
Self-reinvention Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"The process of change requires unlearning and relearning, breaking the habit of the old self and reinventing a new self."
"Life is long, and it's just you know kind of keep going, you have so many opportunities to invent and reinvent yourself."
"Ideologies of new modernity come and tell you, 'But don't you see that the fact that you don't have a permanent job is the new opportunity? You are not alienated in a fixed position; you can reinvent yourself every year again and again.'"
"Realize you can rise up from anything. Realize you can completely recreate yourself. Nothing is permanent."
"Death doesn't actually mean death, it just means that whatever path we're on, whoever we thought we were, is coming to an end."
"The really big question is... do we as human beings have the mental stability and the emotional intelligence necessary to reinvent ourselves repeatedly?"
"There's a strong feeling here of reinventing yourself in the second half of the year."
"There's not been a time more important than today in my opinion during these times for you to recreate yourself."
"It's a Time To Boldly reimagine ourselves and our world, to cast off the shackles of limitation and step into the fullness of our potential."
"You gotta recreate yourself every time, don't get this one song and feel safe."
"It's time for you to recreate your relationship to happiness and reinvent what you think is possible and likely."
"Thank god for a new beginning right. It ain't never too late to start over never. I don't even have to wait for tomorrow. I can start right now right."
"You gotta be able to reinvent yourself, too, like right?"
"Franken funny is officially out of retirement."
"Break the rules and reinvent yourself. Be the person that you never thought you were before."
"He pushed himself to reinvent himself wholly again."
"Be able to reinvent yourself. That's so important."
"The karmic wheels of fate turning in your favor... you're reinventing your thoughts or you're reinventing yourself."
"You are stepping into a new identity, beginning a major, major new chapter in your life."
"You can reinvent yourself tomorrow and be whatever you want."
"Adaptability, our ability to reinvent ourselves and rediscover ourselves."
"You can wake up and decide who you're going to be. You can do that every single day."
"Don't be afraid to reinvent yourself. If you do the thing when you're feeling unmotivated, that is motivation."
"The idea of America from the beginning was that you come here, reinvent yourself, be anybody you want, live any way you wanted, believe anything you wanted."
"I was nervous about it but then as soon as I got to college I'm like these people don't know me I could be whoever I want to be."
"Leaving behind that first identity and building a new part of your identity."
"Remember point two about self-reinvention and going through plan A to Z."
"You're stepping into a new life, ready to reinvent yourself and change your life."
"Once you decide to redefine yourself...people will begin to take you more seriously."
"You don't need a reason to change a habit or reinvent yourself or begin again. All you need is the courage to green light what your heart already knows it wants."
"I'm like a phoenix, I'm more beautiful than I ever was."
"Never be stagnant, you always need to be changing, you always need to be reinventing yourself."
"You have the capacity to create a much better quality life experience for yourself and also recreate yourself as an individual."
"How are you going to destroy tear down the old version of you and rebuild a new self?"
"We had to reinvent ourselves, always self-inventing."
"This week starts with us turning a corner. We have now rewritten our story with ourselves."
"Don't just do the same thing over and over, keep Reinventing yourself."
"There's really great stuff that could be had here, and yes, it's uncomfortable, and it might feel different, but it's worth celebrating if you allow it."
"You're Reinventing yourself here, you are completely Reinventing yourself, and then you're coming back out in the world being like here's who I am now, Incorporated 2023, September. Like, yeah, you're Reinventing yourself."
"This is a time to experiment and explore uncharted territory and to allow yourself to reinvent. Don't keep trying to repeat the same chapter."
"For some of you, there's a chance to figure out what do I want to repackage myself as, to... so I feel like all of us right now have a chance to do more and to do better than we have."
"Don't be afraid to start over, to do something different, to reinvent yourself."
"What you value and the value that you are looking for is closer than you think."
"She's reinvented herself so many times, so many times."
"The market favors people who keep recreating themselves."
"When it comes to changing your life, reinventing yourself, you want to see it as you are setting up a foundation."
"Maybe this is my chance. Maybe I could finally be different. Maybe everything can be different."
"A fresh start and you start leaving behind... a new version of me."
"You fundamentally changed your entire identity."
"If you gotta reinvent yourself, reinvent yourself."
"Recreate yourself. Be the master of your own image."
"Reinvent yourself, give life to your dreams."
"You're recreating yourself over and over again, whether you try or not."
"This album is so drastically different from anything she's ever done which is obviously so purposeful because you know she recreates her persona and also destroy it at the same time."
"You're literally making a new foundation for yourself, being creative."
"It's prime time for you to reinvent yourself, or for you to even do things in your life in a different way."
"He decided to call himself Phoenix because he saw himself as a Phoenix rising from the ashes."
"To heck with who I was before. I can invent my own tomorrow."
"I'm going into my dark villain era... I'm ready to fortify and become the dark sea god."
"You can reinvent yourself, and things that have been in the past don't really define who you are now."
"They realized that they needed to reinvent themselves, asking frontal lobe questions."
"Change is good for you because this can be a time of strong reinvention of self, transforming self, letting go of old fears and worries, and psychological connections that have perhaps dragged you down a little bit."
"You're inspired to be a new version of yourself and have a new creative phase which is very exciting for you."
"Reinventing yourself, it's fun, it gives the person you're with something new and interesting to look at."
"It's not too late, man. People still don't know who you are. It's not too late."
"Courage to reinvent is something we all have to work towards."
"You can reinvent a new version of yourself in the next moment."
