
Flirting Quotes

There are 251 quotes

"Your food was outstanding, but there was more flirting going on than service."
"Eye contact builds connection and is such a great tool for flirting."
"The reason teasing and being playfully absurd help build chemistry is because there's another goal when flirting, which is to create emotions."
"Flirting isn't serious, but it's a very important thing to do because it creates a spark between yourself and a woman."
"Flirting with someone feels like that romantic thing, it feels like the game, the interlude, you know, it feels like what... It's like foreplay."
"Women do the hitting thing. That's a big part of women's flirt to me."
"Flirting is taking a free sample. Now you have something on your palate that you didn't used to have, and now you've opened up your appetite for more."
"So if it's like uh so be like hey you know I think you're cute like you sign the name like hey girl I think you cute and she just hurts it or she's like oh thank you and she doesn't say like oh you know you're cute too."
"He's just gonna flirt, have some fun. Would you go out with him? No, I think if I were him, I wish I hadn't posted that video."
"Playing hard to get is a natural part of flirting."
"It's always fun to try to flirt in another language."
"Flirting with someone doesn't equate to consent."
"Flirting is one of the most important attraction skills."
"Everybody's awkward when they flirt. Like, it's okay."
"I think women know how to flirt bro women are very aggressive in 2020."
"It's different forms of flirting but you know once you once you hang out with enough women and you talk you're like oh okay that's because women tell you I'm not just smiling at a dude unless I'm feeling them."
"The idea of knowing how to flirt is better than not knowing how to flirt."
"Aquarius, I'm going to call them the intellectual flirts."
"I feel like the way they flirt is very direct and also the way Aries might flirt is that they might kind of brag towards you too."
"She half grins and kind of looks maybe bashful a little bit, then that might be a sign that she's flirting with you or she wants you to flirt with her."
"If she's doing the triangle and then licking her lips or parting her lips, than when they were parting before that's a really, really good sign she's flirting with you and definitely thinking about kissing you and probably wants you to kiss her."
"Don't be afraid to flirt. You're too dramatic. You're a drama king and or queen."
"Let's just jump into the TED talk, the science of flirting, being a hot ape."
"If you can make a girl laugh and giggle, You Can Make That Ass Clap and jiggle."
"Flirting going on, passionate communication."
"Don't be afraid to flirt, especially for singles."
"The alpha thinks she's flirting with me because she wants to [ __ ] you."
"Flirting is a bunch of invitations and dares, recognizing them and then learning to create your own takes confidence and skill." - Roland Garine
"Recognize invitations and respond to them. That's what flirting is about." - Roland Garine
"What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?"
"Teasing is the ultimate form of flirting and guarantees a woman feels you the way you want her to feel you."
"If a girl is attracted to you, she will hold your eye contact and smile."
"Invite them to hang out in flirtatious situations."
"Flirting femininely involves expressing your natural charm and attraction."
"Could you imagine your fiance flirting with another beautiful woman right in front of your face? Hmm."
"Jay came to play he spit his game and he was smooth as hell."
"Zen is boyfriend plus, he's an excellent flirt, good at charming MC, making her feel like she's charming him back."
"Hey there hot stuff, like who's not gonna smile?"
"They live for those flirtatious moments with you right now. It gives them so much hope for the future."
"Flirting builds connection because it's playful and fun, but it also creates sexual tension."
"Clearly decide what you want because you're gonna be required to do a little bit of flirting and exchanging light-hearted energy."
"Just be yourself, flirting is just like talking with a little bit extra eye contact."
"Just be like, 'Hey cutie.' That's it. Yeah, no, they'll fall in love."
"The characters are just like here, flirting from page one."
"...as he takes his seat, he is shocked to see all the girls he had flirted with that morning on his way to school seated around him."
"I think it's important for a girl to let a guy know that she's interested, not just by looking."
"I love flirting with you; I believe love should be light-hearted and fun."
"If you're a library book, I'd check you out."
"I feel like this person has interest in talking to you again, flirty messaging."
"I don't know the definition of flirting seems like it's gone so extreme."
"The best definition of flirting I read was this one: an interaction with another person wherein you make the other person feel good about themselves?"
"It's like saying hi to her and then like the next time you see her she sees that familiar face and then she'll come up to you and say hi again and then you just kiss her."
