
Safe Space Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"Love doesn't eliminate our vulnerabilities; it gives us a safe space, a healthy ecology to experience them without too much panic or embarrassment."
"It's playing with emotions that scare us, ideas that scare us, and doing it in a way where we can all laugh and experience it in a safe way."
"Not everyone has a safe space...I'm here for you and my heart is here for you."
"Let's do it, everybody, here we go. This is a safe place to talk about hard things."
"I'm trying to create a comfortable space for uncomfortable feelings and uncomfortable conversations."
"Create a safe space for them to be vulnerable."
"Know that you are in a safe space, no judgement is around you, no one is watching you. This is your moment to be with yourself and to truly let go physically, emotionally, and spiritually of all that no longer serves you."
"Children may feel the only place they can truly be themselves is at school."
"I just want you guys to have a place where you're finally heard."
"It's probably the only place I would ever feel comfortable to talk about this."
"I think one of the greatest things that we've created is a safe space to be vulnerable to be heard right to be intimate and to put yourself out there."
"When an existential fight seems unwinnable, you escape, you hide, and cottage core offers a comfortable, safe green space to hide in."
"Please let me go there, people are afraid of me, and this is the only place where I can be myself."
"This is my space to express, this is where I am who I am."
"It's a locker room environment a safe space for athletes to share their stories and we keep the subjects for this athletes entertainers comedians we keep everybody human and most importantly we're transparent."
"Parlay is like a safe zone, where rival pirate crews can talk and discuss things."
"Creating a safe space for the people that you love is imperative to their healing."
"It was safe for us to tell each other we love each other, cry with each other, pray with each other."
"Feeling safe and secure, building a safe space for vulnerability with them."
"Let's not fight in the comments, it's a safe place here."
"It ended up being a safe space for black women to tell their stories... and not be exploited at the same time."
"It's a safe space for black folks to address racial trauma."
"We're going to provide people a safe space where they felt like they weren't going to be attacked for their values."
"Being warm, welcoming, and inviting is a wonderful, safe, and joyful place to rest."
"It's good to have spaces for men to vent their frustrations and to talk about their male-specific issues."
"This to me is saying you need to find out how to find that safe space for yourself and how to build it and how to nurture yourself through the process so that you can start to create a better situation new."
"Guys, what a cool video. I hope you guys enjoy the channel, we've really been trying to just build something that you guys are able to have a safe space to come here and smile."
"If you want to be behind golden doors of light come on into siriusjoy.com it's a safe place to play."
"You have one of the only places that I feel that I can go and learn truth without being subjected to ridicule."
"Safe relationships are places where we can completely be ourselves and not feel judged."
"Edgar's joyful spirit and even his teaching was able to produce a safe space for learning."
"This is now officially a judgment-free zone."
"This is a kind of safe space to experiment in some way because this is not a commercial game."
"You deserve to feel comfortable in your own space."
"In this space, it's a safe spot for you to go hmm, what does that mean?"
"Our mission is to create a safe haven for exploring these things, talking about these things, and feeling like we are being respected for our opinions."
"Feel your body soften, your shoulders relax, let your jaw unclench, your eyebrows soften. This is a safe space to let go."
"There needs to be a safe space where we can all go to these pockets and laugh about the ugliness and the dumb things and the idiocracy of life."
"It's like a safe space, and that's a good thing."
"It's a judgment-free environment, it's a safe space."
"I know deep down that when you're willing to open up and when you have the right set and setting, a safe space, your entire life can change. Everything can change, even the deepest sickness can become health."
"This is a safe place for everyone to hang out and chit chat about the hobby."
"Creating a safe enough space where you can be really open."
"This is a judgment-free Zone, a safe place."
"Doctor's offices should be a safe space because you need them."
"This person could feel very refreshing, like a safe space for you."
"...having that safe space, that unbiased place where you can go and be vulnerable is really valuable..."
"Oh my god, it's almost kind of like a safe place."
"There are no rules. This is a safe space."
"This is always a very safe space where you are always very welcome."
"It's always so much fun just to like play around and have fun in your Sketchbook because after all, your Sketchbook is your safe place."
"This is kind of like my safe space and a place where I'm able to just relax and just kind of like tend to my little garden. It's a nice getaway from, I guess, stress and I think that's very important."
"I hope this video and my channel as a whole continues to serve as sort of a safe space or a comforting place to always return to when things get hard or stressful and remind you that it's okay to take breaks and take things slow."
"We want to create safe spaces where women feel empowered to share their thoughts."
"Disclosure is not always the goal; offering a safe space is."
"It really felt like a safe space."
"It's almost like how do you create a safe space to get lost in?"
"The way that I see this is you guys creating a safe space for yourself, creating a home for yourself here. You have the ability to create a home, a space of groundedness."
"You make people feel like they have a safe space on the planet."
"We've always wanted this channel to be a safe space for everyone."
"We've created a safe space for people to fuse their life with their relationship with God."
"I always want to be that person for everyone online to be a safe place and a positive place."
"My YouTube channel is my safe place. I feel safe talking to you guys about stuff in my life that happens."
"I know you guys are really appreciating like how vulnerable I've been getting lately and how much I'm opening up but I know that I have a safe space here like I mentioned in the last video and you guys are just so supportive."
