
Experience Sharing Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"I'm not going to speculate about this or that; I'm just going to tell you how I got to where I am."
"I don't want to tell you what to think. I can only share with you what my experiences are and hope that it helps you develop your own ideas."
"We promise that we're going to take you guys throughout our amazing experience when we go."
"I dealt drugs for 40 minutes. I couldn't handle the pressure."
"It's always valuable to get everybody's input, this is just what's worked well for me in my experience."
"We've had the run we've had... what's it like?"
"Thank you to Cameron Harrison AKA killabat for coming on the show and telling us your story."
"The differences over the last year are incredible."
"What I did them how I tweaked them to make them fun to run and that way you can run them and learn from my mistakes."
"I've had this very rich experience that I now want to just give back. That's what I'm just like, use my experience to try to make a difference."
"I want to teach people how to do it. I've done a lot of it and I think I've got a lot to offer people."
"From that experience, what would you tell someone thinking about possibly getting on a cycle? Get your blood work done."
"Having these people who have lived this experience sharing with young people actually does a great justice."
"I think you're absolutely right, and that's been my experience as well."
"Nobody's paying to learn from me, they're paying to get my mistakes so they don't make 'em."
"I hope you enjoyed this video eating Indian food for 24 hours if you've ever done it please leave me a comment below and what was your experience where was it."
"I'm just trying to document and share with you what I'm experiencing and seeing."
"Take advice from somebody who's been through something you are now about to go through."
"Your experiences can be shared and honored, and you can be genuinely rewarded for all of that."
"No matter what techniques you use, you always go through four stages."
"Being near the water is amazing for me and I'm sure it will be amazing for you guys to see me there."
"Trust me I've done a lot of jumping circles over the years I taught physical education 11 years little kids age five all the way up to kids in grade 12."
"There's a lot of added and hidden costs that you might not think of and we have some of the experience to cover and bring up to you before you hit a brick wall."
"We all have every right to help each other and we can share our experience with them."
"That's my entire 9-year crypto origin story."
"This is where me and John are drawing our inspiration, been using reels and just fishing, period, longer than I have in general."
"I wanted to share with you the tips on what I have learned in my nine months of experience doing this... I hope that helped you, I hope it inspired you to get out there and boondock and stealth camp and enjoy your free life."
"There's growth to happen but you can have somebody like yourself that has just begun and is seeing success and I can be inspired by you even though I have 25 years experience."
"I think the only way to actually figure this out is maybe just reach out to individuals privately and ask them what's your experiences like."
"Let others be a part of your experience today."
"It's exciting I'm actually I keep thinking how much um I've enjoyed our trip so far."
"If you haven't tried it, I would give it the highest recommendation I possibly could."
"I don't want the same thing that happened to my husband to happen to me."
"Business is business. I made all the mistakes so that you don't have to."
"I know what that's like, I've jumped off a diving board into a pool before."
"Don't learn by painful trial and error, learn from the experiences of others."
"We document all of our screw-ups so that you don't have to go through the same kind of stuff that we go through."
"I am so excited to talk you guys through the process I just went through this past weekend of buying my first car."
"I'm just a guy that bought a 4Runner back in 2020 and people have suggested I do a video describing some of the unfortunate ownership experiences I've endured with this thing."
"We need to listen to one another, share experiences of those who have benefited and those who have been harmed, and most of all, those who are in between those two poles."
"Let me know what you've experienced in group rides, how have you found it? Was it dangerous? Was it safe? Did you enjoy it? Did you hate it?"
"When you're on the road, it was max. He said he was kicking, he was like 'Get me out, yeah trust me, it's mad in there.'"
"I really appreciate it I hope this was able to add a little value to you and hopefully my experience with bow making isn't in vain and that I can help some other people."
"...this, to me, is the perfect beginner's German Alpine experience and it's been wonderful getting to share it with you in this itinerary format, a first for the channel."
"People have the right to choose, and I'm just here to share my experience."
"I'm not a tour expert I'm not sponsored by a tour I'm not dead set on the company or this machine this is just me sharing my personal experiences of using it for over a year and how it has brought money and changed my small business which has been positive overall."
