
Public Space Quotes

There are 265 quotes

"Start by literally going outside. Have some solo acceptable activity and go to a neutral place where it's not awkward for you to be there."
"It's generally not illegal to take pictures or film anyone or anything that can be seen from a public vantage point."
"Public space must be available to people and to families to enjoy, and the tent encampments must go."
"I'm so sick of these [__] that go and cry and complain whenever they get pushed back in a public space."
"The honest to god's truth is supreme court's already rolled on it there is no privacy in public and I personally myself I leave all my private stuff at home I don't drag my private matters into public."
"If somebody put White Lives Matter on that same street right underneath or next to Black Lives Matter, people will destroy it and do all kinds of things to it and nothing will happen."
"There's no such thing as live and let live in the public square."
"To what extent do you really have a First Amendment right in this country when the town square has been privatized?"
"As the rhythm of daily life hits its stride, the famous Spanish Steps today adorned with azaleas filled with people for over 200 years."
"We all have the right to film. There's no expectation of privacy in public."
"What I see here is four male police officers coming over to a woman who is by herself on the beach."
"Lee Tang Witnesses one such incident and he can't keep himself from putting out a smoke on the lady's car's windshield."
"I support Jerry's rights to film in public. He's not breaking the law."
"I'm standing on a public footpath right, so let's get that clear. While I'm on a public footpath, I can film the company."
"And to me, it's that space that the most enduring conspiracy theories find their footing."
"This is what's wrong with today's society, just let this man shop in peace."
"Just as long as you're filming in a public place, if other people can't handle that, it's sort of their own fault."
"We're going to change the music on the temple mount. Change the music!"
"We're not going to do that now when you can't even go to Linux Mall or Flips Plaza without being scared you're going to get jacked so we're not we're not going to do that okay."
"Should these guys have been arrested for refusing to leave the store when asked?"
"I promise no one in that movie theater was looking at your skin color last night."
"If you're not free to walk around the streets with a camera, you're not free."
"Freedom of speech, honey, is not so free, even at the Mall of America."
"Speaker's corner is not a place for hatred, it's a place for speaking, talking, and debating."
"The pursuit of luxury should be in the public domain... to create space for people."
"What a great idea! They've made it into an area where people could come and check it out to make it a feature at the area."
"I am definitely now more concerned about my personal space in public than what I ever have been." - Marcus
"This is a publicly funded library, so I have a right to film in here."
"Everybody can go about their business and be safe."
"Twitter being someone of a public town square."
"Just leave us alone. Let us shop in peace. Let us be at the pool in peace. Let us sell water. Let us cut grass in peace."
"Have you ever seen a busier gas station in your life?"
"I think it's useful to understand how the environment works."
"Western culture evolved to a point where that type of conduct is not tolerated, at least in the public space."
"Jackass infuses bland spaces with creativity and performativity."
"It's just insane that we've had a news cycle all weekend about too many people in the park."
"Hidden away on the side of a staircase are three small black figures, and that's all it takes to form a powerful message."
"We just, we just got some new tools. This tool is the right to imprison people for being on a sidewalk."
"Filming in public is protected activity. If we don't exercise that right, it diminishes."
"It's a flash, you're outside minding your own business..."
"This feels pretty good... people are walking pretty freely through here."
"The final piece some may say the piece de resistance for Apollo is the waterfall behind the resident Services Building."
"You can't have people men and women going topless at the White House in front of children uh it's the white house not the beach."
"Skateboarding is in the Olympics, but we still deal with security guards in the streets."
"Why are all these policemen here? Why are they trying to make these men leave? They were just sitting there like everyone else."
"This Karen is nuts, she really believes that the post office is technically her private residence."
"Do you see the rainbow benches? Bistro tables and chairs await."
"Property is not closed to the public. This park is open to the public."
"Nobody owns all the way to the street. There's a public easement, and that's what we're allowed to be."
"I mean what in the actual hell are we doing and when you degrade the public realm you will automatically degrade the quality of your Civic life and the character of all the enactments of your public life and communal life that take place there."
