
Political Beliefs Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"There are a lot of people who believe passionately in some political things right now and shouldn't justify violence to try to achieve those ends."
"I was an SJW for about 20 years, and I was one of the true believers. I really believed this was the way to make a better world."
"People aren't bad just because they have conservative beliefs and people aren't bad just because they're on the left."
"You could be liberal in some stuff; you could be conservative in others."
"I've grown a little more pro-socialism over time because I still believe in capitalism."
"When I was younger and someone asked me what my political beliefs would have been, I just said Democrat. But after a stint in the army, Republican. Now, I find myself somewhere in the middle, trying to decipher reality from fiction, disgusted with everyone."
"That Winston Churchill used to say that if you're not a liberal when you're 20, then you have no heart; if you're not a conservative when you're 40, you have no brain."
"Don't let people you hate tell you what your political beliefs should be by just believing the opposite thing they believe."
"I genuinely believe though that Trump genuinely believes everything is true I just think he's wrong."
"I'm always going to lean conservative, I'm always going to lean towards the side that respects life, that honors life."
"The voice of the people might be the voice of God 51 times out of 100, but the other 49, it may be the voice of a devil or of a fool."
"They believe the lies about Trump, they believe the lies about people like Kyle Rittenhouse."
"I'm a libertarian. I believe the government that governs best governs least."
"It is tough love towards my fellow Christians who I believe made a bad choice when it comes to voting for Democrats."
"I've become more libertarian... less friendly toward government intrusion."
"I actually know a liberal feminist who watched our interview with Tara Reid and said, 'You know what? I believe Tara Reid and I'm gonna vote for Joe Biden anyway.'"
"If Democrats really believe our democracy was at stake..."
"I became a better human being when I left the left."
"I was transfixed by this book... freedom, small government, privacy rights."
"The biggest issue here is that when you look at the poll statistics people believe that the other side is basically going to destroy the country."
"I believe freedom's going to win... I'd rather lose on this team than be on Mr. Global's team."
"When you're young and if you're not liberal you have no heart but if you're as you get older if you're not a conservative you have no brain."
"Think about this for a minute. I believe most black people are conservative."
"You can't kill nationalism... there will always be more people who believe in this."
"There's this terrifying poll out in February that a really shocking percentage of Republicans believe it's okay to use violence to overturn an election if they don't get the results that they want."
"Watching fighting games is so sick because things happen all the time, every match is different."
"I oppose mandates, it's wrong and it's the road to tyranny."
"You're not radical if you believe that healthcare is a human right."
"My dad is conservative, but it was never pushed on me, you know what I mean? So I was logically conservative."
"You can't be Catholic and vote for intrinsically evil things."
"I think Q Anon is just fun, people want to have fun and it is fun to believe that Donald Trump's still the president and he's going to lead a secret army of whatever Christian people through tunnels to kill everybody out."
"What do I believe, what does Joe believe, what do the other candidates believe, and you guys are going to make up your decision. It's called democracy."
"Very powerful individuals believe the election was stolen, despite media narratives."
"Conservatives really care more about the good of the whole, I think much more than liberals ever did."
"I believe in the core of my being that God put this man in office at this time because he has the courage of his convictions."
"Putin truly believes that he's trying to drive out the cabal."
"It's not that God says no, it's like if they did repent he would say yes and receive them."
"I've always been left-wing... I've always perceived my beliefs around social issues as being adhering to the left side of the spectrum."
"Our political beliefs are very much tied in with and not that dissimilar with almost religious beliefs."
"Two-thirds of Republicans today believe the 2020 election was stolen."
"Most of America believes this: if you're watching this show right now and you're like I think the Bidens belong in jail, know that you are in the vast majority of Americans."
"He believes that government and not parents should decide what values are taught to our children."
"Republicans believe that parents should have the right to send their kids to the school of their choice."
"The majority of the pro-abortion left comprises these groups."
"I was already kind of questioning all my right-wing positions and sort of thinking, could I be wrong about this? Could I be wrong about this?"
"Liberal belief sessions are accompanied by smugness."
"I've been told for years that I'm supposed to believe that 81 million Americans voted for Joe Biden. So you're goddamn right I'm gonna take what I can get."
