
Relativism Quotes

There are 222 quotes

"It's the realization... that everything is just completely absolutely relative."
"Maybe success is relative to what is available to you?"
"There's a spectrum, there's a continuum, and if we make everything everything, then nothing is anything."
"Cultural relativism views a culture through their own lens, avoiding judgment based on one's own cultural standards."
"You know it's interesting because the question of truth what bugs me the most is this complete relativizing of the even the notion of truth."
"Belief is absurd; whatever you believe is going to be absurd to somebody else."
"There's bigger problems in the world, that's nothing. There's people out there starving and all that."
"There is no good or bad, there's only perception."
"The truth is relative, you decide what truth is based on your experience."
"The existence of competing claims has no bearing on the truth of a claim you're making."
"The theory of historical relativism states that there is no objective truth in history, only relative interpretations."
"Everyone's beliefs are different, and we can't treat that like it's a universal truth."
"Nothing is either good or bad, thinking makes it so."
"First world problem is still a problem to that person."
"Morality is not absolute. It's how we choose best for us to live."
"Religions are ultimate... it's all relative to them."
"In a culture that has largely rejected the Bible, many people claim there is no absolute truth and morals are relative."
"I get the confederacy. You know, they lost the war. I get it, whatever. But like other people, it's like, dude, people who lived... I mean, look at us. People like George Washington..."
"Status on our living conditions are relative not absolute."
"Relativism often becomes intellectually lazy or downright disingenuous."
"Morality is relative and not absolute... dogma is the problem... it's creeping into everything... if anyone says to me this is what shouldn't be questioned, that's the red bag to a bull."
"Words like right or wrong don't have an objective universal meaning... they describe how an action aligns with the goal or desired outcomes."
"Social constructivism doesn't negate science, or say that nothing is real, or that everything is relative."
"Everybody's is the worst because it happened to them, you know what I mean?"
"There is no right or wrong, and everybody is entitled to what they want in life and what they want in a partner."
"Morality is relative, and I think that it is kind of misframing the argument to say that like if you believe in morality there should be a yes or no answer to these situations."
"They swear on to a belief system, which is there is no truth. Therefore, whenever they say anything, it's not a lie because there is no truth."
"I discovered at a very early age that if I talk long enough, I could make anything right or wrong." - "So either I'm God or truth is relative."
"Even if there is no final objective standard, that doesn't mean that all answers are equivalent."
"There is no right or wrong, there is people living their lives the way they do."
"Post-modernism insists that all value systems are relative and therefore none should be privileged over any other."
"It's a matter of perspective, it really is."
"There is no good or bad, it's just your perspective."
"That which is wrong under one circumstance, may be, and often is, right under another."
"There is no truth, there is only truth systems, and that one true system is as good as another truth system."
"If all truth is socially constructed then all truth is necessarily relative to whoever is doing that construction."
"Morality is complicated, and there's not just right or wrong."
"There's no right or wrong, just different ways of doing things."
"The only truth is that there is no truth."
"The only truth is there is no truth."
"If Everything's Relative, then nothing is wrong, nothing is right."
"Absolute truth or truth with a capital 'T'—these are contradictions in terms."
"It's all relative. It depends on society. So don't tell me there's any objective good or objective evil. It's all relative."
"The question is, what is goodness? Who defines goodness? And if there is no God, the answer to that's real obvious: you define goodness, I define goodness, culture defines goodness, the power elite defines goodness."
"Sometimes people try to label things as bad or good. In life, almost nothing is absolutely bad or absolutely good. It's the ratio of how much bad and how much good you have."
"Stevenson was thought to be a proponent of a kind of moral relativism because he linked ethics to our desires, and preferences, and emotions, and nothing else. And then he said, 'It's actually an open question.'"
"Scumbag is all relative, you know? No offense, Big Zoo. He knows me, I know him. That's it."
"If you buy into the hashtag you do you relativism of our age then frankly you are being conned out of three essential components of your truest self and one of those is courage."
"There are just no moral facts whatsoever."
"It confronts us with a moral relativism that doesn't try to justify reprehensible behavior but instead makes us question our assumptions."
"What's cool in your neighborhood is trashy in somebody else's."
"The emperor is naked. There are absolutely no absolutes."
"That's the end of the world. But nothing else really is."
"Number is just a number, don't matter."
"If God is dead, then the only truth there can be is one person's truth, and that all truth is relative. I'm very uncomfortable with that idea."
"If everything's relative, then the statement 'everything's relative' is also relative and not particularly true."
"There's no truth in any absolute sense."
"We all have beliefs that we think are true and we all have relativism operating as well when your view is one that the Bible should just be this clear thing we all sort of have access to and the Holy Spirit just teaches us what to believe."
"Global relativism is the view that all truths are relative to societies or cultures."
"What this does is camouflage some really evil stuff going on in the world. It’s a kind of blanket moral relativism."
"We live in a culture committed to truth, but tragically, that is untrue. We have abandoned the quest for truth and denied its existence in exchange for value relativism."
