
Personification Quotes

There are 322 quotes

"Victory is a concept but Victory also is a person, and his name is Jesus."
"Whatever the fundamental value is at the top of the value hierarchy is, for Peterson, by definition, Divine, and God is just the fictional personification of these values."
"Rylee was the brightest thing in the world. She was her Sunshine."
"I've named all the stains on the carpet; that one's Brad."
"RNGesus - who is the personification of luck in the gaming community - is cursed just as often as he’s worshiped."
"The Holy Spirit is as much a person as Jesus, because the scripture calls him 'he' and 'him.'"
"Ryan is like if spoiled sherry became a person."
"Truth isn't just a concept, truth is a person. His name is Jesus. He'll set you free."
"If Chad is the Devil, he's a really good one."
"The Lord of Darkness is the universal personification of evil and demonic, inhabiting the movie's ethos to perfection."
"Holy Spirit is the most normal person you will ever meet."
"The truth isn't in a religion or a belief system, the truth is a person."
"You are a mysterious puzzle that can't be solved, Manhattan."
"Comparisons between Veloth and a real-world historical figure from South America named Sir Notch can be drawn."
"I just have a roommate that can be really hard to get along with, called depression."
"Knight is a sweetheart, he's the golden retriever with a heart of gold."
"I think people have been too complacent with corporations. They've gone too far, they're not people."
"Their monument does not merely commemorate the sacrifice... It contains him. It is him."
"Throughout it, he never lost touch with the common man, this being a prime example of what will forever make him the personification of the American Dream."
"If a miracle could be patience personified, this would be it."
"Truth is not a philosophy, it's not an ideology. Truth is a person."
"If the devil created a weapon system, the devil would create the AC-130 Gunship."
"I hope death is a woman. That way it will never come for me."
"Wisdom is a person, a disembodied personality."
"Wisdom is a person, it's a spirit, this is a female spirit according to scriptures."
"Bezos is a human, right? As far as we know. Does he come home at night?"
"Treat him like a baby with a binky in his mouth. Treat Trump like Mitch McConnell, treat Trump like Mike Pence if you don't like Mike Pence."
"I think the rocket just was alive—it was less, I think it was more the rocket than..."
"Good morning, Voltsie, you're looking sharp."
"Bears always open the door, welcome you, sniff you, you smell great, and then he would tell you his plan for the day."
"The back of the house is actually not a person."
"Niacinamide is like the kid that just gets along with everyone at recess."
"The Holy Spirit's not just a force, he's a person he knows what he's doing."
"If there is ever anyone who could be said to epitomize what the word 'evil' means, I would say it was Joachim Kroll."
"The Holy Spirit is not an object, but a person."
"We are seeing a personification of what I believe is truly evil."
"This is a special dress to say the least and made even more special by Catherine wearing it."
"The Holy Spirit is very much a person... as much as Jesus is."
"Short MV7 microphone found out I was spending Thanksgiving alone and invited me to their house for dinner. What a nice audio device."
"Depression doesn't just knock on your door one day saying hey, I was in the area, mind if I stay with you for a while?"
"Oasis was the child I never wanted and yet I can't help but shed a tear for her death."
"Seems like a happy little oscilloscope."
"I felt like the sun was squinting at me."
"Woody knows for a fact that Andy loves his toys as more than just toys."
"He's the heart of a human being, he is the most human human being in the universe."
"The early cultures believed that the Sun WAS a god, and they did personify the Sun."
"She's almost a living thing, isn't she?"
"That's always the biggest goal of painting our subjects, right? It's personifying the atmosphere and building on the feeling that the piece is intended to invoke."
"What is up, my fellow household appliances? It's your boy Eldre."
"I didn't realize you could see him too; I just didn't want to worry you, but it's only Death; he's here for me— not you."
"Mr. Tattler lives in broken things, said the voice again."
"It wasn't an unthinking object; it was sentient, intelligent, and even a little sarcastic."
"It was like Nyx was pulling a blanket over her stunning coat and tucking her in for a few hours of rest."
"The gearbox feels more like a helpful friend than a servile robot."
"God is a woman and her name is Danny DeVito's wife."
"Wisdom is referred to as 'she' eight times in the Book of Proverbs."
"Most of the time I thought of AM as it without a soul, but the rest of the time I thought of it as him."
"Evil is something real and personified."
"The car was really talking to me."
"Kendrick's love and passion of the rap industry being personified."
"Supposing gravity developed a personality supposing it decided to like people one said got a crush on them sort of thing."
"He works better as an idea than as a person."
