
Metaverse Quotes

There are 422 quotes

"Some people refer to what we're building as the metaverse, and the metaverse has been a topic that sci-fi writers and futurists have been thinking about for over 30 years."
"A story that could break the internet: 71-year-old man reacts to the first car dealership in the metaverse."
"It delivers groundbreaking technology designed for revolutionizing our glasses and shape the Metaverse."
"The best way to understand the metaverse is to experience it yourself, but it's a little tough because it doesn't fully exist yet."
"The metaverse... allows us to create our own worlds in the way that we want it."
"The atomic unit in the metaverse is going to be about you and your stuff and your friends and your connection."
"I think if we're all spending a lot more time in the metaverse, then I think we're going to care a lot about our representation of our identity and we're going to want different outfits."
"The metaverse won't be a digital world that you can escape into; it'll be a digital layer that none of us can escape from."
"The Metaverse sets a precedent the likes of which we've never seen before."
"The Metaverse's ultimate aim is not just virtual reality or augmented reality; it's mixed reality."
"Technology that's built around people and how we actually experience the world and interact with each other, that's what the metaverse is all about."
"The metaverse will be the successor to the mobile internet."
"The metaverse is really going to be first and foremost about connecting people."
"The metaverse is basically about dissolving the boundary between the online world and the offline world."
"Getting early in the metaverse right now would be like getting in bitcoin in 2011."
"Walmart... they're trying to create their own cryptocurrency and collection of NFTs inside the metaverse."
"The metaverse will likely see a meaningful transition to a business phase in 2022 with a wide range of services appearing on the scene."
"The Zuckerverse is basically like the walled garden version of the Metaverse and it may interconnect with the Metaverse, but it's not the Metaverse."
"The metaverse is just the internet with two differences: the visualization layer and composable cross-application digital objects."
"The battle for the metaverse is essentially a battle for how we architect our digital future."
"The future open metaverse will be about musicians, music labels, film, and television studios... being able to bring it and launch it playfully in the metaverse."
"More accessible, more divisible, more portable. If we're going to move our lives into this metaverse digital world, why would we leave the assets we care about in the analog world?"
"The Metaverse is where we live a larger percentage of our life in the digital world than we do in the physical world."
"Mark Zuckerberg tripled down on the Metaverse, and since then, the stock price did sink a little bit."
"Mark Zuckerberg spent $10 billion on the Metaverse and all he got was this stupid selfie."
"Mark Zuckerberg responds to graphics backlash, promises Metaverse won't be depressing to look at."
"Mark Zuckerberg unveils new boyish Metaverse avatar after getting mocked for creepy dead-eyed version."
"Zuckerberg Metaverse slammed for ugly graphics."
"This is what Meta and Horizon Worlds is at its core right now: a laughing stock and a piss-poor attempt to fool us into thinking that this is all somehow made for our benefit."
"The metaverse is going to change my life, it's going to change your life."
"Throughout history, we have constantly been moving towards more and more engaging mediums...and the metaverse is what comes next."
"A living, shared, everlasting virtual universe that's Meta's vision of the metaverse, achieved through a combination of augmented reality and virtual reality."
"The metaverse will allow you to live out your fantasies...in one single evening you could be slaying enemies, playing a quiet game of chess on the streets of New York, and surfboarding across the Tropics of the Bahamas."
"In the metaverse, we'll be using voices, gestures, and even making things happen by just thinking about them."
"The metaverse is not one thing that one moment it's not there and then suddenly it is. It's now, and it's only going to keep evolving."
"So lately, there has been a lot of buzz about the metaverse."
"The metaverse actually opens up a new way to make money, which I think is really going to change how businesses operate, especially in the marketing sector."
"Experts are actually predicting that the metaverse will soon reach a value of 800 billion dollars by the year 2024."
"The metaverse is here; it's just fragmented and it's two-dimensional. But that's going to change over time."
"The metaverse might change that in a way... we won't be able to physically travel through time, but we'll be able to experience events live through times and observe the world as it was."
"The metaverse is a work in progress. No one really knows exactly what it is or where it'll be even in a year. It's being built by all of us, for all of us."
"If the Metaverse is going to be as big as advertised, it's going to play a giant role in our futures."
"The metaverse isn't just about fun avatars having virtual meetings, it is way deeper than that."
"There is no investment opportunity that can even come close to the metaverse."
"Metaverses really are, in essence, video games. They're MMOs that are trying to blend into real life by creating this second life where people are supposed to partake in and do a lot of their daily activities there."
"Security and regulations within the metaverse are practically non-existent, and people have been allowed to engage in horrible ways."
