
Challenging Times Quotes

There are 369 quotes

"Spring is coming... and you may not be a praying person. I am. It is a good thing, especially in days like this."
"Purpose is not impossible in inconvenient times."
"Especially during challenging times, like these, the problems we face can only be solved by all of us together."
"How are you and your family holding up during this time, man?"
"The American people are incredibly resilient. This has been an awful year, a truly bad year... yet the republic still stands."
"I must confess to you that these are troubling times. I don't care how much faith you have and how much you pray, these are troubling times."
"These are challenging times, but they are also potent and transformational times."
"It is in these challenging times that we also see what we're made of."
"I'm insanely happy to win this bearing such difficult times."
"Truly a shining beacon of hope in these dark and uncertain times."
"Well, ladies and gentlemen, in the true spirit of the year 2020, a year that sucks incredibly bad, I figured hey, let's run it back."
"You thought we could be decent men in an indecent time."
"God wants to know that he can trust you to use the spiritual when the going gets tough."
"No matter how dark, we're facing it together."
"Encouragement and comfort: God will bring comfort to you during challenging times."
"Evolving in tumultuous times is really the right phrase for the way of the sensitive at the moment so within all those highs and lows remember you're moving and we all are."
"The solution I think, you know, we're headed towards crazy turbulent times but it doesn't mean that it can't be an opportunity to see the good and to build something better."
"The president is girding the American people and the West for some tough days ahead."
"Even though we're looking at difficult times... now is a really important time for us to look to getting to know our neighbors better..."
"Thank you so much for tuning in. I know it's been really rough with everything that's been going on, and honestly, for a lot of people, I feel a little lonesome."
"We can still joke around and self-deprecate, even in the face of challenging times."
"There is light at the end of what seems like a dark and revolutionary time."
"So looking back at 2020, a lot of crap happened, but I appreciate you all being here. I thank you all so much for your time, for your support, and for all the great things you've done with me during 2020."
"It's going to be a tough three or four months."
"We didn't merely survive 2020, we actually thrived."
"2020 was the clear example that when things get hard human beings really do step up for each other."
"It was moving... a sober constructive practical example of how to love your country in difficult times."
"In these dark times, seek God now more than ever."
"Maybe it's not such a bad thing that hard times are coming. Maybe your kids are going to be better people than you."
"The first amendment was written not for easy speech and likable speech and love people; it was written for hard times and to protect speech that nobody wants you to say."
"To have hope and faith in the darkness is very important and in some sense it's only in dark periods that you develop faith and hope."
"We're doing all we can to help you through these difficult times. We're all in this together."
"In the hardest moments...I saw a grit come out in her that was inspiring to me."
"When times get even more challenging, people are going to want to have a more biblical perspective, something that a lot of people don't even have."
"It's an opportunity for us to be there to share, and at some point, I think when times get even more challenging, people are going to want to have a more biblical perspective."
"It's a testing time for everybody, from a health perspective, from a business perspective, from a social perspective."
"In these times of darkness, I'm actually really grateful and thankful."
"Empowering and engaging activists and creating grassroots movements is also a part of how we're going to work to fight legislation and fight actions to suppress voters around the country."
"The world will always need creativity to see interesting ideas, to see creativity and pure creativity especially in these times."
"In the darkest of times, hold onto the light within you."
"It's the whole incident is sort of embodies everything that is so horrible about this period in which we're living."
"Until we regain the balance, I think we had, people will find life difficult."
"We need a network of believers to communicate and support each other during these times."
"So, it's been a really dismal year, really dismal year, and maybe that's got some dark thoughts percolating in that brain of yours."
"Thank you guys so much for supporting us, you know always being there and just being so even through all Destiny tough times."
"We're dealing with unprecedented times right now."
"It's been a really crazy year and I think losing a dog on top of that it's just so much more stress than one person is built for."
"I'm glad that we have Harry and Megan to level the loaf and introduce an element of levity into an otherwise grave time."
"When you high-five somebody during a challenge, you're acknowledging 'I know this is hard.'"
"Thanks for keeping us sane in these dark times."
"I'm almost glad but I just dropped the nice bomb in because that gave me a bit of chuckle 'some gave me a bit of levity to what is a very very dark day."
"It has been a ridiculous week, but it's better from here."
"Thanks so much for helping us through some troubled waters this year."
"It's okay to question... You're a citizen, and you're facing a crazy moment."
"When it looks like everything's going down, you still gotta trust the manager."
"Honestly, it's just been such a tough year for everyone. No one's been safe from that."
"Scientists successfully revived two worm species that spent tens of thousands of years in a state of suspended animation."
"Bailey had a wonderful 2020, with all things considered this year being a complete disaster."
"The new year is going to be chaotic, it's going to be difficult but these are the birth Pains of a new world."
"These are perilous times, unlike any before."
