
Muscle Quotes

There are 379 quotes

"Muscle is not just about fitness; it's the organ of longevity. It is responsible for the way in which we age."
"Think of muscle like an investment. You can make money by working more hours, or you can have your money make money for you."
"But when you get it, you can feel your lower trap literally pumps up. It's really cool."
"Small angles make your cows look bigger. That's probably the most small wrist make your forearms look bigger. Small joints are a blessing in bodybuilding."
"A glycogen-filled muscle looks a lot better."
"Muscle is the pinnacle of health and wellness."
"Muscle is the organ of longevity and really has the opportunity, when leveraged correctly, to change the trajectory of our life."
"Resistance training will provide the stimulus for muscle growth or retention during a calorie deficit."
"The best way to burn the fat is to build muscle everywhere."
"The muscle is so hungry that it has an insulin-independent mechanism... exercise opens the back door allowing the glucose to come in through an unconventional route."
"It's really important to understand that this is ultimately about building up your gut like a muscle."
"One of the best things we can do to a muscle is massage it, yes, but the cross fiber it."
"You're building that neural drive, the ability to recruit those muscle fibers."
"The atrophy of fast-twitch fibers is the almost exclusive problem with aging and muscle."
"If you need energy now, muscle will jump to action; it'll get you going."
"The atrophy of fast-twitch muscle fibers is the almost exclusive problem with aging and muscle."
"What cellar size does is it literally creates a pumping action with g-forces that are applied to every single muscle, every single cell."
"Never in the history of civilization has someone said, 'I wish I had less muscle.'"
"Strict pressing builds bigger delts."
"Long head training can make your rear delts appear bigger and increase your width."
"We do not make muscle from eating meat."
"Muscle is just the big hungry tissue."
"This exercise is going to work again multiple muscles at once."
"That's not what you want to do. In fact, losing muscle is what kills old people. Sarcopenia. That's not what you want to do."
"Build the muscle to experience the transformation that will deliver the victory to let you know your God is real."
"Follow the muscle direction to get the best results."
"Dietary protein affects skeletal muscle. We know that having healthy skeletal muscle improves all-cause mortality. It improves your survivability."
"Creatine is truly not only an energy-producing supplement because of its effect on ATP, but it also has a direct anabolic effect on muscle."
"If you want to maintain lean mass, you've got to increase your protein and you've got to engage in resistance exercise. Essential. Essential to maintain lean mass."
"The one thing that all my patients had in common, my sickest patients, was they didn't have any muscle and they didn't have any healthy muscle."
"Muscle is important for movement, metabolism, posture, and aesthetics."
"Increasing the size of a muscle almost inevitably increases the strength of that muscle."
"So think about that. If you're somebody who's kind of averse to resistance training, you are going to lose muscle size and strength."
"Resistance training is simply the best way to maintain muscle mass."
"These muscle cells that are contracting, they synchronize their action to where they contract as a unit. They call this a functional centium."
"People could lift lighter weights and get the same gains in muscle mass and strength as people lifting heavier, as long as the volume was enough, as long as the effort was put in."
"You're working your glutes and you're working your backside."
"You can't strengthen an inhibited muscle."
"Okay hear me out the more muscle you have the more calories your body Burns that is just one of the reasons to weight lift you will literally burn more calories just sitting on your couch than someone who doesn't have as much muscle"
"Only place the sock or the ball over muscle or soft tissue."
"Dodge has always been the brand of muscle, the house of muscle. Now muscle is going electrified."
"Your lats do shorten when it's in line with the body so you don't need to do that if you're trying to place more emphasis on the lats."
"So it's kind of in the name there, the bi meaning two, so we typically look at two heads when looking at the bicep, so the short head and the long head."
"Epitomized the perfect marriage of muscle and utility."
"If I have more muscle mass, I'm going to burn more calories just sitting here doing nothing."
"When we have better muscle mass it improves our bone health, and testosterone independent of muscle has a positive effect on bone building along with estrogen."
"Age has got nothing to do with this. Because muscle knows no age."
"So until then, Racer X, it's go time for the next generation of Dodge muscle."
"Botox is a toxin, but if you inject a small amount into certain muscles, it can cause that muscle to weaken for about 3 to 4 months."
"Feel that connection and contraction at the top of your reps"
"The work that you are doing and have done is going to change the way that we think about muscle."