"The metaverse, however, I don't just see it as a rough transition to something that will ultimately make life better. I see it as a transition that adds nothing really new to the table."
"You will soon be living inside the metaverse, whether you like it or not."
"Zuckerberg refers to the metaverse as 'an embodied internet where you're in the experience, not just looking at it.'"
"The metaverse isn't collapsing; it's a whole lot bigger than you think."
"The company that gets the metaverse right will likely make trillions."
"The metaverse is already here, and the concept has been proven to work."
"Think about the potential of...being able to share experiences with other folks...it's almost like we're together in person."
"The metaverse isn't really deemed an extension of the internet; it's actually being considered the next step of the internet."
"I think that actually would be pretty dang cool, especially with how we're becoming so scattered and so many people are moving to different places because we can work virtually."
"The future of the metaverse isn't a specific place or thing but rather the next level of interconnectedness."
"Every big company will be in the NFT space and in the metaverse because that's where the future is headed."
"The metaverse concept doesn't actually seem to offer anything except for a playground for major corporations to be able to exploit customers and to make additional profits through nefarious business tactics."
"With all said and done, it pleases me to see that the metaverse, at least so far in the short term, has been a failing endeavor for Facebook and Meta."
"Cryptocurrency will be the main source of payment in the metaverse where everything is digital."
"If you're looking to be part of the metaverse, there's going to be plenty of job opportunities out there that are going to pay extremely well."
"The metaverse... it's an ecosystem in which most likely we will see a lot of not only businesses, gaming, financial, probably all walks of life moving into the metaverse in the very near future."
"When you hear a tech buzzword like 'the Metaverse,' it’s easy to tune it out as just another marketing stunt. But I think it actually represents a really important vision for the future of technology."
"Experts have predicted that by the year 2030, a great deal of us will be living in this upcoming metaverse."
"Already people are getting married inside the Metaverse, businesses are setting up shop."
"It's going to be real crazy when we're in the metaverse... You could be born into a digital reality, choose an avatar for yourself that's like a giant carrot, and then one day when the metaverse breaks down, you'd freak out."
"The real world sucks right now, So why not be in a metaverse where you, your friends, and Steph Curry are all members of the coolest club possible."
"Teleporting around the metaverse is gonna be like clicking a link on the internet."
"We have years until the metaverse we envision is fully realized, so this is the start of the journey, not the end."
"We're working on all the major technological breakthroughs needed for the next generation metaverse, including displays, audio input, haptics, hand tracking, eye tracking, mixed reality sensors, and more."
"To use your avatar to teleport to a meeting or sit down for a chat in the metaverse, you'll also need realistic virtual spaces to be with people in."
"The metaverse is the next frontier just like social networking was when we got started."
"We're going to be metaverse first, not Facebook first...over time, you won't need to use Facebook to use our other services."
"You're going to be able to live your life as your idealized self in the metaverse."
"Imagine if their consciousness were uploaded to the metaverse, and you could go to the metaverse and have dinner with your mother whenever you wanted to."
"Apple's AR VR glasses release could change the game, ushering in a new era of the metaverse."
"The Metaverse is talking about a parallel plane of existence, a second place where we can live and coexist and socialize."
"Anything that could be done in the physical world can be recreated in the metaverse."
"The metaverse is just the beginning and it's probably here to stay."
"I think web 2.0 eventually will die uh, web 3 is the future and and the metaverse is essentially the future of the web in general."
"The metaverse is an attempt to mesh real world with virtual world."
"The Sandbox has become the de facto home for projects that want to join into a metaverse."
"We are working on Impact Theory, will be leading the charge into this metaverse blockchain NFT space and I want to make sure that you don't miss out on this."
"Starting focusing on metaverse NFTs is probably a way that most people will have more success."
"The metaverse... a persistent live digital universe that affords individuals a sense of agency, social presence, and shared spatial awareness." - Piers Kicks
"Adidas steps into the metaverse by partnering with NFT project Support Yacht Club and Punk's Comic."
"So what is the metaverse? It's a virtual environment where you can be present with people in digital spaces."
"All the metaverse is is just the latest interface for us to experience a place in time where we control life liberty and property."
"Decentralized metaverse narratives have huge potential."
"If you thought the metaverse was all about gaming gigs and virtual meetings, think again."
"The metaverse is starting to offer opportunities to a multitude of industries and new ways to tackle pressing, even deadly challenges."
"The metaverse is already starting to offer glimpses of its potential to drive change and to shape how we behave in profound ways."
"We've all been increasingly living in something called the metaverse."
"I believe in a metaverse, I believe that we will move to this."
"Sandbox is the closest thing to a real metaverse we have."
