
Goodnight Quotes

There are 265 quotes

"I love you, Sebastian. Have a good one. Good night, Destiny."
"I'll see you guys tomorrow okay I'll see you guys tomorrow right alright bye guys have a good night whoa epic music time."
"Good night, sleep tight, and pleasant dreams."
"I'm so tired man, so tired, good night guys."
"Good night, see you tomorrow morning."
"I hope you have a good night. I love you."
"Have a good night and sweet dreams."
"Until then, I hope that you will sleep tight and have sweet dreams, plenty of relaxation. Good night, sleep tight, good night, good night, good night, good night."
"Looks like you're all set there. Enjoy, relax, relax, relax, and goodnight."
"We'll soon be battened down to rest, good night."
"See you tomorrow, good night and goodbye."
"Good night children, good night, and good luck to you all."
"I wish you all nothing but happiness and love, and I hope something today made you feel happy and inspired and grateful to be alive. Good night."
"And with that, I wish you all a very, very pleasant night and sweet dreams."
"...good night everybody good night everybody."
"Good night, sweet dreams. Moral of the story: Batman."
"Have a great night. Saying goodnight. Bye bye."
"Goodnight, Peppa. Goodnight, George. Goodnight, shadows."
"Now I'm going to let you get some rest and relax. Good night."
"Good night, Mr Ewok. Sweet dreams."
"They say bad things happen when the sun goes down, but I wouldn't worry about it. Good night."
"For now, I wish you sweet journeys in the realm of dreams, a warmth in your heart and mind to comfort you as you sleep. Thanks for joining me and good night."
"Good night, good night, Mr. Bunny, sweet dreams."
"Good night folks, good night. Take care of yourself."
"Okay, have a good night and hey, don't forget to smile, positivity is key, you'd be surprised what positivity could accomplish."
"I love you all so much. Goodnight."
"Take care of yourselves and each other, good night folks."
"I wish you all a very, very pleasant night and sweet dreams."
"I hope all of you have a great night and sleep well, sweet dreams."
"Love you, get some sleep anyway Bella, you've had a long day. Night night, guys."
"I'm just gonna tell y'all, I'm just gonna say good night. They're saying night dad, they're saying cozy."
"Thank you another good night and peace, peace to you and happiness."
"No harm will come to you, goodnight."
"Good night, Jim Bob. Good night, Ben. Good night, Aaron. Good night, everybody."
"Good night, I love you. Good night, good night."
"So with all that said, I just want to sign off and say good night. I'm going to do my little night routine, get into bed, and just relax for the rest of the day. Peace and love, I'll see y'all next week. Bye."
"I'll see you before then, hopefully. But if I don't see you there, good night."
"Ready, family? I'm just letting you guys know that I love you, and have a good night, okay?"
"Goodnight, sweet dreams. I love you all."
"Goodnight, and it's a full moon tonight."
"Goodnight, Merry Christmas Eve everybody."
"I love you, I love you too, good night."
"I love you buddy, good night kisses."
"Goodnight ladies. Goodnight loser."
"Good night, I love you all, and I'll see you tomorrow."
"Thank you all for listening, sweet dreams."
"Good night. Sleep tight. I hope you have sweet dreams."
"I wish you a good night and may tomorrow bring you what you most desire."
"And that's it for tonight, sweet dreams everyone."
"Thank you all so much for watching, hope you all sleep well and good night, everybody."
"Goodnight, everyone. Goodnight, Indigo Injustices."
"Stories come to an end and it's time to bid you all a good night."
"I hope you all have a wonderful happy holidays and sweet dreams."
"Good night, sweet dreams, and have a little laugh."
"Good night, sweet dreams, and have a little cry."
"Stay safe, stay sane, and good night."
"It's good night for me and it's good night from him, good night."
"Good night everybody, let's go and play some footy tomorrow."
"Goodnight, I'm gonna stay up and edit."
"Whatever happens, don't have nightmares. Do please sleep well. Good night, good night."
"Good night, sweetheart. I love you."
"Goodnight from Orlando! Tomorrow's adventures await!"
"Good night, my dear. Sweet dreams."
