
Public Debate Quotes

There are 306 quotes

"Making waves and sparking debates across the country."
"Here's somebody who's really raising the level of public debate."
"We need an open public debate about what is going on here... identify those factors, take them away, and stop people dying."
"Ideally, it should be people making those decisions, fighting amongst each other, not people that control a certain amount of space in the public square or not the government."
"I wouldn't want them banned permanently... I would rather their opinions be right out there in the open."
"The issue of research involving stem cells derived from human embryos is increasingly the subject of a national debate and dinner table discussions."
"We are allowing a huge amount of government overreach when it comes to civil liberties."
"This incredible wealth and geopolitical security helped produce a uniquely robust political culture with public lively debates and an informed electorate."
"Twitter is the digital Town Square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated."
"How many people again had to die because they may have been able to be treated through hydroxychloroquine?"
"I'm gonna make another prediction for you RJ will respond to this video by saying that clear value tax is wrong the housing market crash is coming so you watch and see."
"Kaboom! On her show, Joy Reid gets sunk by critical race theory critic."
"This is probably one of the biggest gaming controversies in years."
"The case we're talking about today is one that is very, very controversial."
"They saw his big, bold logo, they questioned building a wall, and they debated making America great again."
"Naomi wolf... you know, most liberal person you can imagine and she got excoriated when she said, 'Hey, vaccine passports, this is a bad idea.'"
"The activities of the CIA must be secret, but the debate about its role in our lives must be public."
"Facebook has always sort of wanted to do this... shift responsibility from the decision makers of Facebook to some other body." - Ben Shapiro
"I'm getting very, very sick of the notion that everybody who is in favor of gun rights is responsible for Parkland."
"Vigorous public debate is protected by the First Amendment."
"Maybe you can get to the idea that George Floyd died because of deep-seated American racism as opposed to George Floyd's own actions and resisting arrest."
"Science is a public debate that has access to the full spectrum of information."
"Calling a vaccine passport the definition of fascism is um, I don't know, there's a lot of people that have spent a lot of time."
"I don't think people that have ethical concerns about vaccines are crazy like there are legitimate questions to be raised and concerns to be raised."
"I don't think he should be canceled. I don't think any of them should be canceled."
"Social change is achieved by forcing an issue of injustice into the public consciousness for debate."
"When anybody throws up the term conspiracy theory in an attempt to discredit somebody all they are trying to do is discredit that person as a person without ever having to address their arguments."
"The scariest part of the whole thing is him being de-platformed at this point and silenced validates his argument."
"It is important to the future of civilization to have a common digital Town Square where a range of beliefs can be debated."
"The reason I acquired Twitter is because it is important to the future of civilization to have a common digital Town Square where a wide range of beliefs can be debated debated in a healthy manner without resorting to violence."
"None of these people will do that because they know they can't defend it."
"Tyler Perry's right in the middle of this controversy."
"This is not about Kyle Rittenhouse in the bigger picture it is about your right to keep and bear arms."
"I cannot get over the top marginal tax rate conversation. I want to know who originally lied about it because whoever started this conversation had to have done it with the express purpose of lying to people."
"We need to upper game as a society when it comes to debating."
"Discussion and debate are not bad intentions; slandering someone as a sexist cat caller without reason or evidence does demonstrate both cowardice and bad intent."
"Far right means nothing. You can just repeat the hollowness of their words back to them, embarrass them on live and public air, and eventually they'll have to find a new smear to hit you with."
"Maybe we should not have the government involved in education at all."
"RFK Jr challenging Dr. Peter Hotez to a debate."
"I wanted to show how we can set aside differences and truly have a debate with civility."
"So many trans people have called and totally debunked Rowling's viewpoints and the evidence that she tries to use to back up her views."
"The American people deserve an honest, transparent debate."
"Cancel culture is a direct attack on regular people."
"We have to engage with difficult questions and to debate them."
"Substituting emotion and emotional accusations for discourse that is reason and evidence-based is a huge mistake."
"Normally it's just a bunch of like twitch jabronies like myself being like uh debate good debate bad but like you actually can come from the perspective of like academia which is nice."
"The superior wisdom of universal programs is being discussed on a much larger stage than ever before."
"From the moment the trailers appeared the number of memes and arguments and ridiculous news story this movie caused kind of makes it stand out simply for being a film that represents the zeitgeist of the time."
"Either the left can renounce identity politics and start debating ideas, or they can double down on identity politics."
"Following what we just saw the democratic debate I'm really questioning where I'm standing."