"Reject cultural relativism and the unicornia vision of multiculturalism."
"There's no good and bad, there's no choice."
"...there really is no right or wrong."
"Relativism can lead individuals into difficult areas within personal religion, but it can also be a strong first step towards finding truth within Christianity."
"Relativism and strong biblical faith don't have to be mutually exclusive. Relativism can sometimes aid in the maturation of one's faith."
"On atheism, we're just relatively advanced primates. There really isn't any objective right or wrong, it's just evolution."
"Epistemic relativism makes a liberal society hard to sustain."
"Any context is only relatively true and it's partly a lie."
"They don't believe in absolutes and it's like why would you not want to teach children about plurality?"
"But really, in the big scheme of things, no, it's not that big."
"There's no universally intrinsically right way of behaving and no intrinsically right way of speaking."
"85 years... statistical life expectancy on this planet... by the way I don't really care what the actual number is I just needed something that made it made relative sense."
"The polarized debate between relativists on the one hand and the madman on the other, the Fanatics and the totalitarians, that can be put behind us."
"No wrong or right, just enjoy it."
"All moral reasons are context-sensitive."
"To say no one should make absolute truth claims, religious absolute truth claims, is a religious absolute truth claim."
"Everybody has their own opinion and in a postmodern culture your opinions as good as my opinion."
"Is there such a thing as absolute truth?"
"How can you absolutely say, 'There is no absolute truth,' when you just made a statement that is an absolute statement?"
"There should be no right or wrong."
"Every culture on earth bans some types of killing and allows others and they all do different ones every culture on earth supports some types of lying and bans others."
"We need to learn how to answer the questions about relativism and not just try to shift them to the familiar ground of spirituality."
"From a certain point of view maybe."
"Relativism, therefore, demands that society approve of it. It is only consistent because it is so obviously contrary to everything decent and basic in human beings."
"Relativism is the natural in the natural order a perverse error. When it is applied to God and the things of God, such as ecumenism and religious liberty, it is a blasphemy against the truth and the holiness of Almighty God."
"It is not that one perspective is right and the other is wrong. Both perspectives are right."
"Truth is truth, and there is no such thing as your truth and my truth."
"Truth is very black-and-white in a culture that's increasingly moving toward this idea that truth itself is relative."
"E.H. Carr's 'What is History' stresses the relativism of historical facts."
"The almost complete vacuum of normativity, the almost complete vacuum of ideas about what the good is, the shame that we feel almost in talking about the good, moral relativism which accompanies the epistemic relativism again."
"Absolute truth almost does not exist."
"Either the claim that truth is relative is an absolute claim which would falsify the relativist position, or it is an assertion that can never be made."
"It ain't right, it ain't wrong, that's just how it is."
"If you're going to build a stable and just civil order, relativism is the worst thing for it. It's got to be built upon a stable moral order."
"Any kind of hardcore relativism is inevitably going to be self-defeating."
"No moral code makes sense a hundred percent, but some make more sense than others."
"All views are correct from their own frames of reference."
"There's no rules, there's no absolutes, and there's no blacks and whites."
"You have your beliefs, I have mine, and you know, does it really matter in the long run?"
"Protagoras was a relativist, an early and really quite a radical relativist."
"Nothing you can say about the world is ultimately correct."
"There's always perspective in everything."
"It's not terrible; what's the worst that could happen? You break something, so you replace it. It's not cancer; let's keep this all in perspective."
"Nothing is good or bad until you make it so."
"Nothing is inherently good in itself; something is only right because a person or a society judges it to be right."
"I'm convinced that if there is no God, morality has to be relative."
"Everything has its relevant point of view and therefore it can be a truth in its own right."
"The answer to everything is it depends."
"Perspective... it's not always about absolutes."
"Living in a season where truth is relative, where everybody is talking about 'my truth' and 'their truth', but not all truth is truth."
"What is true for me may not be true for you, but what is true for you is not true for me."
"It's really not that serious, you know what I mean? Like, it's not brain surgery."
"There is no good or bad in the universe, there are only actions and consequences."
"It's all relative, so stay in your lane."
"A better way of interacting with different cultures is to understand them from where they're coming from, and we call that school of thought cultural relativism."
"The truths that we hold to be self-evident are entirely dependent on the particular situation."
"There's no absolute right or wrong."
"There's no true, there's no false, there's no right, there's no wrong; everything depending on the context is what it is."
"Relativism is the view that there is no absolute moral truth."
"What's morally true is relative to the culture."
"Morality changes based upon where you live and when you live."
"If the Bible's not the absolute authority, I can do what is right in my own eyes and ultimately anything goes."
"All the relativism claims are self-refuting when you actually think about them."
"It's not right or wrong, it's only right or wrong with respect to your situation."
"The whole world is grey, no there's no black, there's no white, it's all grey."
"Things are never as serious as you think they are."
"How history looks depends upon where you are sitting."
