
Lifestyle Impact Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"The way you raise your kids in terms of what they eat, how much they move, and their lifestyle can affect them 30, 40, 50 years later."
"I'm much more anti Ultra processed food... once you absorb that information, you think gosh if I'm having this every day of my life in some form, this is perhaps why we're in such a mess."
"Every time you go on a long drinking spree, you unlock sickness in your body."
"Our lifestyle is the most important factor when it comes to supporting hormone levels and hormone health."
"It doesn't matter what the hell it is, it's still changing the way that we live life now."
"Christians say accept Jesus and spend eternity praising a deity, never having sex, eating, or doing anything else enjoyable."
"Disney Dream my Valley... changed how I approach gaming on a day-to-day basis."
"Online shopping filled the gap. It's seductive stuff and easy to see how without it his life feels empty."
"Our cognitive health might be a choice that we make with every bite that we take."
"Your sleep life has a huge impact on your sex life and vice versa."
"The American diet is going to take you out a lot sooner than you're supposed to go out."
"I mean I've had to abandon my shopping cart at grocery stores because of this, I've had to bail on DoorDash orders, I've ruined dates by not being able to eat inside restaurants."
"If you want to avoid early death... at some point something's going to give."
"It's a quality of life issue and it's a clue to clogged heart arteries."
"Does owning a car make you feel more free or does it do the opposite?"
"Hip-hop is not just music, it's literally a lifestyle of the world."
"Well, when working people get a raise they spend it they pay their rent and they pay their mortgage and maybe they save up enough to take a vacation."
"It's kind of hard to pray the panic away when my own lifestyle is creating it."
"If you think it's hard to make a million dollars, how you think it's going to be living without it?"
"You frequently find yourself wondering how technological advancement could change everyday life."
"The lifestyle decisions that you make today can still affect future generations."
"Many people now use the word toxic when they talk about the negative parts of their life, specifically people or environments."
"Man, if I had to give up YouTubing it would be a pretty big bummer for me."
"Owning a house or an apartment... affects your life a lot and the cost of it is not the cost of it."
"If TikTok takes over your life, you never had one."
"The baseline setting for human health is good, vibrant health. You only muck that up if you're putting things in the system that shouldn't be there."
"Genetics load the gun but lifestyle pulls the trigger."
"This kind of [ __ ] will cause cancer more than your poor diets because it eats you, it rots you from the inside out."
"Salvation is evident in an individual's life, seen through their actions and love."
"Memories are awesome, don't get me wrong, but so is two million dollars. It can change your life."
"Our choices have huge impact in terms of our brain's destiny."
"Having routines really heavily affect their life but they are always, always, always consciously thinking about these routines."
"Skipping regular exercise can harm your Kidney Health."
"Choosing a healthier lifestyle could save your life."
"Neglecting your body, particularly through a lack of physical activity, can have profound effects on our vibrational energy."
"These are simple metabolic things where we're biologically just destroying ourselves and the medical system now is the largest and the fastest growing industry in the United States."
"You're putting yourself in a position where you can't even have children if you want them."
"Your current state of health is a result of everything you ever ate thought believed and did up until now."
"It's about the choices that we're making every day."
"Cutting-edge tech is changing the way we live, work, and play."
"We need to move to a sustainable energy economy but without massively disrupting people's lifestyles."
"The net result of all this money printing and money inputting, people are ecstatic. You can't get restaurant reservations and all that."
"This game is going to take over people's lives for the next like 10 years."
"I don't want Crohn's disease anymore. I thought it was just you shed a little bit and eat lots of nachos."
"Only about 1% of illness is directly connected to genes. 99% is connected to how we live in the world, how we perceive the world."
"Happiness shows on your face, and that is beautiful."
"If you are morbidly fat, your entire quality of life is going to go down the drain."
"It's amazing how quickly our daily choices and little habits can create a good day, a good week, and even a good life."
"Bravely, bravely, bravely trying to get my stamina back."
"Making sure that every time you walk into your home, you're in a place that feels comfortable and adapted to your needs is the kind of purchase that really does radiate throughout your life and pay a lot of dividends."
"Just imagine how different your life would be if you lived with a constant expectation of the rapture."
"Every time I fight with the concept of generosity I'm fighting with the concept of my identity. A generous lifestyle affects how you see the world around you."
"There is a concern that we are seeing our way of life being completely changed."
