
Weightlifting Quotes

There are 646 quotes

"Going from nothing just to lift weights was absolutely incredible to me."
"Lifting heavy weights not your 10 to 12 reps, you know, lift your heavy four to six reps type weights, and you will just get in really good shape and lose weight a lot faster."
"Weight lifting is hugely beneficial to metabolism; it drives the metabolism, burns calories, and is very important for overall health."
"Lifting weights does change your body, and favorably."
"Every time 220 is loaded in a snatch, this is a way that for decades was debated, will any human ever do it?"
"The gold medal in the Plus 109s, for the sixth time in his career, goes to Georgia's Lasha Talakhadze, once again undefeated."
"Mass moves Mass aka the more weight you're lifting, the bigger you're going to be."
"Powerlifting and weightlifting often get lumped together as these two barbell sports, but they're always being compared and contrasted."
"Rear delts are really important for a physique and they're a muscle that a lot of new lifters tend to neglect."
"You can't lift heavy when training like this."
"The deadlift refers to the conventional deadlift."
"It's not necessarily about how much weight you lift but how much weight you can lift relative to your own strength."
"When you feel good, the lift is [__] awesome. I love it, right? Everything just, I mean, everything clicks, man."
"Get freaking strong. You gotta lift weights. Get freaking strong. It won't let you down. Never ever ever ever."
"Julia Vins: weightlifter known as 'Muscle Barbie'."
"Jan Todd began lifting weights in the early 1970s when there were very few women who were then training with barbells."
"Tatiana Kashirina is a Russian weightlifter who has five world championships and eight European championships to her credit."
"That's the main difference I think, is the way we get to the top weight."
"Please, please, please do not be afraid to lift weights. You are not going to bulk up, you are not going to lose your curves."
"Women have about 20 times less testosterone than men on average in their bodies. And women lift heavy, lift heavy weights, use good form, and you're gonna be fine."
"Lou had decided to go for 207 kilos, a new world record in the total and a personal best for him."
"It's absolutely possible for an 18 year old to snatch 162 and clean and jerk 200."
"I think a lot of people have a higher perspective of what it is." - Realistic view of weightlifting.
"Weightlifting is all a journey and it is all a process but it is a positive one."
"This is debatably the heaviest back squatter in weightlifting history."
"Pulling sumo suddenly it became like this is how you deadlift right there."
"Pizarenko was the embodiment of weightlifting talent."
"Can we just talk about the bruises on my shoulders from squats? Like, that's crazy!"
"Can you hear Alex Cinque like that weights it's so loud."
"Weightlifting to me is such a pure expression of athleticism. You just have your body, your mind, and this one simple tool to express your will and to measure your success."
"Weightlifting is not just about being strong, it's more about your mental attitude."
"If you don't love weightlifting, you're not in weightlifting."
"But I think that what I love the most about weightlifting is that it keeps me connected to the people that I love."
"Weightlifting to me has always been love even when I wasn't succeeding or easy even when I was self-sabotaging or taking time off, it always in some way connected me to what I love most in this world."
"Weightlifting is really important...You don't just look good, you feel good."
"I started lifting weights at 11, training seriously at 13, stepped onstage at 15."
"If I'm not a little scared, then it's not heavy enough."
"The most important thing when it comes to weight lifting in order to see improvements is consistency and injury prevention."
"Progressive overload is most commonly achieved by increasing the weight of your lifts over time to challenge your body."
"Every dumbbell that's on the stage is heavier than what Louis Cyr lifted."
"Doing a bunch of doubles and singles can be perfectly fine."
"Resistance training or heavy weightlifting also will increase your growth hormone which is a fat-burning hormone."
"The secret to getting toned arms like my arms are starting to finally get toned... is you have to lift weights I cut the cardio okay and I started lifting."
"Every bulk is heavier than last time and every cut is also heavier than last time."
"When you add the weight as the load itself gets heavier your form is going to matter even more."
"Even small incremental increases in weight can lead to significant progress over time."
"The psychological benefits to doing heavy singles in the training, plus it's friggin fun, like it looks awesome, it's just fun putting loads right on the bar."
"There's no such thing as being like a lean guy who's also dragging 700 pounds around."
"My issue is the overemphasis of a barbell squat, specifically a barbell back squat being like the king of exercises, like if you ask somebody, hey what's the king of exercise, it's going to be barbell deadlift or it's going to be a barbell squat."
"There's no magic where like all you're doing that wrong like you have to really fuck up to not get good gains."
"Never Lift a Weight you Actually Can't Lift."