"We could be a resource to help. Of course, we don't have all the answers, but we certainly can share our experience."
"What are the mistakes that you have made? Please share some of your experiences in the comments below so that newcomers can learn from you."
"Yeah, like, you know how special holidays were and this is our first holiday, yeah, so it is. I think getting Thanksgiving out of the way made it easier, yeah, especially when you're in Turks, yeah, it was great, I had a blast."
"I'm going to share what worked for us and our experience, and what was maybe challenging and what was easy."
"We're not saying bad things, we're talking about our experience, what we like, what we dislike, that's all we're doing."
"I know I'm not the only person that experiences this, but I frequently have exploding head syndrome."
"I hope that my short little talk about my experience inspires all of you to take chances."
"A video really for the novice to go through that process and help them and there's probably a little bit for the advanced shooter as well out of some of the information that I've gained over the years of doing what I do."
"I just want to thank you for taking time to share your experience and being brave enough to do it."
"Cannot wait to give you guys more updates on this one and again if you have one leave any growing tips down below let me know what conditions you have it in and just with your experiences because it is obviously new to me."
"It absolutely helps me to help someone else because I feel I can share so much of my experience that I've been through with the people to be able to Aid and help them."
"Did it take you a while to become a mother did it just happen immediately and you were like good to go or what was your experience I would love it if you would share it"
"We didn't find a steak place, but we found a good 24-hour breakfast diner. We got matching food."
"The other aspect of it, to me, that's so special is my wife, Christine. She wanted to experience this, and she has become a very capable hunter. For me, on this hunt, the most special part of it was just sharing the experience with her."
"I'm no pro, I am just sharing my experience as to what I've learned."
"Even if you just stuck out to the end of this video which I know is going to be long you can probably hear it in my voice but what your homework will be now is to go out and try this there's no feeling like it."
"If you have any experience with these drives or other similar models, or if you have some sort of cool fun project using a small SSD, leave a comment below. I'd love to hear about it."
"Let us know down in the comments do you keep birds have you ever made your own feed for them what has your experience been we'd love to hear from you."
"Collaboration with veteran teachers is always a good move."
"We're not going to say anyone's names, we're not going to say any brands names, we're going to keep it very respectful but we will be talking about things that we experienced."
"I've just noticed this for myself, and George, I'm curious if this has been your experience too."
"I would love to see what has worked well for you."
"I literally went skydiving. I jumped out of an airplane and haven't even told y'all yet."
"Solo games are played alone but experienced together because solo players love talking to each other about the experiences playing the games and it's made them a real community."
"So what happened to me happened to somebody else, and the owner told him like about a year ago that if it happens again he would definitely get fired."
"I'll share with you my year-plus-long adventure diving into the world of gouache."
"What a great day. I only wish that all of you out there could stand right here and see what I'm looking at. It's truly amazing."
"How's it feel well with the Weaver uh slipped there with an off into the grass so it was actually quite relieved that it wasn't worse than that."
"Sharing our experience here is one of the major benefits of having such a YouTube channel."
"Telling people about your religious experiences is most likely to persuade them that your position is right."
"Let me tell you what works best for me."
"We've learned a thing or two about hosting on airbnb and want to share that with you."
"I hope that was helpful, let me know in the comments what you guys think, I would love to hear what your experience has been so far."
"By sharing this, I hope my experience will be helpful to you as well if you are currently interviewing or you are interested in UX design."
"My channel is all about bringing advice, tips, and strategies to help you succeed in your medical journey by sharing my own personal experiences and things that I like to do."
"I walk you through a lot of the things that I did in my life and the things that I did right I share it with you and the things that I did wrong I share it with you so you can not only learn from my mistakes but you can be better than me."
"Do you guys have experience with quadrophonic records? If so, let me know about it in the comments below."
"Can you see it which is kind of like a famous Pinot, um yeah so we're gonna try that here we go."
"If I had to do a lot of approaches myself in order to know what the best times were and what the worst times were and that's what I'm going to share with you today."
"We just got off the lake, what did you think? Was that pretty freaking awesome?"