"There's no best in it, the answer is almost always it depends."
"Very few things are good or bad per se; everything has to be considered within a context."
"Justice is whoever wins. Everyone's justice is different."
"It's all perspective, absolutely right."
"Everyone is right; some are more right than others."
"Truth is relative; it depends on the context, prejudice, and your perspective about the world."
"The so-called good and evil, wrong and right, have different results if you use different references."
"This world doesn't have difference between Justice and evil, only strong and weak."
"I don't know if that's right or wrong, it depends on the circumstances."
"Things aren't good or bad in absolute; they're good or bad for a purpose."
"Whatever works for you is what's right; there is no right or wrong."
"Everyone is right and everyone is wrong."
"Nothing is absolute; you have to look at both sides of the spectrum and make your conclusion."
"There's no right or wrong; there's no definition. It's always a matter of perspective and perception."
"The world we live in, there's no black and white, it's all a sliding scale."
"Everything's relative in this best of possible worlds."
"As ever in life, there are no rights and wrongs, there are just shades of opinions."
"I want you to understand that what is black to one person is white to another, and nothing in this world is so perfect that it is pure white or so bad it is pure black. Everything concerning human beings comes in shades of gray."
"Who decides what is right and what is wrong? Different human beings have different values of what is right and what is wrong."
"There are no absolutes; we are human, we have preferences, we have choices."
"Everybody is right according to their own frame of reference."
"Is truth absolute or is truth relative?"
"If no evidential system is more correct than any other, then I cannot coherently think that a particular belief is unjustified, no matter how crazy it may be."
"We as humans cannot decide what is 100% right or wrong."
"The fact that you can go to a different country in a different culture and it's morally okay there for them to do something that would be completely immoral in your own culture tells you that actually morality is at least a bit subjective."
"It's all relative... I think they're doing okay, they're good kids."
"Just because something is less bad than something else, that doesn't make it good."
"When it comes to morality, there is no such thing as morality per se, there are just moralities."
"There is no such thing as right because everything that we think is right now, later we'll find out wasn't right."
"I'm not a good man, but there are worse."
"Everything he had told him earlier was true from a certain point of view."
"There's nobody's right and nobody's wrong."
"Relativism faces the problem of self-referential absurdity."
"It's all a matter of perspective, you know what I mean?"
"We're not generalizing; we're not talking in absolutes."
"Sophistication eliminates all absolute categories; there's no good and bad, there's no right and wrong, there's no true and false."
"Cultural relativism is a good thing because it allows us a more thorough understanding of culture."
"There is no right or wrong because all is perspective."
"There are no absolutes; treat everything as a principle, part of the gray area."
"If human minds only justify relativism, then it seems to make sense to say that there is a being that is a grounding for good."
"Nobody's wrong, everybody's right."
"There really isn't any absolute right or wrong."
"Moral values aren't set in stone and are relative according to time, place, and culture."
"I knew that there were no absolutes in this world."
"It's all about perspective, I guess."
"Cultural relativism in psychology is a principle that human behavior should be understood within the context of the culture where it occurs."
"Historians never say absolute truth; we can argue and discuss and debate."
"The trap all along was thinking either were wrong or right instead of just thinking maybe some work and some don't."
"No sociological perspectives can claim a monopoly on the truth since all knowledge is based on values and assumptions."
"Religious diversity found trend of practical relativism, the acceptance of the fact that others can hold different beliefs."
"All truth is relative, I mean that completely destroys the possibility of knowledge at all."
"Morality is not determined by comparison to an absolute standard, but by comparison to other actions, be they real or hypothetical."
"Nothing in this world is good or bad; it's only the way you think about it that makes it so."
"In life, there's no such thing as an absolute."
"There's no absolute right and wrong, so all truths are equal and relative amongst one another."
"There is no right or wrong, it's just what works for you."
"There is no black and white, there's no absolutes in bodybuilding, in the body, in nutrition."
"Nothing is concrete. This is why extreme relativism is perceived as a breeding ground for Nihilism."
"There is no truth and there is no right; there's just what's happening."
"Every country has problems, every society has problems, but if you took a snapshot of the problems that we have versus problems in other nations, I think we're still in a good spot."
"What's important to you, what's important to me, there is no absolute standard, but we can ask and we can do some science."
"Nothing's black and white, man, everybody's got their perspective."
"If all things are morally relative, then it raises the question of what exactly are we talking about when we talk about morality."
"It's all relative at the end of the day."
"Ethics has this inherent difficulty in that if you make it absolute, it becomes dangerous, and if you make it relative, it's dangerous."
"It's okay to have values but not to universalize them."
"Nothing's black or white, you know, everything's moment by moment."
"That's all a matter of perspective."
"Everything is relative, so I just need to decide what's right for me."
"There are no absolutes in this world."
"There is no such thing as good or evil, or good or bad, it's only perspective."
"The enemies are on the one hand dogma, and on the other hand, the idea that all morality is relative and in the eye of the beholder."