
Cultural Immersion Quotes

There are 277 quotes

"Meeting and interacting with users from different countries is going to allow people to virtually immerse themselves in different cultures."
"Gran Turismo 7 is designed to immerse players in the culture and history around racing."
"Typically, that means a lot to people when you are traveling, knowing that tourists and people who don't live there, who don't really speak the language, are actually making an effort to immerse themselves in your culture."
"Being among these people teaches you about humanity, and their food tells a story of resourcefulness and innovation in the face of adversity."
"If you ever have the experience in life to surround yourself with a culture that's not yours, take that opportunity."
"Chatting with native speakers is an important part of learning a language."
"This is what happens when someone our age jumps full force into the world of manga."
"You have to crawl, you have to bow your heads in humility, and enter a different world."
"I got to travel around the world for nine months and live with native families."
"The most rewarding thing about languages at A-level is immersing yourself in the language. Music, movies, TV, books—engage with them and enjoy the experience."
"It's getting to know the culture from within."
"If you really want to get to know a place, its people, its culture, something foreign to you, the best way to do that is to experience it and judge it for yourself."
"Immerse yourself in the history of the island and get to know the inhabitants."
"But you can go deeper than traditions put on display for tourists. A more intimate Europe survives. You find it best by becoming a temporary local."
"It's not always about counting countries or scratching countries off of a map, it's about experiencing other people's ways of life to increase your own knowledge of the world, your empathy, and gratitude."
"It's all they know. It's all they've known for years and they can't leave it."
"Travel can be one of the best sources of education... until you truly go to those places you experience the culture."
"Traveling around Iran it makes you feel like you're stuck in a time machine."
"It's important to immerse yourself in cultural things while you're studying a language."
"I was living in Japan without speaking English and Japanese."
"I wanted to explore elements of Japanese cuisine more alien to the Western palate."
"I think living in another country is an experience everybody should have at some point in their lives."
"Immersing yourself in an unfamiliar culture is one of the most rewarding and enlightening experiences that you can have."
"You have to be in the culture to see what's going on."
"Learning the language of the people is even bigger than experiencing different cultures."
"Waking up in this Village, everyone being so hospitable and kind, I felt so safe, felt so at home even though I'm so far away from home."
"This really is so cool for me because I mean I studied Spanish in school but you know you're only learning the actual grammar and language for so long then once you speak it you're learning things like culture and history."
"As we're here in Richmond, the home of Ted Lasso, of course, the perfect place to find a place to sit down and soak all of this in together."
"The puritan worldview is very fascinating and I really love kind of immersing myself in that world."
"Staying with a family during travels, practice language skills and get cultural immersion."
"Welcome to Epcot Center where soon you'll be able to immerse yourself into the 15 countries of the world showcase."
"Lawrence found the Bedouins... to be about as close as he could come in the modern world to his dream of living with fighting with working with medieval knights."
"You never really get the feel of a culture until you experience its cuisine."
"I am completely inside when it comes to Russian cultural understanding."
"Every person who ever says something about Goku's Japanese voice has never really experienced it at all."
"You shouldn't try not to be [moved]. You should just absorb that culture for how rich it is."
"Visitors from all over the world and from all walks of life come to visit the boat and imagine for a moment what life was like during the time of Jesus."
"The most exciting part isn't seeing necessarily the city and sightseeing, it's really meeting the people and understanding the culture."
"You're doing what the locals are doing which is ultimately what travel should be all about."
"To anybody who can, go overseas for any length of time and live somewhere and try to understand others."
"Rare opportunity right now to see villagers up close."
"Feels weird to be honest wearing this Bills Jersey, but hey, happy to be part of Bills Mafia for the day."
"Travel opens your mind, opens your brain, you meet so many people, and you just see the world in a different way."
"The more you experience the Philippines the more you really experience life."
"The English learners who have gotten to a really high level of English, with their pronunciation, with their vocabulary, with their cultural awareness, just through music. If you think about it, it's an amazing way to learn a language."
"You've got to understand, you'll get more into this MLS culture."
"The real beauty of Tibetan food and culture is at people's homes."
"From the moment you step foot in Japan, your mouth will begin to water."
"I got been hanging out with people like Bill Maher... slowly got into the weed and the weed culture."
"Just being in Rome alone and just looking at it... everything was just intense."