"There's absolutely no expectation of privacy in public. That's where you're wrong."
"You're in a publicly accessible area, no I won't."
"I stood up to them because I knew for a fact that I was in a public accessible area."
"Nobody should be criminalized for thinking and for praying in a public space."
"Companies chose to be public square so they should be treated as such."
"If everyone is practicing their religion, then we should have equal access to the public square."
"The train station pianos have gone. That's a good thing."
"The granite lady still stands and, after much renovation, is used as a public space."
"There's no expectation of privacy in public, okay? Sorry, there's no expectation of privacy, no there isn't."
"Nobody has an expectation of privacy in public at all."
"This bathroom sees a lot of use from everybody who works there to everybody who's in and out of the shop."
"It feels very clean here it feels very safe here."
"There must be artwork in all new public buildings in Wyoming."
"A park that cares about the people, a park that belongs to the people."
"Placemaking is when a community transforms public space for different activities or events."
"I'm not going anywhere; this public sidewalk, God bless the homeless."
"You have the right to film anything in public."
"He creates this, the world's greatest bathing beach... but he doesn't want poor people and in particular poor people of color to use Jones Beach."
"Baby babble is adorable and necessary for their developments. You did nothing wrong, people just need to get over the fact that sometimes they will have to share a public space with children."
"Libraries are one of the few public spaces left in our society where you're allowed to exist without the expectation of spending money."
"There are just few too many things that remain public, few places that don't have a ton of barriers."
"This is public. Like if I was behind those gates over there behind you that would be a restricted area. Do you, do you suspect me of committing a crime sir? Do you suspect me of committing a crime?"
"There isn't much privacy in a public toilet."
"There's no lawful base or predicate for them to have me removed from publicly available spaces to begin with as a plethora of case law especially just in Washington state that corroborates that."
"This is one of the great public spaces, one of the great landmarks of New York."
"People playing their music out loud on speakers on a packed bus or train like do they just not care?"
"In Tokyo, outdoor smokers are required to remain in marked smoking zones so as not to pollute the air of non-smokers and avoid littering with cigarette buts all over the city."
"This happens to be a public footpath. Do not molest us."
"Honestly the main topic was taking back public space taking back the city the city belongs to the people."
"The social media sites have made themselves a public space, and I guess ultimately, you can regulate them almost like a public utility."
"And so the law of Public Nuisance it says that you cannot block a public right of way, and if you do, you're going to be subject to a fine."
"What about an airport? People can walk around and record there all day long."
"I mean, this is a public building. I mean, you can't stop me from recording in this building."
"I think there has to be a place for the contemplative in the public square because I think the public square is so noisy and there needs to be a place for people to be invited into silence."
"It's going to be a beautiful place for the community to come and walk around."
"In throwing everything into this open and mundane public space, we're losing love."
"So this is Paradise Beach and it's a public space"
"I just started crying literally in the middle of Sprouts."
"The plaza isn't just property, but it belongs to everyone."
"You have the right to receive and disseminate information to the public under this right, unless I'm infringing on other people's rights which filming in a public place doesn't constitute infringing on another's right."
"You don't have the right to privacy in a public place the same way that you can have CCTV cameras and I can't object to it because it's a public place."
"but again, it's principle. I'm a member of the public, I pay taxes just like the rest of you, and as part of 'we the people,' I mean, we have a right to go into any public space within a public building that is not marked or identified as restricted."
"This is a public building ma'am. This is a public Lobby."
"This sits right here before the park, free to come up, take photos, selfies, post them on your social media, do whatever you like with them, send them back to grandma."
"It's my right to come inside of a public building and film."
"They basically use the public ravine that's sort of as far away as possible to minimize the amount of noise coming from there."
"The interactive public space celebrates diversity together with the contemplation of beauty and both together with the pleasures of the fun and comedy of the body."
"Everyone has a right to privacy, but not in public."
"This was a private 14 acre estate that was given to the city of Aitkin in 1970 and now it is a public garden and it is open until 6 pm on most evening."
