
Divine Selection Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"You are loved. If nobody likes it, you're valuable. If it doesn't monetarily make sense, you are still chosen by God."
"God chooses us by our heart, not our talent."
"Allah has chosen you... because you have demonstrated certain skills and manners which Allah will use to put you in all kinds of situations."
"Allah has chosen you for a higher purpose, no matter what you're going through."
"Those chosen by God are selected to be holy and blameless... Sanctified or made holy and justified made blameless through Jesus Christ."
"What inspires me the most is that God chose me to have this experience to be able to vocalize something very profound in our consciousness and in our time on earth as humans."
"You are worth all of our thanks and worship because you, Lord, have made us a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation."
"God chose the least, God chose the powerless as the stage upon which salvation shall be worked out." - Smith-Christopher
"God picked a group of people because they were a group of people, not because of their pigmentation."
"Blessed is the man whom thou choosest and causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts; we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, even of thy Holy Temple."
"The little Shepherds of Fatima were chosen and constituted as prophets of God's love."
"We are chosen by God, put on this earth for a purpose, because God thinks that we are the best option to fulfill this calling."
"God saw the technological advancement he knew where this was going this amazing you people you that are members of this online church God hand-selected you to be a part of this."
"Why would God not make sure that the person he chose had?"
"Before we was even born we was chosen by the almighty our spirit in heaven was already there."
"You are the right person for the job, the person that God has chosen."
"You are a chosen child of the most high God."
"What more beautiful thing than to be unconditionally loved and chosen by the creator of the universe?"
"We gotta overstand and recognize that we are God's chosen people."
"Every word of it God chose this word rather than that word."
"They can't defeat you because you're chosen."
"Allah chose from all of those stories the personal ones that nobody recorded."
"Stand firm in your faith, always thank God because God has chosen you for salvation through sanctification by the spirit and through belief in the truth."
"You are the children whom God chose to be part of His battalion during this great climax."
"But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty."
"God chooses his strongest warriors, and my son was one of those." - Leona
"God already knew and he chose to use you anyway."
"Many are called, but few are chosen. If you have heard the gospel and believed, God has chosen you."
"God chooses weak vessels to accomplish His purposes."
"Allah chose you out of all of these people to sit here."
"If Allah could choose him, then surely me and you can also be chosen."
"Allah has selected you because he sees you qualified. He will complete his favor on you."
"We forget that the Creator Redeemer of the universe picked us. He chose us. He picked us. We didn't earn our way to him. He chose us. We're his beloved."
"For thou art and holy people unto the Lord thy God, and the Lord hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself above all the nations that are upon the Earth."
"God says I pick, I pick, I pick you. How wonderful is that? It's precious."
"You are divinely protected, chosen, and highly favored."
"There's power in picking, and God has picked you."
"God picks you, regardless of your past or present circumstances."
"God himself chose from the very best of those spirits and made them his rulers."
"God selects us knowing exactly The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly."
"If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you."
"When God starts picking perfect people, all of us are out."
"It's not the wise and the intelligent that believe, it's the ones God has chosen."
"You did not choose Me, but I chose you."
"Maybe that's why the goddess of light chose him."
"God knew you, that's why I chose you to bear this burden."
"Look at the people that God chose to use."
"These are the people that God chose to use."
"These are the people that God is incorporating into this Messianic line."
"God selects very carefully the things that matter to him; the events which affected him most deeply."
"When God chooses you, it's for a reason."
"God picks out those seven specific churches because they have characteristics that will help identify the needs, the struggles, the sacrifices, the prophetic history of all of God's Church."
"He knew all about you before he chose you, and he still chose you."
"We should rejoice that at least God chooses some people to be saved out of the human race."
"He chose you because he knew in time you were going to choose him."
"God chooses select people, and then he pours his grace upon their lives."
"The belief in the Imam as spiritual successors to Muhammad is extremely important, as they are chosen by God."
"You didn't choose me. I chose you and ordained you."
"God chooses the weak, that which the world would look at and think is absolutely hopeless."
"God went out of his way to select the most unsavory, weirdest characters, especially together."
"It's as though God went out of his way to select the most unsavory, weirdest characters, especially together. A Zealot and a tax collector in the same group? They would draw blood."