"Watching films in your target language is just something that I absolutely love. It has this incredible ability to teach you about the culture and the people of a country that you are interested in."
"It's more than cool I know what it feels like to be a stranger in a foreign land."
"Once you get away from these comforts, that's when you truly experience real people."
"I ain't even trolling, this feels like I'm in Paris right now, stop playing with me!"
"You really kind of feel like what a day in the life is like over here."
"I'm loving getting to know Paris, not like a tourist but like someone who's actually kind of living here."
"It's hard to put into words how bloody cool it is to move to another country and start all over."
"Getting to a near native level in a language like Japanese, the real difficulty is training your brain to fundamentally think like a Japanese person."
"Annie had spent three months in India planning it."
"This has definitely been a very very successful day of eating I've eaten so many beautiful delicious foods and every day I spend here in guancy I'm learning more and more about the cuisine and the more and more I'm falling in love with it."
"This isn't just about hitting the famous landmarks and it isn't just about visiting places no one's heard of either. It's a splash of both."
"Don't be afraid to go out there and truly experience the real Greece."
"Don't choose the easy way out. Stay, learn the culture, get used to it."
"I think my favorite part is actually just getting to be a part of that Japanese train culture for 2 days."
"Surround yourself with British people and British food and have a Yorkshire pudding and all that stuff."
"The idea is to orient yourself with a culture, and that's how you learn a language."
"One of the joys of being in remote places is mastering the skills that the local people use."
"To savor Istanbul's back streets, to appreciate the vines and trees that endow its rooms with accidental grace, you must first and foremost be a stranger to them."
"Embrace the culture, slow down, and just immerse yourself."
"Moving to a new country has its ups and downs, and that's why we do our very best to help you understand Mexico, its culture, its people, traditions, and customs."
"Growing up in West Oakland was one of the most significant experiences for me because I was immersed in African American culture."
"Epcot is phenomenal from exploring the possibilities of the future to traveling around the great countries of the world in a day."
"Venice really is a world unto its own."
"Are you planning a trip to Italy? Don't be treated like a tourist. Brush up on the basics of your Italian with my self-paced online video course."
"I would recommend mingling with the local people as well. Be yourself, and that helps you navigate better."
"When you come to Jamaica, remember it's more than just the resorts, it's more than just the hotels. You want to get out, you want to experience the culture, take these tours, learn about the culture, the people, the city."
"When he was assigned to Thailand in 1971, he immersed himself in their culture by shaving his head and entering a Buddhist monastery for two weeks."
"Make sure that you are a cultural chameleon when it comes to the drinks and the food in your travels, and then you will have a better experience."
"Street food is perhaps the best way to learn about a new culture."
"You should try to speak a little French. Bonjour, which is good day or Bonsoir which is good evening or Merci at the end of your meal which is thank you or maybe S'il Vous Plaît which is please, a few words like that go a long way to ingratiate yourself with the locals."
"The best way to find the way into the local people is actually eating the local food."
"A cooking class is the best way to dive into the local culture."
"Backpacking trips are the best way to really get to know a place and its people."
"I feel like the coolest places you kind of need to be able to speak the language."
"I feel like I got more of a sense of the culture yesterday."
"If you're seriously considering Mexico and Vad as your new home, come visit, stay for a couple of weeks or even a couple of months, experience the town, talk to the locals, get a good idea of what you can expect."
"We actually like to have new experiences and meet local people of that particular area and try to explore their culture, tradition."
"A solo Cruise provides an excellent opportunity to immerse oneself in diverse cultures."
"To experience the culture and offerings of Tokyo, the most important thing to do is to embrace the concept of slow travel."
"Engage with the local culture and traditions by visiting local Villages where time-honored Lifestyles continue to thrive."
"Some of our favorite travel memories ever happen when we don't have our phones, no Wi-Fi, you just get out there hang with locals."
"There's nothing more adventurous than visiting other countries and embracing the culture."
"I really do feel like this day is one of the best ways to experience Japan."
"But I think for me, I would choose these races because there are places that I wanted to go and I wanted to be immersed in the culture."
"It's really easy to go on vacation just to party and do the exact same things you can do at home. It is important to indulge in some of the culture around you and learn some things about the places that you're going."
"If you came to Trinidad... if you don't eat bacon shark, you wasn't really in Trinidad. I'm just saying, you wasn't really in Trinidad, right?"
