
Fat Loss Quotes

There are 222 quotes

"The goal of a fat loss phase is twofold: to lose fat for sure but also to retain muscle."
"Building muscle is what's speeding up your metabolism and giving you the fat-burning machinery that you want for sustainable fat loss."
"Fat loss takes dedication, hard work, and consistency for a reasonable time period."
"Nutrition and creating a calorie deficit are probably the most important factors in fat loss."
"The common consequence is fat loss, but that's not the primary angle that we're going after. We're going after health first."
"Intermittent fasting is...very beneficial for fat loss, for health, for decreasing inflammation, for improving cognitive function, and for longevity."
"If you want to burn fat, then you gotta tell it to stop storing fat. It's a hormonal signal, not a caloric signal."
"The best cardio for fat loss is the one that you will stick to."
"Following the mini cut cycle method is critical for not only effective and efficient fat loss but avoiding plateaus and not regaining the weight after you've lost it."
"You can't spot reduce fat from specific body areas through targeted exercises. Fat loss occurs uniformly across the body, and stubborn areas will eventually lean out as overall body fat decreases."
"Fat loss is pretty simple. You need to create what's called an energy deficit."
"Efficiency is a terrible thing for fat loss. You want to be as metabolically inefficient as possible."
"The relative rates of fat storage and fat burning determine the net fat loss."
"Limiting carbohydrates in the evening for fat-burning mode."
"Carb cycling is extremely effective at holding on to muscle mass while losing body fat and really keeping all your hard work, your gains."
"Tracking should be a temporary thing... Knowing that an unprocessed diet makes fat loss so much easier can be a good guiding tool for people who aren't tracking."
"Ketogenic diets are actually the best diet for most people to kick-start body fat loss."
"We want to lose as much of that weight from fat as possible and as little from muscle as possible."
"For fat loss, you must burn more calories than you consume."
"Combining diet with resistance training was one of the most effective fat loss methods."
"Fat cells contain two types of receptors for catecholamines: Alpha receptors hinder lipolysis and beta receptors trigger it."
"High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is significantly more time effective for losing fat than traditional low-intensity steady-state cardio."
"Supplements are not the key to fat loss but can dramatically speed up the process."
"Fat loss is not an overly complex process; you've just been led to believe that it is."
"Calories make up the underlying foundation of the entire fat loss process."
"Proper diet and training will make up the overwhelming majority of your fat loss results."
"Protein is an excellent Catalyst for muscle growth and fat loss but only when it's done right."
"Improved health follows fat loss this is very important improved health follows fat loss."
"I want to maximize your chances of fat loss that lasts and protects your body. This is not a quick fix; it's an investment."
"Your diet is a budget... If you want to lose fat, you need to eat less calories than you burn."
"Proper exercise and fat loss... are the two biggest things that are going to help you see a more defined six-pack."
"If you want to get toned, you need to build muscle first and take the fat off."
"The intelligent, healthier approach ended up with more fat loss and a better physique."
"In ketosis, it's the visceral fat that actually goes away first."
"Cinnamon effectively supports blood sugar control and has a natural fat loss aiding effect."
"You don't just lose fat Mass, you lose muscle mass as well."
"Joker is unlike most other comic book movies. There's no post-credit scene. People actually bleed."
"The keto diet actually built more muscle and lost more fat."
"High-intensity interval training... is amazing for fat loss."
"Address the mental aspect of fat loss for lasting results."
"Pushing cardio intensity can enhance fat burning."
"The name of the game with the diet is you want to lose as much fat as quickly as possible but you also have to balance that out with maintaining as much muscle as possible."
"This is the diet that helped me build muscle and lose fat simultaneously."
"Intermittent fasting... you're gonna burn fat on a daily basis."
"Even a ketogenic diet in most of the studies is very effective to build muscle and lose fat."
"If you want to drop body fat faster and keep it off, add a quality thermogenic blend like Burn to your morning routine."
"Fasting can actually be a powerful player in muscle building and fat loss."
"When you do intermittent fasting... you actually burn more body fat."
"We know you cannot spot reduce fat, but we can speed up the process of losing fat in particular areas."
"I discovered that I was onto something that wasn't just gonna change my perspective on fat loss and I learned that getting my body to burn fat was as simple as changing when I ate not so much what I ate."
"It is essential that we lose weight for significant fat loss to occur."
"To maximize fat loss, it is probably best to eat in a slightly more conservative deficit rather than an aggressive deficit."
"The goal within a cosmetic look of bodybuilding or performance enhancement is to maintain tissue and to lose fat."
