
Ancient Rome Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"Instead of studying ancient Rome and watching it in a video, I'm going to go with you and my friends, and we're going to experience ancient Rome together."
"Ancient Rome's architecture stands today and draws millions of tourists each year."
"The crux of this exploit is that we're actually committing the Roman equivalent of insurance fraud."
"It's the last days of the Roman Empire... How cool is that?"
"Septimius Severus issued an edict prohibiting anyone from converting to Christianity."
"By 82 Agricola's campaign in the North had met with some astonishing success."
"Peter was about to convert the first Gentile, and in a world where the emperor of Rome was worshipped as a god, this was no ordinary convert."
"An ancient Roman arm guard has been reconstructed like a jigsaw puzzle from over 100 fragments."
"In truth, Carthage was not Rome's opposite but its forerunner and teacher, the worthy enemy who took Rome to the brink and taught them how to become great."
"Ah the roman republic, perhaps the ancient world's most brilliant form of government."
"Vespasian’s rise to the throne echoed that of Vitellius."
"One of the best preserved structures is the mighty Pantheon, the former temple to all the Gods of ancient Rome."
"We shift from the entertainment hub to the centre of Roman public life at the Forum."
"The Appian Way was once the most strategic road of ancient Rome."
"Rome is the Mega City and was technically clean for a city being that big."
"The scope and variety of the Roman world is all part of what makes this such a massive project."
"Building this mega arena in the very heart of Rome was more than a triumph of engineering. It was an astute political ploy."
"Ancient Rome: foundations of our modern society, from democracy to three-course meals."
"Ancient Rome: powerful yet not as wealthy as assumed."
"It was Hannibal's tragedy that his long feud with Rome would end in his own city's humiliation and the greater glory of Rome."
"In today’s show, we’re going to class you as a regular working person in Rome, a plebian, someone who didn’t have an en-suite."
"It's estimated that 60,000 to 100,000 slaves were employed to complete the Coliseum."
"Germanicus rallied his troops to victory, then traveled back to Rome."
"The Baths of Caracalla: an authentic ancient Roman experience."
"Great again I thought this was a great decision to do the Punic Wars people love Rome there's a lot to learn."
"These marble tablets... list the freedmen and full citizens of the town... suggesting huge social mobility."
"Providing water for their populations was one of the greatest benefits of being part of the Roman world, there's no doubt about that."
"Rome had never seen a champion the likes of Pompey the Great." - Plutarch
"Octavian triumphed over Antony and Cleopatra in the Battle of Actium."
"Julian, known as 'the apostate,' attempted to promote polytheism as the official state religion."
"Cornelia was the first wife of Julius Caesar."
"I was reading about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius that destroyed the ancient Roman colony of Pompeii the other day."
"Legacy was everything in ancient Rome, and wiping out the memory of your existence was one of the biggest middle fingers someone could give you."
"Marcus Aurelius is in many ways the closest thing that the ancient world ever saw to a true philosopher king."
"Alaric laid siege on Rome for a third and final time."
"Perhaps it's not surprising that one favourite nickname for a schoolmaster in Rome was Plagosus - 'whacker'."
"Before the fatal blow, she was said to have bared her stomach and told her executioner to strike the womb that had borne Nero."
"The Romans had hot and cold running water and a complex sewage system."
"The ancient Roman 1597 is one scarily amazing place."
"Ancient Rome was wildly different from modern countries in a lot of ways, but particularly in how much they were willing to spend on infrastructure and how they were willing to treat laborers."
"I am here to speak for the edgy, disreputable, and sometimes hilarious world of ancient Rome."
"Ancient Roman aqueducts were able to supply Rome with roughly 370 gallons of running water a second."
"There were actually female gladiators in ancient Rome. A female gladiator was called a gladiatrix. They were extremely rare, unlike their male counterparts."
"The Romans used human urine as mouthwash."
"Exposing the ancient Roman to the modern religions and the way they are practiced with the temples, shrines, churches, and Cathedrals, would be a fascinating experience."
"The separation of religion and state in modern times might sound very strange in the eyes of an ancient Roman, given the strong connection between religion and the state in ancient Rome."
"An ancient Roman would find the modern religious landscape disorienting due to the focus on personal belief rather than communal or societal conduct."
"During the inauguration games in 80 AD, more than 9,000 wild animals were killed in the arena."
"This is a style that does not model itself on anything that comes from ancient Rome or ancient Greece."
