
Competency Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"The Americans really deserve competent leadership up top, one way or another."
"It matters now what happens; you have to know what you're doing now, not just look like you know what you're doing, not just sound like you know what you're doing."
"I think people want competency. We want competency and decency out of our leaders. We don't want just the endless nonsensical games and all that stuff."
"We just want competency and decency out of our elected officials. We don't want just the endless nonsensical games and all that stuff."
"It's far better to render beings in your care competent than to protect them."
"Diversity for us is really closely tied to competency." - Evan Spiegel
"I want them to vote for Peter Obi because he is competent to start pulling Nigeria out of the mess it is today."
"You want the person in charge to know what the hell they're doing."
"The importance of actual competent leadership."
"This is exactly what I wanted if it had been done by someone a little more competent."
"Command respect, look like the guy you want to come off as competent."
"I just like to uh close here by saying that whatever one thinks about his opinion in Shelby or other cases the question of his competency and his Fitness to serve should have been laid to rest by the enormity of the contribution that he has made."
"There is a basic competency that you need to have."
"It's like what a beautiful blessing to have being a place in your career where you feel seasoned, you're well accomplished, you're beyond competent."
"You have to have effective competent counsel."
"The most important problem with democracy is that it doesn't consider competency in decision-making."
"I think there is room for a sane competent person I think if we had a sane competent person as president and we do not have the sane competent person right now."
"There's this kind of aestheticized idea of politics about the kind of image of competency and decency." - Paul Heidemann
"What we plan on accomplishing in the next four years - it's about establishing competency."
"There is ample evidence that Angie is a fully capable parent."
"The small country sheriff's department wasn't incompetent, quite the opposite actually."
"Confidence comes from options, but those options come from competency."
"Understanding every pattern that you could potentially be asked."
"Merit matters. If you can do the job, you're good to go."
"Leon is proven to be well-rounded for all the categories."
"You shouldn't hire somebody like John Brennan or James Clapper you should hire somebody competent."
"We're looking for someone who can do the actual job."
"The court concludes defendant is able to understand the nature and consequences of the proceedings against him and to assist properly his defense."
"What people really want more than anything else is competency."
"She's just so solid in every situation that she definitely deserves the S tier."
"This is the first step now if at some point in the future. She is deemed competent to stand trial then she would go to trial."
"I find it absolutely stunning because I guarantee you that any competent manager in world football would go for a midfielder."
"Can you actually do the job that's in question? Can you actually educate people with historical facts? Can you prepare them for Life by equipping them with information about the real world that has happened?"
"You've got to develop some level of competency... watching what people do versus what they say."
"I got a lot of teasing and everything, but at the time, people were not interested in whether you were green or purple or blue or female or male or whatever. They were mainly interested, 'Could you get the job done?'"
"You need to focus on two things: one is the agency that you want to go after, and the second thing is focus on your core competency."
"The team that resuscitated him did a very, very good job."
"Loyalty is very dangerous because you can't confuse loyalty with competency."
"Put a big star right by this, write this down on your notebook: I don't care what you have to do but prioritize your financial competency."
"We did show them actually we were very damn good in our escort."
"You got to be with somebody that know what they doing."
"If you have the required knowledge, competency, and skill to do your job, it's going to show."
"Competent parties: legally competent to give consent."
"If someone's giving you a job, that's a big check mark when you start looking for other jobs, becomes pretty important to be able to do that well."
"A good recruiter will try to recruit candidates who are actually good at their job rather than have fancy headlines."
"But if you have strong crews that could, like, do this level right here, I was impressed."
"They handled that very well, didn't they?"
"Jordy Nelson does an excellent job."
"Competency gets compensated; the more skills you have, the more money you're going to inevitably make."
"I need skills that pay bills, not just by hearsay, but by action."
"It's just competency. We love it when we see someone who's good at their job."
"There's infinite ways for you to show competency, status, and high sexual selection."