"Focus on contraction: not just moving weight."
"Albert Tam lifts a lot of heavy stuff, a lot. He's a monster."
"I'm not the best lifter in the world but f*** I'm not that far away."
"Proper form and focus on the negative and the stretch are key to lifting correctly."
"Daniella Melo: Broke the open world record in the 84 kilogram weight class for a back squat."
"Remember, when you're lifting with weights, you want to exhale during the exertion part."
"Tatiana Kashirina, a Russian weightlifter who has won five world championships and eight European championships."
"Kristen Rowe just hit a 123 kilo back squat."
"Meso Hasona hit a 200 kilo clean plus two hand cleans."
"Weightlifting is just hijacking your body's adaptive factor to think that whatever you're doing must be important."
"If you really want to burn fat, if you really want to burn extra calories, you have to lift weights."
"It's not about attacking, it's about learning and growing."
"It'd be smart to get a decade of lifting under your belt before you even consider juicing in my opinion."
"To build muscle, you don't need to lift really heavy."
"If you want to be as functional as possible, great deadlifting 500 pounds, squatting 450 pounds for three, but now you can't really, you know, now you have all this back pain."
"Well-developed upper pecs can take your physique to the next level."
"To pull half a ton from the floor is such an extraordinary and inexplicably powerful testament of strength."
"500 kilograms has been done, it's no longer a myth."
"Stan knows a lot of stuff the Rhino knows a lot of stuff but he gets very confused and you start using smaller plates so he's like the 25 and they were like doorstop."
"Even the most elite athletes don't jump straight to putting weight on the bar. They do a couple sets with just the bar alone to prime their body as efficiently as possible."
"Weights over 85% naturally recruit a maximal amount of muscle fibers."
"Every lift you do is a PR. All right? They're all meet PRs. Those are the ones that count."
"If you load a muscle with 90 pounds of resistance, that muscle does not know whether the 90 pounds of resistance it's getting is 90 of the 100 pounds you're lifting or 30 percent of the 300 pounds you're lifting."
"Suddenly that whole question of how can she's young probably in 190 kilos comes down to the fact that he's just incredibly strong."
"The iron doesn't lie to you, you lie to you."
"I pulled 9 27 at 2:20 that is the current largest deadlift heaviest deadlift for anyone in the 220 class."
"These are now the ones to beat under 55 pounds for value."
"That means more deadlift volume that doesn't run me into the ground that my friends is how you increase your maximal recoverable volume you don't just treat every lift like it's the same."
"When I missed that weight, I knew it was all my fault."
"If you use too much of a heavier weight... really be careful with this."
"If you want to see some heavy weight lifted."
"Andy Bolton is best known as the first man to ever lift a thousand-pound weight in a deadlift."
"I won myself in the deadlift division and I actually got the best lifter award for the entire 16 to 17 age group."
"The training itself is what I enjoy. You know so lifting weights feels good to me."
"Manage need to earn the right to add weight to the bar."
"Don't worry about your weight on the scale, worry about the weight on the platform."
"That is the most I've ever squatted in my entire life."
"Start lifting weights... build up some muscle... start there, you're going to make dramatic improvements in your health."
"Nothing else produces more power per exercise than a snatch."
"I really like Nino as a lifter, I really like his technique."
"Fitness training really gave me a lot of confidence... I started lifting weights at 13, 14."
"Once you get used to that weight man I think the payoffs are more than worth it."
"If you want to live a long time, lift heavy weight."
"It's essentially just lifting the weight off the floor and getting it above their head... right? Um, now, I think this is quite a good analogy for trading."
"So, we know there's a bottom threshold. What about the top threshold? Is there such a thing as going too heavy and doing too few reps per set?"
"A few heavy sets per week are more than enough for you to see meaningful gains."
"Half Thor Bjornsson is your next man, and he is going to go for that magic number, 1100 pounds, 500 kilos, is the mark he needs to beat. This is a 50,000 lift that he is getting ready to make."
"The question is, does he take a 210 or does he even really need it? I mean, he's already 10 kilos up on everybody else. I think it goes to 211, might as well. Yeah, just makes his life a little easier in the cleaner."
"Alejandro, Valiant attempt but just wasn't there. That 200 on the second was the one, but subtle press out. Yeah, I think I saw him give a little high five to Kane as he went out, just saying go on, go get it. He's a great teammate, go get it."
"This puts him at 390 kilos. 390 would put him at, well, he'd stay at 20th. Well, he'd move into 17th."
"This should last you as long as you really want to lift... you can get about halfway there by starting today."
