
Vulnerabilities Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Love doesn't eliminate our vulnerabilities; it gives us a safe space, a healthy ecology to experience them without too much panic or embarrassment."
"New websites and software succeed by exploiting human propensities. Our natural programming has plenty of weaknesses to exploit."
"Only when the tide goes out do you see who's been swimming naked."
"CPUs right now are in kind of a terrible spot with meltdown and Spectre."
"There are plenty of people ready and willing to take advantage of your insecurities."
"Depending on the manufacturer, different security cameras come with either a default password that's publicly known or no password at all."
"An open port, especially an unnecessarily open port, might be a security gap."
"But it takes just one wrong click to completely expose them and bring their little gaming empires to their knees."
"Google looking into fix Shimmer or sh1 and er exploit that can unenroll Chromebooks."
"Joker is insane... literally the only negative of this character is sometimes he gets edge guarded sometimes."
"Cyber weapons like Stuxnet rely on software flaws or vulnerabilities that hackers use to get into sensitive systems."
"The vulnerabilities mostly come from this high line that we've talked about..."
"As long as the outer protection is not complete, there are so many things that you can try to bypass that protection."
"New systems introduce an extended, you could say, attack surface, of course."
"Every fighter has a weakness. For example, when King Dedede throws a spiky gordo, you can hit it right back at him."
"Bladed, edged, piercing attacks... any attack that is not blunt that can actually hurt a rubber man, that's what Usopp goes into with this fight."
"Your system should never be exploitable by known vulnerabilities and known exploits."
"Trump's greatest vulnerabilities are being highlighted at the exact moment when voters are beginning to pay attention."
"Sequel injections, though denied by some, remain a prevalent vulnerability in banking systems, allowing attackers to manipulate transactions."
"There are holes in Dustin's game that would make him vulnerable."
"No matter how great and pretty dang flawless macOS may seem, it can also be guilty of multiple issues and vulnerabilities."
"The obvious answer is the Joker. But I think it's actually her self-esteem, and that's why the Joker's her weakness."
"These early game bosses are all weak to lightning."
"Remote code execution is one of the most critical vulnerabilities we know... like the holy grail of vulnerabilities."
"His ultimate move has plenty of weaknesses and won't work twice on strong opponents."
"Old vulnerabilities may be targeted."
"The very minute that you start adding in a hierarchy or organization, boom, that right there is where you start introducing vulnerabilities."
"A network map helps me actually see vulnerabilities on my network."
"Everyone has a weakness, a gap in the castle wall. That weakness is usually insecurity, an uncontrollable emotion or need; it can also be a small secret pleasure."
"You know Exes come up come out to haunt you man you know Ex-girlfriends are weak links."
"The vast majority [of security incidents] actually are due to the exploitation of these operational security principles that is the gaining of individuals credentials and the movement within a well-connected network."
"Risk management involves identifying threats and vulnerabilities."
"The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) has developed a top 10 list of the most common security flaws and vulnerabilities in mobile devices."
"Cross-site scripting XSS attacks take advantage of scripting and input validation weaknesses to attack your users."
"...as for her weaknesses, the power of an electromagnetic pulse can cause her to temporarily lose her powers."
"Vulnerabilities are the weaknesses of a control, a weakness in an information system or security procedures."
"With more and more vulnerabilities found all the time, it's time to lock down your NAS devices and protect your data and your network."
"The thorn literally is the Achilles heel of the inner tube."
"To date, Project Zero has found over 1,800 zero-day vulnerabilities in everything from operating systems to dating sites to Google's own apps and services."
"Buffer overflows, especially the stack-based variety which we're going to be explaining today, only get easier the more you do them. They will become extremely intuitive after a couple times exploiting them."
"Many common vulnerabilities can actually be identified by tracking the data flow from appropriate sources to corresponding sinks."
"She has Supernatural elements but she still has vulnerabilities."
"And I just realized for myself, what exactly is interesting to me. I think vulnerabilities and bugs that can actually be fixed, they are a lot more interesting."
"Always look for unauthenticated vulnerabilities."
"The powers and vulnerabilities of vampires vary widely, making them difficult opponents to detect and defend against."
"What could be the impact from vulnerabilities? Well, a lot. One that I'm going to point out is the reputation. There's no money you can put to a reputation."
"The most famous one is the OAS top 10 that's actually built off of What's called the common weakness enumeration or CWE."
"When it comes to web application testing especially we see a lot of vulnerabilities related to injection so SQL injection cross-site scripting etc etc."
"People have also explored some of the attacks that you could perform on large scale language models."
"By the end of this module in the course, it will become more clear and you will memorize how to find these vulnerabilities."
"One of the most common vulnerabilities is going to be cross-site scripting, also known as XSS."
"You could tell a lot from the way a ship like Arizona was destroyed about where the weak spots in the ship went."
"Our superpowers are also our weaknesses."
"We always talk about how amazing these systems are, but I think we also need to be very precise and honest about the vulnerabilities of these systems."
"I really like the concept of this box, especially when it launched because it had a lot of public software on it that was vulnerable to known CVEs."
"If you understand these vulnerabilities and the way they hide, you can start to recognize these dangerous situations and then react to them."
"I'm interested in evasive vulnerabilities because the world is just a more interesting place with findings like that."
"Penetration testing is where they simulate a network attack to try and spot vulnerabilities."
"These UAPs are testing for vulnerabilities in our current systems."
"Flask provides utilities to protect against common web application vulnerabilities like CSRF and XSS."
"Cross-site scripting opens a whole host of different potential vulnerabilities from a security standpoint."
"Write-ups and disclosures are the most useful resource... you can see what people are actually being paid for and what vulnerabilities are actually the most common at the moment."
"It's essentially a playground for common web application vulnerabilities that is made intentionally vulnerable so you can learn how to exploit them."
"There are security vulnerabilities everywhere."
"One audit might not even be enough; working with multiple auditors and getting more eyes on your code will give you a better chance of finding more vulnerabilities."
"Your vulnerabilities and errors do not define your essence in my realm."