
Existential Perspective Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"We think we are human beings in search of a spiritual experience, but the truth is we are spiritual beings having a human experience."
"If you're really in tune with the inevitability of death, then all those little things that bother you no longer become important because what you're focused on is embracing your life."
"We are a species, and we are on a rock, and the rock is spinning super fast."
"The fix is of all of the different nightmares we could exist in, ours is the most luxurious."
"We are not physical beings on a spiritual journey, but we're spiritual beings on a physical journey."
"We are specs in the grand expanse of the universe."
"If you didn't exist, nothing would exist because you would not exist to comprehend it."
"I do see a lot of things as being meaningless, but I do think there is meaning to us, why we are here, why humans exist."
"The most important thing that's happening in your life right now is that you are alive, nothing else."
"We're all going to die. But for someone who knows that they are going to die sooner than they'd like to, it makes everything just very different."
"Our actions don't matter in a cosmic sense, but that doesn't mean they don't matter."
"The fact that someday the universe is going to suffer heat death... doesn't mean it doesn't matter now."
"The purpose of life, as far as I can tell... is to find a mode of being that's so meaningful that the fact that life is suffering is no longer relevant."
"Fear is not intelligent. At the highest levels of infinite intelligence, there is no fear."
"Without it, frankly, we're just lumps of dull meat."
"Our lives, indeed even that of the human species, are just a blip compared to the Earth, at 4.5 billion years and counting, and the universe, at 13.7 billion years."
"We're microscopic and relative to the potential potentials of consciousness."
"You are a spirit, you are an unlimited spiritual being that happens to be living a temporary existence in this physical form."
"We're spiritual beings having a human experience."
"Once you accept your mortality, yeah, you're really living."
"We're all just various combinations of Stardust."
"If you filled your life with meaning and you were much happier and then it turned out we didn't succeed in turning it around it would still have been a better use of your time."
"No group has a monopoly on hate and on fear. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."
"Why be plant-based? The possibility of death has been holding steady at a 100 percent for quite some time."
"The universe is vast and old, and we are not only in the universe; the universe is in us."
"A puny sentimentalism has caused us to forget that a human life is sacred only when it may be of some use to itself and the world."
"Better shorter and meaningful than long and meaningless because you die anyway. The trick is how did you fill the years that you had."
"You are not just amazing you are an essential part of this amazing Universe."
"A story older than time, older than us, and older than the world."
"This is it—you get one shot at this particular timeline of the universe, like this is it."
"The world's broken, truth doesn't exist, so just enjoy comedy, have a laugh."
"Understanding our great potential as human beings."
"Why won't someone just die already? Watching people live and die is really the best entertainment."
"No matter how important you are, your stuff won't matter in 100 years anyways, so just go live."
"We exist on this relatively tiny rock called Earth floating around a relatively average star, the Sun."
"Life is just not that important in terms of to-have-to-dos. Life is about what you get to do because you can't take any of this with you after you die."
"Ultimately you are not a person but a focal point where the universe is becoming conscious of itself."
"A chosen one is any being who realizes they are a spiritual being having a human experience."
"You are an infinite spiritual being that has put yourself into this small little body to have an experience."
"It's a better way to live, not just a better way to die."
"This is the biggest W you've done all year long, EA. Do not revert this."
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience right now. We are purely spiritual beings having a human experience."
"The signs are all around us, reminding us that this world is just a prelude to something far greater."
"This reality that we're in right now is a temporary fun experience."
"The earth existed long before us and it will continue to turn even after we've died."
"This earth isn't our real home and that all of this will eventually fade away."
"If the universe doesn't care about us and if we're an accident in a remote corner of the universe, in some sense it makes us more precious."
"We should live every day like people who have just been rescued from dying on the moon."
"Animals are what they are, animals, not good or bad, just animals."
"Animals don't want to live and they don't want not to die."
"The addiction to competence, certainties, and autonomy are recipes for dying a miserable, grinding death."
"This earth is just a tent, we're passing through."
"Your soul is moving like a wave through time."
"This life that we were given is a gift. It's a gift."
"Life was never meant to be taken serious. This [expletive] ain't serious."
"Our physical reality is a shadow of a larger reality."
"You are as if you were alive, you're an extension of God."
"I didn't care if I was gonna die, I had cancer, I didn't have cancer, I was just in love with the moment."
"I see the hand of God in everything. We are energetic beings with a physical body."