"The tongue move, yeah, it's the fairy. We gotta, like, let her know the vibes, like, by the time you lean in, right? Like, I'm not going for, like, a peck or whatever, like, I'm down, you know?"
"Flirting is nuanced flirting is like putting a little bit of bait on the tackle and throwing it out there on the line to see who grabs at it."
"Flirting is interest plus challenge."
"Learning how to connect with men using your eyes is one of the best ways to not just build confidence and feel great and feel sexy, but also to meet more men and connect with the men that you're meeting."
"When a girl playfully teases a guy, it might mean she's interested in him."
"Shorty, I see you got this 2002 ass outfit on. Why don't you taste the flavor of love?"
"Wassup with you? Nothing. Wassup? Wanna play a game? Yeah, sure. I love games. I can give you all this if you can make the water touch the stage. Really? Yeah, I got you. I'll take that."
"Maybe there was this feeling of this person flirting with you and maybe you rejected them a little bit."
"I'm normally just here minding my books, but I read a lot of fiction about flirting, so that's how I gotta hand out some tips."
"I usually go with the direct approach. It doesn't work that well, let me tell you. You got to bat the lashes like that, and it works, they fall madly in love with you."
"Are you a waitress, 'cause I wanna give you this tip after I'm done eating out."
"Girl, if you were a blunt, I'd never pass."
"Being extra feminine doesn't mean being flirty."
"What is the goal of flirting? The goal of flirting is to lead to intimacy. You ain't flirtin' for play. Flirting is the pre-season to get to the game. You are trying to get the drawers. So a successful open flirting is going to lead to sex. Let's just be real."
"How they flirt with you is in a way that doesn't spook you, doesn't scare you, doesn't cause those alarm bells."
"Flirtation is about ambiguity. The whole point, the thing that's exciting about flirtation is no one knows what you mean."
"This person wants to flirt with you, they want to flirt with life."
"He was hitting on you. He was hitting on you!"
"Flirting doesn't need to have the goal of getting with a person."
"Flirting: extend your lighthearted energy to others."
"Flirting is not creepy. Flirting is a mutually enjoyable thing for both parties."
"Just have fun, be in the moment, don't worry about how you're flirting, just be there with this person because they're into you."
"Your text flirting game is so immaculate, you would be fine with the world reading it."
"Don't think anything you did was wrong? You don't think kissing another guy on the cheek is wrong? You were flirting with him!"
"I'm married I'm not supposed to be flirting."
"I enjoyed flirting with her, if for no other reason than to hear her infectious laughter."
"Flirting, a game for those who seek to find a way to leave their world behind."
"Just say, 'Hey, what's your name?' And if she asks you what your name is then it means a good chance she likes you."
"Cap Cut is a very effective method of flirting."
"Some of you may even be opening yourself up to someone new if you're single, and just kind of flirting, putting yourself out there."
"Make it interesting. That's a pickup."
"I feel like you kind of just gotta test the waters in some way, like say something that they could flirt back to and then see if they do."
"You need to constantly be teasing when you tease a woman, okay? What that does is it heightens her emotions, it makes her laugh, it makes her want to qualify to you, right?"
"I've got this damn ominous cavity trying to hook me up with you."
"They may be a flirt, but it's not in a disrespectful way."
"Also don't think that your beautiful eyes got past me blink for me a little bit oh did you just wink at me I just winked at you."
"Are you a family man, Aaron? She's flirting with you."
"Go find the ugliest man in the room and flirt with him, you're gonna be like 'You sure you want me to flirt with him in front of you? I love your nose hairs!'"
"When a man crosses the room for you and you are an attractive woman he already he understands that he is going to have to work it is up to you to give him the job."
"Wow, you're really pretty. If you were older I would ask you out."
"I must have missed the memo that a beauty like you started."
"Kate Beckinsale flirts and maneuvers her way through the movie like a pro."
"I think something's wrong with your phone. It's missing my number."
"The fundamentals of in real life flirting are eye contact. I think that's number one to me. Number one, for sure."
"Get out there and flirt your little baby hearts out."
"He was flat out flirting and it was glorious."
"On my birthday, he was flirting with my friends, even with my best friend."
"I like you embarrassed," he said. "It's cute."