"Vitamin D is so powerful when it comes down to fat loss."
"For fat loss, a calorie deficit is required, along with a moderate to high protein diet to preserve muscle mass."
"We're going to accelerate your fat loss, get you to your goals."
"As you begin to correct your insulin resistance, all of those things go away, including your belly fat."
"These processes will help you kill that body fat, it will help you be in the deficit, and it allows you to also do so sustainably."
"If getting leaner is one of your long-term goals, then gaining body fat is counter to this."
"You cannot spot reduce fat, and by that I mean you cannot choose where fat comes off, that is largely genetic and your body will largely decide where your fat comes off and when it comes off."
"Eating fat might provide your body with great nutritional value that you need, but it's not going to magically make you burn fat."
"People don't care about weight loss, what they're really looking for is fat loss."
"Visceral fat is a really big deal. The lower the better, you know? And arguably the lower, um, body fat the better within reason."
"Fat cells were physically pulling in less fat during immediate weight loss."
"It will help us build muscle tissue which will inherently decrease our body fat."
"Cardio doesn't burn fat; it burns calories. You can't outrun a bad diet."
"That's the perfect Nirvana of a cut: maintain the muscle, lose the fat."
"And studies have actually shown that coffee or chlorogenic acid in the lab and in clinic and caffeine, but also caffeine free coffee will do the same thing, will help you burn down excess harmful body fat."
"In certain types of diseases such as celiac disease or pancreatic insufficiency, they lose a lot of fat."
"It's important to get rid of that belly fat and a lot of times people will call it a beer belly, yeah, or dad bod, yeah, but the reason why they call it a beer belly is because alcohol will actually produce fat and estrogen in the gut."
"If ketogenic diets were the way to get leaner, then the elite level bodybuilders would be doing it."
"It also can increase metabolic rate and human growth hormone, which is really awesome because that means you're gonna be burning more fat and building more muscle."
"...get rid of your visceral fat, your thyroid will get better, your adrenals will get better, and you'll be able to tolerate that fasting a lot more..."
"Nothing improves a human being more than getting rid of visceral fat." - Dr. Shan Amara
"Your strategy is you lose fat go aggressive on the exercise until it comes off of the waist I guarantee it will."
"A recap: The pillars of fat loss will always be a caloric deficit with a high protein diet, resistance training to build muscle, and it does take more than a week to lose love handles."
"Cycling up gaining muscle is like cycling uphill, it's just hard. Don't try and make it any harder. Losing fat, like you kind of alluded to, is so much simpler in many ways and it's like cycling downhill."
"Building muscle is going to get your body to burn more calories naturally. Let's do that first. The fat loss is going to be easier if we start with the building."
"Strength training is probably even more effective than cardio for purely for fat loss."
"Reverse dieting works because you're increasing your calories while staying in a calorie deficit so that you can sustain that deficit longer, reduce your stress, and continue to lose fat."
"We want to put on muscle mass but we don't want to put on too much fat too quickly, that's right."
"Resistance training can counteract the negative metabolic adaptations that occur with dieting, making it more effective for fat loss."
"Being in a calorie deficit is the only way to lose fat."
"Within 10 to 12 weeks, people actually lose a modest amount of body fat but their overall health actually improves."
"When you go on a healthy low-fat plant-based diet, vegan diet, that liver fat starts to disappear and it starts to disappear on day one."
"Even more important for burning body fat because it's crucial for preventing muscle loss and also produces satiety."
"Trying to lose body fat by manually burning calories is a losing strategy."
"If every year we can achieve a little more fat loss, now you're getting here and maintaining better metabolic health."
"When it comes to just fat loss and you have cutting calories, strength training, and cardio, at the bottom is cardio. Cardio is not an effective long-term fat loss approach. It is not. Short-term, you'll get some results, long-term, it's terrible."
"The more muscle you have for the fat loss client, faster metabolism going to work, the easier it's going to be to lose fat."
"Exercise is targeting fat and protecting muscle."
"If you wish to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time..."
"In the course of one week, you'll burn one thousand calories a day times seven days or seven thousand calories of fat..."
"In order to lose fat, you need to be able to track it and ensure you're actually losing fat while holding onto or building muscle."
"Protein increases fat burning and supports fat loss."
"High-intensity interval training is better at dropping fat than just walking and resistance training alone."
"...you know people always think you know I'm building muscle or I've got to lose fat I've got to do one other two now it does depend on where you're at and how much of a raise of wild fat you've got to lose."
"Because she had lost a lot of fat and built a lot of muscle, she looked like a different person. One pound difference on the scale, so if you're only using the scale, it could possibly be lying to you."