"Most people live in the present. That's the nature of being a human being."
"Are we closer to the beginning or the end of human existence?"
"Each Soul chooses Incarnation and you all have won the lottery."
"The universe has a plan; there's something bigger unfolding."
"Remember we're complicated, confused species, then we're a very vulnerable, fragile one."
"The universe is so incredibly big that our human minds cannot comprehend it."
"We're all gonna die one day and might as well do something to help people in the future."
"This world is not our home, and the hope that we have does not rest here."
"Everything here is dead and we are the animating power."
"Every breath is a new universe, a new reality moment to moment."
"Life is short anyway regardless of what happens to me."
"Life is preferable to death. That's why death is the escalation, it's not a punishment."
"Most people refuse to accept they will no longer exist once they die but have no problem accepting they didn't exist before they were born."
"If you know you are the universe, nothing is bigger than you."
"The entirety of sentient life on this planet using only one mistake can cure any disease."
"We're a flash in the pan basically. So anyway, I think we want to do everything we can to obviously make life on Earth great and make sure Earth is solid."
"On a long enough stretch of time, our survival rate is zero."
"Magic baby, when you come into this life, you have no preconceived notions."
"Our primary hopes lie with Allah, and if that is gone, then nothing else will matter."
"I just think we don't realize we're [__] we're just like a speck of dust in the grand scheme of this universe."
"More than ever before, we now understand what it means to not be of this world."
"Life is not about winning or losing in the end, it's about how you live it."
"I love humanity so much that I would rather it die than it become less than, than it become inhuman, then it become empty."
"We are spiritual energy beings in these physical suits having human experiences."
"You are a tiny speck in the solar system on a floating rock."
"It takes intellectual courage to accept the scientific view of existence."
"Lift up your eyes to the heavens, And look on the earth beneath."
"I'm not here, I was here. I'm an eternal memory."
"This whole world, it's not meant for you to experience. This world is built to experience you."
"The only thing we have in common is just living, really."
"The whole thing is a game. The game of life. It's what you choose to do with it."
"He knows he doesn't need to win; he just needs to not lose."
"Events are experienced by an experiencer. Thoughts are thought by a thinker. Pain is felt by a feeler."
"Some people are okay going to work and some people would rather die."
"Forever, you know, because you are in eternity."
"Mae the atheist would gain something at death... fully enjoyed her life."
"Your struggles are only at the human level, they're not at the soul level."
"If you're concentrating on some place that is better outside of this world and trying to get to it you're going to miss that what is important is right here and right now and what's around you."
"Death is not the worst thing that can happen."
"Don't take this reality too seriously; this is just one layer of this entire universe experience."
"Every single atom, cell, animal, and person crammed into this tiny pinpricked dot of light suspended in a sunbeam."
"So, look, we're all playing with lives remaining zero, so let's make it count."
"This world's full of war don't matter if you're a soldier or not as long as you're alive you're in the war some way or another don't you think."
"As Putin said... the Russians see this conflict as an existential matter for themselves."
"If there is no soul, then we don't have to worry about an afterlife."
"So everything in your life is a test. Everything."
"Looking at your hand is as close to spirituality as you will ever get."
"Remember one day the sun will explode and no one will even be alive to remember you."
"We are more than our experiences. Those experiences are like clouds floating through a shining blue sky. You are not the clouds. You are the shining blue sky."
"As far as we can tell this is the one and only life we're gonna get."
"You know how big the fucking universe is and how small this piece of fucking shit planet is?"
"We are all on this crazy rock flying through the universe."
"Survival is the only thing that matters in the world."
"Life on another planet is actually no crazier a belief than there being life on this planet."
"Life is just meant to be enjoyed, okay, and not taken seriously."
"This universe, what we are experiencing, is only a tiny part, a glimpse into reality."
"This dunya cannot disappoint you if you don't have expectations of it."
"Freedom is nothing but another word for nothing left to lose."
"Humanity is but a cosmic blip in the universe."
"The only thing that matters is that we're alive."
"No, the universe needs you. Literally, we will die without you."
"The lower a man is in intellectual respect, the less puzzling and mysterious existence seems to him."
"It's your life, you're just gonna die and be rotting in a hole someday, you might as well have a good time."
"Life's an illusion because we're all born on a speck of dust."
"To prize those little moments... is a way for all of us to live until we're really dead."