
Spiritual Leadership Quotes

There are 744 quotes

"Selfless, loving, non-forceful nurturing leadership from the husband and voluntary, loving submission from the wife, both acting in love and service to God."
"God's prophets are able to take a situation that would otherwise lead to death or to pain and suffering and sorrow, and they add things to that situation to bring life."
"Revival is delayed by the disobedience of preachers."
"The true authority for the church comes from Jesus."
"If pleasing people were my goal, I could not be Christ's servant."
"The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism and he's known for traveling around the world, speaking to audiences of tens of thousands."
"It's important that we all take inventory on who is in control and who it is serving. Who are we serving: Him or is it Him serving us?"
"Until the church recovers the law, the Word of God, and makes it central to the meeting together of the people in the reading and the proclamation of the Word of God, we're going nowhere."
"God is the author and perfecter of your faith. He is the Alpha and the Omega, even of your life."
"There are men here and now in this earth realm who are custodians of the mysteries of God."
"Saint Anthony, servant of Mary, glory of the Church, pray for our holy father, our bishops, our priests, our religious orders."
"Buddha wanted to specifically tie the monks and lay people together."
"The Lord needs selfless men who put the welfare of others ahead of their own."
"I testify that Jesus Christ is not only our Hero, He is our Lord, our King, the Savior and Redeemer of mankind."
"I found myself praying for these beloved ones in Nasuka, the same prayer that Jesus prayed for his people before he left the earth in John 17."
"Without Jesus, the Prince of Peace, there can be no peace." - Life is Spiritual Presents
"One person surrendered totally to you can have a greater impact on a city than thousands of people."
"We need more spirit dominant leaders people who know what unconditional love patience kindness that there's more to life than the logical and the physical."
"Jesus Christ will be served, adored, and glorified; charity will flourish everywhere. The new Kings plural will be the right arm of the holy church."
"Success lies in following Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala following the messenger of Allah subhanahu wata'ala."
"May we follow our Exemplar, the savior of the world, and not shrink but live a life that is true to God, to each other, and to our divine identity."
"The Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, is the only one that can bring true unity to the planet."
"God didn't come to take sides, He came to take over."
"Praying in the Holy Ghost, finding souls, pulling them from the fire, one church, one person, one family, one nation at a time."
"You are instrumental in this, anchoring in new light codes about equality, about true unconditional love, about humanity and connection at the soul."
"Unity comes when we're all listening and hearing from the true shepherd. That's where unity comes."
"Indigos possess supernatural abilities, they are spiritual leaders on this planet."
"He loved fellowship. He loved being with his family. He loved the outdoors, God's creation. And he loved being with other leaders in the body of Christ as they would come in and minister to people on the air."
"Thank you for living out our mission of leading people to become fully devoted followers of Christ."
"He changes human beings, draws the nations, and as people love and worship the Lord God of Israel because of Jesus, they now love his law, they love justice, they love righteousness, and then that begins to permeate around the earth."
"Is he still your shepherd when you don't like what he says?"
"You want her to submit to you but are you submit to God, right say that."
"Ministry is about outreach. It's about saving the lost sheep, those outside of your building."
"Jesus clearly says the greatest among you will be a servant but there seems to be two types of leaders today those who lead for their own glory and those who lead for the glory of god."
"That's what he's built this ministry off of."
"I come humbly to you and I come, Lord Jesus, to submit to your government."
"Christ is the greatest of them all... He is the author and the finisher of our faith."
"Jesus only preached one message: He never preached a religion, he preached a kingdom."
"Trump is not the answer, the Republican Party is not the Savior, Jesus Christ is."
"Ultimately we need Jesus the only way to fix the brokenness of America is Jesus."
"The presence of the lord has to go before us."
"We thank God for the apostles that came along after them who gathered the teachings of the Lord Jesus while he was here in the flesh."
"Each time that we mess things up, he brings another Prophet with the same thing trying to bring us back to him."
"Jesus is here to begin the renewal of Israel."
"The greatest years in your ministry are ahead of you."
"It's not about me. It's not about my denomination. But instead, it's about pointing people to Christ."
"The father is the spiritual leader of the family: the Prophet, the Priest, and the King."