"It's just an important thing to reiterate. Anytime you get, because that was such an important topic of discussion for three years, my defunding the police is like a solution. I think you can already see the effects of defunding the police."
"It's a fake argument, but all of this is good, you know right? It's got to go through the courts, it's got to be fought."
"This is actually a public argument over our society’s values."
"The government's role should be to protect the space for that debate."
"If everyone can see the sensor and video data I witnessed, our national conversation will change."
"One year after the High Court handed down its historic decision establishing the concept of native title in the law of the land, confusion and uncertainty still dominate the debate."
"Making democracy work means holding on to our principles, having clarity about our principles, and then having the confidence to get in the arena and have a serious debate."
"People like Ben Shapiro have said social media sites need to decide if they're platforms or publishers."
"Cancel culture is a real thing. It is very real."
"Everyone on the internet was going wild because... they were going to be having a debate."
"We must also recognize that robust scrutiny is to be welcomed."
"There's a reason that free speech has the role that it does in the public imagination."
"There is a fair comment question here and a free speech question." - Advocating for open dialogue and debate.
"The sentiment on inflation is off the charts. Off the charts. I have not done more debating."
"Allow all voices to be heard and let the ideas they promote be scrutinised."
"Conflicts over naming erupted across the country."
"The mysterious photo has captured the imagination of many, igniting debate on the existence of the supernatural."
"Add my name to the list of people who publicly owned Pierce Morgan."
"Let's have a public open debate about the vaccine side effects trial dates placebos and the yellow card reporting system."
"At least in the US these debates are being had because Free Speech means something."
"Dialogue and discussion are great that said we expect those points of view to be expressed respectfully."
"You have to have your discussion and your ideas. You don't got it you don't got to like the guy you got to beat him in a debate of course."
"Natural immunity should be considered when you're talking about mandates."
"Do I think that this choice will result in the death of the movie theater? I think that that is something that people always want to talk about."
"In this age of everyone having their own truth, public moderate debates are important."
"I disagree with a lot of what Ben Shapiro says, but I was totally on his side in that moment."
"The question of whether the 2020 presidential election was stolen must be decided in the marketplace of ideas."
"Samson humiliates Stephen Crowder after a surprise debate appearance. The internet laughs."
"It's a very sensitive topic, people are very passionate."
"The decision to refuse to count them has produced a live controversy from the moment it was announced to now."
"The tragic shooting in Dayton Ohio served as a catalyst for a national discussion on gun control laws."
"The case has drawn national outcry and sparked many heated debates over racial tensions, vigilantism, police practices, and gun laws."
"We are living in a culture that has been suffering from a lack of open transparent informed public debate." - Barry Weiss
"Fauci lies, Rand Paul shows the documents proving he lies at the hearing."
"The people most loudly shouting about how the constitution says I get to do something... are often the people who least understand the constitution."
"I didn't see that in any event a lot of people were discussing that if if vul lost but now Holloway I love it is supplanted."
"Democracy thrives on open debate even if that means letting people say crazy things during a public health emergency or saying horrendous things about others."
"Ideas should be challenged. If you spread misinformation, it should be countered in the public sphere."
"What does LeBron James getting the vaccine or not have anything to do with Stephen A Smith? What's the correlation here, help me understand."
"We've moved on from the trans bathroom and we're talking about trans women in sports, partially because of Joe Rogan and the massive audience that he has consistently talking about this."
"You know why can't we just say Bernie Sanders you are wrong I mean people are afraid to say it he's wrong."
"The truth is this is a serious issue and people out there are actually questioning whether or not they should do abortion."
"Legal, law-abiding gun owners are not the problem, and they've never really been the problem."
"The polarizing nature of Kanye's statements has sparked heated debates online."
"Thousands and thousands of instances across America, people are cheating in elections. Period."
"It's important to note that this is the real issue here - the supposedly illegal actions of one man, not this back-and-forth of gossip."
"Conspiracy theories are simply six month spoiler alerts."
"Our discourse is becoming increasingly intolerant of dissenting views."
"Woke activists, that's who I'm talking about. They need to just stop."
"I'm not gonna complain about this. Let me tell you why: a lot of conservatives are saying that Sports Illustrated shouldn't have done this. I'm not gonna rag on a magazine for featuring someone dressed modestly."
"Trump was terrible also on the birther issue."
"You know Jack Smith has thick skin and why shouldn't Trump have the right to fight back when others are bringing up his transgressions during these trials during the campaign right they go on the debate stage and everybody's attacking him."
"Isn't it fascinating that that was all over Twitter today? The media came down hard on Rowan Atkinson because he stood up for free speech and he called out the electric car movement, right?"