"Blatant flirting is like constant compliments and then there's like touching, giving any excuse to touch."
"But he's just trying to get in there. 'I like your boots, I like your smile.'"
"How do you get a man to buy us a drink? Look good and sit at the bar, and when they approach and they start talking to you, start doing this on your glass that's empty. Oh, and then I'll be like, 'You want to drink?'"
"Fem women get out there and hit on the straight girl out there, hit on those straight girlies. They may become your best friend or your lover. You really don't know until you try. I love it."
"I'm into robbing. Can I steal your heart?"
"I'm totally kidding, she literally, we danced for like, like this again, and she was laughing and I was kind of digging it."
"I was bad at flirting, the only thing I managed to do was try to wink."
"Flirting is enjoyable because that's something else you got to understand if you're an involuntary celibate a lot of guys who are involuntary celibates they think that this is a fucking chore it's not it's fun."
"Flirting with women makes them feel good."
"Hey, excuse me, miss lady, don't mean to be shady, but, uh, would you like to get some lemonade? My name is Los, and I came from Mississippi."
"I don't know how to flirt, I'm just me. All I have is kindness, humor, and sincerity."
"They want to flirt with you, they want to date you, they want to hook up."
"...it's like you're not doing everything you're like creating that like oh we want each other more and more like oh you're so sexy you're so hot even throughout the day you know flirting..."
"Tease: connecting, flirting with someone new coming into your life."
"I think the playfulness also comes a little bit of competition, like that's how I flirt in college."
"Flirting should be fun and playful so don't take it too seriously."
"You're more touchy when I'm flirting, like I'm not afraid to enter your space."
"Flirting should be fun and playful so don't take it tooo seriously."
"Flirting is a playful interaction mostly used to get a romantic result."
"I feel like sometimes they might try to challenge you as a way of flirting."
"Be playful, be funny with her, but don't go out of your way to talk to or see her."
"Be the prize and tease them to win."
"Ladies if you look like this you are obligated to come into my DMs."
"I was like can I get a large coffee and she was like you're so hot."
"So, my sister here, I let her know the situation and she told me that I need to go out, go flirt with everybody, all the boys and then let him know how it feels."
"I think my strategy in this game has been infused with my personality, and being flirtatious is a big part of my personality."
"I think you might be lacking some vitamin me."
"More than any of these lines and formats, which you definitely should learn, it's the attitude, the desire, the decision to flirt and have a fun interaction that has to be the foundation to all of this. The lines only work once that found Foundation is in place."
"Do you believe in love at first sight or do I need to walk up here again?"
"When you always hit on me, do you actually like me or is it like a funny thing that you... I mean, it's funny because I like to see you uncomfortable."
"The first step in flirting is deciding to flirt, deciding that you are not going to be a prisoner to a boring conversation, deciding that you are not going to have the logical conversation in nowhere anymore."
"The easiest way to learn how to do teasing and flirting lines is to actually steal somebody else's lines at first, is to use lines you know are good."
"What makes you attractive? You're a natural flirt and you pay attention to red flags. You're not afraid to move on from situations that aren't working for you."
"The first hot guy that I bumped into I was gonna chat up and seduce right so this happened a few days later I was in a lift in central London hot guy got in the lift with me I saw him I thought hello victim numero uno let's get this party started I hope you like flapjacks."
"Teasing is an accepted part of the conversation, it's a shorter jump to man-to-woman teasing."
"Wow, I'm no pusher. I never have pushed. Don't take it too personally about the contradictions. She's flirting with you."
"...and if handled correctly, and if you're open with your partner about it, I think an open flirting policy can work."
"When you're flirting with someone and then they send a photo or you send a photo and then you get like this sort of sexy vibe back and forth."
"Put your number in my phone before I lose it in this Taco Bell."
"They may flirt with you, possibly flexing their financial stability, aiming to prove their value to you."
"I have no idea where that came from to be honest. I thought he might have been hitting on you. You know, he'd had a few drinks and got brave."
"Anything more than two x's is flirting, going overboard, or playing a game with someone."
"Man, David, watching you flirt with Jonah was just about the saddest thing I've ever seen."
"If you like a girl don't follow her home follow me on Twitter."
"I do like a bit of flirting but my flirting is being mean to people."
"Flirting with her, pushing her buttons, that actually gives her dopamine and her ego because she wants to know everything."