"Meta was born from the idea of creating the metaverse."
"When the metaverse goes mainstream it's not going to look back this is going to be the biggest industry growth-wise in the next 10 years in my honest opinion."
"Education institutional interests universities there's so much coming in the metaverse guys and I just wanted to bring this type of info to you because it's what I've learned it's what I'm like hearing here."
"The metaverse sounds like a horrific dystopian hellscape of late-stage capitalism, and I hope it fails."
"In the Metaverse, the only limits are those of your imagination."
"The decentralized metaverse requires decentralized money, file storage, and computing power."
"Silica is essentially going to be a metaverse in the sense that it's going to be the next iteration of the internet."
"That's going to be the Tipping Point between people realizing that to enter the metaverse or to exist in the metaverse they need to have an NFT strategy."
"The metaverse is the 3D evolution of the internet, a network of connected persistent virtual worlds."
"Mark Zuckerberg shocked everyone when he went all in on the metaverse and changed Facebook to Meta. Starting today our company is now Meta."
"The metaverse is important because it fundamentally is going to change the medium through which we socialize, engage with fashion brands, and more."
"The metaverse is first-person; you feel like you're in it."
"There's just something magical about creating that feeling of being around people once you've experienced it, you know it's the future."
"The Metaverse will be a space that welcomes all unique types of people."
"Meta V-Pad is going to be fueling the metaverse. The fact that Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg branded their entire business around the metaverse shows me that there is going to be money pouring into this space."
"It's a solid project... an absolute deliverable product that is going to kill in the metaverse."
"The metaverse can only thrive if there is a healthy user base that is constantly engaging with the platform."
"A lot of what I often think about metaverse projects is, okay now what the hell are you doing there?"
"We're in a new type of war, a financial and economic war."
"The Metaverse will likely infiltrate every sector in some way in the coming years."
"Anyone's entitled to their own opinion, but trust me, I don't think the devil is scheming to build the metaverse."
"Walmart Gucci McDonald's Nike are all setting up shop in the metaverse."
"Building out the metaverse, we were, you know, very early on the metaverse explained to people. Okay, what does this mean? What's it about and how's it gonna change everybody's world?"
"Epic Games, Sony Entertainment, and Lego are all teaming up to build a metaverse one block at a time."
"Maybe there is a version of the metaverse future that's worth fighting for."
"The utility of these genesis items carries forward for the duration of the metaverse, providing a unique value proposition."
"They are definitely close to building out the Clash of Clans of the metaverse."
"Nobody will call it the metaverse in a few years. It's going to become a normal part of lives for many individuals around the world."
"NFT ownership and collecting and immersive metaverse-like experiences are a match made in heaven."
"The metaverse is where our economy is moving." - Crypto Stash
"The metaverse is all set to revolutionize the way we work, play, and learn, offering endless possibilities for creativity and interaction."
"The gaming and metaverse narrative is super, super, super hot."
"The metaverse could change the fabric of reality as we know it."
"Investors are going to say thank goodness they're spending 10, 20, 15 billion whatever the number is on the metaverse."
"We need to contribute to and co-create the metaverse."
"People who own important assets within digital worlds... will be the Oil Barons of the metaverse."
"The metaverse and Web 3.0 are just the next evolution of the internet."
"Building the metaverse is a moral imperative."
"Everybody agrees that a closed platform doesn't deserve to be called the metaverse."
"I think it's very bullish for crypto to see Facebook making such a big bet in metaverse."
"Ethereum's merge with the beacon chain is poised to be the biggest catalyst for the metaverse in October. Get ready for a seismic shift in the ecosystem!"
"Being confident in a user's age and identity is a critical foundation for metaverse safety and civility."
"The metaverse is about digital property rights and NFTs."
"If one company controls the metaverse, they will be more powerful than any company in human history."
"The metaverse won't be built overnight by a single company."
"They're taking your data and there's some concerns behind it but I think they're poised to be a major player in the metaverse."
"I think this adoption of the metaverse is quite exciting in my opinion."
"Guys, I'm in 360 VR right now. I'm in the metaverse. No way, here we go, I'm in VR Oculus metaverse, are you serious? Man, I might be on my way to Meatballs."
"Our mobile application is going to be the bridge between the real world and the metaverse."
"If you go into the metaverse with knowledge yourself, you will reign supreme, family."
"Facebook wants to nudge people into trying its metaverse ideas."
"The best version of the metaverse in my opinion... really felt like you were part of something bigger than yourself. That's awesome."
"The metaverse is very much the next iteration of the internet... and that's something different than web3."
"Imagine terrorism or psychological subversion in the metaverse. It will happen."