"I wish I could just get out of the house but literally everything I had went into buying it so for now my wife and I are stuck here."
"If you do more good than not good, you end up with health."
"Technology has made a considerable impact on our everyday lives."
"Relationships since people can't help but be overly interested in celebrity couples."
"Our poor diet is responsible for more disease and death than smoking, alcohol, and physical inactivity combined."
"Food changes [ __ ] Scottie Pippen. If he probably ate good [ __ ] his entire life would be seven [ __ ]."
"What would you do if I didn't go to the gym and I lived an unhealthy lifestyle?"
"True beauty: Whatever is happening in your world will show up on your skin."
"It would be cool to have a little metal revival minus the life-ruining stuff."
"Our bodies are antennas. What we feed it, watch, eat, all plays into us rising to a higher consciousness."
"This way of living won't last forever, and when it's done I would rather there's more of the natural world left rather than less."
"It's cool to think about that. So it's kind of cool to always think about okay, well, I could pay my Netflix subscription with these dividend payouts."
"This person genuinely wants to be heard but may not want to hear you."
"I just toured the two bedroom and it is stunning like I said the price is a little bit more but then you'd be saving on things like parking."
"Remember, you're having a biological experience; sleep, sunlight, diet, and exercise affect how you process the world."
"You can use all the best products in the world and spend all your money on the most incredible processes, if you treat your body like trash your hair is gonna be trash."
"It was rough, I think I had like a vitamin D deficiency from doing that [__]."
"We'll certainly continue to explore how lifestyle changes can affect the Horvath clock DNA methylation pattern."
"Let others see Jesus in you and allow your life to reflect Christ."
"The environment and lifestyle matter more than what I say."
"Our health is not predetermined by our genetics."
"Absolutely stress and sleep have such an impact on a thyroid health conversion health weight loss detoxification repair and maintenance."
"If I can fix metabolic health, most of the things that people come see me for will reverse."
"Luxury should be something that you enjoy and enriches your life rather than causing you stress and problems."
"If no one was deficient in zinc, melatonin, vitamin D, and everyone exercised and moved more, that would make a material difference, wouldn't it?"
"I'm astounded. It's obviously because of your mindset and lifestyle."
"Sometimes a broken routine is why you've got a broken life."
"We can change our biological age... at any time no matter how old you are."
"Really taking pride in taking care of your home and homemaking it just does make such a difference."
"Stress can lead to stress eating, obesity, anxiety, and depression."
"But it seems like a lot of upkeep." - Panelist
"I know recall off leash was a big thing, right? I'd love for her to have some freedom. She's a working dog, she needs to absolutely exercise, and that makes a huge difference in her behavior in general."
"If we said you aren't allowed to kill, we're not forcing something on your lifestyle."
"So it's not that I became angry when I stopped smoking and stopped eating, I just revealed it."
"When you shut down, you have many things that happen from suicides to depression to drinking alcohol problems."
"I love all sports right now. It's not very conducive to my life to play a lot of sports."
"Our collective modern lifestyles... they often reinforce one another, so it's just worth thinking about how is it affecting you."
"Routine is so incredibly important and it permeates pretty much all aspects of my life."
"A clean home is not everything but it does make such a difference."
"It's all about the lifestyle factors—you can have the fanciest skincare routine in the world, but if you don't have the lifestyle factors dialed in, it's all for waste."
"Just move in silence and let your actions and your lifestyle do the talking."
"It's not just a car, it's a perspective changer."
"I found myself skipping meetings to go look at Craigslist collections."
"The number one thing that is killing your wealth is your car."
"I love Super Nanny's techniques, I can't imagine life without them now."
"Just remain positive. Once you're positive in people's lifestyle in life, you'll get a lot of positive things in return."
"Sun exposure: Hours in the sun can change everything."
"Be proactive about your health and actually be mindful about some of the impacts that the lifestyle choices you're making have on your health."
"I'm picking through two high quality companies, one that I think is more geared towards staying at home and one that's more geared towards going outside."
"That film was as tough as hell but it's still my favorite film."
"The epidemic of sleep disorders is the consequence of humans not living the way humans are supposed to live."
"The more you live a life that humans are built to live, the less depression and anxiety you have."
"Loneliness increases the risk of premature mortality more than 15 cigarettes a day."
"Convenience, efficiency, entertainment: these are the things that matter to people."
"Little touches like that go an incredibly long way to make a car more livable."
