
Life's Journey Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"Buckle up, 'cause there's going to be a lot of surprises and twists."
"Go with the flow, and you'll be surprised where it leads."
"Anytime you find yourself, it's okay. It's never too late."
"Sometimes we go through things and we don't even understand why we're going through what we're going through, but we're going through them because God has a plan for our lives."
"We may never know why our stories take the twists and turns that they do but we can trust that our God is good at being God."
"Only being able to connect the dots looking back, not being able to connect the dots looking ahead of yourself."
"Remember the ultimate destination of life's journey: 'Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth.'"
"You didn't choose to come into this world, you're probably not going to choose to come out of this world."
"Sometimes pieces of life tie together beautifully, but it takes time."
"It's crazy that we all used to be the size of a quarter. Dang, that hits deep."
"Sometimes I think God's just looking at us going, 'Well, it's been in front of your face your whole life, so welcome to the party.'"
"Life is a journey riddled with highs and lows, but within life's Grand Journey, God is always making a way for us."
"You will hit the jackpot and even in your inevitable griefs and sorrows you will know the true joy of living that leads."
"A spiral would be life inevitably making itself towards one point that it can't escape."
"Every dog will open up another door. You gotta trust God to guide your footsteps."
"Who knows? I've been on the planet for quite some time now, and I'm not sure when I'm going to go to my star."
"The stage was set for a biological Big Bang of complex life."
"It's these random chances that bring us to random places in life some of those places that feel like Destiny."
"That's the thing it's these random chances that bring us to random places in life some of those places that feel like Destiny."
"Life's journey may be filled with challenges and uncertainties but by trusting in the perfect timing of events we can find Solace and serenity."
"The guidance of God covers every aspect of our lives."
"The discomfort is not an enemy, it's a passenger."
"There are endless gifts and surprises along the way for you."
"Be open to the twists and turns and possibilities that are in store for you."
"The path before you is where you'll uncover the meaning in life, and meaning requires that we are from time to time uncomfortable."
"The ultimate destination of life's journey: a new heaven and a new earth."
"...leaving a sense of overwhelming happiness and joy, life's unexpected twists and turns have brought Deirdre and Marcus together, a testament to the unpredictable beauty of life's journey."
"North node depicts our life's journey, what we're here to learn and lean into in this lifetime."
"Life's a trip man, I feel like the last 10 years of my life have moved so fast in so many directions that it's just been like a blur."
"Sometimes it's fun to just enjoy the ride."
"I'm honestly speechless right now. It's crazy how things come full circle."
"I believe every possible moment has happened to lead you to this moment."
"I wanted to give back you know what I mean I wanted to express my gratitude you know I mean it that somebody would do that the last part of this and this is recent my dearly departed David Carr you know he used to say life is scary best to hold hands."
"Life's so good. I'm on that path."
"It was something about having a witness to a particular life's journey."
"Life is also very very long. I do not want to be miserable or doing something that I don't enjoy doing."
"God, thank you for the mountains, the valleys, the storms, the yeses, and the nos."
"Philosophy gives us a sense of who we are, what problems lie in our path, and where we should be heading."
"Who would have thought that this path so pleasant would lead us astray?"
"I want to help you trust God through both the highs and the lows of life."
"To all common things, each day's events, that with the hour begin and end, our pleasures and our discontents, are rounds by which we may ascend."
"It's about having that constant desire to move forward and having an open mind that as one door closes, genuinely there will be another door that can be opened."
"It's a deep commitment and love of whatever life may hold, even though life holds lots of things."
"Every day is a challenge. It's new all the time."
"For His anger endures but a moment, in His favor is life; weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning."
"The source beckons us all home to it eventually, wherever in the world we die and for whatever reason we die."
"Sometimes the train leaves the station without you."
"The moving finger writes; and, having writ, moves on."
"Who will lose me as we face the different shades of life, sunshine to shade?"
"The indomitable human spirit is revealed as an essential puzzle piece of life despite the odds against it."
"The so-called detours in our lives weren't detours at all. What if they were the way?"
"Everything works out the way it was meant to work out."
"We are puppets of twisted fates, constantly intertwining."
"Would nothing good really happen if I just let go, let life take the steering wheel?"
"I don't worry about what life's going to bring now, I just don't see the point in worrying because if you trust in Allah, you don't need to worry."
"From his hand who regards it fondly before it is, comes forth like a child at sports, tearful and smiling."
"God's plan is like a beautiful tapestry, and the tragedy of being human is that we only get to see it from the back."
"The fates, they say, weave the pattern of our lives."
"This is your montage moment in your life where you get to be the hero of your own story."
"God's plan is like a beautiful tapestry."
"Life doesn't always lead you where you want to go, but that's okay because there are other potentially better paths if you're open to them."
"This life is perfectly designed to give us all the opportunities we need to grow 'spiritual muscles'."
"Never say never, you never know where life will take you."
"We get sent what we need when we need it."
"Your future lies before you like a path of untrodden snow, be careful how you tread it because every mark will show."
"Many surprises God has for us in our life that we would not predict."