"You don't have to assume that California's 100% correct here, you also don't have to assume that Activision isn't hiding the ball."
"I think there's room for talk about what a free press is versus a defendant's rights and I think those conversations are bigger than just this case."
"But if slightly louder outdoor environments are the price we have to pay to help reduce carbon emissions and increase energy independence, I think it's worth it, don't you?"
"By accusing people of being anti-free speech for engaging in fair and simple criticism, you're actually enforcing a chilling effect on criticism." - Vosh
"What might this pandemic and its aftermath have looked like if there had been a more open debate on Twitter and other social media platforms?"
"It's not our aim to prove Walton is telling the truth nor are we here to suggest he's a liar."
"Is anyone disputing that Hunter Biden had processed? No. Is anyone disputing that there were sexual interactions with people who were underage? 100 percent, no one's disputing any of that."
"I want to see debate about the man, not at Columbia in the halls of Colombia."
"Speaker's corner is not a place for hatred, it's a place for speaking, talking, and debating."
"We should not have to keep going back and forth about what Storm's complexion is. That's ridiculous in 2020."
"If there's one thing that I would love to see and that I would put aside whatever I was doing to watch it it is the inevitable debate between Vivek ramaswamy and Donald J Trump."
"It's crucial to the discourse that we have different voices talking about this stuff who are actually educated in the stuff they're talking about."
"This is society. We actually have to decide, is this okay?"
"You ever notice that conservatives aren't talking about the economy or trade or even [ __ ] immigration anymore they want to talk about our [ __ ] trans people."
"Libra will crack open further global discussion about what money is."
"I'm not against Bibles in school libraries... I'm also not against comprehensive, science-based sex ed." - You don't want to have that conversation with me.
"Do you know how film criticism works? People will defend that movie to their grave."
"Larry Elder humiliates Charlamagne the god to his face."
"We need more sane voices of reason that just speak the facts."
"The photo of the Solway Firth spaceman is still hotly debated."
"He has single-handedly changed the way a lot of conversations and debates take place."
"Who do you think's a bigger problem? We're talking about roughly ninety percent versus ten percent."
"I might agree with Ethan Klein on this particular debate more than xqc."
"The debate that everyone's been waiting for... Michael Saylor versus Frank Giustra in the Bitcoin versus gold debate. Battle of the assets."
"Everything the reaction to this movie proves Todd Phillips is right in his arguments."
"For every person like that guy there's someone else out there saying it's not catastrophic like AI."
"I suspect that at some point this debate will burst into the open in the United States."
"He's the President of the United States. Should he stop tweeting about why biplanes are better than fixed-wing aircraft? Probably."
"I'm not anti-mask by all means. I'm just pro-masked choice."
"Does anybody believe election fraud is not real at this point?"
"I'm torn on when dick because they're not the same thing. When dick was actively telling people to go and do things, that's very different from what Roseanne was doing."
"Was like watching the Jordan Peterson versus Slavoj Sadwolf was alpha."
"Instead of having the argument like everyone wants to have the debate at a level of like what do we need to do...?"
"The lab leak theory went from a conspiracy to the subject of serious investigation."
"For all the amazing things it's done though chat GPT hasn't been without controversy."
"Megan has never displayed any of those words in any of her actions."
"It's their truth, their lived experience, ignoring the truth, the objective reality."
"Amazon paid zero dollars in federal corporate income tax but they paid 2.6 billion dollars in corporate tax."
"I want theists to call in. Let's have a conversation about even the most awful positions. Let's define terms and have a genuine dialogue."
"Knowing his whole background, you can look at it and say, yeah, the deaths of the three rich boys became topic for debate both in the public in Gotham as well as in our heads too."
"A threat on its own does not automatically get lethal force in response if that was the case then everyone from Twitter would be shooting everyone else on Twitter."
"The brutal act of violence that took place that day was horrible, and the topic of gun restriction has been the subject of heated discussions."
"So I'll tell you what, if the left wants to defund the police, you're not going to see any resistance from me at this point."
"This is exactly the kind of president we need and this is exactly the kind of debate that we should have."
"Why'd you take it out of the schools? You know why. So that people could come on air and spout these ridiculous things."
"There's plenty of people doing that grift anytime a major issue arises."
"Republicans currently are... complaining about gas prices and the cost of living."
"She has recently come out in support of concentration camps for kids."
"Why would it be such a bad idea to use it to help people?"
"Thank God Joe Rogan has the ability to be able to dismantle guys like that and dismantle guys like Sanjay Gupta."
"Pray for me as I prepare for this debate on the topic of baptism."