"I think everybody probably realizes that muscle is really important, and it's important for moving around, but it's the amount of muscle that you have that appears to be the most important thing."
"Muscle gives skin a tighter appearance and reduces the appearance of saggy skin."
"The more muscle you gain the better off your brain is."
"Adding muscle fills in the skin that fat has left behind."
"Healthy skeletal muscle improves survivability against nearly any illness."
"Insulin resistance in skeletal muscle is a huge problem."
"We prioritize dietary protein to improve health and muscle."
"Muscle is the currency of Longevity. If you don't have muscle, you're not going to age well."
"Even when it comes to weight loss, skeletal muscle is the key."
"...if we want to optimize, if we want to build muscle, build bone, and improve our health span overall, we need more protein."
"...following on from the theme of this video where just stretching a tight soaz muscle on its own isn't enough to fix that and take away the need for it to want to be tight in the first place..."
"Well, if you have damaged muscle fibers, those fibers can't produce as much force, number one."
"Testosterone is so potent, it makes muscle gains even when doing nothing."
"You lose muscle very, very fast when you stop exercising."
"The muscles are basically it. Yep, that's all that's left."
"It will help us build muscle tissue which will inherently decrease our body fat."
"It kind of sounds like training a muscle in the gym."
"If you can find a way to eat that doesn't allow radical hunger and cravings to ever enter your diet... you lose less muscle. Those are all pluses."
"That's the perfect Nirvana of a cut: maintain the muscle, lose the fat."
"Mike was a huge believer in the value of the Dip for building your entire upper body, your chest, your shoulders and your triceps."
"Stretching is so smart when your muscles are really this warm."
"I love this combo move too. You get a bit of long head, short head, long head on the hammer curl. I'm talking about your bicep, which is a two-headed muscle."
"To gain weight you want to have a mix of green, bean, grain, and nuts and seeds... it'll help you gain weight and get good muscle complement you could actually get good muscle penetration good pattern of amino acids."
"More muscle, more calories burnt while doing nothing."
"Muscle spindles and golgi tendon organs come up quite often."
"Fat plays a role in being as strong as possible. Of course, muscle is King but that really covers only a part of the story."
"Maintaining a high protein target when you're working to burn body fat is especially important because it helps you to maintain lean muscle mass."
"A muscle knows exclusively how much effort it put into the work."
"That's a really good average when we we are so protein deficient remember muscle is our metabolic currency."
"Get swole. You'll gain more on Maps Anabolic, but you're going to lose more athleticism."
"Muscle makes you strong. Muscle makes you sexy. Muscle makes you live longer. Muscle is one of the greatest ways I know of to naturally help you balance your hormones."
"I strength training because I want muscle. I love the way it looks, I love the way it makes me feel. It's just a part of who I am."
"Muscle mass is likely to have incredible benefits."
"Whether they need to fight off guards or keep the crowds under control, every good heist crew needs a bit of extra Muscle on their side - someone who can show off the power of Brawn when necessary."
"Muscle requires a lot of energy to go through muscle protein turnover, breaks down, it builds up."
"Muscle is where we use that sugar when you're doing that Hard Exercise you're burning off those sugar stores and then all throughout the rest of the time you're going to be burning fat."
"The tongue is the only muscle in the body attached from one end. Mind-blowing, right?"
"A million reps of abs does help your core endurance, but to see those muscles pop through, you have to add resistance."
"I think the key is to find a way to put on a little bit of muscle."
"Strength training: combat muscle loss, build muscle, everyone!"
"Putting on muscle will never hurt you. Look at Sam Harris. Dude, his body was ridiculous."
"Magnesium supplementation seems to exert a protective effect on muscle damage."
"That would be your zone three...when you deploy the type 2 A's muscle."
"Put the other half of the time Janelle freed up into using your imagination because it is a muscle that you have to use."
"Alpha waves can correct muscle imbalance."
"You're basically getting blood circulation and different nutrients to those muscles."
"I'm proud to be a woman with muscle. Why would I? There's nothing to be ashamed of."
"Disuse, like immobilization, results in reduced muscle protein synthesis."
"Leucine triggers robust muscle protein synthesis."
"Protein is going to serve for the building blocks to build muscle."
"It's an unhealthy thing... for some reason it's kind of back to the eat muscle kind of thing."
"If you don't provide any stimulus to the muscle, it will atrophy or shrink."
