
Natural Design Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"All we have to do is eat the correct thing to our biologically appropriate design."
"Your body was designed to have a perfectly happy, just mellow immune system. It doesn't freak out; it just protects you."
"Design argument is the most used argument in the Quran, because it appeals the most to the natural human nature of the human being."
"All male animals on the farm, all male animals in nature, God has designed them for certain purposes."
"It just always feels like it works so naturally as a Pokemon design."
"An egg is a vessel meant to nourish and protect an animal's offspring until it's better capable of surviving on its own."
"Life was designed from the bottom up, not the top down. Natural design, not intelligent design. Evolution, not creation."
"This is it in its entirety... it's just the most gorgeous nature build I love it."
"It really feels like it was a natural part of the space to begin with."
"It feels more organic than probably any game world I’ve ever experienced." - Elden Ring
"Fractal shapes quite lovely in terms of the way they repeat they branch and they branch into branches and so on."
"What makes it so evocative is the way that the shapes here and the design on the rock are so seemingly uniform."
"Evolution has blessed octopuses with the perfect body for escaping."
"This is much more natural than anything else we've heard out there."
"I think it's common sense to say somebody designed humans. He used natural materials like dirt to do it."
"Our bodies are designed naturally to be well; we're not designed to be unwell."
"My main goal of this project is to make this area look natural and not like a pile of dirt that's just been thrown in there out of the pond."
"Look at the enclosure that this fella is in, it is so natural."
"It feels very natural, it's very responsive."
"Graphs are the structure that infrastructure is actually laid out in; it's more natural."
"It's really the mycelium that moves the world and shapes and in many ways designs the world around us."
"It's more organic, it's more natural looking and to be honest with you, it just keeps the space looking richer."
"I love the veining that it allows for; it just looks so beautiful."
"The beauty of it being a leaf and something that's natural and organic is that the wobbles are extra useful."
"It lets your feet bend and move and flex and feel naturally."
"It's very life-sized, very natural."
"I love the old course. It's the fact that it was nobody planned it or laid it out, it just happened to be that this was the sort of the natural flow of the land."
"Over time, these roots will actually get attached to the driftwood, they will kind of wrap this driftwood around, and they will fix themselves firmly to the piece of driftwood."
"Our personal favorites turned out to be the Komotomo because it's supposed to represent more of the natural breast."
"...the building should stay comfortable and with natural ventilation."
"The hexagonal tiling optimizes the amount of hive you have to make to get equal pockets of a given area in your honeycomb."
"Take your time when you're doing these. You want it to be very flowing and kind of natural looking."
"Cobwebs are not as random as we think they are; there's a method to that madness."
"It feels really natural when you're inside of it, very warm and very homey."
"Birds were made to fly, and ravens are some of the best at it."
"The pool is very natural looking in a way, very soft, very sympathetic."
"Our bodies are designed for walking."
"I decided to finally fill this all in... they look really natural when trying to do landscaping in the city."
"You can see the grain is coming through beautifully."
"Flat floors are not really found in nature."
"Our bodies are designed for motion."
"Remember, your body is designed to move, your body is designed to sweat."
"It has an incredibly slow flow nipple and the textures on here actually resemble that of an actual breast."
"Our bodies are not meant to just sit around. They're built to be active."
"I find the wave is much more organic, and I like the organic look."
"Preserving and recreating natural landscape features minimizes hard surfaces that increase stormwater runoff, creating functional and appealing site drainage that treats storm water as a resource rather than a waste product."
"I think it actually looks incredibly organic, like some kind of umbilify plant or perhaps a current of water like in a stream moving around pebbles."
"We just let mother nature... design wonders for us so that you can enjoy watching them for so very many years."
"Our bodies are extremely smart and not only are they smart but they are wired for survival."
"The rejection of anything resembling Andre Lenotre's style in favor of a more natural manner of modeling land."
"That's the stuff I love, little makeshift stuff like this, natural looking."
"When working with greenery, I like to weave them through each other because it makes it just look and feel natural, and that's what we're going for."
"This is like the best invention ever, wow this looks so natural."
"They have that really earthy feel to them but they also have an abstract element, so they're very sophisticated and timeless."