"Life just had so much meaning, you know, the fact that we go through sadness, we go through anger, we have all these problems, but that's life, you know, that's everything."
"What then is that which is able to conduct a man? One thing and only one, philosophy."
"I thank God because to me, He is the one that puts things in your life and makes it more interesting."
"This world is not meant to be Jannah; it is a field towards Jannah, filled with challenges meant to extract the best potential that is inside of us."
"Life is just always saying, 'Hey, you are me and I have your back and I'm always carrying you and I'm looking out of your eyes.'"
"Receiving gifts from the universe is like receiving pieces of a puzzle."
"This book is about just the casualty of time, there's twists, there's turns, my god at the end of it, it's just a heartbreakingly beautiful love story."
"There's always hiccups along the way."
"We are here to remember what we have forgotten, and that's the beauty of life."
"What a humbling thing to see how your life was meant to play out."
"Maybe everything planned out the way it did for a reason."
"In life's journey, there are always two ways, and guess who it is that gets to choose? You."
"Have faith that whatever comes your way is going to be for your highest good."
"You ought to thank God for every yes and you ought to thank God for every no, 'cause all of it is working together for your good."
"We are always evolving, always changing, and that is the beauty of it."
"I've been first and last, look at how the time goes past."
"How often do angels walk beside us unseen and unrecognized as we navigate the complexities of life?"
"The complexities, the warp and woof of our lives, the ups and downs, the successes and failures... God is in it all."
"Stay hopeful; everything will unfold the way it's supposed to."
"If life doesn't want this for me, maybe life wants something else."
"Man has been equipped by life with everything necessary to protect him on this dangerous journey which we call existence."
"Have fun out there and enjoy the ride."
"Life works in such mysterious ways, and the timing of things has such profound effects on where we end up."
"Life is beautiful because you know what you're doing now, you know where you're going."
"Life has a way of taking left turns on us."
"Life has a melody, Gaius. It's time to do your part and realize your destiny."
"The beauty of life is discovering your path and making these choices naturally and not being told to do so."
"It's crazy how life does things to you that you would have never done to yourself because it knows where you need to be."
"The flow of life will bring you things to respond to; it absolutely will, but you have to have some faith and some trust that that's going to happen."
"Not every single day is going to be the same, and that's okay."
"It's okay to feel lost sometimes."
"We are so grateful for all aspects of life, the ups, the downs, the challenges, and the blessings."
"Trust that they are unfolding in your favor."
"It's the journey, the continued pursuit of growth, the constant seeking of improvement, the challenge, that's what makes life great."
"As you walk along life's highway, you must take time to smell the flowers by the wayside."
"Life has a way of working things out."
"They soften the hard and rugged path in which heaven has directed my course."
"We are in a constant quest to be amazed, to live in wonder."
"Would you be our Cornerstone at all times, not just when we're walking through the valleys of life, but even when we're on the mountain peaks of life?"
"There are ups and downs, but it's all about how you endure."
"The universe doesn't play games; it's not testing you."
"Together we were incredibly fortunate, blessed with a multitude of good times and only the usual hardships that life throws at all of us."
"Remember me, and surely this is the great challenge of our life."
"There is a time we know not when, a line we know not where, that marks the destiny of man between sorrow and despair."
"Memories is what you take with you to your death because that's what you leave behind too."
"He's living in the moment and his life keeps moving every second."
"What's meant for you will be, what's not will be booted to the side."
"It's all lessons, it's all really just something to teach you to be better."
"Everything's going to be in the exact way that it's supposed to be."
"It's all the will of God, man, and once you know, it started with God and it's gonna end with God."
"Life is this very strange never-ending link between things experiencing one another, changing based on that experience, and becoming something new."
"There's no accounting for the human heart as it seldom takes the expected turn."
"It's amazing how the paths of life just take place without you really even becoming aware of it."
"God is the God of promises but also God often attaches a good promise to a bad process."
"Where do we come from? What are we? And where are we going?"
"Life can sometimes feel like a maze, but even in those moments, especially in those moments, I'm there with you."
"Begin to trust and surrender to life and what it has to offer."
"That's up to the rock and roll of life; however and wherever it may compel us, we shall follow."
"In all life's experiences, it is God alone with whom we have to do."
"Things always work out and happen the way they're supposed to."
"Let God in; surrender to the alchemy of life."
"It's always the way it was supposed to be."
"Wherever life takes me, I guess I'll just have a lot of time to just be by myself and reflect on life."
"The free-flowing waterfall of life, it'll draw you even more with the forces of everything you have, so you just got to keep moving forward."
"Things have a way of getting to where they need to be."
"Certain things were meant to happen the way it was."
"Life has the power to take us towards directions we don't expect, and this is when life becomes magical."
"What sky spreads at the end of it, even if the world that unfolds is not going to give in to the unknown."
"We have to honor our small victories in this life because just getting out of bed in the morning is the biggest accomplishment for some people."
"You never know who God sends in your life, why he sends them."
"Trust in life's rhythm, trust in your own transformation."