"As you start to get closer to like 19, 18 body fat, then you'll see those areas that you may be genetically predispositioned to gain, you'll start to see it come off there."
"Carb cycling helps you keep your fat levels down."
"Being in a caloric deficit consistently is the answer to being able to lose fat tissue."
"Higher dairy intake during weight loss results in greater fat loss and lean mass gain, especially when combined with exercise."
"if you want to sustain fat loss you have to sustain the behaviors that cause you to lose that fat and if you don't know just get it back"
"Focusing on increasing muscle mass works far better than trying to focus on fat loss."
"Three months dedicated fat loss, then a three-month muscle building phase."
"When you add strength training to it, you really make a powerful workout that burns a lot of calories and burns a lot of stored fat."
"Fat speeds up your metabolism. It makes you less hungry, it makes you burn more fat, and it liberates the fat from the fat cells."
"In that way it's a wonder drug. A lot of bodybuilders use it prior to a show because that's exactly what they're trying to do. They're trying to lose fat and hold that muscle."
"I really love that I see a lot of... women... starting to realize the metabolism boosting fat loss effects of just focusing on strength."
"Water helps with the digestion of protein and assists in better fat loss."
"Assuming calories are controlled for properly and protein's controlled for properly, the ratio of carbs to fat is indifferent when it comes to fat loss."
"The absolute toughest thing for people to understand is that they have to try and maintain their muscle mass while they lose fat."
"Reducing stress can lead to reductions in visceral fat."
"Seven to eight hours of good sleep versus six can lead to up to a 26% reduction in visceral fat."
"You can still integrate all of your favorite foods while losing fat."
"Strength training by itself burned the most body fat and built muscle."
"The goal of sustainable fat loss is not to eat as little as possible so you can lose weight as quickly as possible; it's to eat as much as possible so you can lose weight as sustainably as possible."
"Strength training is really important for health and for fat loss."
"In bodybuilding, there are two main categories of people: those who want to build more muscle, and those who want to lose body fat."
"You need to be in a calorie deficit to lose body fat; you do not need to be in a calorie surplus to gain muscle."
"This will be great for you cardiovascularly and not only will you be able to lose fat and feel much better, but this is great for your overall cardiovascular health."
"Intermittent fasting has been shown to be very effective for fat loss."
"When you fast, your body will significantly decrease its requirement of carbs for energy and instead of breaking down muscle, it'll mostly rely on stored body fat for energy."
"Being hydrated is more likely to encourage fat mobilization."
"The whole purpose of me wanting to lose fat is to show off the muscle that I've been building for all these years."
"One of the best ways that we can burn more fat is by building lean muscle."
"At the end of the day, to lose body fat, you need to be burning more calories than you are taking in."
"Yes, insulin is a very important hormone that dictates about how you lose fat."
"When you build strength, you burn muscle, you build muscle, you burn body fat, you build lean muscle."
"The most efficient way to lose fat is by making scientific adjustments and steps that we can take to make your fat loss more efficient and easier than possible."
"Protein functions as a great catalyst for muscle growth and as well as fat loss, but only when it's done right."
"No matter what's going on visually, if your scale weight is dropping and your performance in the weight room is staying the same, you're losing fat."
"Calorie cycling may help you maintain muscle mass as you're burning fat."
"The series is all about fat loss in a healthy, sustainable way."
"Intermittent caloric restriction for three months led to more fat loss and improvements in insulin resistance."
"Make protein the first thing you put on your plate to build muscle and maximize fat loss."
"Nothing beats resistance training when it comes to fat loss and health."
"We have lots of studies now showing just how powerful strength training is for fat loss and longevity."
"By burning enough overall body fat, you will burn off the chest fat as well."
"Research shows that this two weeks on, two weeks off dieting approach leads to more fat loss, it's more sustainable, and it's less likely to result in metabolic slowdown."
"The more muscle you build on your frame, the better it is going to be for fat loss."
"Bumping your calories, eating adequate protein, and building muscle - that's a recipe for fat loss."
"Strength training outperformed strength training plus cardio and cardio alone in terms of fat loss."
"High-intensity interval training can keep you burning fat for up to 38 hours after exercise."
"The true determining factor of whether a diet plan will result in you successfully losing fat comes down to whether it's a diet plan that you can actually stick to."
"The goal with cutting should be to get rid of the body fat, not muscle."
"A diet that facilitates fat loss, that is fundamentally healthy, that does not leave people hungry."
"Adherence to an energy-restricted diet is always the primary fat loss strategy from a practical standpoint."