"You created a space for me to share anything without feeling uncomfortable."
"The energy that I want to bring is a space that is safe and loving."
"I feel like if there's one thing that I want people to... think about... or take with them from the book it's that idea that you deserve a safe space to be loved for exactly who you are not who anybody else wants you to be."
"A safe space...to talk about our mental health"
"Honey, it's supposed to be a safe space for everyone."
"We need a safe space too. A lot of the time we deal with a lot of emotional trauma that we don't want to open up and really physically deal with."
"I knew I had a safe place to sound horrible."
"No one can judge me, this is a judge-free Zone."
"...this group provides a safe space for sharing experiences and finding comfort during difficult times. You are not alone in your journey."
"Breaking free from pornography addiction requires a safe place and a safe process for healing."
"I want Church to be a safe space for everybody."
"I think any place where these kids can go to open up and feel safe doing so would be a great and positive thing."
"This visual and where I am is representative of how important it is for queer folks, non-binary folks, to have a safe space and to feel safe enough to explore these sides of us that we all have."
"...create a safe space and some peace amidst so much chaos in this universe we're living in."
"This is a safe space for everyone... encourage disagreement."
"This is a happy place, this is a lot of people's happy places."
"I just feel so at peace out here. It really feels like a safe haven."
"If I had a hard time, I would just go into dance and like leave it outside. I feel like dance is a safe place for me."
"There's enough negativity in our world right now that we don't need to be down on each other here and being that safe place, it's important."
"It's important to share these stories and create a safe space and show these other people like yeah, talking about this isn't going to you know you're not going to be ashamed for it anymore. It's time to hold these people accountable and to do what's right."
"Therapy is really supposed to be that safe space for you to come and just be able to talk about the things that are causing you anxiety or depression or something that was traumatic in a very safe space."
"I'm not fully out yet in my personal life and having this space has meant a lot."
"No judgment here, okay? We're in a judgment-free zone."
"You've created a safe space... allowing people to be vulnerable in hopes that we all just continue to grow and align with ourselves."
"If you're afraid to say the thing that you really want to do, this is a place where you can come and say it."
"I want you to open up and I want you to feel safe being vulnerable and emotional with me."
"It's more than just listening to people's problems, it's actually a lot to give people a space where they can freely just talk about everything without feeling like they're judged."
"Create an environment around them where they feel like you are one of the best people to talk to about really deep emotional stuff."
"Grits and Waffles is a safe space for you to enjoy your grits however you want."
"This is not a judgment zone; this is a judgment-free zone."
"Create a safe enough space where you don't judge."
"The uniqueness of AFLW has been that real emphasis on inclusion and incredibly safe space for the queer community."
"To be in a room with people where there's no judgment."
"Embracing your creativity, creating the safe space for you to create and express yourself authentically."
"I don't want this to be a negative space for anybody; I want this to be a positive, happy space."
"The role of a teacher is to create a safe enough space so that the pupil can experience just a little bit more okayness with who they are."
"You're just cultivating a safe space for them to grow into becoming the person that they want to be."
"You provide such a genuine environment where people can speak their minds and be themselves."
"Intimacy is showing vulnerability, so I have to create a safe enough space to be able to take my client there."
"It feels like a safe space... like more of my people."
"Music became what he called his safe place."
"I just want to make a channel that you guys love and feel safe and included and loved."
"Create safe space for each other where your friend can rant, complain about her man but still have her best interest at heart."
"An old soul knows the value of hearing someone out, providing a safe space for others to express themselves without fear of judgment."
"This is going to be a place where we can have dedicated notes, a safe space for thoughts."
"You have to make a safe space for people who are better than you at certain things to exercise their skills."
"Honesty... she was being brutally honest and showing me that she's a safe place to go for the complete truth."
"I'm gonna turn this place into basically a safe haven for kids."
"...providing a ridicule-free platform for people with ideas on the fringes of society."
"I want this to always be a safe space when you feel like you know what, I have something to say and I want to be heard."
"Fandom communities are an interesting thing; to some, it's an outlet for creative endeavors, for others a place they go to de-stress, and for others still, it's a safe space."
"The church wants to make this a place that is not just safe but a place of healing, a place of love, a place of restoration and power."
"Thank you for helping provide that safe space to relax and recharge."
"Deal with your fears by talking to safe people who understand you."
"We try to create a safe space to think theologically, controversially, and even more so, peacefully about some of the deep issues within Christianity."
"It's not racist to create a space for ourselves; it's racism that makes us need a space for ourselves."
"A pen and something to draw on became her safe place."
"I want my channels to be a safe space where people leave it feeling uplifted."
"We create the safe space and this is kind of like... we could talk about anything and you're always going to be loved."
"Everybody is welcome here, nobody is judged. This is a judgment-free zone."
"We give boys and young men a safe space to express the emotions that are inside of them before they become self-destructive."
"I really want this to be a space for like no judgment."
"Let's set the intention for this to be a safe space and a healing space in alignment with everyone's highest good."
"Makeup is like the one thing in my life that I love so much; it's kind of my safe space."
"I'm hoping this is like a safe space here, you know, judgment-free."