"Social interactions, healthy relationships, exercise, microbiome support, and clean air, water, and food create a resilient and healthy immune system."
"The lack of social connections is more detrimental than obesity, smoking, and high blood pressure."
"The choices you make can actually change your genes."
"It might have nothing to do with LDL, it might have everything to do with lifestyle."
"Farming is demanding, farming will take away all your social life, and it's either you're going in deep and doing it or you don't do it at all because you lose money. It's the one game where it's either you win or you lose, it's a gamble."
"Life-changing: consistently get eight hours of sleep at night. Everything gets thrown off—digestion, mood, actions."
"There's no drug, diet, or anything that does what exercise can do."
"It has taken up my entire life but now that I understand couponing and I understand stacking deals and I understand some Stockpiling I think that I will use couponing from now on leaning it more towards products that I already use."
"Your immune system is not some weakling. It becomes a weakling if you destroy it with sugars, dirty air, dirty water, dirty food."
"The reason so many of us suffer with chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune disease is because of our diet and lifestyle choices."
"Lifestyle and diet is the single most powerful medicine that most of us will ever use."
"Cancer is on the rise, and there's a much stronger correlation with cancer rates in people who are obese or have type 2 diabetes."
"I can't even imagine... our entire Modern Life would be completely different."
"When you take away my money I'm poor, I can't pay the bills, lights off all of them they all got to go up because I can't afford like this."
"It really is amazing what a difference it makes when you clean out your fridge."
"Regardless of genetic risk, we can reshuffle the deck with diet."
"People are having lower LDL cholesterol and they live longer, get less cancer, stay at home longer, they don't go to nursing homes as much to protect against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's."
"The warning is for that person. Jesus is not an accessory that you add on to an already great life, he is life."
"The importance of talking about this is our lifestyle has a huge impact on the health and the trajectory of our T cell health."
"Your lifestyle choices influence your immune system and T cells."
"The world becomes a smaller place, and it's also your whole backyard at the same time."
"Everyone lives by their habits, some of them affect your health or personal life, but there are also those that directly affect your wallet." - Warren Buffett
"The fallout of millions of Americans sitting on the couch eating potato chips for three months will be just as detrimental as COVID-19."
"I believe the climate is the most important aspect of where you live. It affects every aspect of your life."
"Your diet and lifestyle could make all the difference between falling prey to it or thriving."
"That person who because they've been eating healthier now they feel that they can go and start up their own company and it's weird because those two are not related but they really are because it's the same core competencies."
"Chronic overnutrition, especially refined carbohydrates and sugars, our sedentary lifestyles, our chronic low-gain stress, and our poor sleep... taking over these systems that are fundamental for every cell to function properly." - Casey
"Being a minimalist gives you more leverage and bargaining power."
"Money opens up opportunities if you are too broke to get out of the house, you're going to struggle."
"Lifestyle behavior: possibly the most important part."
"Decriminalization though, you could smoke weed now, go to jail, you grow weed, you know, go to jail, it's kind of lit."
"Genetics loads the gun but lifestyle pulls the trigger."
"Feminism is just killing women, murdering their whole lifestyle."
"We have an obesity rate of 42 percent maybe it has to do with our poor metabolic health which is entirely tied to our lifestyle and nutrition."
"Project 333 is a challenge or an experiment... to be curious about how these things are impacting our lives."
"Everybody loves this topic, so before we get into what has aged us the most, maybe we talk about what, on this lifestyle, which has both changed our lives more than anything."
"Once you're 40, the stuff that you do to your body actually matters long term."
"You can change the expression of your genes."
"There's new data on lifestyle, diet, and CKD progression, although most of this is observational."
"The decline in home cooking very closely tracks the rise in obesity and type 2 diabetes."
"Losing as little as 5 to 7 percent of your body weight can help decrease blood sugar, blood pressure, as well as cholesterol."
"We deceive ourselves if we believe that we can have the inner spirit of simplicity without that having a profound effect on the way in which we live."
"We end up with the same incidence of cancer, diabetes, obesity, allergies, organ failure, autoimmune disease in dogs as we do in people."
"I'll just be happy to be able to meet some of you face to face so we can talk about how carnivore way of living by my influence here on this channel has changed your life."
"These inventions and innovations will change daily lives; they'll create new jobs for people."
"You couldn't change your genes, but you could change which ones speak, making the healthy ones speak more loudly and the unhealthy ones speak more softly."