
Neoliberalism Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"Neoliberalism ascribes virtually all responsibility for personal and social welfare to the individual."
"Lean in is a great representation of what neoliberal feminism is...In Sandberg's own words, lean in is 'sort of a feminist manifesto.'"
"Neoliberalism...is the ideology that capitalism is an overall good and that social progress, historically a liberal ideal, is best achieved through capitalism."
"Neoliberalism prioritizes earnings and maintaining capitalism above all other concerns."
"Neoliberalism pushes back against social progress that is deemed unprofitable, not yet profitable or too radical."
"Under neoliberalism, privatization of public works and de-regulation are both permissible if they are profitable."
"The primary consideration under neoliberalism is capitalism, and the primary consideration under capitalism is competition against other competing entities for a greater share of the market with the end goal of monopoly."
"Neoliberalism... that's got to end. It's just got to. When the GDP is just not that important, there are other things that also matter."
"Neoliberalism...is about realizing that power lies at the community level."
"The collapse of the neoliberal order...gives us an opportunity to throw off the chains of working-class people everywhere."
"Neoliberalism is capitalism right. So it's unbridled capitalism which is failing worldwide right now."
"Neoliberalism started in the 60s, basically it was a mass push to get rid of the government sector, to get rid of the public space and make everything private."
"It's part of a wider shift of young people being dissatisfied with neoliberalism and wanting social change."
"That kind of strategy is very much key to the birth of neoliberalism."
"Neoliberalism is liberalism for the rich and fuck everybody else."
"Under neoliberalism, government works for corporations and the rich."
"This neoliberal impulse to maintain a low-wage economy and create this personally responsible political subject has furthered and heightened the natural political oppression that disabled people face."
"Neoliberalism is the utopian ideology that was created to justify the massive social inequality and misery."
"Corporate capitalism uses neoliberalism, but it's an ideology that makes no sense economically."
"Joe Biden embraced neoliberalism and in so doing reminded the rest of us tens of millions of Americans that it's horrible that neoliberalism serves the interests of virtually no one."
"The whole notion of stakeholder capitalism is just a rebranding of neoliberalism."
"Neoliberalism has accomplished absolutely nothing but the redistribution of income from the majority of people to the richest people."
"Figures in Washington are warning about the dangerous long-term impact of neoliberalism."
"Most of the proposals to transform the existing economic structure are proposals to move away from the neoliberal consensus."
"Neoliberalism has created a world that is defined exclusively by the naked self-interest of the elites, and a growing number of its victims now openly reject."
"Neoliberal ideology cultivates an indifference to the poor in a way that both mirrors and intersects with socially conservative ideologies' indifference to marginalized minority groups."
"What happened under Pinochet in Chile was a laboratory experiment for neoliberalism."
"Neoliberal policies aren't too hard to understand and are pretty reasonable if you agree with the underlying logic behind them."
"Neoliberalism promised growth and opportunity, but delivered the opposite."
"The failures of neoliberalism are bigger than its politics."
"Neoliberalism was an attack on the working class and an attack on the working people everywhere."
"Great that was Professor Wendy Brown on her book In the Ruins of Neoliberalism: The Rise of Anti-Democratic Politics in the West."
"But you do have the opportunity here, the left does, to dump a crisis on a neoliberal status quo administration in Joe Biden and Harris and show people that it is not enough."
"Neoliberalism has failed us in terms of distribution of resources."
"Globalization made capitalism more Dynamic more efficient... cheerleading for globalization and for the other big term neoliberalism..."
"It's not your imagination as the grand project of neoliberalism fails spectacularly around the world, collapsing under the weight of its own absurdity."
"It's a light form of gaslighting inflicted on a neoliberal society."
"It's basically two sets of neoliberals fighting over a center ground that no longer exists."
"But on the whole, I'm going to say two cheers for neoliberalism."
"It's very important not to offer Ukraine too many thoughtlessly neoliberal solutions."
"Race was used to embed neoliberalism, allowing class struggle to operate on the terrain of race and culture."