"We are called to walk in strength and become the priests of this world that fills the world with our Father's light."
"If spiritual watchmen do not warn the people of the danger they see coming, the watchmen will be held accountable for what happens to the people." - Perry Stone
"God is releasing a decree for the kingdom that is going to intercept the decrees of individuals that are hostile to his purposes."
"You're the keepers of the flame. That's what we are as believers, we're given that fire, we're given that presence, and we are to cherish that presence."
"We have been basically brainwashed to believe that the end times is about depopulating normal humanity, but it's about the return of a shepherd punishing those who have been ruling over the herd."
"Jesus came preaching a kingdom, not a religion."
"The faith in the Emperor is the real imperial truth."
"We don't want to lead others to turn away from God."
"He wanted me to give it to you. That's one of the jobs of the prophet, is to prosper God's people."
"The only way is to take up the cross, put that self to death, and put Christ on the throne of your life."
"I'm brave enough, I'm strong enough to pick up that crown and place it on the head of our savior."
"God is setting you free that you may set free other people God is gonna empower you."
"The Holy Spirit's jealous he will not let you sit on the throne of your life."
"May this be the year that you say I saw something else, I saw something greater, something bigger, I saw Jesus."
"Whitfield preached with an evangelistic thrust: 'The whole world is now my parish.'"
"The altar of the sacred place was desecrated and the man of God rebuilt it."
"It is way more beneficial to be under somebody who points you to Jesus than it is to be under somebody who merely entertains you. It is way more beneficial."
"Jesus aligned this man's understanding of authority... as an example and demonstration of great faith."
"That brother had an embodiment of cosmic light that was unprecedented, almost Christ-like in my pantheon."
"He is my all-time all-time favorite preacher and dead or alive."
"History will reveal him to be Mr. Valiant for the truth."
"God bless you! You know you've really come to be known as sort of this, this messenger of this kingdom message of the courts of heaven."
"When you are anointed, Kings will come to you. You don't have to go to Kings."
"Men a call to a position of unique responsibility under God."
"The anointing of God gives you influence, and when God anoints you, you have the power to really make a difference in this world."
"Let's engage our world and lead the greatest revival."
"He walks in humility and considers it an honor to be used by God to do the work of his kingdom."
"Faith amid the ruins, Pope calls Iraqis to affirm kinship under one God... We all worship the same God, we just all need to get along."
"His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj was revealed by Pramukh Swami Maharaj as the guru of BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha."
"This person is a powerful healer, teacher, or guide, not just for you, but I think this person could also be opening you up to being a powerful healer, teacher, guide. This is a spiritual connection of the highest order."
"I've come, my people, to give you peace, peace beyond anything you have known."
"It's time to stand up and embody sovereignty... ruled by life, which is Source Creator."
"These are powerful gifts that God is using, using me, using us, to advance his kingdom."
"When God bring order, he comes to put everything in order."
"God's using her to lead one of the most prolific real Revival movements the Earth has ever seen."
"Jesus Christ is Lord, he wants full control."
"God is using this next decade to raise up voices that are going to last decades."
"The perfect balance of that is the influence of godly women that raise that godly generation."
"Simeon was a spirit-filled, spirit-led servant, and he's a model."
"What in the world has TD Jakes and other pastors done for this black community they're stiening money off y'all have to wake up you got to wake up because you got to understand that's not what God wants for you."
"Don't get so caught up in his lordship over the universe that you forget what it means to let him be lord over you."
"As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world."
"You guys are that energy of transformation in people's lives, you are that light worker, you are that in your soul family, you are like the spiritually evolved ones."
"We're hungry for clear teaching, orthodoxy, morality, and we want to hear that from the pulpit."
"We are the remnant that God is raising up, and we're going to stand up and stand together and boldly proclaim the truth of the living God."
"Padre Pio has been called a second Saint Francis for our troubled current times."
"They've suffered... and it's time for us to pray but also to act."
"Come on, take those keys, and wherever you are, you will unlock the destiny of a nation, the destiny that does not belong to the enemy of the kingdom but belongs to the people of God, the sons and daughters of the Most High God."
