
Comments Quotes

There are 557 quotes

"And let me just say it now, let us know down in the comments what your favorite mix is."
"I love how you read the comments; it makes me feel a part of the community and really happy."
"The audience kind of comes for the comments almost as much as they come for what's actually being shown."
"I would love to know your opinions in the comment section down below."
"Now's a good chance, let us know in the comments what you think of that."
"If you have any questions for me, drop me a comment below."
"I'm excited to see what you say in the comments down below."
"What do you guys think? Let me know your thoughts in the comments down below."
"Comments help make code more understandable."
"But when I called AOC a big booty Latina, she ended up interacting."
"Do not be transphobic in the comments. Transphobia will not be tolerated."
"Thank you for watching this vlog... leave the word 'plant' in your comments so I can see who got to the end."
"If you found this helpful, let me know in the comments!"
"Every time I put up a video about old technology, there's one thing I get more than anything else in the comments..."
"What are your thoughts? I want to hear from you in the comments."
"Who's watching us? Leave a comment down below."
"Please try not to make the comment section vile."
"Let us know what you thought of down in the comment section."
"Please keep your opinions respectful in the comments."
"He comes on to every single video almost every single video and comments under it."
"Your comments are a sacrifice to the algorithm God."
"I just love to hear your thoughts down in the comments below."
"This is purely my opinion. It's fine if you disagree with it. In fact, I want to hear what you have to say down in the comments."
"Here's to what everybody out there in comment land has to say."
"The YouTube comments, they're intense, but it's a total positive because people are invested in what we do."
"If this resonated, if you know who this person is, I would love to hear about it in the comment section."
"Remember to let me know what you guys think down in the comment section below."
"Let's not fight in the comments, it's a safe place here."
"Please do not leave victim blaming comments in my comment section."
"You know what that sound is right it means you're at the comment section where your voice and your opinion unvarnished and undeterred are heard."
"We want to know your all's thoughts down below."
"If you have any questions or just things you want to say, leave me a comment."
"Another thing that will help you follow along with your code and also help other people with your code is entering comments."
"Make sure to abuse in the comments...engagement helps the show out."
"Drop a hundred thousand in the comments below."
"Let us know your thoughts Down Below in the comments."
"Feel free and let me know your thoughts down below in the comments."
"The comments on this video are the nicest I've ever received in my life."
"Keep it cute in the comments. Don't do too much."
"Jump down in the comments section, leave your thoughts."
"So what do you think? Leave your comments below."
"Let us know your answers down in the comments below."
"Let me know what you're thinking down below in the comment section, dudes."
"So, youtubers, Facebook people who are watching this, if you have any questions, comment below the video."
"How was everyone's night? Drop some comments down below."
"Let us know which is your favorite in the comments."
"Comments are really useful; you can leave little notes or little comments inside of your program."
"If this was at all helpful, please let me know in the comments down below."
Put it in the comments: "This it right here, this the good part."
"I was laugh crying at the new comments coming in... 'No, why'd you end it here?'"
"On the strength of some fleeting and foolish comments by a publicity-influenced clerk of court."
"If you made any of these mistakes and have a good story, let us know in the comments."
"A pinned comment is the first comment that you read when you go in and you look at all of our comments."
"If you have questions about this particular setup let me know in the comments"
"Quadrupled down in the comments telling people not only that you are wearing them but being like look how good the mascara is..."
"I know y'all was gonna come through, that was gonna come through. I'm trying to get to all the comments."
"I do enjoy teaching people so if there's anything that you'd like to learn I mean I don't know everything but I certainly if you have any questions about these circuits um please put them in the comments and I'll try to answer them."
"If you guys have any questions on this stuff let me know in the comments down below and that's all for today."
"Deleting other people's comments is actually deleting them having a say. It might even be worse than turning off comments because now you're controlling the narrative."
"Thank you all so much for those of you that have been booking readings with me as well as those of you that also comment."
"The most important thing is to leave a comment down below, please."
"There are exactly two comments on this post. One of them is the official Pepsi Instagram account essentially complimenting itself and the other is some guy just saying, 'Bruh their whole Instagram account is such a wild ride.'"
"If you'd like to put them in the comments section."
"The only comments that hurt are the ones that tell the truth."
"People just always want to have their say, like people want to jump in with their opinion and people will just be like comments are really strong [__]."
"Leave all your comments good bad indifferent doesn't matter just put it all below and thank you very much for watching."
"Put down in the comments... reseller box."
"Did you make your decision yet? Let us know in the comment section below."
"Hope I covered this thing well enough for you guys. If there's anything, like I said, that you want to ask, ask in the comment section, and I'd be more than happy to answer those comments."
"Thank you for commenting, we love reading comments."
"As always, feel free to share your thoughts about today's topic in the comment section down below."
"Comments not only help with the script comprehension but also enable you to temporarily disable or exclude specific sections of code without deleting them."
"Comments are like whatever, not like that, but you're still here commenting, do you know how long it takes to make a club?"