"It's kind of a stunning rejection of neoliberalism at a moment when there was a lot of triumphalism about neoliberalism."
"Neoliberal globalization is the weapon of mass destruction for the traditional class struggle."
"Let people the rich make as much as money as they like risky Investments don't look don't control it uh X cheating anything you want and if anything goes wrong call on the taxpayer to bail them out that's neoliberalism class war."
"Neoliberalism has not delivered a higher growth rate. Growth rate has actually fallen since the neoliberal experiment."
"Neoliberalism doesn't require cheerleaders, it requires acceptance that it will win."
"Neoliberalism changed the way corporations are managed, emphasizing stock prices and shareholder rewards."
"What's happening in the United States is the culmination of a destructive process: neoliberalism, deindustrialization, globalization."
"Neoliberalism is a project of theft—theft of the services and money that we own, that we ought to control."
"When you strip away all the rhetoric about the free market...the only thing you find in the black heart of neoliberalism is a ravenous need for control."
"Neoliberalism has minimized the role of the state in favor of pro-market policies. But there is considerable evidence that significant government intervention is required if we are to decarbonize in time."
"Neoliberalism is a creed that calls explicitly for unleashing capitalism's power."
"Neoliberalism is fundamentally a class project and therefore a class war, increasingly fought by one side only."
"Neoliberalism has multiple competing definitions; it's generally associated with policies like privatization, deregulation, globalization, free trade, and reductions in government spending."
"There emerges a form of sociality which is radically different from the sort of possessive individualism that dominates in a neoliberal world."
"You know, we're all neoliberal now without altogether knowing it, and that's one of the ways in which self-critique and social critique becomes crucial."
"People feel shafted by neoliberalism... it feels a little bit like parental abuse."
"Neoliberalism is a way of defining human beings by the market as if everything we do is mediated through the market."
"The liberal order became a neo-liberal project for bankers and corporations to do deals."
"Crypto probably wouldn't even exist as it does now if we weren't at the kind of apex and now turning point of 40 years of neoliberal policy."
"The hidden reality of neoliberal states: more emphasis on physical repression than on freedom."
"Crises of the neoliberal order: financial crises, climate crisis, rising inequality, crisis of democracy, and the rise of authoritarianism."
"Neoliberalism was increasingly dominant as a set of ideas before the fall of the Berlin Wall."
"Trump marks the end of the neoliberal order."
"Mexico had little choice but to embrace privatization and neoliberalism albeit with the Mexican twist."
"Neoliberalism is the only way to fight back against the isolationist policies of the right. The right is just pure fascism. They are an extension, a continuation of neoliberal policies."
"Well, neoliberalism, the way I use it, refers really to the extension of economic liberalism to an extreme that I think became self-defeating."
"Neoliberalism's ideology was market fundamentalism, but its reality was a political economy of power."
"Britain's neoliberal political economy has ended up in a growth trap."
"The neoliberal nostrums not only don't work, they don't work catastrophically."
"Neoliberalism has guided America. When Ronald Reagan came into office, 65% of America was in the middle class. Now it's down to 45%."
"Neoliberalism has been a kind of evolving set of conversations about how to protect democracy against the threats of democracy."
"In a world where 10% of the population is controlling 85% of the assets... how does a tiny country like Scotland if it were to go independent actually begin to bust this neoliberalism epidemic?"
"The credibility of neoliberalism and global capital has been shredded and the lies have been exposed."
"The neoliberal global order is finished, and that has to do with the rise of China."
"Narcissism is the condition of the self in neoliberalism; it's hegemonic. Everyone's a narcissist."
"That's how life was in the 1960s before neoliberals turned everything to ruins."
"The neoliberal insight of the 1930s was that the market would not take care of itself."
"The fourth phase of neoliberalism extends from the 2008 global financial crisis until today."
"The neoliberal response is always to financialize, privatize, militarize."
"Neoliberalism turns every good job into a bad job because it's all about quantification and monitoring."
"The political settlement of neoliberalism... what we need to do is to go for a radical form of regional devolution."