"A lot of people get into hard dieting because they're just trying to conserve muscle. That's actually not true. You could still be putting in the finishing touches on an apparatus that was established months ago in the gaining phase."
"Strength training is adding lots of lean muscular body mass quickly."
"The most important time to have high protein is when you're eating very few calories so you can spare your muscles, that's what's important."
"The buttocks stretches and curves around when you bend the leg and then contracts when you straighten the legs."
"The leaner you get, the more protein your body requires in order to prevent it from further breaking down muscle tissue."
"The goal is to get as much of that muscle protein synthesis as we can not just whole body synthesis but isolated in the muscle and that is where Lucine matters the most."
"If you thought the quads were just four muscles that all do the same thing and grow at the same rate, this will be the most important quad video you ever watch."
"The external anal sphincter is voluntary muscle."
"Muscle is like an investment. It protects against the ills of Modern Life."
"Inspiration is a muscle. You have to show up every single day and try something."
"Muscle is heavy, muscle takes a lot of energy to run, and muscles generate a lot of heat, all bad things for running forever."
"One of the most important parts of recovering and allowing the muscles to reset is to simply rest."
"They don't call them muscle cars for nothing."
"If you maintain that muscle, that again is part of the predictor of performance."
"When you're in a cut, do not eat low protein. You are asking your body to get rid of muscle if you do that."
"Muscle is metabolically active tissue. Muscle expensive tissue."
"Casey gained weight every day. In the first week alone, he gained 27.25 pounds of muscle."
"Ford Mustang: The epitome of American muscle."
"Find the best position for them and make sure all your muscles are loose."
"The real culprit... when both of these nPKCs in muscle are activated, you have reduced insulin tyrosine phosphorylation, IRS1 less PI3 kinase activation, and less glucose transporter translocation."
"There's oil in the joints which means it's not stiff it's not rusty and we need to apply we need to learn how to use certain muscles in order to keep that flexibility in certain joints if you will does that make sense absolutely."
"This exercise is isolation right in that glute muscle there, so lift it, squeeze, contract."
"He's been able to muscle his way to the basket for a shot."
"It's really going to help lean build lean muscle because you are strength training as well as working on your cardio."
"The power of the stretch shortening cycle appears to come from the time the muscle spends in the active state."
"These two exercises may look very similar, but the difference in the effect they have on my muscles is drastic."
"Big muscles are absolutely key for burning fat because they make our body spend more calories."
"The best way to ease muscle tightness when stretching? So, what you want to do is create a contraction either in the muscle that's being stretched or the shortened antagonist muscle. So that will relax the stretchedness."
"Survivability against nearly all causes of disease, even cancer, is directly related to the quality of our skeletal muscle."
"We are not over fat, we're under muscled."
"Muscle is really important. We have fat in our bodies, we have muscle in our bodies, and the way that muscle works certainly in terms of weight gain is it really helps to burn up our fuel faster."
"If you're looking for that muscle car look but you want something that's a little bit more tame for that daily driving."
"Muscle is the Fountain of Youth. It gives you shape, reduces the appearance of cellulite, makes you feel strong, improves your mood, and increases your testosterone."
"I'm trying to gain some muscle weight you already know the vibes."
"50 reps isn't doing it. It's probably most stimulating the highest level of muscle protein synthesis in like the 8 to 12 rep range probably."
"I'm starting to turn it again every muscle and any muscle that would be tight... is being pulled and stretched."
"Everything that happens either increases the maximal force or power or increases the duration at which the muscle can maintain a sub-maximal force or power output."
"Eating carnivore is one of the best ways to put on muscle."
"It's definitely very surprising how much muscle I was able to put on just within the first few weeks."
"For every 10 pounds of muscle you put on, your metabolism is boosted by 80 calories. That adds up!"
"The muscle spindle mechanism detects stretches of muscles and can inform the rest of the motor system to adjust accordingly."
"Magnesium supplementation may lead to muscle strength and force gains."
"The best fat burner is muscle. Muscle is where we burn our fat."
"Muscle is an organ and it's been called the longevity organ."
"...the more muscle you have, the longer you're gonna live."
"Wearing compression garments helped improve post-exercise recovery and reduce muscle damage among athletes."
"Muscle is a hormone-secreting organ, it is an immunomodulating organ, something that blew my mind so much reading your book."
"Maximize muscle, eat every 5 hours."
"Frequent muscle stimulation accelerates recovery and builds more muscle."
