
Developers Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"The foundation of Roblox is the developers and the creators."
"The developers certainly haven't lost their passion for making things look pretty."
"This morning, you got to hear all about what we're doing for our billions of users. Now I'm excited to share what we're doing for all of you--the developers who are solving everyday problems in powerful ways."
"One of the reasons I love my job is that I get to meet with developers from all around the world and hear what you're up to and what you're finding difficult."
"DevOps is basically the practice of building awesome workflows into all the things developers do every day."
"The merger will deliver significant benefits to Gamers and developers."
"Battling piracy is a relentless pursuit for all hard-working developers because, if those pesky seadogs can find a way to play a game without paying for it, they’ll certainly find out how."
"It makes it so much more accessible for just a very small developer to do that."
"These are the glitch hacks the developers did not want you to know."
"Please join me in welcoming to the stage World of Warcraft developers Ian Hazzikostas and Bryan Holinka."
"It is a great idea immortalizing a developer in the game."
"Let's measure the fundamentals where are all the developers ethereum."
"In a way that the devs never thought possible, guarantee it."
"That's really good support from the developers there."
"Cheers to you developers, thank you so much for putting all that work in all those years ago."
"The developers are very smart, very very smart developers, I approve."
"How do we as API developers choose between GraphQL, gRPC, and REST?"
"The job market for entry-level developers is absolutely brutal right now, but that doesn't mean there's no hope."
"Developers and business individuals need to work together through the course of the project."
"A number of big developers have demonetized their games in protest and are considering switching to other game engines like Unreal or Godot."
"Does this mean then that your job as a developer is on the way out? No, it doesn't."
"But with all of the layoffs and the economy downturn, we have a lot of devs on the market with way more skills than you or I have."
"While you may be good at your job now, if you do get laid off, you'll need to reenter that workforce as a much more capable developer."
"This rise in AI is demanding developers who know what's going on under the hood."
"Developers who can solve problems regardless of the technology."
"Developers who can adapt to this new technology."
"Developers who can understand the vocabulary of the industry."
"...hats off to the developers of this one."
"The Microsoft Tech Community is a place to interact with IT pros, developers, and end-users along with Microsoft."
"So, interestingly, this world is going to massively shift the way developers think about their jobs."
"Our mission is to build the world's most advanced code editor and get it in the hands of millions of developers."
"The energy between the community and the core developers is so exciting."
"Rust is still one percent the size of the C++ developers in the world."
"Because I remember when video game developers just didn't give a [ __ ] and they were like, 'Yeah, we're just gonna make a good game and we're gonna like have fun with it and if we want to put titties in it, we'll do that.'"
"Is this about M Small to midsize developers and and is it about the user which is the other thing that we've touched on here or is it really about Tech Giant trying to keep the money for themselves and other Tech Giants saying no we want that money?"
"You need to realize that each developer has spent their whole degree or maybe a supplementary course focusing on just a single line of code of programming language."
"This Developer certification is not just for developers either. This is valuable for all people who use AWS."
"I believe most fellow developers don't have an issue with giving away a buck or two a month for a project they enjoy using and delivers actual value."
"Follow the devs. If you follow the devs, you can find earlier Alpha in projects."
"Most all working developers still look up git commands in the documentation if they have a need that gets away from the few commands and workflows that they use most often."
"You can't really market to developers without being a developer."
"Find other developers that have done what you're trying to do and whose definition of success is close to yours."
"Even the most senior developers Google the most basic stuff all the time."
"What sets developers apart is how they persevere through hard times."
"What gives an intrinsic value is the productive capacity and the brainpower of some of the brightest developers in the world."
"I cannot exaggerate how much the developers nailed their weapons."
"...a lot of developers don't understand or know about framing..."
"Developers can create Microsoft Teams app to create new experiences for their users and integrate with existing business solutions."
"A lot of developers actually reveal in their client-side code."
"Developers care about acquiring users. Yes, that means the infrastructure needs to be good so that they can offer a better user experience."
"Security for developers is like spinach—you know it's healthy for you, but most people don't really like it—same as with security."
"Microsoft is going to democratize the opportunity for developers."
"We, as developers, how do we build is fundamentally changing."
"Developers in low-income neighborhoods have profit rather than the community's best interest as their motivation."
"Developers can create all sorts of applications that will communicate with the Microsoft Graph."
"Developers are a very valued user on Windows."
"Using NuGet packages brings several benefits to developers: encapsulate reusable code, simplify managing dependencies, leverage existing packages, and multiple versions."
"It's great for open source developers."
"Developers like Lee June were blinded by greed; their morals collapsed."
"Please remember to support your local developer and if you like their work be sure to buy them a beer or a coffee."
"This way it'll be easy to use and share with other developers."
"Developers like to imagine they are composed of nothing but cold hard logic, but actually, we are humans with unavoidable feelings and emotion."
"I think a lot of companies value soft skills pretty highly for developers."
"If you would invest, invest with credible developers."
"Thank you, developers, for caring about people with old systems and old GPUs."
"My job is to advocate for developers and make them happy."
"Most developers are average... but average is good enough to get a job."
"Developers are consistently our best source of innovation."
"We can serve our creators and serve our developers super smoothly so they can end up serving our end users and delivering value."
"Hello developers, are you ready to take your coding skills to the next level?"
"These developers are just knock your socks off amazing."
"A lot of developers prefer the elegance of the syntax and ethers versus Web3."
"Developers are like rivers; they take the path of least resistance to get the job done."
"Let's start. Today, we're going to talk about Power BI for Developers."
"The transition to Apple silicon is also great for developers who've already optimized their apps for other Apple platforms."
"Developers are the most honest crowd of clients that you can ever have."
"It's kind of a dictionary for developers, designers, as well as for end users."
"Us developers know about a little tiny secret that you're all going to want to be clued in on."
"I really love to support developers that are new into the industry."
"It's really not about us. It's about you, developers, who are building the most amazing and magical experiences."
"You're joining as part of an amazing and incredible community of developer trailblazers."
"If you're a developer and you actually want to understand more, we have a couple of security best practices on the developer.android.com website."
"We tell top developers that we don't actually like you to make any kind of read connections over HTTP or any other insecure network protocol."
"We have a very active community of more than 5,000 developers... you can join us on Discord and Telegram."
"It's also just some intrinsic things about the way the Web works. And I think they're quite compelling for developers."
"I have personally reviewed thousands and thousands of pitches and chatted with hundreds and hundreds of devs."
"Trusted by developers all around the world."
"React hooks are built-in functions that allow React developers to use state and lifecycle methods inside functional components."
"Your GitHub can be used as a resume, especially for developers."
"Developers are essential to our mission; their creativity has absolutely transformed the world with technology."
"Devs are customer-focused; they obsess over making everything perfect."
"This has created a huge opportunity for developers to jump on this trend and create the next generation of metaverse applications."
"I heart developers. I want you to be successful in anything that you're building."
"This is a great time to thank all of the developers that are working on OpenCore Legacy Patcher; all of you are absolutely amazing."
"If you empower developers, they will do great things."
"The target audience for this content today is developers, creative coders, and interaction designers."
"Developers are super excited and motivated by getting their features out, launching their applications, having a fast pace of innovation."