
Chronic Conditions Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"The expense of that was lack of sleep and for some women, the expense of that is autoimmune problems, Alzheimer's, and Dementia."
"Chronic sleep deprivation is where you routinely get less sleep than you need for a period of over three months. This can have lasting consequences for your health."
"We do have great ways of managing them though, so that people can live very highly productive lives."
"Inflammation in the body is very helpful when you have it in small amounts, in the right place, at the right time, then it goes away, but if you have chronic leaking overflowing inflammation in your body that goes everywhere, now it's a setup for autoimmune disease, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, vision loss, Alzheimer's, all kinds of really harmful conditions associated with inflammation."
"Our society's overuse of antibiotics is like wrecked our guts and caused a lot of chronic health conditions."
"Scientists have linked disruptions to our natural rhythms to health issues ranging from diabetes and obesity to depression and dementia."
"So, as you pointed out, some of these patients, people recovered... that's not a condition that just clears up, that will be a chronic condition that you're living with the rest of your life."
"Your chronic sinus issues and nasal polyps, if I were able to time travel a year from now, you've been doing keto for a solid year, and say, 'Hey Amy, how's your sinusitis and your nasal polyps?' You'd be like, 'What sinusitis? What nasal polyps?'"
"Insulin resistance can lead to type 2 diabetes, PCOS, heart disease, and other serious conditions."
"The real big issue with concussion then is can we say for certain that if you have multiple concussions over your playing career that in 40 or 50 years you're going to end up with this entity that we referred to as chronic traumatic encephalopathy."
"It's especially important now that we look after senior citizens with chronic underlying health conditions."
"Now it's time for us to be there for them and to recognize that seniors with chronic health conditions are the most vulnerable."
"You're not doomed to that condition." - Dr. Ken Berry
"Taking a handful of pills for the rest of your life is not a very elegant solution."
"Autoimmunity and inflammation became synonyms for me."
"PCOS is manageable and it's not the end of the world."
"Halting chronic conditions is another pillar AGI will help with."
"Mental health issues are an ongoing process to try and deal with, and most people don't ever get rid of their mental health issues, they just kind of learn to live with them."
"Consistent sleep disruption is actually really bad for your health; it can exacerbate existing health problems you have."
"These are very serious conditions and can be completely managed. You can live a normal life with them."
"Long COVID is a serious issue affecting millions."
"If you have anything from asthma, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure... you are high risk."
"I sincerely hope you're either doing it or dreaming about it, whatever it might be that makes you froth because I want to know that you are getting ready to stand right here where I am on your own personal dream trip."
"Your body is essentially running a high fever at all times, and that leads to organ damage."
"The longer you let it go, the worse health outcomes you're going to have."
"Every day, when you move around, there's little bits of inflammation. It's like throwing gasoline on an existing fire."
"This is a recurrent situation with these various pathogens... and the brain's response to these pathogens."
"But we know that chronic stress is not good for us, it's an indiscriminate killer."
"It's a thing that will need to be maintained, lived with, rather than defeated, which honestly is pretty darn fitting for the movie."
"For such a common condition, I'm always shocked that so few people even know it exists. Insulin resistance is at ground zero for weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, and so much more."
"In the first 10 days the headache I had every day for a year and seven months disappeared."
"Depression causes more harm to people than any of the chronic conditions like diabetes, asthma, or arthritis."
"Chronic inflammation in the sinuses being a risk factor for alzheimer's because that that that is directly inflammation right chronic inflammation exactly it goes right up into the brain."
"You're missing the big picture if you ignore the autoimmune disease."
"Chronic pain and depression can go hand-in-hand. She just didn't want to hurt anymore, and she didn't want to hurt us anymore."
"My organization focuses on treating long-haulers and the vaccine injured."
"Stress is probably one of the main killers out there, chronic stress, not acute."
"Glucose causes damage, but when insulin levels are chronically high, that is an indicator."
"Chronic inflammation prevents erections; it's the basis of everything that's bad."
"No, I have allergies 24/7. They're just never gone, they stay forever."
"You don't just get unwell and then you're well. This is lifelong, you know. Just like many people with sobriety, it's forever."
"Inflammation is the trigger to many of our chronic and life-threatening health conditions."
"We are protecting people with pre-existing conditions, and we always will, always will, always will."
"Being in a state of chronic inflammation is the worst thing you can do for your skin."
"The worst of it is already over the constant always-on nerve pain that made me feel like I was on fire 24/7."
"A single dose produced a strong immune response in adults aged 18 to 59 with conditions like asthma, diabetes, and chronic lung disease."
"And so that's that's why I'm not a huge fan of like the clinics that you can just go in and get a shot every once in a while because these are things that you need to be on chronically you have to stay on it right."
"Chronic conditions can alter a patient's ability to fight infection."
"...it really is just getting out in front of these chronic conditions that have been plaguing America and so many of these experts, not just America, worldwide."
"They can help people control these conditions."
"Chronic inflammation is associated with heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and bowel diseases like Crohn's disease and colitis."
"It's very empowering to know that there are ways to manage it."
"Being obese increases your risk for any number of chronic non-communicable conditions."
"I am living a perfectly delightful life, and my health is as great as it can be given my incurable genetic conditions."
"They're health conditions that can't be cured and so they must be managed."
"ACE inhibitors are often prescribed for hypertension especially in patients with diabetes nephropathy, CHF or an MI history."
"I'm glad you've lost 150 pounds. Can you imagine all the chronic health conditions you've improved with that?"
"SGLT2 inhibitors are indicated for CKD ACR more than 200, diabetes regardless of level of ACR, or heart failure."
"It's not something you get over; this is kind of like a lifelong thing that you manage."
"Diabetes and hypertension can threaten not only the life of the woman but also the life of any child she might be carrying."
"The quality of Healthcare numbers are numbers you should consider if you have chronic conditions or if you're looking at a place you want to settle and you want to age in place."
"Chronic pain shows up in chronic health conditions that cause pain, such as autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, scleroderma, multiple sclerosis, and so on."
"A sequela is the residual effect of a condition produced after the acute phase of the illness or injury has terminated."
"Non-communicable diseases cannot be passed from one person to another."
"A layer of fungus or bacteria on the very top of a chronic ulcer doesn't necessarily mean that fungus or bacteria are causing the ulcer."
"If we can get our metabolic health in good control, then we can see that big ripple effect in preventing most of these common chronic health conditions."
"It's so important for us to capture all the chronic conditions for our patients at the highest specificity."
"AI can help analyze chronic conditions with lab and other medical data to get early diagnosis that we human beings couldn't before."
"Chronic stress is known to cause all kinds of health problems."