"There's a real situation in this country where a whole bunch of people think Trump either won or is currently the president."
"I have respect for Republicans for pushing as hard as they do on abortion because they believe it like it's a genuine belief of what's good and bad and it's well intentioned."
"One candidate believes that unborn life is sacred."
"He genuinely thinks the election was stolen from him."
"You can connect like a crazy belief that you had or an old habit that you had. That's sort of what politics should be in a way."
"You're gonna love the stories and it's part of what made me progressive."
"I believe in balance. That's why I'm like a centrist, I lean center-left typically because I believe there's a role for government in regulating industry and in education and healthcare."
"There is no place in America that believes contraception should be illegal."
"Two-thirds of Republicans believe in the big lie."
"You can't be a Christian and vote Democrat in this nation."
"The question has to be answered: Do you believe in American democracy or not? Which side are you on?"
"Nothing causes me to skew more strongly toward my more libertarian leanings that an errant mention of our criminal justice system."
"You can believe in a border without being a racist... you can believe in the country without being a racist."
"The personal is political. Even if somebody shows you consistently that they are a good person and they are to be relied upon, the fact that they vote what you perceive to be the incorrect way makes them a bad person."
"You can ask somebody, are you pro-life or pro-choice and based on their answer you could probably determine what at least the majority of the rest of their political leanings are."
"Americans who are most invested in those founding myths are the most pro-Israel."
"The Maga people believe that everyone on the other side are pedophiles... they all believe that Donald Trump is here on a Divine mission."
"People will always be about as fired up and assured of the accuracy of their political position in response to messages that originate from a politician they already agree with."
"The political divide... seems to be about people who believe in Law and Order..."
"Most Trump voters 73 say that discrimination against white people has become as big of a problem as discrimination against black people."
"Republicans care very much about babies actually."
"I know there's a lot of people on the right they don't believe in climate change... I believe that we need to be a smarter, more rational and reasonable people."
"People really, really believe that the only hope for America's future is to get us out of here and that Biden is that."
"If some nominee did not believe that the constitution was the supreme law of the land or believed that the Declaration of Independence was just Jefferson's musings, that person would probably be disqualified and those views should be exposed."
"It doesn't matter where you are in the political spectrum; I believe that you deserve and have earned sovereignty and freedom."
"The heritability of political views is in the same ballpark as the heritability of phobias."
"They believe that they can win because they think this is a different country than it is."
"These are folks who reject the First Amendment. They don't believe in the Constitution. That's why I say it's anti-constitutional."
"Donald Trump hates the New World Order, fights for Americans, America first."
"Conservatives believe it's about preventing murder, not oppressing women."
"One in five Americans believe violence is justified for political reasons."
"It's such a ridiculous thing to cancel someone because of their political beliefs."
"You have to ask yourself do you believe that or do your politics embolden a universal empathy."
"Many conservatives believe that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump by the Democrats."
"One in four Americans believe political violence is justified to save the country."
"I haven't done anything wrong. I've just spoken the truth as I see it."
"Among Americans who believe the election was stolen from Trump, 39% believe violence may be required."
"Why do people end up where they are politically I think for a lot of people on the left at the end of the day their ideology and their politics fulfills deep spiritual meaning for them that's lacking."
"I'm left-wing because of my own personal values and my own constructs and things that I support, and I'm not going to let people on the internet tell me what my beliefs are when I actually know them."
"If your entire political beliefs are swayed from one extreme to the other by one debate you didn't really have those beliefs to begin with yet just used it as some aesthetic flourish."
"I don't exclude anybody from my reality because of their political beliefs. I consider myself to be somewhere right in the middle."
"Black folks have always been more conservative on the moral issues and more liberal on the social questions."
"I do believe in love and I don't believe in the Tories."
"No one in today's China, including the party members, believes in communism."
"Tenure exists precisely to protect faculty from being targeted for their political beliefs."
"Political socialization is the informal way in which we absorb our political beliefs."
"Islamic Jihad and Hamas belief with democracy, believing with election, believing with respect the religions, including the Jewish and the Christian."