"Handpicked by God, I've always known this."
"It's not conditioned on anything about you; nothing about me was a condition for God choosing me."
"...how could God call someone like this to be a mission president if he is all-knowing?"
"God can choose you from the strangest places."
"God has chosen us long before the world was created."
"God chose him uniquely and for a unique purpose."
"God only wants people in heaven who really genuinely want to be there, who genuinely love him."
"God only gives the anointing to those whom He can trust."
"This motif symbolizes Divine selection and Royal Authority."
"You do not belong to the world, you were hand-picked, you were chosen by God."
"For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth."
"You were chosen out of 400 million sperm, God had a lot of choices, and He chose you."
"God indeed has chosen a particular people that he's dealing with."
"God's looking around His room going, 'I wonder who in here I can trust.'"
"The Divine has put his hand on you, chosen ones that are moving from a pure heart."
"Every time God picked somebody, they were always busy building something."
"My witnesses are you declares the Lord, my servant whom I've chosen."
"If you belong to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world."
"When you are God's choice, you are not only chosen to succeed, you are also chosen to struggle."
"You are created and you are selected by God to do great wonderful things."
"He will be chosen a chosen one for God or a chosen one of God forever."
"Blessed is the man You choose, and cause to approach You, that he may dwell in Your courts."
"Moses chose righteousness, and the Lord chose him."
"The Lord has proclaimed you to be His special people, just as He promised you."
"You're about to undergo an energetic shift where God is about to show you what it means to be chosen."
"God has chosen you specifically, so that you can do His most holy will."
"You have been chosen of God, holy and beloved."
"Not many mighty, not many noble, but the foolish, the weak, and the despised... God has chosen."
"God chooses and calls the fools of this Earth to confound the wise."
"They can't figure out why God picked you, why God is blessing you, why God chose you."
"For thou art a holy people unto the Lord thy God, and the Lord hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth."
"You are not like everybody else; you are God's chosen one."
"You've been chosen by God, my friend."
"God chose you, you have to choose yourself."
"Blessed is the man or the woman whom You choose to approach You."
"God doesn't choose people by accident."
"Ye are my sheep and ye are numbered among those whom the Father hath given me."
"He's my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith the Lord; I will make thee as a signet, for I have chosen thee, saith the Lord of hosts."
"Many are called, fewer chosen; broad is the path that leads to destruction."
"You are designed, you are created, and you are selected by God to do great and wonderful things."
"God said, 'You have been chosen. This is your season, baby, where you gonna come from the back of the line to the front of the line.'"
"He is also going to show you why you are set apart and why he has picked you for such a time like this."
"This man was the most disciplined man and that this man was a composed man and that this man was a man chosen by God that nothing could faze him, nothing could affect him."
"God chose you and he didn't choose nobody else."
"The Lord is saying, 'Hey, those that I say right are fit for the battle; those are the men that are going to be with you.'"
"If the spirit is calling you, you are His."
"God has a habit of choosing tired fishermen."
"The God of our fathers hath chosen thee, that thou shouldst know his will."
"When God chooses you, he pulls you out of the pack, he pulls you away from the crowd."
"Imagine not only the surprise but the incredible joy of being chosen by God to bring the Messiah, the Savior of the human race into the world."
"They were illiterate, but God had chosen them for a reason because they had the spiritual character that He wanted."
"God is raising up people that he can trust."
"You have been chosen out of God Himself."
"That's what God calls the people that society rejects, the people that society disses, those are the ones that God desires to use."
"You are chosen for God's kingdom."
"Noah was chosen by God to guide the construction of the Ark."
"God does not choose men who are fit; He fits men who are chosen."
"He chooses his toughest soldiers to go through the most."
"Prophethood is not something you present yourself for; it is chosen by Allah."
"God chooses his saints from among the devout believers."
"All praise be to Allah, the one that had chosen us over many of His believing servants."
"Those who are chosen will stand; those who are appointed will not only stand in a dry land, they will survive the thicket of the Jordan."
"God has chosen you guys because you did not come to play around."
"Everything about you is concerning to Him, and that you are handpicked, you are a royal generation."