"You smiled with a kiss on her head, caressing her hair softly through your fingers, 'Sweet dreams, moniker,' you whispered while you quietly made your way to the door."
"Rest well my friend, and good night."
"Good everyone, take care and benedetto, good night."
"Good night, I love you guys, I love you to pieces."
"Okay, love you Nicole, good night."
"That was funny, but I'm going to sleep now. Bye."
"I might take you up on that. Have a good night."
"Good night, sweet princes and princesses. Dream your sweetest dreams."
"Good night, love you guys, sleep good."
"That's all for tonight, guys, and stick around. Good night."
"That's good babe, I just want to say good night and I love you."
"Hey, hopefully we'll have a good night, maybe the stars will be out tonight, and we'll catch you in the AM."
"Good night, adventurers, we'll see you on the road."
"Good night everyone, and have a good night."
"Have a great rest of your evening, and I'll see you all later in the live stream. Good night, everybody."
"Kiss me sweet and then tell me again, good night and pleasant dreams."
"Good night, good luck, and good health to each and every one of you."
"Good night, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night."
"Love you too buddy, have a good night."
"Sleep tight, everyone. ONCE, I love you. Good night!"
"Good night, snuggly down, sleep tight, good night."
"Sweet dreams, I had such a great time today."
"Good night everyone, I hope you have a great rest of your weekend."
"Good night, and may all your dreams come true."
"I'm going to bed, I love y'all, stay positive, stay country, stay true to your roots."
"Until we meet again, Aloha and good night."
"Gonna have some sweet dreams, but I'll see you tomorrow."
"Take really good care of yourselves, night night."
"Until next time, you guys have a good night, clear skies."
"Wishing you, wherever you are, a safe and peaceful night. Good night."
"Wishing you wherever you are, whatever you're doing tonight, a very good night."
"On behalf of all of us, I am Neil Nunes. Thanks for your company, here's wishing you a very good night."
"Good night, sweet dreams, it's time for me to get some rest."
"I'm going to bed, I'm tired. I'll see you tomorrow."
"It's time to say goodnight, and we will see you tomorrow for another vlog."
"It feels so nice to say good night to you."
"Good night, guys, I'll see you in the morning, sweet dreams."
"Take care, have a wonderful week, good night everybody, bye-bye."
"Good night, thank you guys, we're gonna head on in, take care."
"For now, from me and Jez from virtual Glasgow, it's good night and ride on."
"Good night and see you again soon."
"Good night, and sweet dreams, my princess, my Marinette."
"Well, everyone have a great night, and we'll see you all tomorrow. Goodbye."
"I love you very much, good night."
"Have a great night everybody, good night."
"Good night and sleep well, because you deserve your very best sleep now."
"I hope you all sleep well, good night everybody."
"Can you say goodnight? Everyone say, 'See you next time.'"
"Don't forget to smile, I love you, and hope you have a good night."
"Good night, guys. I'll see you tomorrow, and I hope you sleep really, really well. Bye."
"Good night, sweet dreams, I'll be dreaming of you."
"Good night everyone, I love each and every one of you guys."
"I love you. See you in the morning. Goodbye."
"Good night, Marjorie Morningstar."
"All the best, take care, God bless, and good night."
"Despite the images we've shown tonight, please do keep things in perspective and don't have nightmares. Do sleep well. Good night."
"Sweet dreams, don't let the bed bugs bite."
"Peace out and good night wherever you're watching from."
"Sweet dreams and good night, and sleep well."
"Until the next one, guys, you guys have a great night. We'll see you later, next time. Bye-bye."
"Good night, good journey everyone."
"Good night people, love you all, I'll see you tomorrow, really appreciate you, peace."
"Have a great rest of your Saturday everybody, and I will see you all later, good night everybody."
"So goodnight, moon. Sleep tight, all you stars. Sweet dreams to Venus, Buenas noches to Mars."
"So Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas Eve, and of course, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Good night."
"Good night and dream beautiful dreams."
"Wishing you a peaceful night's rest."
"Good night and sleep tight, love you."
"Good night, girls," he whispered as he closed his eyes, "I love you."
"...after that incident, I made it a habit to say goodnight to Martha as I locked up."
"Everything is so beautiful. Good night, you guys, see you in the morning. Love your faces."