"If you're looking for just the cheapest plate bumper plates are the cheapest then the next one one is the size difference."
"Okay hear me out the more muscle you have the more calories your body Burns that is just one of the reasons to weight lift you will literally burn more calories just sitting on your couch than someone who doesn't have as much muscle"
"Advanced lifters might start to implement slightly more specialized training techniques. For example, lifting through a movement path that suits their individual anatomy."
"Advanced lifters should probably be training closer to failure to ensure they are maximizing the stimulus of each set, at least around two reps in reserve in most cases."
"For advanced lifters, more specialized exercises which maximally stress a particular muscle group are usually going to be more beneficial."
"Beginners can benefit from gaining up to around 1% of body weight per week, whereas advanced lifters would probably see a much lower proportion of muscle growth with the same surplus."
"But when is the right time to go up in weight and when should you stick with the same weight or potentially even reduce load?"
"It seems that it might be a little more systemically fatiguing to perform some free weight lifts compared with similar machines."
"I love weightlifting, I love time in the gym. I love that feeling of pain, of like how can I push, how much can I hurt and still recover from it?"
"This weight set is older than my daddy. This bench like 70 years old. But it ain't got no screws in it. It's all welded. And this is a compact bar. They didn't think I could put 400 lbs, but I put 6, 700 lbs on this bar."
"Weightlifting 101: you just scale it, you can take certain techniques from the extremes and scale it to the individual and find enormous benefit."
"It'd be cool if he did lose it though and Sherri you picked up your ooh and he could barely lift it."
"If you do bicep curl by the eighth rep if it feels challenging, that's probably pretty good weight for you."
"It doesn't matter how much weight if you're lifting with restriction in your shoulders."
"If you drop it's so difficult to pick that weight you know 880 is heavy enough as it is."
"But if you're moving the weight under control, still heavy, that's bodybuilding."
"I've always found it interesting the first thing that comes out of people's mouth and they miss a lift is the name of Jesus Christ as a cuss word."
"It's a very clear way to build self-esteem. You lifted 100 pounds last month, and now you're lifting 105."
"I'm not going to give up until either someone catch it or I catch it or the weight shuts shuts up it's as simple as that."
"I get a better pump when it's heavy."
"Just make sure you choose one of them because when it's bicep size you're after, the compound lifts alone are not going to get it done."
"Don't do the sets of 15 and 20 and 30 in the squat blog press if you're a power lifter 6 if you know 6 to 10 you get all the size you need but without getting so far off of the specificity train that you're just nowhere to be found."
"If your form is getting too sloppy, you've got a load of weight."
"If you're a pretty Advanced lifter then you're going to lean forwards."
"This was an interesting decision as Russ had become an international staple in the 83 kg."
"He just made a personal best in the snatch by 15 kilos."
"She snatched 121 kilos for the world record."
"She locked out so high, yeah, she barely had to split, she just has so much power."
"That kind of inconsistency in movement catching it forward, running it out... It's just not a comfortable position to be in, especially with that kind of weight, I imagine."
"Awesome lift by Hampton there at 126. That's good stuff."
"Very smooth pull, smooth contact. He doesn't strike the bar like a lot of lifters do. It's almost like a little scooper."
"It's just you versus the barbell. You can't intimidate it, you can't trick it."
"Very solid lifting, good technique."
"Great clean which is very fast under the bar."
"As soon as you start pulling on that bar, you and that bar become one."
"The more efficient the clean, the lighter that bar is going to feel in your chest, gives you more confidence."
"Lift the damn weights if you want your butt to get bigger."
"The first one is weight coming in at the heaviest at two pounds it exhausts you."
"So if you need to rest, go ahead and rest. Three pounds and you're thinking these are getting really heavy, the next time you do this or even right now, grab a couple cans of beans and they can be your lighter ones so don't be afraid to switch weights in the middle."
"Strict and effective technique should always be one of the highest priorities for any lifter focused on muscle growth."
"Oh, this weight is so heavy! Whoopsies! Oh no, my weight! Oh, wait, where did you go? Oh, there you are!"
"Focusing on learning how to move your body as well as you can and using the right muscles and feeling them activate is gonna help you when it comes to weightlifting."
"...what was the highest lift that someone who was a CrossFit Games athlete was able to hit in the various lifts..."
"...maintaining a 450 lb back squat and a 550 lb deadlift so about 50 lbs below the the top level is probably enough to be competitive at the elite at the true Elite level."
"I've had like, I squatted the most in like 165 pounds, I squatted at 640 pounds which is like the most like any any guy did at the time when I was doing it."