"You're healthier you're physically you are healthier your blood sugar is coming down you're losing weight your digestion is finally sorted itself out but the other thing is your tastes are starting to change in ways you didn't expect."
"People want to hear from the prophets more than almost anybody."
"If you gotta up the price 50 bucks and put a bomb ass trigger in this."
"God is raising up Sarah's in this generation."
"God is in control and he sparked this revival."
"We give hope to the one who you call Father. So, we are followers of Jesus and you don't follow Jesus."
"If I've pushed you into holiness, righteousness, and purity, then I've done my job."
"The role of intercession in a church is the push and pull of all vision."
"True power is stewarded wisely, for it is given from the Divine, not from the ego."
"If you embrace me as Messiah, and you join the kingdom of God, the kingdom of heaven, problem solved, he has no claim on you at all."
"The Guru Granth Sahib contains the teachings of the gurus and acts as a spiritual guide for Sikhs around the world."
"God wants you to see nobody can do it like me."
"You are awakening something in your bloodline, you are the cycle breaker."
"What the church needs today is not more machinery or better wine, not new organizations and more novel methods but men and women whom the Holy Ghost can use, men of Prayer, mighty men in prayer."
"My Apostolic Remnant will release this new strategy."
"Jesus met with Moses and Elijah to discuss his Exodus where he would accomplish a release for his people."
"Most people ain't gonna find that, which is why a lot of people go to their pastors and their community for guidance."
"I am here to introduce people to Jesus Christ, and according to Christ, racism is wrong."
"Mutual respect goes both ways. We must look beyond just external material success. If someone is a man of God, the person is a man of God, whether he has 20 members, whether he has 50 members, whether he has 100 members."
"Be pleased to confirm in faith and charity your pilgrim church throughout the world."
"As long as God stays in front and you follow after His footsteps and direction, you will enjoy victories."
"God gives us pastors not to control us, but to guide us."
"An apostle is one who is graced by God to begin new ministry works among new people groups or in new regions."
"People who are gifted by God to begin new churches, to begin new ministries, to start and open new mission fields."
"The gift of administration is the organized mind of the Holy Spirit bringing attention to the details of structure and organization."
"Jesus did that. He went from City to City casting out demons, Healing The Sick, preaching about the kingdom."
"I want to introduce my Holy Spirit to your generation... that has been the cry of my heart."
"Jesus said, 'I am the resurrection and the life.'"
"Evidence doesn't care whether we believe it or not, it's true."
"God is raising a people up to be carriers of His glory."
"A generation that earnestly seeks after God influences culture, setting standards, and being a beacon of hope and truth."
"We may not be able to control everything, beloved, but we certainly want to make some creator moves this year."
"A church married to the king is going to rise."
"Be a part of the healing in the name of Jesus."
"Fushi comes to find out that he is popular among the followers of the Guardians. They have seen him as a divine being."
"You were born for this moment, born to shift the culture, born to be a forerunner, born to prepare the way for the Lord."
"What God is doing with you will create a whole movement for the kingdom."
"Reverend Billy Graham, one of the most inspirational spiritual leaders of the 20th century, he was a giant. He won't see his likes again."
"David was a man after the Most High's heart."
"Have your house in order, who are you submitted to, who's your accountability?"
"The holy ghost carries on the whole Christian system in this earth... there can be no legitimate government but what is administered by the ghost."
"Every local church has an authority under God."
"Freedom is the key word, and the flame of freedom is Saint Germain."
"Jesus is displayed in us when we do the work of going into scripture and getting to know him so that then we can stand before God's people and let them see Jesus."
"Jesus gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers for the equipping of the saints."
"Let your guides take the wheel for a little while."
"That's how you're gonna know who God trusts and who are the cowards."
"Don't let no man no man discourage your youth, go out here and gather the kingdom for the 12 tribes, that's right."
"We must stop now. I speak as a child of God and brother to the suffering poor. This madness must cease."
"Mother was a spiritual mother, and her heart was immense in love for her brothers and sisters throughout the world."
"Rome, the spiritual centerpiece of Europe, regained its political influence, at least after the 8th century."
"God elevates people, not the corporate ladder."
"Obedience to God can create a greater tomorrow. Let us follow God wherever he leads us so that we can be reborn as the people of God."