"We're going to build on some very basic body weight only moves to give you a total and complete fat burning cardio and sculpting workout."
"Protein is really my secret weapon for all things fat loss, especially for keeping it off for the long haul."
"Resistance training can actually directly increase fat oxidation."
"The main reason why your fat loss begins to slow down later in the diet is because your levels of NEAT downregulate."
"The bottom line in terms of practical application is that as someone seeking fat loss, you want your levels of NEAT to be as high as possible."
"If you're interested in losing body fat, you don't have to run a 10k every day; there are far more efficient ways of doing cardio and burning fat."
"When it comes to fat loss, just do strength training."
"Our goal is to build lean muscle while we burn calories so we can burn more fat."
"One of the key factors for successful fat loss is consistency."
"You want fat loss, not weight loss."
"Calories are not all that matter... from a weight loss and specifically a fat loss perspective, your calories are your top priority."
"We're going to burn more calories, burn more fat, and get into amazing shape, believe me."
"To burn body fat, you need to create a caloric deficit."
"The only way that you're really going to be burning fat in any significant amount is by eating in a calorie deficit."
"I'm not saying that it's not possible to burn fat while you're sleeping, but a calorie deficit is required, and you can't spot reduce, unfortunately."
"Performing a 15-minute high-intensity interval training session... your body will be forced to burn the fat."
"The key to sustainable fat loss that will be permanent is to find the diet and way of eating that works best for you."
"You have toned up all over, you will have burnt so many calories, you will have reduced any excess body fat, and you will have improved your mental fitness."
"Exercise alone is not going to just induce fat loss, you do have to be in a calorie deficit in order to lose fat."
"Stretching can help promote fat loss in the body because it's a relaxation technique."
"Dietary compliance is the ultimate biohack; that is the one weird trick for losing fat rapidly, safely, and effectively."
"When you add all that up, you get a greater real world fat loss effect from walking."
"High protein means they lost the same amount of weight but they preserved more muscle and lost more fat."
"I am in much better control of my appetite and therefore much better control in terms of my fat loss when I am calm and when I am in a parasympathetic state."
"High-intensity interval training is amazing at burning body fat."
"Our goal as natural bodybuilders is to naturally be able to maintain and build as much muscle as we can and lose all of the fat."
"It's called body recomposition where you build muscle and lose fat at the same time."
"Leptin plays a major role in fat loss; it regulates your metabolic rate, appetite, libido, and motivation."
"It can help promote lowering of cortisol levels, which again can promote better muscle definition and fat loss."
"The most important effects of the diet is the relative ease of fat loss that occurs with the diet and improves body composition."
"If you're trying to lose weight to look leaner, you want to be focusing on fat loss rather than total weight loss."
"Everybody wants that mythical idea of the body recomp, the ability to simultaneously build some damn muscle and lose some fat."
"As you get leaner, your rate of fat loss will almost certainly have to slow down. This isn't a bad thing; it's expected and reasonable."
"For me specifically, I am not trying to lose weight... I am just personally trying to gain muscle and like lose body fat."
"The healthier you are, the more efficiently and effectively your body is going to lose fat."
"Sticking to a meal prep plan is the best way to lose body fat."
"If you eat the same every single day at the same time, assuming you're in a deficit of course, you're going to lose body fat."
"Targeted fat loss isn't possible, and there's no evidence to suggest it is."
"We're really trying to ramp up that fat burning cardio, ramp up our metabolism, and start burning fat."
"It's a good sign; it means water and fat are being lost."
"Even if you control calorie intake, you still lose more fat when you get more sleep."
"Weightlifting is going to help us build lean muscle, but our diet is what's going to help us lose fat."
"Being flexible when you're trying to lose fat is so important."
"As you build your muscle, understand you're going to lose fat, and muscle takes up one-third the space that fat does."
"You're not trying to lose muscle, you're trying to lose fat."
"I'm giving you a foolproof plan on how to start losing fat now, not only just start losing fat but start building some muscles as well."
"Building muscle and losing fat all at the same time is possible."
"The healthier you are, the easier it is to lose fat."
"To burn fat, you must be in a calorie deficit, and regardless of how you get to that deficit, whether it's from cardio, low carb, low protein, low fat, low whatever, if you're eating in any deficit, your body burns fat."
"The way that you're going to lose fat is actually by building and retaining muscle."
"Focus on actual health as opposed to weight, and even if you're doing weight, it's fat loss that's what you want, that's the real marker."
"The only thing that you definitively need in order to lose fat consistently is a calorie deficit, regardless of whether or not you're in ketosis."