"I am not sure what made everything silent. I know I have heard stories of this before and thought I would share my experience."
"Let them benefit from your experience and your knowledge."
"You can't just code up a chess game or something like that and say, 'Here's my PM experience.'"
"We're up at the level of telling stories... so that other people can experience it."
"You could use my experience to train new team members whenever they join the company."
"I think it's very helpful that we can all learn from each other with actual experiences instead of paid reviews."
"I'll try to show you all the tricks and all the stuff I've learned over the years of doing this."
"Those are the kind of hot tips that you, the audience, are going to appreciate before you make the mistakes that we've made in our career."
"It's more interesting to live it through people's eyes and interesting to see the same story through different people's eyes."
"Share my experience with you guys and to give you tips so you don't actually have to repeat all of my mistakes."
"Your interview is your opportunity to tell us all about your experience and the behaviours that you demonstrate."
"Working with someone who's been there and done that is similar to having a tour guide on the river."
"Thanks for tuning in today, I will be sharing my experiences installing a Honda OEM tow hitch on a 2023 Honda Odyssey Sport."
"Talking to other pilots about their experiences is actually a good way to learn."
"Do more for your fellow men, pass on the experiences."
"I'm going to keep sharing my own gardening experiences as well as sharing gardens that have been sent in by the tropical tribe."
"This is where we like to share our experience with you to help you be prepared for the trucking industry."
"I've been around so many places, I think it's probably a good thing to just share my experiences and how I see the game."
"Travel is something that Kat is a bit of an expert on."
"I'm gonna take you guys along for the ride, and it's just gonna be like a day in my life."
"Talk to fishermen, walk the docks, talk to other anglers who are out there."
"We are not experts; we're just sharing our personal experience because we actually have learned a great deal."
"We just want to tell about experiences, that's what people want to hear."
"I am a first-year medical student at the University of Oxford, and I'm using this channel to share my experience."
"I'm just bringing you my favorite tips that I've picked up from various sources throughout the years in this craft."
"I'm not trying to put people off grow mushrooms, I just like to be realistic about it and to share some of the main lessons I've taken along the way."
"I'm 10 years ahead of you in this crazy Life Adventure, and I got some wisdom."
"If you've had an encounter or sighting, please give us a call or text us your experience."
"Thank you for joining me on this experience, I hope you enjoyed sticking around."
"Let's show other people what it's like to be on a cruise, especially right after COVID."
"If you're listening or watching right now and you're either considering trying jiu-jitsu... it is my hopes that we can help kind of share our experience and see what it's like."
"I like talking about my own experiences and what I've changed to better myself rather than preaching."
"I appreciate you coming on the show, sharing some of your experiences."
"I'm giving people an outlet... for those that been through it, want to talk about it."
"I will go through some of the problems I've encountered before and how to overcome them."
"I personally can see a point where we will be with you at the counter talking you through various things, sharing our experience."
"Mended Hearts is a peer-to-peer organization where people can learn about and share experiences."
"Hi there, everyone. My name is Andre Marius, and I've been working in Illustrator for over 10 years."
"I'm so happy to be with you today so I can share my Lingoda experience with you."
"We hope you enjoyed following along with us at Top of the Rock, definitely a must do on your trip to Branson."
"I'm not complaining about this; I'm just sharing the experience."
"I feel blessed to have the chance to share an experience with you because it was very rare."
"I'm not an influencer; my goal is not to convince you to buy something, it's basically to share my experiences so you can make a more informed decision yourself."
"If you can help somebody to not go through what you've been through, I'm more than open to do that."
"We wanted to show what the course is like at this time of day with all the riders out."
"Being connected to other people helps you learn quicker because you can benefit from other people's experience."
"I wish I could pick you up and bring you here to see it yourself."
"The Napa project can take advantage of the unique opportunity for sharing experience and expertise with the rest of its Pacific neighbors."
"It's good to get a helping hand for someone who's been there, done that, grown and scaled a business."
"Asking questions and talking about our experiences are the fundamentals of conversation."
"I take a lot of pride and joy in being able to bring that experience to them."