"The ones that will thrive are the ones that accept it, adapt to it, and then learn how to capitalize in the metaverse."
"Old pal, sure was lucky that your darn friends had to come along and save you. While you were gone, I went ahead and bid on every single piece of land in the metaverse."
"A vision for the metaverse: Democratizing GPU cloud rendering."
"The future of Web 3.0: Decentralized social media and the metaverse."
"Positioning for the metaverse: Core services like rendering are crucial."
"The thing driving Epic to make their move was the hot buzzword of 2021. The metaverse. What is it? Even the people writing an unhealthy amount of articles about it don't know, but Tim Sweeney does."
"This is why [coin name] is your [number] crypto gaming and metaverse coin that I believe still has some massive upside potential."
"I thought hey listen we need a gaming expert someone that is super savvy in the metaverse there is only one guy to bring on the show and that of course is hustle from crypto banner."
"Metaverse projects that don't think about interoperability now as they're building are the ones that are not going to succeed."
"This is why you shouldn't go on the metaverse, you guys."
"Your metaverse avatar is not going to save your life if the world heads down into the crapper."
"Anything touching the metaverse is a great time right now, guys."
"This whole channel is dedicated to showing you guys how to make money and teach you guys more about the metaverse and the future of working in virtual worlds which I just think is so so cool."
"I feel like Floki's probably the strongest one in that field when it comes to creating a video game play to earn metaverse."
"I'm very bullish on the concept of the metaverse."
"There's been a huge buying spree of anything metaverse related."
"Matterport's technology makes them a very very interesting play in regards to a metaverse."
"Metaverse to me is not as explosive or as easy to produce a project of very high quality as gaming so I would say that metaverse is actually a 20x in the main."
"We're on the precipice; those thinking about the metaverse today will probably win in five years."
"Virtual economies will flourish in the metaverse."
"Epic Games, one of the most epic game makers out there, getting into the metaverse."
"The whole point of a metaverse is that we can all interact in the same place it's not everybody builds their own metaverse and then we somehow come up with a way to interlink all of these different things"
"The future of bitcoin ethereum of the metaverse... that future is obvious."
"Sin City is aiming to be the GTA of the metaverse."
"Welcome to the metaverse. Chuck has broken the parasocial relationship."
"The virtual life is going to become so powerful to the point where you're going to own your nfts that are actual like things in the metaverse."
"Facebook renamed their company to Meta. They're driving more attention to the metaverse."
"Majority of online work meetings will be in a metaverse in three years."
"This is the most worthwhile purchase you would make for the metaverse in a long time."
"J.P. Morgan becomes the first major bank in the metaverse."
"Yeah, I agree there could be a paradigm shift in the future where these things move into the metaverse."
"Every fashion brand should know how to navigate the metaverse."
"Just when you thought that an entire season dedicated to Marvel was the start of the metaverse chapter 2 Season 5 was an entirely Original fortnite season that was centered around collaborations."
"Ready Player Me avatars coming to 8th Wall's metaverse: innovation in action."
"Metaverse: the genesis point of innovation in gaming and blockchain."
"Buffett's Berkshire enters the metaverse: following the big money."
"Metaverse ETFs booming in South Korea: a forward-thinking market."
"Gala Games: a promising venture in the metaverse. Don't miss our upcoming interview."
"The metaverse is something that's almost inevitable at this point... the entire internet is going to take up on a very 3D shape in our lives."
"Like I'm able to tackle a problem I'm not really able to tackle in real life and I wake up feeling like restored like is this what the metaverse is for."
"Roblox is bigger than a video game. It's a metaverse. It might just be all three."
"The metaverse is the future. It's where we're taking video games, allowing their capabilities to go through the roofs."
"Getting computing power from the millions upon millions of computers out there is going to be one of the biggest ways to power metaverses across the board."
"If you're into understanding where games are going and where metaverse projects are going a lot of times they're really good ones on finance."
"It's going to be exciting they actually jp morgan just came out with a study said the metaverse could be an 800 billion dollar market by 2024."
"Facebook is becoming a metaverse company. It's the biggest bet Zuckerberg has ever made."
"The metaverse unites big tech, crypto, AI, so many different technologies, and all of those attack vectors at the same time mean that there's going to be explosive growth in this space."
"Decentralized from the big technology companies."
"If the metaverse is going to be fully realized, it has to be decentralized. It has to be not controlled by one singular place."
"For the metaverse to fully work, it has to implement an actual economy in which you can make money, in which you can essentially make a living."
"I imagine you'll be able to go into the metaverse, have an apartment, a virtual apartment, and be able to decorate it like what we see with MMOs but almost more implemented."