"We know this is a change for our selling partners and are working hard to help them during this difficult time."
"God is angry and sending all these things... this is not a time for spiritual punks."
"There's a light at the end of the tunnel, turning dark times into divine timing."
"Gratitude helps you cope with challenging times, providing emotional strength and resilience."
"It's just a very difficult time for humanity."
"Be empathetic to people around you, everybody's having a tough year."
"Just going through these crazy and turbulent times with you is frankly the most precious part of my professional life."
"These times are trying for people, they're difficult for people."
"What an incredible time to be alive, yes it's hard but we are history makers no doubt."
"Now is going to be a tough time, but it's also going to be an opportunistic time."
"Making something remarkable even in the hardest of times."
"These are horrifying times but there is hope and optimism."
"These are dark times, but it's all for the Most High God's glory."
"These difficult times can diminish you, destroy you, or develop you. Ultimately, we decide."
"The past year has been a depressing slog, and you could feel its effect no matter who you are, where you're from, or what field or industry you're a part of."
"It's no secret that 2020 hasn't been the easiest of years for most people or many industries but thanks in part to the shared support of the star citizen community."
"Thank you guys so much for the support, especially during these crazy times."
"The important point is unity and bringing people together especially in these desperate times."
"2020, this year sucks, and people just gotta check in with their people."
"These are unusual times, you can't disengage."
"Honoring the difficult times is significant."
"Even when the times are challenging and dark i think we all have to recognize that the future is always bright."
"Please Lord, help me get one more." - A prayer for courage amidst chaos.
"But we're not backing down, this is an epic time."
"Last year was tough for you guys, but there's been a really great resurgence of the Viper squad."
"You want people to be able to say controversial things, especially in controversial times."
"You gotta control your emotions in these times."
"There's always gonna be... empathy, purpose discovery... even in the midst of the most difficult things."
"In stagnant times, growth is silently taking root."
"2020 cannot take hope from me, keep it alive."
"This is still Christmas, a time to find optimism even when it seems impossible."
"There's never been a time like this where we've been tested in our faith."
"I know the 18th is going to be terrible, so try to remain calm."
"Thanks for watching this one, you know it's been a really rough year but you guys have made 2020 so rewarding and it's I've personally had a great time and it's only because of you guys."
"Stand true if you've been going through a difficult time, you will find a solution to your situation."
"Sometimes our bad days can become the days of the most growth."
"It takes such a strong soul to get through that season."
"I felt like I had to do it for the people, for the people who deserve it and need it in these cosplay times that we're living in."
"These are the hard times where diamond hands really get tested."
"It's always good to have a little bit of a laugh especially in this type of year."
"The times ahead are going to be extremely demanding for everyone."
"Get ready honey because we're ready for a rocky road!"
"Let's be positive in these negative times when we can be."
"Talk about one of the easiest choices to put on a list. Hill has had one of the biggest breakout years in the entire sport."
"My heart's and prayers with everybody right now at this time."
"We really appreciate that if you join us in spreading a little more kindness during this time of need for so many people."
"As we navigate this time, my hope is for each and every one of us out there."
"There's been fun man, [__] 2020, let's make it the best year that we can possibly make it man."
"This difficult season will make us stronger."
"Hope is essentially the heart and core of astonishing times." - Noah Sans
"There should be a testimony in these fearful times."
"The secret of the Lord is with him that fear him he wants to give you some secrets listen up he's going to talk to you about how to maneuver through times like these."
"If there's ever been a year where we need some laughter, it'll be this year 2020."
"Behind fear-based headlines, this 8-week adventure is certain to test us in unimaginable ways."
"American exceptionalist ideology is a bad thing but it is also a stabilizing force in times of uncertainty."
"We thought maybe we could give some hints and tips as the house to survive this or time."
"This is a turnaround after a very difficult year for everyone."
"Even in the darkest times, not everyone always has to have the weight of the world on their shoulders."
"We're gonna survive this, even if it's the last thing we do."
"I personally think that this is the worst week of this crisis."
"I figured I'm gonna do all four nine by 13 pans her husband just recently went back and in years past for me that's always been the hardest time of having a new baby."
"There does seem to be light at the end of the tunnel."
"We were in the middle of a pandemic, civil unrest, all of this stuff happening."
"This is a bright shining moment in a very difficult time."
"In this bleak environment, it's always good to have a nice win."
"Please pray about it, continue to seek the Lord, because it's going to get tough in the next couple of months."
"So my optimism is based on how grim it’s getting. Because that means we are almost there, and we can’t go on like this. It sounds like a terrible relationship, but we can’t go on like this. It has to end."
"Staying humble during your humbling season is going to make the blessing that much sweeter."
"It's been a tough few months for everybody. Let's pull everybody together and just talk."
"It's great to talk to you about this topic... and that is sort of grounding yourself during these really tough times."