"The problem we have as modern subjects is that because we have de-sacralized the public spare that we interact in."
"Towards New York Harbor, the resulting plaza in the sky is proposed as a flexible space accommodating new sweeping views, quiet spaces for reflection, and a diversity of activities for New Yorkers."
"32 acres of public realm, more than five times the area of the High Line, will be created, reconnecting neighborhoods and offering natural and recreational spaces for adjacent communities and a growing city."
"You don't need permission in public."
"You don't have to feel like you're a bitch or you've done anything wrong if you don't want to include someone. You're entitled to your own privacy, even in a public space."
"This is a public space now for anyone and everyone to utilize."
"There's also a caricature booth here, but it is not open and there's no sign of when it will reopen."
"Recently, I had a pretty strange experience with someone or something in the Walmart parking lots."
"Not possible to walk out of this place going 'oh that a bit dull', there is something for everybody, it's just amazing, amazing place."
"I 100% understand you have the right to film in a public place."
"Public places are meant for people to have different tones of voice."
"Everybody should be able to get out of their houses, enjoy the public spaces and go about their business without any fear of violence or retribution."
"You don't have a right to privacy in public."
"Nobody never in a million years did we imagine it would be exhibited at all, let alone in Central Park."
"Sefton Park is one of Liverpool's largest public parks, with almost 250 Acres."
"Buildings must either touch or almost touch and align on the streets to define the public spaces of the city."
"The Salesforce Park is a 300-yard completely accessible to the public rooftop park."
"There's nothing more valuable in a city than its land and its public spaces."
"When you're in public places, you're not required to talk to a police officer simply because they want to talk to you."
"The commons and open spaces in and around London are not merely useful in maintaining the health of the population and as affording some space for recreation, but they also open out new fields of industry for those who earn their living out of doors."
"Now we're at Forsyth Park, in the 1840s William Brown Hodgson conceived the idea of setting aside 10 acres of wooded land at this site for development, and it is now Savannah's largest and oldest public park."
"Victoria Park was known very quickly as the People's Park."
"Wow, right outside of the Biryani Center, we have this wall of murals, lots of beautiful murals."
"Freedom is only possible in a public space where men and women can meet each other as equals."
"But then that is helping to pay for a fabulous public space for the ratepayers of New South Wales, so it's to me the best of both worlds."
"However great or rich an area might be, people living there have no right to stop the general public from entering the area."
"Confidence for me is going to be activating a park."
"And the sign said, 'The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls."
"Obviously it's art, but it doesn't mean that you can paint it wherever you want."
"Meeting your fellow citizens in the public space has been the major attraction of city life."
"It's just so nice to be in a public space surrounded by people and animals, traffic going by, you know buses flying by right by, they'll just stick these on and just everything is just so much more calmer and more peaceful."
"This beautiful public square features green spaces, benches, water insulation, and jets the children love, especially during hot summer days."
"It's not just aesthetically pleasing and because it gives people more public space, but actually protects their homes."
"It's perfectly legal to film in public, many vloggers do it."
"The entire roof is actually open and free to the public, making the building very accessible and also very democratic."
"It's almost hard to say where does the public space stop and where does the cultural institution begin because the two are so intricately linked together."
"Secularism expects the public space to be a neutral ground."
"The public space is the biggest gift."
"This is the people's house, literally that's what it translates to."
"If I expect privacy in public, I have to create it myself."
"Do we want to create a culture where it is safe for children to be outside in broad daylight with their parents?"
"The pictorially configured park is an oasis for a modern woman to walk unaccompanied by a man or to sit alone on a bench in public."
"The Forum has a great open rectangular space, it has a basilica, it has a temple on one short end."
"Graffiti serves as a direct challenge to the idea that beautiful art can only be found in a fancy museum or gallery."
"The loveliest public places in all of New York City."
"The philosophy is that this park will be an attraction for residents and visitors."
"Make sure to tell friends where you'll be, meet in the public location."