"Because she had lost a lot of fat and built a lot of muscle, she looked like a different person. One pound difference on the scale, so if you're only using the scale, it could possibly be lying to you."
"He's got a ton of muscle, he's balanced, he can pose, he loves bodybuilding, he loves competing, there's a lot of passion and emotion."
"Resistance training has been extremely crucial in terms of building up my ability to build muscle."
"There's no freaking point ever in training a muscle group three times a week. That's ridiculous."
"A lot of guys, women will avoid any type of aerobic exercise because of the idea that it will burn away muscle. That's utter nonsense."
"You're doing it to develop muscle and build muscle. Get the full range of motion and that you're going to use less weight, less wear and tear."
"Triceps, man, they're what people check out when you flex, you know?"
"You want to make sure that it's not just about the muscle mass, it's about the functionality."
"Find the rep range in which the biceps feel a ton of tension and or burn and seem to be the limiting factor."
"This muscle fiber can produce the largest amount of power, making it ideal for lifting heavy loads or generating quick bursts of power."
"If skeletal muscle is at the focal point of metabolism, of gut health, of immune health, of our body armor, of our mobility, then it truly stands to reason that muscle is at the pinnacle of health and wellness."
"Muscle lengthens, but remember, as you're going up, you generate a lot of tension."
"Having muscle is so important in the aging process."
"Give your booty a nice big squeeze."
"Protein is key for helping us build and retain muscle."
"It's ridiculous to go on low carbohydrate diets to get cut up because you will inevitably lose some muscle. The best way to get cut up is to go on a reduced calorie diet."
Eccentric contractions - "Eccentric contractions, we are strongest in."
Isometric contractions - "Isometric contraction, this is like the lost contraction."
Isometric contractions - "We have contraction happening in the actual muscle fibers but we don't have a change in the length of the joint."
Concentric contractions - "That's that concentric contraction, that is where we actually have shortening of the muscle."
Concentric contractions - "So many good things happening during those isometric contractions."
"It was honestly at that point after getting all this muscle I just decided to maintain where I'm at."
"Nothing burns fat better than more muscle."
"It's really more like a deep, deep muscle soreness."
"The anti-aging effects of lifting and building muscle are really really important."
"M sculpt is just high-intensity focus electromagnetic radiation so it's called high fem technology and it just used electromagnetic energy to help recruit all those muscle fibers."
"This is called reciprocal inhibition now what does this have to do with PNF and stretching now while this process does happen automatically we can also kind of Leverage this process to help lengthen and stretch the muscles more."
"Optimizing muscle for longevity is kind of the concept now."
"The muscle building process just feels good."
"Strength training sends a direct signal to your body to maintain or build muscle, and that'll go a long way at keeping your metabolism running or maybe even speeding up the metabolism."
"The muscle fibers that you want to target tend to be fast twitch. They change a lot, they shape your body, they sculpt your body, they give you a faster metabolism."
"You minimize muscle loss while building stamina and endurance."
"It's healthier to be fat and have muscle than it is to be skinny and not have muscle."
"Muscle is anti-inflammatory tissue."
"...the gluteus maximus is the biggest muscle in the body and extremely strong. So, your big bum muscle, gluteus maximus."
"Creatine is great for helping to reduce muscle mass loss and enhance muscle strength."
"Your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body."
"Seventy-five percent of the speed in the golf swing comes from the articulation of the fast-twitch muscles, in particular in the wrists."
"Maintaining more muscle is actually our next method to increase the metabolism."
"The glutes are going to go in the elite tier immediately, first and foremost, because it is the most 3D muscle in the entire body."
"Muscle is really important for metabolic health, for burning fat, for improving your resting energy expenditure, and helping with aging and longevity."
"Remember, ladies, you don't get big bulky muscles with these; it's very hard for us to do so."
"If you're eating well and you're doing some movement, that's really going to help support your muscle mass."
"If you can maintain a lower body fat level and maximize the amount of lean muscle that your body can carry, you're going to look way bigger than somebody would ever guess."
"Resistance training tells your body we can't use our muscle for fuel because we need it."
"Creatine directly stimulates muscle building and it helps improve brain function."
"Muscles are metabolic currency. It's a sponge for sugar, for glucose. It increases our metabolic rate, helps determine our metabolism, our body temperature. Muscle is a phenomenal organ."
"We have the coolest muscle cars on the planet."