"This is a challenging time, in the sense that you're gonna have doubts."
"Put your thinking cap on, something alright, there's some very dangerous times that we're living in."
"The times that I have drawn closer to God have always been when I was on my knees."
"Trying times are not the times to stop trying; they're the times to grab hold of one another."
"I'll always be eternally grateful for the help they gave me during such a horrific time in my life."
"I've had a rough couple of months I'm not kidding here it's been difficult."
"I feel incredibly thankful for half a million subscribers, even though it came during a tough time."
"Literally everything that's happening right now may seem dark and chewy but it's good."
"A massive thank you to all of you guys who supported us throughout 2020."
"Farmers farmed for the love of farming and even in tough times we still will continue to farm for the love of farming."
"These are just very challenging times, they will not last forever."
"Sometimes the seasons of greatest growth and advancement for us are the ones that are hard."
"This hasn't been easy at times, but you are that strong, that's why you're here."
"Remember, there is light at the end of the tunnel... you have to make it to 2025, get through this madness."
"Time's up... we're getting ready to enter into what I've heard described as the worst of times and the best of times."
"Don't let them get to you even though we live in a time of extreme peril."
"It's been quite a god damn year, and honestly, it feels like a blur."
"If you're going to make it through these perilous days, these chaotic days, we need to be committed to the Word of God."
"We're already in bad times, we've come through some really harsh times."
"We are in a season that demands Trust, not sight."
"We must have love, but we must be courageous in these days."
"Extreme difficulty and chaos of the time we're in right now is a huge signpost for change."
"It'll be tough from here on, but please feel free to consult with me anytime."
"Things are going to get worse before there is some light at the end of the tunnel."
"Through recognizing that, you can also really thrive during this time."
"This is a hard time man and it ain't going away."
"If Democrats don't acknowledge... they're going to have a really tough time."
"The night is always darkest before the dawn, but we have not yet reached midnight."
"Managing your stress levels is so so key, especially in times like this when stress is so rampant and so easy to just get caught up in and spiral down out of control."
"Let's throw some positive vibes on what might be a bit of a dark day."
"This Darkness they're experiencing is actually pushing them into radical change and profound Soul expansion."
"No matter what you're going through, no matter how difficult the moment is, Jesus understands."
"You can do hard things even in uncertain times."
"Stay strong, it's ugly this week could get uglier but we will get through this."
"It is our duty as brothers and sisters to really come together during this time."
"I'm hoping for next year to be better than this one. 2020 has just ruined everything."
"These are the times that you need to have faith."
"Personal responsibility is key to resilience in shaky times."
"These times are tough but we are going to get through this."
"Weakening enemies seems fun, making myself stronger seems fun."
"2020 has been crazy it's like but wait there's more but regardless I hope you feel a little bit happier."
"The Earth went dark in the spring of 536, and suddenly Humanity found itself in the worst year to be alive."
"I'm trying to be a servant leader here and at a very challenging time in very difficult circumstances. That's my humble prayer every day."
"Identifying your why allows you to stay motivated and inspired during times that being motivated and inspired is very, very difficult."
"Sometimes you can get the greatest epiphanies in your darkest moments."
"I think we need a little encouragement in these dark and difficult times."
"This has been quite a year... unprecedented times."
"It's always darkest right before the dawn, hopefully this is the darkness lifting here."
"I think a lot of this strength, this determination, might have actually come out of a really difficult time for you."
"We're at a very, very, very, very, very, very volatile time."
"I really appreciate all the support you guys have shown me in 2020 especially because it has been a very difficult year for a lot of us."
"I appreciate you guys sticking with me... it's been a bit of a weirder year."
"I hope I've been able to fill you with a little bit of opium in these dark times."
"All great moments of deliverances in the Bible came at strenuous times."
"These difficult times have only strengthened my resolve and character and have only invigorated me even more to reach the top of chess."
"We are at a time of testing and how it comes out is in our own hands."
"It's an exciting time to be alive even though there's so much that's so wrong."
"It's very difficult right now, but you can do it. It's just going to take a lot of work."
"You must be your very best in the darkest moments."
"Things are uncertain, and it will be no doubt a challenging time for many of us."
"It's very nice to see some growth that I can actually visualize while I'm going through a really rough time right now."
"I lived through a very challenging time... Starting to focus on good things, even though there wasn't much good, got me out of it."
"It's going to be a phase of a rude awakening for humanity."
"Our times are difficult and perplexing, but they're also challenging."
"God has given us an anchor for the times of storm in our life."
"We've got to keep the faith, and I really hope that we can get through it because this is going to be a very, very tough election cycle."
"Difficult times challenge people and that's where the innovation comes."
"Unity consciousness—we all have to work together to get through these times."
"God does his best work in these tough times for us."
"My thoughts are with the people of Ukraine right now."