"A good night, guys, to all the members of the title ASMR community."
"Sweet dreams, babe. I love you," he says.
"Sweet dreams to leave your worries behind you."
"I love you guys very much, sleep tight."
"You have a terrific rest of your night and I will see you in the next video."
"Good night little man, even though you were a little grumpy today, thank you for being happy most of the time."
"Good night, my gorgeous girl. Ah, I love you so much."
"Have a great night, we'll talk to you soon, and peace, good night."
"Good night Chernobyl moon, good night radiation house, good night melted phone."
"Have an amazing Sunday, guys. We will see you there. Goodnight!"
"Goodbye everybody, goodnight, goodbye guys, have a good afternoon, evening, and pleasant dreams."
"Good night, guys. I hope you have a fantastic night."
"I love you, baby girl, sleep tight, have a wonderful sleep."
"Thanks for hanging out with our family, subscribing to our channel, and have a great night. Good night everybody."
"I love you too, sweetheart," she said. "Good night."
"Good night, take care, and speak to you tomorrow."
"Good night, sleep tight, have the best dreams."
"Goodnight depends upon where you are in this world."
"Good night, sweet dreams, I love you in the morning."
"Good night, I love you all, take your vitamins, drink your water, and I'll see you in the morning."
"Love you guys so much, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite."
"Have a good night, see you guys later."
"Love you all, take care, good night, I'll see you tomorrow. Peace."
"Thank you guys for watching and have a good night."
"Glow worm tucks you into bed and wishes you good night."
"Everything starts with a dream, may you have a pleasant evening and remember to always let your dreams carry you away."
"We hope you've enjoyed today's programming and will join us again tomorrow. For now, good night."
"This concludes another broadcast day on KSAT-TV San Antonio, Texas. Good night."
"Good night, my darlings," she whispered in the loving voice we knew so well.
"From all of us at Florida's pioneer television station, a very pleasant and peaceful good night, ladies and gentlemen."
"It's okay, I was just checking on you, goodnight, I love you."
"Always remember to kiss the homies good night."
"It is midnight now, and I had a really good night."
"Have a great night. I'll see you all tomorrow. Goodbye!"
"Good night, see you on the next one."
"I wish you all a very good night."
"I love you so much, have a nice sleep darling."
"Always remember, die reading. Have a good night, talk to you soon, take care, ciao."
"Goodnight, beautiful. Sweet dreams. Message me when you wake up, can't wait to talk to you."
"I love you so much, sleep tight babe."
"Are you okay? Goodnight, I love you."
"Have a good night. Happy New Year. Take care."
"Good night, you're the sweetest thing. I love you so much."
"Well done, Bobby, it's been a long day and now it's time for you to rest. Good night."
"God bless, you have a good night."
"I hope you have a good night, see you later."
"Good night, love you too, night, have a good night, sending love your way."
"Speaking of good dreams, I'm going to skedaddle off to bed. Night night."
"Good night, guys, love you all, peace."
"Thank you for joining me this evening, and I'll see you guys, everyone, good night."
"This is Larry J wishing you a pleasant good night from all of us at Channel 6."
"Until tomorrow morning, on behalf of the management and staff of Channel 11, good night."
"The entire staff and management of WLFI TV bid you a pleasant good night and a good morning."
"We hope KTVL has touched your life today. Join us again when our program schedule resumes later this morning. Good night from the news leader, KTVL Channel 10."
"As always, have a good night, God bless, and thank you so much for watching."
"Goodnight, Boo. It was nice seeing you today. I'll see you tomorrow, be a good boy, okay?"
"Have a lovely sleep, okay? I love you."
"Good night, my gorgeous girl, sweet dreams, princess."
"Good night, beloved; in your slumber, find the rest you seek."
"Good night, gorgeous. Good night, I love you, have a wonderful sleep."
"Goodnight my gorgeous girls, sleep tight."
"Sleep well, and I will see you very soon. Good night."
"Have good dreams, girls, love you both."
"I love you so much, have a wonderful sleep okay, and I'll see you in the morning bright and early for school."
"That's us done for today, so good night."
"I love you all. I wish you all a great night. Thank you all for watching. Good night."