"Flirty people need to realize that you need to be respectful of other people."
"Flirting as a grown woman should be as simple as existing surely."
"It's about you figuring it out, reading the signs, learning to trust your instincts. Flirting even though it makes you uncomfortable."
"Unpredictability. The next flirting lesson involves something the best magicians know how to work with, a very subtle yet sure hand."
"Are you flirting with me using your power? Not hers, yours."
"I want to see Toph try to flirt with a boy at a beach while simultaneously terrifying him and threatening him in the same breath like I want to see that."
"I just like a straightforward like hey I think you're attractive like what's popping."
"Show your socially acceptable side first and drop hints of your sexuality from time to time. This will absolutely intrigue the guy and make him want to know you more."
"Allow him to go for a kiss and then reject him with a flirty smile. Suddenly grab a hold of his head and go for an intense [__] kiss, then push him away and tell him that's all you get for now."
"If you're not gay, my friend thinks you're cute. Here's her number. And if you are gay, here's mine."
"I think like, humor-wise, like, it's funny and fun to roast each other, yeah, and it's also like, flirting, it's like a natural thing you should do, you know? I mean, I think roasting can be flirty, see that's a thing too."
"I just saw two people flirting with one another under one of my posts."
"Nice legs, nice, nice, nice legs."
"Flirting is playfulness, slightly teasing, not in a mean way, but in a playful way."
"You're cute, you're funny, you're exactly the kind of girl I like."
"You've been hitting on me all night. I know."
"I think I need to go on a course to learn how to flirt with people I'm not very good at eye contact."
"You know how to flirt, how to ooze sexuality. You're not afraid to express your sexual side."
"I think that this answer is a great flirting because it makes you think that he's observing his partner with detail."
"What if she says she likes men with long hair? Then you should say things like, 'I should start growing my hair...'"
"Test the waters to see if they will reciprocate. If you're interested, test it and see if they're swimming. If not, who actually cares?"
"You must be a parking ticket because you've got 'fine' written all over you."
"I'm married but looking at you I could divorce real quick."
"Actions speak louder than awkward flirtings."
"Obvious flirting will reveal your intentions too clearly. Better to be ambiguous and even contradictory, frustrating at the same time that you stimulate."
"Flirting is more than a line, it's an attitude."
"You're looking really cute today."
"She's not in a serious relationship because if she was, she would not be flirting on social media."
"Flirting with anyone else, 100%, is bad behavior and cheating."
"If you are in a committed relationship, it's never okay to flirt with anyone."
"I just think you're like, 'I don't know, I thought you wanted that, whatever. Just kidding, let's keep dancing. Who cares?'"
"I was ready to Netflix and chill, but real talk, it's hard to take my eyes off of you."
"Listen, love, I feel like you've been flirting. Am I getting the wrong end of the stick? And if she's like, 'No, I'm into it,' then go for it. Fuck it."
"Jake can't take spice, that's why I can't take you 'cause you're hot. That was smooth."
"Flirting is just another form of a conversation."
"You talked about flirting, this is how to flirt, this is what you can do to turn on the woman."
"I said, 'Just non-stop flirting like love bombing me! Oh my gosh!'"
"You should always be spitting game."
"You kind of cute too," came the thoughts of a green-haired kunoichi.
"This girl behind me is super cute, I'm seriously going to ask to get her number."
"I think it's healthy... I think that actually applies also with flirting."
"Flirting with him was fun and came naturally to her."
"We're talking about something super exciting today: how to flirt like a feminine woman."
"It's important for you to know how to flirt like a feminine woman because it helps you to feel like you have some control over men that you might be interested in."
"It's just how women flirt; it's a dance, it's a play."
"Do you enjoy flirting with the men you work with?"
"It's fun flirting, it's fun texting; we had that just like good banter."
"Flirting with your ex is a great thing, just keep it light, playful, and fun."
"Dude, you basically asked her on a date to take you around Olympus," Hermes said, chuckling.
"We both kind of knew because there was like flirting back and forth."
"Did you fall from Heaven? Oh, it worked, it worked!"
"You become good at flirting, which is very useful."
"Best move when you're flirting? Be nice to them."
"If they're laughing at you and touching you, they're definitely trying to flirt with you."