"Your job as a pastor is not to grow your church, your job as a pastor is to faithfully convey the word of God to whoever shows up and let God take care of the growth."
"The Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus, not man. A spirit-led Ministry always points back to Jesus."
"This is really about Jesus, the King of Kings, the Lord of lords."
"One major issue we have in the body of Christ is we celebrate ministers and preachers after they pass away, rather than when they're living."
"Thank you all for standing with me in the mission of leading people to Jesus Christ, for winning souls into the kingdom."
"God's saying look, you need to be prophetic frackers or prophetic hammers or prophetic fires you need to be mirroring me."
"When God gets one man, he can turn the world upside down."
"All you need is one new man, and you got him, his name is Jesus."
"Lord Jesus, you are the Chief Cornerstone of our lives and we worship you and choose to obey you alone. Come into our lives, come into our homes, come into our minds and bring restoration, peace, and love in each of our hearts."
"Call to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching."
"We dare not be without them and like Barrack we should say if thou wilt go with me then I will go but if thou wilt not go with me then I will not go."
"You are saved by me. There's no room for fear or hesitation."
"We're heading into the most amazing revival, it's going to be led by our Eucharistic revival."
"I promise you that all that I am doing is about your increase and your exaltation."
"We need to be people that are led by the spirit... It's a curse to be out of sync."
"The spiritual revival will exceed the leadership in America."
"The church must get back to demonstrating the kingdom of God."
"God uses me that way, but I want to tell you something that's one of the leaders in the body of Christ: you already know it, but I want you to know something."
"The plumb line is in his hand, the builder of the church is God."
"The remnant will be a people of prayer... They'll be committed to intercession and to birthing the will of God."
"Messiah didn't command weakness; he commanded power, he commanded Authority and power to his disciples."
"Ministry is not about making a name for yourself. It's not about trying to have a bunch of men. That's right."
"You're both spiritual leaders, planting seeds of love and light into the world. Your connection sparks a spiritual mission and a remembrance of self-worth."
"I do not take it lightly what God is doing here."
"Keep your eyes fixed on Christ. Just as Elisha had to stay close to Elijah, we need to stay close to Jesus to operate in Holy Spirit power."
"Victory for this Jesus is sitting with his bros and empowering them to go out and make the world a better place."
"The Lord has taken and raised up voices right now. We are definitely the Lord's mouthpiece."
"It's not just about preaching Jesus, but preaching what Jesus preached."
"We need those who are willing to boldly stand up and speak the word of the Lord."
"We just love the fact that God is using you."
"A person of integrity walks in the room. It's ministry without the person saying a word."
"Jesus is Lord and He's coming back for His church."
"We don't have a high priest that is not touched with the feeling of our infirmities."
"One of us fully engaged with our light is more powerful than 100,000 followers who are just sort of looking around waiting for someone to tell them what to do."
"You have amongst all the things you do on this Earth that which has the greatest impact and is of the greatest value eternally is leading someone else to Jesus."
"Jesus walked around with guys who made mistakes. He dealt with issues at the right moment, in the right way."
"Jesus was my Savior, but it really became in 1998 that he became my master."
"We need their voice, we need their witness, we need their sacramental ministries in our midst."
"You show the pathway to heightened spiritual consciousness in deeper emotional awareness to people around you particularly those who are really connected in with you energetically."
"Thank you, Pastor Isaiah, for being such a faithful servant and lover of God. You've been a tremendous blessing to me."
"I'm here to tell you God is looking for a generation of people that are going to know him."
"If he is not the God of all in your life, then he is not God at all."
"You are carrying the word of Allah that changed the world."
"Abu Bakr teaches us about goal setting, about having an elevated standard for yourself."
"Sadhguru's work is an endeavor to create an inclusive culture that is the basis for global harmony and progress."
"We are all ministers together for Christ. It's your ministry, it's our ministry."
"No one that has my signature on their life will ever die."
"Jesus is not just like them, he's superior to them."
"Many are called only few are chosen it ain't a lot of us but the ones who real who really about this I'm down with you a hundred I'm ten toes down."
"God is gonna move through men, God is gonna move through his church, the body."
"You inspire me, may you be a great vessel all the days of your life."