
Personal Rules Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Just not watching TV on my own has been the single rule that has freed up by far the most time of anything else I've done in my life."
"We had this big rule of anything that we bought for the wedding, you could not wear before the wedding."
"If you want to have structure and balance in your life, you have to have some set rules for yourself."
"When you make your own table, you make the rules."
"That's a rule that I follow and it's one that the young tricks I guess have never heard of."
"But my rule of thumb is this: if you hit me I will hit you back 10 times harder, period."
"Honestly, seven chemistry at least for me guys is the golden rule in FIFA for me."
"It's my birthday, I get to decide the rules."
"House rules. Everyone has house rules for stuff."
"The number one rule for me is always: don't feed the trolls."
"The world's ageist, and until that changes, I can't play by the rules."
"I live by the rules of what I want to make me happy. No one person is enough to fulfill all the needs that you have."
"I'm not allowed to do that, that's just like the mindset that I put in my head."
"You only have to muster willpower to do is obey the single rule of 'I'm following my blocks.'"
"The only rule is that you've got to feel good and smile."
"You get to do what you want when you want. You set your own rules."
"There are no rules except for the rules you put on yourself."
"Whatever moral rules you have deliberately proposed to yourself abide by them as they were laws."
"Take time to just be with yourself. Learn to be comfortable in yourself. Set rules that force you to let go."
"You don't need to live by anyone's rules but your own, that's facts."
"Extra baggage will not be charged. It's not allowed. In fact, it's not allowed on my mind. Yeah, leave it at that, forgive my dear Virgo."
"I'm happy with YouTube now because I'm playing it by my own rules."
"Develop your own standards and rules; the more rules you have, the more freedom you have."
"Every pecan pie should have chocolate from now on. I'm making a rule."
"I usually have this rule where I don't record when I'm tired but I know you guys love persona a lot and I love it too."
"New rules: Treat people how I want to be treated, even if they don't reciprocate."
"Be true to yourself, listen to the rules, to the regulations that your soul has set up for you."
"The twelve commandments of christine: thou shall not paint boring creme nail polish, thou shall love halloween."
"I've summarized self-awareness as knowing when you're the rule and knowing when you're the exception. That's when you know yourself well."
"There's a rule that's written, but at the end of the day, it's just what I believe should and shouldn't be."
"I think that you create a structure of rules for yourself if nobody gave you one."
"You should follow your own rules."
"I was through living by society's rules. Decided to make a few of my own."
"You get to live by your own set of rules."
"I have two rules in my life: I don't pet alligators, and I don't play on the street."
"The quality of your life is predicated on the rules that you follow or the rules that you do not follow."
"To get in the 1%, you must be able to take in information, analyze that information through various rules within your personal rule book, and then make a decision for yourself."
"You basically set your own rules."
"Write your own rules that way they work for you individually and will bring you more success in whatever you're trying to do."
"Consistency is key, so be sure to make some rules for yourself and stick to them."
"You don't have to abide by anyone's rules, you should be able to make your own rules for your life."
"I'm reserving the right to change these whenever I want."
"One of my rules: I never answer emails or voice messages after 3:00 p.m. on Fridays."
"There isn't one rule for everybody; we are all rather different."
"Remember, it is your reality, and you create your own set of rules."
"If you want to have your private investors and you trade for them, you set your own rules."
"New rules: I say what I mean and I mean what I say."
"My boundaries are the most important thing that rule my life."
"Relationships, the rules of every relationship, is dependent only on the people in the relationship."
"Simple rules depend on the person and the situation, so the rules that you have might not necessarily be my rules."
"Establish a set of rules for yourself that allow you to thrive in a world where things are beyond your control."
"Won't you come and see what it's like, living by the rules that you write?"
"I usually get a little freaked out when I hear the word 'rules', but those are definitely some rules I can get behind."
"Different people have different standards; in my world, there are three fundamental rules you cannot violate."
"These are my midnight amendments: number one, be cool."
"She says that she doesn't worry herself about etiquette and all that, she's going to live her life according to her own rules."
"Why bother playing by their rules and with their expectations?"
"Don't make too many rules... it's all about listening to what my body wanted."
"You have to have rules, you have to have a process to manage yourself because unless you manage you, it's over."
"Those are my rules, that's the name of the game: Show up, stay safe, keep moving."
"I start every new year off with my three golden rules."
"Imagine setting your own rules, figure out what rules work for you."
"We want the same things, kid, to live by our own rules."
"Respect for rules, like you got certain rules for yourself... It's like unwritten rules for yourself with this routine."
"Develop some discipline, you have to develop some rules and guidelines by which you will govern yourself accordingly."
"It's your game, your life, your rules."