"Six Collective seconds of similar content cannot be weaponized into the deletion of an entire popular Channel unless they on mostly apologize when the accuser has a track record of then weaponizing the apology to inflict as much damage as possible."
"What constitutional violations is he gesturing at and why does he sound angry at progressives for asking?"
"The question on the table isn't can we do too much, the question on the table is can we afford to do too little."
"It's really easy to attack the gender identity exclusive view of things I feel like especially if you're the kind of average to a person that doesn't spend all day talking about the shit."
"There is no good reason why any school in the United States is not open for in-person learning at this point."
"We need to have debate rather than censoring."
"At what point does a person's right to bear arms start infringing on his neighbor's right to live safely and freely?" - Chuck Todd
"By protecting speakers whose statements cannot reasonably be interpreted as allegations of fact, courts provide assurance that public debate will not suffer for lack of imaginative expression."
"I can't believe there's an argument against teaching factual information."
"I've offered to debate Steve Bannon anywhere, any place, live television, Zoom, on a stage."
"The only reason why someone would consider trying to block your speech... is if they're so insecure about their own that they can't bear to have it publicly challenged."
"The absence of monuments is an accurate reflection of the absence of public debate." - Anne Applebaum
"Why was the shooting of Ashley Babbitt necessary?"
"The people who are making irrational unfounded claims and arguments won the referendum and in many ways they continue to win the aftermath."
"It's just insane that we've had a news cycle all weekend about too many people in the park."
"This nation is founded on the profound national commitment to the principle that debate on public issues shall be uninhibited, robust, and wide open."
"Thankfully, the argument has long been put to rest by countless hours of video footage, photos, and astronaut trips to space."
"They're trying to gaslight people into thinking an Olympic athlete needs to do this medical product."
"Anyone who's arguing against it now will not be viewed kindly by history."
"I'm not here to defend Weinstein or defend the accusers because honestly I think all these sides could be full of crap."
"For me it was what happened over BLM in the UK that really showed me that this is a complete nonsense."
"You rarely see pundits on TV talking about the value of Medicare for all... all we're arguing for is can we have a fair shake."
"Blocking a world leader from Twitter or removing their controversial tweets would hide important information people should be able to see in debate." - Twitter's public policy page, 2018.
"Salvador's president naively taunts Economist Steve Henke after Bitcoin's price skyrockets."
"I think that the Rittenhouse thing has become a really good litmus test for how intellectually honest you are."
"Kanye ain't gonna be able to win a war of words with DL Hughley."
"I think it's very dangerous, and I agree with Andrew Bridgen who said, 'The hard work left-wingers are seeking to cancel voices saying things they don't approve of.'"
"Political correctness is clearly not the problem."
"What has Black Lives Matter done for you? Through the years that this organization has been a thing... they've been solely responsible for the death of many black people during these riots and protests."
"We have diversity. It's that you want to stop air travel."
"It's outrageous, it's politics playing medicine."
"No, actually, despite how maybe well-meaning and well-intentioned the likes of Daniel Radcliffe or Emma Watson may be, I don't think JK Rowling is being too harsh here."
"It's certainly a very contentious and divisive debate."
"It's extraordinary to me to hear... words like fascism, totalitarianism, authoritarianism in the context of a discussion about what's happening in Britain in the 21st century." - Host
"It's completely insane how anybody can still argue against the single-payer system."
"I think that Vivek Rama Swami handled himself really well you guys let me know how you think he handled himself I want to thank you guys um you know for coming through and once again uh I would love you know to hear a difference of opinion."
"I speak from a very educated mind. No you don't. I look at his face, look at his face, I cannot take this man seriously. He said I speak from a very educated mind. Bro, you're not educated. That's my whole point of this video."
"If there is one fight that people have recently began talking about, it's the fight for information privacy."
"Teach statistical literacy, not critical race theory."
"The statistics show that more lives are saved due to guns being in the picture rather than guns being taken away."
"I support black men who want to support Kevin Samuels, but it is disingenuous and it is wrong to elevate this man's work to the level of martyrhood."
"Those stands they go hard and they will go at you every single day."
"You don't want to answer to facts and truths and people who are suffering because of your policies." - Kim
"This is actually one of the most interesting questions that our country faces right now."
"What kind of precedent exactly is Mr. Corrado afraid of setting? A precedent that says it's wrong to tell other people to kill themselves? To him, that's a dangerous message to send. I disagree."
"Brexit would have been a disaster, a catastrophe, the sky would fall in. Just as they thought the Brexit vote would make that happen, but it didn't."