"The only way to find out about it is to eat its food, eat the country and you'll understand it."
"What's been your favorite part so far? Just enjoying a society and a culture that's different than my own. Just observing people, people watching and enjoying some good food and some good sites. It's been good."
"Come with me to a black Baptist church, come with me to a historically black college, come to me to an indigenous or first nations community where we're able to engage in some of the lovely conversation but also to listen."
"It's always a great thing to really immerse yourself into a local culture when you're traveling."
"If you're in a city for a short time and you really want to immerse yourself into a culture, there's nothing like finding a local market."
"Learning a new language allows me to become more adjusted to the culture and to interact with local people."
"The best way to immerse yourself. It's the best way to find everything out about a country through the food."
"When you ate over there, it's not just what you're eating in the restaurant -- it's the whole culture."
"These trips are tiring but as we made our way back to Hanoi and prepared to head home I think our kids learned that traveling isn't just being a tourist in a foreign land."
"It makes it so much more fun to go out and travel if you actually speak the language of the people."
"Ground transportation teaches me more about a country and its nuances than flying over it in an airplane."
"It's a bit more in the countryside, not a lot of foreigners, not a lot of people in general it seems like."
"I went to Korea for the first time and it was absolutely amazing I tried so many new things got lost took pictures of all the ads I found on the street with Idols in them."
"Don't be surprised if you fall in love with the architecture and the food and the people when you come here."
"Traveling was not about natural disasters, world domination, conspiracies, or being a savior. It was about those normal things like drinking tea with a bunch of strange-looking men."
"Just immerse yourself in the culture and in that sense it kept my interest therefore in a sense it saved my life."
"You need to understand the language like a native if you want to use the language like a native."
"When you are coming to Kashi, come with an open mindset of experiencing that divine nature, that raw nature of Shiva."
"We've gone to so many places. 26 or 27 countries, really."
"Don't think like a learner, think like a native. Focus on situations, get lots of examples."
"Incredible that we're in New York City and I feel like I'm in Albania, yes, you feel like you're in Kosovo, right? Yeah, incredible that's the best part about this, we bring back home here, yeah, in the middle of New York, middle of Brooklyn, I love it."
"We wanted them to feel like a samurai."
"We just walked down Little India in Penang, all my days, I am drooling every single shop you walk past just smells fantastic."
"We want you to fall in love with Colombia."
"If you're looking for cultural change, if you got 10 days in Spain and you wonder what to do on day 11, go to Morocco. That'd be the most exciting thing you could do."
"It's almost like experiencing a living museum."
"When in Rome, you do as the Romans do."
"Embedding yourself in the culture is so important because that's what this is about."
"I want to live how the locals live."
"Your cultural knowledge will make your trip deeper and more meaningful."
"I dropped myself in another country where no one believes like me."
"When we travel, eating the food, being a part of that culture is really important to us."
"Expect unbelievable views, incredible food, character building days, and inspiring nights under a blanket of ancient stars."
"She makes the best of it; she completely submerges herself into the culture."
"I love that feeling of being very grounded in a place and experiencing how life takes place around a Piazza."
"When you come to a different country, you have to go outside of the resort, you got to go and explore the country, see what's there."
"When you're in Thailand, do as the Thais do, go with the flow, enjoy the process, and just be positive."
"We're excited to experience the culture and do loads of fun things."
"Travel Freedom, fun, adventure, playfulness, Liberation, creativity, dance, color, exoticism."
"Diving deep into the depths of Vietnam, immersing ourselves in the Vietnamese culture, experiencing astounding views and being surrounded by the nicest community of people we've ever met."
"I have already mentioned Easy Languages, but if you like that format, then check out a very similar project called Coffee Break Languages."
"Another option would be something like watching a French movie, watching YouTube videos in French."
"It's a big experience for us as a family to be in a different culture."
"Embrace the culture and the community here, to really listen and understand what are the user behaviors on the platform."
"It's about destination immersion, it's about enrichment."
"If there's one way to engulf yourself in Vietnam culture, this is it."
"When you learn a language, it puts you in the thought world of the people who speak it."
"I just love traveling, I love meeting people like in the actual culture."
"One thing that we've learned from traveling is it's super important to dive deep into the local culture."
"I always really liked Dirk Nowitzki. I grew up in a German Immersion program, so I thought Dirk was awesome."