"Please don't yell at me in the comments I'm just trying to bring you information so that you can make a more educated decision."
"I've had quite a few comments on this one because he showed up in a few other videos."
"One thing I love about you guys is you guys have been destroying the comments, you've been so positive to each other."
"Comments are a real, real, yeah. Yeah, it can be a dark place, I know."
"I don't care if you're happy or angry YouTube doesn't care about that when you're commenting."
"I just always love reading your comments."
"Every video he made came from suggestions in his comments and he always featured the commenter who gave him the idea."
"There's so much wisdom and bravery in the comments."
"Did you love it as much upon rewatch if you're rewatching this did you love it let us know in the comments I read every single comment like a true psycho so if you have something nice to say about us then I would really love to hear it it's a Jewish thing we both do."
"Just leave your comments, and if you've been there and found something cool, or if you haven't been there maybe you've been somewhere similar or you just want to go there -- I don't know man, leave comments! Comments are cool."
"If there's an overwhelming demand in the comments, we'll all just know you're wrong."
"Please let me know what you think in the comment section down below."
"So anyway thank you for your feedback and thank you for always just leaving such nice comments and I get good feedback from you all and I really appreciate that."
"Please do let us know what you thought down below in the comments box."
"Let me know what you guys think about the Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter in the comments section below."
"I love when you guys comment like these really abstract comments and ideas and I love reading them so definitely comment down below what would you do."
"I read them and I hear you know the majority of these positive amazing comments and they mean a lot to me so I'm really grateful and really appreciative."
"Let me know what you're thankful for, write it in the comments below if you feel like sharing."
"Let me know in the comments if you got any countries that I don't manage to get."
"Get your thoughts in the comments down below."
"...leave me a comment I read every comment and I'm always impressed with your football knowledge and ideas..."
"If you have any comments any questions specific to plungers don't hesitate to comment below and I'll do my best to answer a bunch of those."
"Please comment below, I love reading your comments."
"Almost every single time I ride, people are always making comments about it."
"Thank you all of you who are giving back as well through the super thanks in the comments."
"I respond to absolutely every comment."
"Let me know in the comments what would you have done."
"The comments are way better than the trailer wow."
"One of the favorite parts of YouTube for me is reading the comments. I love responding to comments. I absolutely do."
"It's got the best food, you can come for me in the comments."
"Share your ranking Down Below in the comment section."
"The comments on that video were brutal."
"You do not have to deal with those kind of comments and you do not need that kind of energy in your life."
"I think Guy this is what I don't get all right you're all in the comment section talking about mm cell can a guy just goof around anymore you know can a fella just goof around anymore."
"So, if you want to be entered in the giveaway, all you got to do is leave in the comments #aromatics."
"I'll have to take a dark look into the comments to find out."
"Let us know your favorite place to visit in Laguna Beach in the comments below."
"If you've got any questions, please leave them in the comments in the description."
"So I spend a lot of time reading my comments for better or worse, especially when it comes to my mental health."
"I seriously appreciate everyone's comments on all the help that you guys give."
"You heard it here from Bill Nye the Science Guy, leave it in the comments below."
"Comment your code, very important from a maintainability standpoint."
"I've read some of the comments I know who you are. Yeah, they're just grumpy old white guys."
"I love reading your comments, it's like waking up on Christmas morning."
"I would love to know in the comments what your opinions are on these events."
"So real great system there if you want more information go ahead put those in the comments down below."
"I love for the comments to be there so I can read them."
"Thank you for watching, please comment below and give this video a thumbs up."
"Don't expose your bone, keep the pg in the comments."
"Those comments really warmed my heart."
"...I would love to hear your ideas in the comments section."
"Nobody should receive hateful comments in the workplace."
"I don't erase no comment. I remember I was at This Is 50 and somebody put up a very personal comment. I had to get them to take it down."
"So please let us know in the comment section any really fun days out ideas you've got."
"I absolutely love getting comments and messages like that because I never thought making these videos I would ever, you know, that would ever be the case."
"He was probably the MVP of Rinka King according to most of the comments on these videos."
"...it's something within certain people that come on my channel and say these things because how do you take that when there are so many other things going on in the world?"
"So yeah, just be confident and let the comments go over your head."
"People were literally in the comments just roasting us."
"This movie is a masterpiece everyone who's watching this right now probably agrees in the comments they're all going to say I love this movie."
"I don't know if anybody does know, put it in the comments."
"This is actually the most liked comment."
"Would you please post us a couple of comments about how you are celebrating life? I know Nick and I would love to read them and share them and let us know what you thought of our time together."
"...hopefully if you guys are still here right now with us uh be sure to comment down hashtag Jesus saves."
"Let me know again in the comments below what's your favorite pickup was, which I should have grabbed all that fun stuff."
"Let me know what you thought of this movie. I know I forgot a ton and I left out a ton. So if you guys have trivia or facts about this movie, put them in the comments. I would love to read them."