"The Romans did enough of these, sometimes 500 a day, to be excellent anatomists."
"A possible lead token found on lot 5 originating more than 2,000 years ago in ancient Rome."
"Hadrian's Temple of Venus and Roma utilized Greek marble, reflecting his admiration for Greek culture."
"...Jesus was a hero-fawn, and what is it in the text? One who teaches the rites of sacrifice and worship, right at Rome."
"There shall be friendship between the Romans and their allies and the Carthaginians and theirs."
"Could people who do not have the power of an emperor marry a person of the same sex if they so chose? Legally speaking, Roman legislation does not seem to contemplate or include the possibility of homosexual marriage."
"The fighting was evenly matched for some time, but the Romans held the high ground."
"To the Romans, it was Arabia Felix, a fortunate land of lush valleys and rich soil."
"In the first century, Pompeii was the Sin City of the Roman Empire."
"Saturnalia represented an upending of standard social order."
"Mysteries of ancient Rome that remain unsolved to this day."
"It's interesting that the stereotype of the ancient Roman is a person who has to be verbose."
"But an even more dynamic civilization would come to dominate Europe; that's ancient Rome, and that's another story."
"Looking at Pompeii from a human perspective, it was most likely one of the biggest tragedies in ancient Rome."
"In the winter of A.D 180, Emperor Marcus Aurelius's 12-year war against the people of Germania was coming to an end."
"The Pantheon is one of the best-preserved buildings from Ancient Rome."
"He rebuilt the Pantheon to what we know today."
"It is more important for Rome than for myself that I should survive. I have long been sated with power and Glory, but should anything happen to me, Rome will enjoy no peace; a new Civil War will break out under far worse conditions than the last."
"In ancient times, there was a city called Rome where people loved roads and even created a road system called the Appian Way."
"The Coliseum was the largest Amphitheater built and could hold anywhere up to 80,000 spectators."
"Saturnalia was the most festive time in Rome since the days of the Republic, marked by merry feasting and giving gifts."
"Ancient Rome was ruled by powerful emperors. They wore robes with purple in them as a symbol of their power."
"Octavian became known as Augustus and he is generally considered to have been the first emperor of Rome."
"I read something another book recently about the fall of Rome. It was really interesting."
"It saw the rebuilding of Rome from brick into marble, the flowering of Virgil, Ovid, and Horace."
"The oldest slogan I can think of in Western civilization is 'Beware the Ides of March'."
"The Senate voted to give Octavian an honorary name Augustus which means the revered one."
"Romans were people who lived a very long time ago."
"This enormous building was part of a massive complex completed in 13 AD that included The Forum, Tran's column, and an immense bronze statue of Trun."
"Primarily a cultural history, Caesar and Christ cogently discusses government, industry, manners and morals, the status of women, law, philosophy, science, literature, religion, and art."
"He also won the hearts and minds of the Roman people during a time when the nobility was generally despised."
"Caesar left such a lasting impact on Ancient Rome, he was deified after his assassination."
"The Romans were quite happy for a Temple of Isis, an Egyptian goddess, to be next to the temple of Juno, a Greek Roman god."
"The Coliseum is maybe my favorite; it's basically a 2,000-year-old football stadium but they didn't play football there, they mainly just killed each other."
"Christianity walking in shoe leather on the streets of first century Pagan Rome is Christianity in action."
"There's been nothing quite like it since the armies of ancient Rome used to march into battle."
"The Colosseum was built in the year 72 and it only took eight years to build, which is incredible."
"The Forum became visible for the first time in centuries, along with the foundations of two temples."
"Rome was a superhighway for the exchange of ideas across previously disconnected regions."
"They're called aglets. Sure, they keep the strings from fraying, but here's the surprising bit: they appeared in ancient Rome where people made them out of glass or stone."
"It established the principle that you could be a Roman citizen of some sort without having anything to do with Rome and Italy itself."
"The Romans actually had pretty great teeth compared to other people during this period of time."
"The calendar is probably the most widespread, but one of the least discussed legacies of Ancient Rome."
"The Tiber flowed, and the grain flowed, and the people had bread."
"Diocletian is principally known for the tetrarchy."
"A beautiful ancient Roman dagger inlaid with jewels and elaborately decorated."
"The Roman army fielded half a million men including 70,000 specialized troops recruited and trained to ancient standards of discipline."
"Now you are a consul of Rome, like Caesar."
"The youth of Rome had several forms of athletic play and exercise, such as jumping, wrestling, boxing, and racing."