"Visiting Santiago is knowing a part of the Sierra Madre Oriental in which nature and culture become the protagonists."
"I'm 15,000 km from home, yet in this muddy crowd covered in paint, getting sprayed with water guns, I feel appreciated by others."
"I want to get immersed in its living traditions and by meeting her people, I want to understand why they love the great and sprawling metropolis."
"I only started learning Chinese in the summer after high school, and I spent the year in China and had just an amazing time."
"Immerse yourself in the Filipino culture."
"It's one of the best ways, actually, as a traveler when you go to countries, is actually just to go dive deep into areas that make you feel uncomfortable and just try to learn the culture."
"I lived in a totally Greek community... I was certainly oriented and introduced to a whole foreign culture."
"I've been all over the globe... I lived for varying amounts of time in five different countries."
"She immersed herself in different cultures, expanding her horizons and gaining new perspectives."
"You could easily spend days taking in Rome's rich culture."
"Watching Chinese TV shows is so great because you're practicing your reading, increasing your vocabulary, and learning how to speak in more colloquial ways."
"If you learn the native language of some people, you don't get known only with the people; you get known with their habits, with their culture, national dances, national songs."
"It's crazy how much Indian stuff is in my life, and a month or two ago, I knew nothing."
"Learn a language, absorb another culture, eat great cuisine, and enjoy what life has to offer."
"Japanese is not that easy of a language; it took me eight years of serious academic studies and four years in Japan to learn to speak the language properly."
"It's rare to feel invited into a new cultural experience and not have everything over-explained to the point of distraction."
"We came into Brazil very nervous and we left very excited, very happy."
"Just being out there with the locals, experiencing the cuisine, talking to them... it's just not like seeing pictures."
"The more deeply you go into the culture of a language, that's really where you begin to connect with people."
"India had sunk into his bones; the heat, the food, the never-ending roar of life."
"We love to slow travel, to take in the culture."
"So I can see why this type of travel is so appealing, being able to live and immerse yourself in different places and different experiences with different people."
"Smile, have fun, use the language, meet people."
"Eat with the culture, eat with the seasons."
"Try some local food, immerse yourself in the culture of the different countries that you're going through."
"You need to empathize with them, so you should be emerged in it."
"Just pick a different population from you and immerse yourself in it and learn it, and I guarantee you it will change your life and it will also be the best thing you've ever done."
"For a moment, I actually forgot I was in Thailand."
"Traveling is so important because you immerse yourself in different cultures."
"The central theme of the story deals with a foreigner being introduced into a new culture and new country that he's unfamiliar with."
"She embraced the Italian language with such passion and determination."
"I can experience Japanese culture in a more authentic way without tourists because only local people take part in it."
"A trip to Akiba can feel like you're stepping into another world."
"It was really cool to get a full Japanese experience at this price point in America."
"This is a little piece of Bali right here in Surinam."
"If you're planning on moving to Russia or thinking about visiting, start now because you will enjoy your stay a whole lot better if you understand a little bit of the language."
"You can really experience the local life and the culture here."
"I want to see as much of the world as I can, and immerse myself in as many cultures as I can."
"I feel like I'm in Japan right now."
"By the end of this lesson, you'll be able to read Korean handwritings written by native Korean people and write Korean like a native."
"I realized as I spent time there these beautiful stories started emerging."
"Learn to embrace and ingratiate yourself into the culture."
"These soldiers possess the capability of going to remote primitive regions of the world to live with the people, eat their food, or share their lack of it, learn their language, their customs and taboos, and win their confidence and respect."
"We're going to sleep together, swim together, visit ancient tribes, spot dolphins, and go through some of the most beautiful islands in the world."
"Conversing with the locals, you learn far more about a country and its ways than you will from just driving around looking out of a window."
"One of the signatures of Azamara is cultural and destination immersion."
"If you really want to feel Cuba, a broader truer sense of Cuba, talk to the people."
"You don't have to hop the border to feel like you're already visiting another country."
"I would like to be immersed in the world of Japan for like a year and understand what it's like."
"It's definitely a true way to learn and a much better way to get involved with the local culture here in Bali."
"You'll literally be living in a different country for five to six months."
"...I only watch Japanese movies, I only watch Japanese TV shows, and read Japanese books..."
"You're emerging yourself in the culture, you're being around local people."