"In addition to that please leave us a comment I look at them read them and respond to them and they make me feel good."
"I love to take you guys shopping and even more I love your comments that you leave for me on what items you couldn't believe I found or what items you would have left behind."
"Every time I read your comments it inspires me to keep making more content."
"If you have any comments or questions, make sure to leave them below and I will get back to you."
"Some of your comments are hilarious."
"I try not to let it affect me because I try not to let it Define me you know like yeah and of course when I see like a good comment like it makes me happy."
"Check out the comments below to learn from your peers and other people in the design community what they think is important or skills that they have learned and how that has helped them in their career."
"If it's a father, I'll just hold me down in the comment section, man"
"It was actually kind of a crazy coincidence when I posted that video I got a lot of comments being like 'Oh I thought this was going to be like a pregnancy announcement or something.'"
"...thank you for joining me I hope you enjoyed the video if you get any comments or questions please put them below and if you liked the video you know throw me a like I'd really appreciate that until next time."
"I want to know your comments below. Type away."
"I'd love to know what your thoughts are down in the comment section below. Let me know all of your thoughts, man, on everything."
"Honestly, the comments on the first post were so supportive. I didn't show you them, but I read through them myself. They were brilliant."
"The YouTube comment section is a great way creators can get ideas and feedback from viewers."
"The YouTube comments iceberg: diving deep into what the comment section on YouTube has to offer."
"Comment bots: sometimes you'll find these weird auto-generated comments from bots."
"So what do you guys think? Let me know, drop a comment in the comment section."
"When you make a big part of your brand and your online presence about that stuff about your body it is to be expected that you are going to get comments on it."
"put #proportional in the comment sections"
"All my socials are gone yeah wow and and that's just cuz you you didn't want to read the comments anymore you're done."
"If someone in the House of Representatives supports this man and what he said, do you have any comments on that?"
"Down in the comments, I'm gonna read this post from Best Dad: 'Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of his own actions. Not the butthole, he asked for it, he got it. Yeah, Op, I don't even know why you're even doubting this.'"
"Please let me know in the comments what you thought about it and what you liked about it."
"Support, be friendly in the comments."
"Anybody who comments in this video, I'll give them a king status and queen status."
"If you've got any other questions, feel free to ask them in the comments."
"I'm sure everybody's gonna comment down below though."
"I could tell by the quality of the comments that I was getting on the videos."
"There can be 100 positive comments on a video like points traveler right here and then there can be one hateful spiteful comment and that's the one that just eats away at you."
"...your comments literally changed my life and I'm not sure how long I would have kept living in denial if it weren't for you guys so thank you."
"The first comment you see every time is the suck bots. Yeah, it's not as if you have to scroll for it."
"I will try that. I was very taken aback by the comments and didn't know how to respond in the moment."
"I get the same [ __ ] when I see those comments of like of like Let It Go I'm like I can't you won't let me yes and also I'm still on the Disney Channel girl what are you talking about."
"Tick-tock comment section is way better than the YouTube comment section like there's actually like funny legitimately funny comments in tick-tock comment section."
"Interesting comment Down Below guys, we love hearing from you."
"Most importantly I love getting comments so those are always well appreciated."
"This is very beneficial because when you're scrolling through a lot of code, you can easily miss comments."
"I love your comments, I love your support, I love your positivity."
"If you thought that this was helpful I would love to hear your comments."
"Reading comments helps understand cricket."
"Comments are not the kind of thing that you pat yourself on the back for. Every comment you write is a failure."
"Reading those um reading comments and stuff is just uh yeah makes me want to keep going."
"A YouTube comment alert changed my life for the better."
"Also, I would love to hear your feedback in the comments."
"If you've got onions growing already let me know in the comments below how they're doing."
"Now which software is your pick and why tell us in the comments section down below."
"Don't be afraid to comment below, I read all of them."
"I genuinely hope that was helpful, let me know in the comments down below what effect that had on you if any at all."
"Hopefully, you enjoyed this process and got something out of it. Let me know in the comments below your questions or thoughts."
"So no threats please or cabbage man will delete your comment and can't buy your place to sell. Thanks."
"Everyone goes through this of 'I don't read comments' and it's like, I think it is pretty toxic to read comments unless I get an inkling that they're going to be pretty favorable."
"Let us know what you think as usual in the comment section down below."
"Thank you all so much for watching this video please make sure that you comment below let us know who do you think is going to shine from this very impressive list of youngsters this season."
"Ultimately, comments do exist for a reason, and they actually can help you a lot more than you realize."
"Writing comments takes effort; it doesn't happen automatically."
"If there's any other songs it could be country it can be any genre any artist whatever I read every comment so just comment what you're thinking."
"I love reading your comments, it's just wonderful."
"Just let us know in the comments below if you're running something like this."
"...I really appreciate you guys for subscribing"
"Leave a comment if you learned something."
"Make sure you comment down below and give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it. Obviously, I will link Soph's video and her channel down below."