"Out of consideration for your fellow patrons, please turn off your cell phone."
"Remember public fountains? Remember how amazing this was? I just hated when kids would put their whole mouth on."
"Bondi Beach, a kilometre long stage where life is an all-day show from tragic to comic, playful to disturbing."
"Art was breaking out of the gallery, signs of creative energy were out on the street."
"It's a great big Square where again demonstrations and festivals and things can happen."
"You have no expectation of privacy in public, ma'am."
"Freedom of the press, so everybody has the right to run a camera in publicly accessible spaces."
"Anything that your eye can see from public, you can record."
"What I want to do is keep pushing that envelope and maybe one day we'll have a public place where you guys can come check it all out."
"For the first time ever, buskers have been able to entertain commuters without having to play a cat and mouse game with underground staff or the police."
"These can make the city's history part of an open and public civic space."
"Why are you so scared? You make a beautiful building expect people not to take a picture of it?"
"This Mobius strip echoes the continual tide of people moving through a station."
"Below the Acropolis was the Greek Agora or the meeting or marketplace."
"These gardens were so impressive back in the day, around 1928 they were opened up by the mayor of London to the general public."
"Sometimes being alone in a public place is my only alone time."
"We are interested in the res publica. We contribute to the formation of a common territory."
"He believed art should belong to the public, as it does here in this space."
"It was one of the most important public spaces built since the Renaissance in terms of its quality and its idea and its impact."
"The public space actually claims the center of the tower."
"It's nice and quiet, so it's not going to upset people in a park."
"The city has approved a pedestrian viewing area for the Arches, so the Arches are right outside of the Strat. It's a really cool structure."
"You end up with these leftover interstitial spaces that quite often become the most beautiful public shared spaces."
"The infrastructure of public spaces which joins the individual buildings together and determines the DNA and the lifeblood of a city."
"For me, I was fascinated by public spaces in the city which I've subsequently described as the urban glue."
"Annabelle is an arts curator and is looking to expand her gallery; she wants the ground floor of her house to be open to the public."
"This is a public building, and I have the right to be here just like anyone else does."
"We're not alone. If we were in a secluded room, then it's a problem, but we're not. We're in open space, we're in a public space."
"Sweet chili chicken stir fry, cooked on a roundabout next to a police station."
"So many cities have given away their most valuable real estate on the water, in the public squares."
"The Center of Warsaw in the old town is Saxon Gardens, which is Warsaw's oldest public park."
"That is exactly the task of the Shed: to be a new festival and exhibition venue for the citizens of the city and for artists from all over the world."
"Public architecture that is welcoming and serene."
"How do we move forward so that you can continue to stay in the public space and not have your mental health completely eroded by being in?"
"If it's open to the public, it's open to the public."
"This is a sad state of affairs in America, guys. We're getting kicked out of public property for recording, for exercising our First Amendment rights."
"The First Amendment allows us to record in any publicly accessible area."
"This is a public, publicly viewable area."
"It really connects the people that use the station to this area outside."
"Kitty Market had a clock, one of the two electric public clocks to be found in Georgetown."
"The park is essentially being called the city's front lawn, a space where anyone can hang out."
"I just love the idea of all this being under such a public place instead of some remote location in the middle of nowhere."
"Civility is the essence of the public library, and there's really no place on earth that is quite like it."
"The first thing that I saw when I walked into the park was a bunch of people hanging around where it says imagine on the ground along with flowers."
"The streets were crowded with people leaving the museum."
"This is a very, very unique situation for the Northern Beaches; you're not expecting to find two live grenades on a public street."
"Public space is perhaps the most important component of any democracy."
"Public space is where people come together."
"Such a beautiful public park, free entry, well maintained."
"I always wanted to expand the gallery, I always wanted to make it public."
"Recognizing that equality means let's not put up religious monuments on public spaces."
"The public domain is always a critical part of what we design."
"First impressions of Transnistria: where's all the litter, or graffiti, or anything? This whole main park area is like perfectly spotless."
"It's really fabulous, a really great square today."