"...most weights are kind of my second priority."
"At some point, to get that real deep hardcore muscle density, do you have to lift some heavy ass weight?"
"You lift heavy weights you're breaking down your muscle you're really breaking tearing up your muscle and so it can rebuild itself basically stronger."
"I was like why have I been wasting time on like treadmills and stuff like I hate it so I got really into like weight stuff."
"Despite the alarms, he was in the middle of overhead pressing what appeared to be an ungodly amount of weight."
"Matthew McKagan, the first man to deadlift the 800 lb, 363 kilo bar."
"Daniel Hughes, oh Lane one, everybody, keep your eyes! Will this be our third man to lock out 800? We want to see it, come on!"
"Choose good form over heavier weight."
"Major improvement. The more weight I can get off my back, the better I feel."
"600 lb deadlift. I think this one's simple."
"This is an exciting class pressing almost 300 pounds overhead."
"...for instance, I did Del the other day right and I'm like I'm going to lift heavy today so I took a weight that was like 70% I only did like one rep even though I could do like five."
"It takes a lot of intestinal fortitude. It takes a lot of push and mental capacity to really zero in on this goal of locking out a ton of weight."
"A lot of people try to prove a point, you know, with heavy weight but it's like, let's just do this [ __ ] right."
"There's no way you're doing just that, and I'm like, I have to make 212 lbs, and I think like at the time I was explaining my cycle, I was like 10 weeks out and I was still like 240, you know what I mean?"
"It's like sometimes I don't even feel this pump when I hit weights now."
"Lighten the [__] weight and perfect your form with the reps and the weight you can handle."
"If you get out of the US, one of the best lifters of all time is Olek from Poland."
"That one little change alone accounted for a 30 pound PR."
"...lifting heavy weights especially as women as we age we need to lift heavy for our bones..."
"Weight goes on the bar, and if the weight's going up, things are going well."
"Weightlifting gear must be used correctly to reduce injury risks."
"This is for a silver in the total and the lead in clean and jerk."
"It looks like the opening attempt will be from Julia Mr and Dina, which I believe is gonna put her out at a personal record on how open an attempt at 122 kilos."
"Julia Mrendino at 123 kilos. This is an international record for her."
"The front squat jerk is a great movement to implement to help you clean and jerk more weight."
"She solidifies herself as the strongest non-super heavyweight in the world."
"She makes no sense. She defies gravity. She defies the odds, but she is unbelievably good at weightlifting."
"The gold medal has gone to the most consistent lifter in this category."
"Treat it like a skill and you're going to get the best of all worlds. You're going to get a ton of volume with a lot of weight. You're going to improve your neurological approach to it, your timing, your rate of force development is going to go up."
"Wow what an opening attempt for carapace on we saw him work out to 160 kilos in the training Hall pretty comfortably and that 167 also looks very good."
"178 kilos, that is just incredible what a remarkable lift."
"Enormous, three kilos on his best ever."
"Lifting weights has so many benefits but especially when it comes to abs."
"I think everybody should lift weights and I think the hybrid style training is getting more popular and for good reason."
"So, if you're feeling that, good job. You're not lift more weight next time."
"I don't know what it is, but moving one dumbbell at a time just seems easier."
"That's the lift right now for Matty Rogers. This is huge."
"She's got the skill, she has the strength. She'll recover between these, we've seen her train very hard, she's done a lot of very heavy lifts in the training Hall, you know she's no stranger to this kind of situation."
"It is possible to go to the point where you can't move the bar without breaking form, but that takes a lot of discipline and understanding. That's a very Advanced lifter."
"...just simply having your torso, your mass, like over it...is how you get weight on it."
"Just because you're adding weight and pushing it further and harder doesn't mean you sacrifice technique."
"If the increase of weight results in your technique breaking down, then you're probably ego lifting."
"You want to use whatever weight allows you to train within your target rep range without causing you any problems."
"Weightlifting is a lot about confidence."
"There's nothing quite like doing a solid snatch and hitting a PR in this lift."
"Snatch it is the most daunting technical movement that you can do in the weight room but it is by far my favorite."
"If you've never done the snatch before, you will see this video. You can build up from zero to snatching."
"The snatch is both the most compelling and complex lift that we can do in any strength sport in any gym."
"You want to lift big weights and do it safely, spread the pressure out over the entire body."
"If you want to prevent all those negative things, go lift weights."
"Fortunately in weightlifting we see about, I think the numbers around three or four injuries per thousand hours of participation."
"Use weights for what they're good for, that's right, make get stronger."