"You should never be scared to reinvent yourself."
"Transform yourself into whoever you want to be with this you know it's kind of like shedding your skin as a snake."
"That's what I love about dusty... reinvented themselves."
"They gave you the tools to create, you remolded yourself, you stood your ground."
"Resurrection energy, reinventing yourself."
"To make an elemental change in your mind and emotions, you will have to break the habit of being yourself and reinvent a new self."
"You are rewriting the narrative of who you are, what you deserve, what you can have in the world."
"I had to reinvent myself, I had to figure out little by little how to get my life going."
"Reinvent yourself as many times as you want. Life is supposed to be an incredible adventure, one that you embrace fully."
"One of the things we have to do to create a new identity is to begin to tell a new story."
"You are creating a new world for yourself."
"You can reinvent yourself. I know multiple times."
"I'll take out this piece, this piece, this piece, and this piece, and I'll glue it on to who I am and I'm gonna be Richard."
"The way that you reinvent yourself is with your thoughts."
"You have nothing but you also got an opportunity to create and paint a whole new picture for yourself Fresh Start."
"The really necessary skill for a young person in the 21st century is to be able to constantly change and invent yourself."
"In this city, no matter where you came from, no matter what your story was, you can truly, truly reinvent yourself."
"To rebrand is not to imply any kind of self-portrayal to disregard the old self isn't right but it needs to be done as a reimagining of who we are."
"Going into uncharted territory and reinventing yourself."
"I could do this. I built a whole new life, and it's a pretty good life. I'll be okay."
"Like, baby, if I don't do nothing, I'ma start over. So it's okay to start over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again."
"Jewelry allows us to reimagine ourselves. It's plumage."
"If we had to drop our profession now and start one tomorrow what would it be?"
"Being able to recreate myself, pick myself up from the ashes, and say, 'This is who I am.'"
"Recreating yourself into the woman that I can see myself being."
"Recreating yourself could quite literally be the key to achieving everything you've ever wanted."
"He'd been working for a solid year on reinventing himself."
"You could reinvent yourself whenever you want."
"Never doubt that we can redefine ourselves."
"I want to do something different from anything that's been patterned up to me at this point."
"She also reinvents herself a lot, so it feels like you've seen so many iterations of her."
"Every time you put something out, you're inventing yourself."
"His versatility was evident, this adaptability coupled with his ability to reinvent himself stands as a testament to his multifaceted talent."
"You're trying to become you 2.0, and they're not a part of that experience."
"Reinvention and not holding on to any one thing as your identity is crucial."
"You have a fresh start; you can let go of the past and just move forward and reinvent yourself a bit, and that can change everything."
"You need to tell your story... you need to tell people how you have changed and reinvented yourself."
"I'm so free of anyone's thoughts about me that I can reinvent myself in any way that I want."
"And I've no longer got a history. Just a future."
"Being able to reimagine yourself beyond what other people see is the most difficult task of all, yet the most rewarding thing if you can."
"It's never too late, or in my case too early, to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit, stop whenever you want."
"Every single moment that goes by, you have the opportunity to be a brand new version of yourself that is drastically different from your past."
"I've taken chances and have not been afraid to recreate myself."
"Carpe Diem, seize the day, do something unexpected, reinvent ourselves."
"Sometimes you just have to reinvent yourself, you can't be scared of the reinvention."
"Don't forget to start over if you need."
"You got to know when it's time to reinvent yourself."
"She has remade herself so many times before, but never quite like this."
"Every moment is a new beginning, a chance to redefine ourselves."
"After literally two decades of my hair staying pretty much the same length, I decided to change things."
"You have to sometimes go other places, get new experiences, reinvent yourself, and potentially come back and put yourself in a better position."
"Longevity is to recreate yourself so you can capture the energy from your past."
"You can begin to reinvent yourself in the next moment, not sometime in the future."
"They're capable of finding a fresh look for themselves that would be exciting."
"It's an opportunity to reinvent yourself."
"You have no attachment to who you used to be if you make a decision right now and you say, 'Actually, I'm gonna be this person,' then you can be."
"You are allowed to reinvent yourself."
"It's never too late to go 'this isn't what I wanted, this isn't who I am, I'm gonna recreate this life of mine' and just go down this path."
"In order to reinvent yourself, you have to first be aware that there's something stirring within you."
"Trying to break that mold, rebrand myself, is challenging, but I think it's worth the challenge."
"Get a new dream, reinvent yourself. You have to do that at every age."
"You're going through a work rebirth, you're reinventing yourself."
"I am changing the game. I am changing how I identify. I am changing how I express myself."
"You can reinvent yourself at any age."
"You're being given the opportunity to reinvent yourself, to reinvent your life."
"It's time for you to make a change, rebirth, inventing yourself."
"Sometimes there's a blessing in breakups and divorces because they give you the chance to recreate yourself."
"Reinventing yourself... you're having and get to enjoy a new lease of life."
"Figure out who you want to be, reinvent yourself and [__] do it."
"It's about you recreating yourself."
"For what it's worth, it's never too late or in my case too early to be whoever you want to be."
"We're in a time of reinvention where a lot of people could be reinventing themselves."
"It's like there's a whole new beginning taking place in your energy, a whole new you, a whole new way of thinking."
"Reinvent yourself; a transformation is taking place. Enjoy a new lease on life."
"It's a whole new you, babes. It's a whole new beginning, this is a whole new path for you."
"We're giving ourselves the chance to rewrite our whole story."