United is about being the best money-making machine for the Glazers."
"You cannot say I am going to advance the interests of Wall Street traders whose job it is is to find anomalies in the marketplace to maximize returns for shareholders and extract wealth that they did nothing to help create an added zero value."
"It's so good when memes are weaponized against the company."
"It's amazing how a group of fans is somehow more competent than the companies who actually own the property."
"It turns out that Americans typically don't like big corporations cramming down their views."
"Final Fantasy 7 views the destruction of the planet as a very real and very bad thing and it regards powerful corporations who chase short-term profits by oppressing the poor and damaging the planet to be the primary reason behind that destruction."
"One of the biggest signs a company has messed up is when they're our largest advocates."
"The arrogance of Disney continues from ignoring parents and allowing radicals to sexualize our children to now ignoring Florida taxpayers by sneaking in a last-minute sweetheart development agreement."
"Just for respecting the legacy and your consumers, this is a horrible move and it's unacceptable."
"A corporation is not your friend. If you were born somewhere else geographically, that corporation would be the boot on your throat."
"At this point, I have seen very few people who are still willing to defend the actions that Twitter took."
"Workers' lives matter less than profit." - Narrator
"The swifties have bad blood with Ticket Master and I support them 100%."
"I hate business. I'm so sick of the corporate world and how can we improve our return on investment."
"He never lets us forget the corporate supremacists, the corporate imperialists, the military-industrial complex, and the way corporations control people's lives." - Ralph Nader
"Bethesda's got a terrible case of the 'Goodenough s--'."
"This is the inevitable result of unchecked corporate capitalism."
"for the love of God do better Google you're a Multi god I want to know how much Google is worth right now it's probably got millions if not billions you can afford to have people take a look at cases like this this is ridiculous"
"Seriously, look at Disney of all the entertainment companies that exist it's the one to me that's the easiest to defund because they don't provide anything that is needed right everything is entertainment like everything."
"We're not focusing the coverage on why the battery exploded nor the fact that the company putting the battery in the device with industrial adhesive is a dick move."
"Corporations do not care... They'll try to shove your body right under a bus if they can."
"The resurrection changed the game for Christianity - without it, no faith."
"Yes, Apple should not have done this with the SSDs this is real world use."
"Welcome to the EA files: Electronic Arts, most notably rated one of the worst companies in the world."