"Truth is not a proposition, truth is a person."
"I created a file cabinet with a smiling, friendly, thankful, appreciative face in it."
"Truth is not a concept truth is a person truth is the living person of Jesus Christ."
"It's a car that's just always angry."
"If Love Island was a person it would be this man."
"Death is a person, not just a condition."
"Isn't it best when a meal smiles back at you?"
"You can call me Canon. My mission is to dismiss the nightmares and protect the nice dreams."
"It's about a woman's fear monster personified and coming to life in different ways."
"Listen, if strawberries could talk, they would have screamed right now."
"It takes on a life of its own, becoming an entity, a demon spirit, a devouring colossus bent on destruction."
"My favorite question to you is if money was a person who would it be? It's very interesting because for some of us, if we are looking at money, it's almost like there's never enough of it."
"I'm death," said Death, "and I really am not here to take your side."
"This truck doesn't hate me after all."
"Most of these are also not death, they might facilitate the process, oversee the underworld, herald the end, escort you to the next life, but they themselves are not death."
"What if death were a person, the process itself incarnate with feelings and opinions and preferences?"
"Algorithm God is hungry and we must feed her."
"Be sure to tuck your engines in at night or they might get sad."
"We need to stop picturing this as a scary lifeless object and we need to start picturing it as a living breathing thing that is reaching out being like hey bro what up I'm right here catch me I got you bro I got you."
"The air is doing his own Superman version."
"Truth sets us free, but truth is more than a book; it's a person."
"You will know it is ready when you see it start smiling at you."
"The wind cried and sobbed like a child in the chimney."
"Evil is not a thing; it's a person. There's no evil anywhere in the universe apart from persons."
"A mountain is like a person, constantly growing."
"Fruit punch, you beautiful sentient beverage, you have finally worn me down."
"Human evil has perhaps never been so personified than in the face of Matthew Hopkins and others like him."
"Grace practically personified as instructing the believer."
"Now personifying a thing is when you talk about your car as ‘she’. She’s really running well today."
"Look at that, that's the happiest paper clip I've ever seen!"
"I am your stomach. I digest all of your food."
"It's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back. Hogwarts does feel alive, right? Like it feels like a living, breathing entity."
"The culmination of your blood, sweat, and tears. Even her fictional personifications of the guitar and the microphone are proud of her."
"Motors are the same. They have feelings. Okay? They all have feelings."
"Mistress Death is the one official being when it comes to death, when it comes to all things that die."
"Humanize it, give it soul, personify it."
"Wisdom, she, her, in the feminine sense, as if she's the creator of all things."
"Joy is a person. It's not an emotion. It's a person called Jesus."
"There's some type of magnetic, strong energy around this person."
"Lobe is a local Minima AI dimensional entity."
"That clothing is thinking to itself, 'Alright, I'm gonna be put through the ringer.'"
"Nancy is the personification of Sarah's mental illness."
"It's like a snap Zoom became sentient and decided to film its own movie."
"That was the legitimate avatar of death incarnate."
"Scarlett is awake. Scarlett is the nerve of the facility."
"The Holy Spirit is personified love, pure love."
"The librarian explained, he dragged her reluctantly down the aisle, the books have been fighting again."
"Saris Mon is the very definition of Mother Nature."
"Let's see clocks for what they are. They're proxies for humans. So let's look behind the faces of our clocks and see who we're really dealing with."
"There's something about the idea of clocks being proxies for us involves them being alive, which helps us see them as one of us."
"The rifle is the army's jock of the bushveld, tough as nails and regarded with utmost respect and affection by those who depend upon it for their very lives."
"Those things reach up, they almost have a mind of their own."
"He's just a beer with arms and legs and a head."
"Pluto doesn't have the same power or devoted followers, so as a planet with the namesake of the god of the underworld, who knows, she might take an evil turn and seek revenge for losing her title."
"I love the idea of a death you can love and that really was where death began just the kind of death that I'd like to meet somebody sensible somebody nice."
"So you just gonna die on me, Mr. Plant? How could you do this to us? We were like family!"
"The atonement is not a theory or a doctrine; ultimately, it is a person. Jesus Christ is the atonement."
"You are not just a pen, you're a person."
"Evil is not something, it is someone."
"I told you that the 7-3 had nightmares about the 67 Power Stroke, I wasn't joking when I said that."
"The setting can become a character in its own right."
"sometimes the sky is like literally the coolest guy ever like I've ever seen"
"The Holy Spirit is not a mystical or impersonal force but a person you can know and love and trust."
"Don't call her a thing, Travis," said Bliss sharply.