"As a leader, one of the most important understandings is knowing yourself and your own zone of competency."
"You could be a jack of all trades."
"Rhodes defense attorney argued that he required a competency test suggesting that his behavior was indicative of mental health issues."
"We want to produce caring competent and compassionate physicians and we want to follow the trend that's happening within boards and across the country and that is integrating basic science and clinical science more effectively together."
"...when you have a vehicle that's competent, it makes this easy."
"The market is correcting itself, it's pivoting back towards people that can deliver and not just checkboxes."
"Anything that is not your core competency, you need to make sure that you're using the best in class outside solution for."
"There are eight vital skills needed to be a competent and effective leader: decision making and critical thinking skills, delegating skills, conflict management, coaching, motivational skills, relationship building, and change management skills."
"I don't need competent, boring people who are confidently boring."
"The company that rehabbed this property they know what they're doing."
"What's your core competency? Can you prove it? Do you have the evidence to back it up?"
"You want passion and you also want competency, and that combination is a happy rare mixture."
"A good 360-degree feedback system can provide specific suggestions about how to improve individual competencies."
"Sarah is a very skilled negotiator."
"Developing competency in areas like business strategy, sourcing, and contract management is crucial for procurement success."
"You want to be known for somebody who can go in and not necessarily be the best at configuring a router, but who can analyze an environment."
"Leadership is essentially all about integrity and skill, or character and capacity."
"I really appreciate the confidence and the competency in which her story was handled."
"If the candidate can't teach you something better than the role that they're being interviewed for, like then you shouldn't hire them."
"The question is not whether deep learning can be general, but whether it can be competent."
"As my wife will tell you, if instructions have more than two steps in it, I will mess it up."
"Yes, there are cases where captains and crews are flat out awful or subpar but there are also a fair number of engagements where both sides are actually very good."
"Always bring your full set of skills to the table."
"Regulators have to become technology competent. The main skills that are going to help them keep the market safe in the future will be based on technologies and not based on humans."
"Reputation is built on qualities like commercial success and competency."
"Every time you gain a little bit of competency, your mastery goes up."
"I mean William James this kind of definition where it's a competency to reach the same goal by different means."
"Leading with competency and importantly with compassion."
"Build trust... you need to prove competency and provide clarity."
"The final competency that you need to be good at is communication."
"Most developers are average... but average is good enough to get a job."
"If you hire on any criteria other than competency, you will get less competency."
"Competency is the additional set of skills that you want your employees to persist apart from their essential skill sets."
"We want our child to walk away from this stage with a sense of competency."
"Americans living today are the inheritance of systems that created the highest standard of living in human history rather than protecting the competency that made those systems possible."
"Competency is repeated experiences of that kid watching you do your job well over and over again."
"Identifying your brain's energy advantage can enhance your competency, improve your health, and potentially extend your life."
"Act with the requisite skill, thoroughness, and knowledge."
"The career advancement is competency-based, teachers would really live up to what they are expected to know, be able to do and value as they progress in their profession."
"Competency to stand trial requires that the defendant understand the nature of the charges against him and is able to assist in their defense."
"Some people should have to prove competency before being granted an internet connection."
"They've got themselves exactly what they needed, they have NFL competency at an incredibly important position."
"A communication competency includes the ability to communicate with knowledge, skills, and thoughtfulness."
"...a strong family name still helped to ensure that a candidate offered at least a baseline level of competency."
"Success for talent management depends on a number of things: for every role or destination, the competencies and skills to be required for each person, there to be a development plan."
"Competency is judged by evidence demonstrating knowledge, skill, and experience."
"The realm of Competency in which a man must operate... is to discover the truth because only the truth will set you free."
"Development of competency and managerial skill related to accreditation."
"Competency, Knowledge, and Voluntariness. If a signing party lacks one of these, then you should refuse to notarize the document."
"This question signposts the learner to the selection of external contractors and in particular the information they would need to have confidence in the competency of the contractors."