"Double cheeseburgers, my mistress, my lady."
"The theater was almost like its own character in the story."
"The locomotive finally had a face."
"Grace is a person and it's the person of Jesus Christ."
"Our planet is an intelligent agent."
"The Holy Spirit is referred to as a 'who' in the Scriptures."
"We like to say, which is the corny term, we humanize Hollywood."
"It seemed as though personified sin had snatched the garment of a Seraph."
"It's the personification of pride and passion."
"We got it, that mosfet wants to play games."
"It is the supreme being, flesh and blood, perfection personified."
"He's the personification of Catholic guilt."
"Music is a character that talks to you as a person."
"It's called personification; I rewrote Murray's story telling of the bank robbery from the bank's point of view."
"If Amsterdam was a person, I believe that would be me."
"Oh, thou invisible spirit of drink, if thou hast no other name to go by, let us call thee devil."
"He is madness in a lot of ways incarnate."
"Hope is not a thing; it's a being."
"Companies or businesses are like people."
"It's as if the city itself is a character, alive and breathing."
"Remember that he's a person and can be cultivated just as you cultivate a friend."
"Morals are transmitted by personification, not by lectures."
"Gaia is the Earth itself... an embodiment of the planet's life force."
"He always thought of the sea as la mar which is what people call her in Spanish when they love her. Sometimes those who love her say bad things of her but they are always said as though she were a woman."
"Mother Nature is tired of human beings."
"The presence of God is not a science; it's not a formula. The presence of God is an actual person."
"I love the fact that death is a character."
"Death is whoever does death's job."
"It's the personification of faith, like faith in the fact that things can turn out great too, you know."
"Nat Turner is the personification of... Christianity as an ideology of liberation that spoke to their condition as enslaved people."
"The forest itself was a character which felt alive."
"Peace isn't a place... Peace is a person."
"The house emerges as as much of a character as the people who inhabit it."
"Truth is a person more than a principle."
"Truth is a person, it's not just some abstract concept. Love, God is love, God is not some good feeling."
"If there was ever a personification of fear of the unknown, the ocean could definitely be it."
"The barge of state is navigated by symbolic personifications of Colombia, Fame, and Father Time."
"This is the woman we have all been waiting for, the tree."
"The bell of the ball is Lucy Bell."
"He's personified what it means to be an artist in this day and age."
"Like he's really made a character, you know, made a character that feels like a person."
"Richard Marx is more than a man, he's justice on legs."
"Christian life is not just a set of doctrines and beliefs; it's a person."
"People can call me crazy, I talk to my car, we pet it, we kiss it… It’s very much like a living person for us."
"I don't trust the stairs, they're always up to something."
"The girls are there as a symbol, they're bearers of symbols actually personifying the cleners."
"Yellow is the brains, who's really smart."
"London was a person, you know, like it was a living organic entity."
"She personifies the age of Romanticism."
"I had a debate with the sun about who was the hottest and told him to lighten up."
"Small businesses have feelings too."
"Every town had a face like a human face."
"Justice may be a woman, but the law is a brotherhood."
"The human being is the direct expression and personification of the cosmos."
"It's an entity in its own life. A ship seems to be a living being almost. It can tell a story."
"The reality of compassion is that it always wears a face."
"Death may sound scary, but she's actually the nicest and most thoughtful member of the Endless."
"Apollo is also a god with many tragic loves, and these lovers are sometimes personifications of plants, animals, or song."
"Truth is not a concept; truth is a man. His name is Jesus."
"The landscape was a character, the town was a character."
"She is personified as a woman but she also is a representation of truth, order, balance, harmony, law, morality, and justice."
"Hello everyone, my name is Chlorophyll, but you can call me Phil."
"Melanie is like a goddess of Fortune."
"To give the inanimate a name and expect it to hear and listen is to give it a form of life as well."
"Peace is not a feeling; peace is a person, the person of God in your heart."
"The gospel is more than a concept; it's more than a theology; it's more than an ideology; it's more than a thing. The gospel is a person."
"Favor is a person... Jesus is our jubilee, Jesus is our favor."
"Good morning cabbage, good morning broccoli, good morning Matthew."
"I'm just a bill, yes I'm only a bill, and I got as far as Capitol Hill."
"You're like the forest spirit, you're like the incarnation of the forest spirit."
"Revival is not a word; it's the person of Jesus."
"You're not just a ship to us, you're our crewmate."
"The Mary talks to the Straw Hats directly like they can actually understand her."
"How can you kill the personification of an action or an idea that exists by necessity?"