
Thought Influence Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"You are what you are and you are where you are because of the thought life that you have embraced in your life."
"Thought is the cause, and the external world, environment, people, circumstance, is the effect."
"Man is made or unmade by himself; in the armoury of thought he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself; he also fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace."
"Every time we think a thought, it's going to reflect externally."
"Thoughts become things. How we think directly translates into how we act."
"There's some pretty good empirical support for the idea... you actually are more likely to think about doing those bad things yourself."
"We live in a spiritual Universe. Negative entities can strengthen your negative thoughts, positive entities can strengthen your positive thoughts."
"Our thoughts have the power to influence reality through the technique of patterning."
"We are what our thoughts have made us, so take care of what you think."
"What a man thinks he becomes, what a man thinks attracts to him his circumstances and environment."
"Our individual world is a reflection of our thought life."
"Words constitute our Consciousness. If you can control the language, you can control people's minds."
"What seed or what thought has God planted... what thought has the enemy planted in your mind."
"A thought form that's emanating from a sense of coherence does not have the gain or the power that a thought form that's emerging from a sense of separation."
"The power of your thoughts become words that become actions that have shaped the destiny of your life."
"The things you think about determine the quality of your mind... your soul takes on the color of your thoughts."
"Control begins with your thoughts and determines your actions."
"What you think you are, what you think you become. Careful what you think about."
"Observing how these thoughts affect your actions."
"You don't realize you're basically doing the same thing as programming a computer. You're programming the universe to respond to what you're thinking."
"Your life is an expression of what you think."
"The goal of the Chinese Communist Party is to get into your mind and determine what you're allowed to think."
"Synchronicity, where your dominant thoughts align with your life and become your dominant experiences."
"If you control consciousness, you control what we think and feel."
"The power is in the emotion and in the thoughts. That's where your power is."
"The thoughts you put your attention to are the ones that become real."
"If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought."
"It is the thoughts that you allow your mind to dwell upon which create your experiences."
"You're bringing about what you're thinking about."
"You become what you think about all day long." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"If thought can corrupt, language cannot also corrupt thought?"
"In the immediate, there is no end to individual power through the right use of thought."
"Your life is moving in the direction of your strongest thoughts."
"What you think turns into what you say, and what you say turns into what you do."
"There are no idle thoughts; everything you think about and fantasize or visualize has some degree of reality."
"You become what consumes your imaginations and your thoughts."
"Words are spells. Thoughts become things, words become things."
"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think." - Buddha
"Every thought, if someone is thinking about someone, it is a psychic energy. It doesn't matter, like it could be good, like good thoughts, and then the good, the person will get good vibrations, right?"
"One is the servant of an idea, and the other is served by it."
"Every thought you think leaves your head and permeates the grid of space-time for eternity."
"If you change the way you think, you're gonna change the way you live."
"They say you're creating it with your thoughts... it's actually sick, what's happening."
"How terrible is the responsibility of a single impure or evil thought!"
"Our soul is dyed by the color of our thoughts."
"The emotion is the magnetic charge; your intention, your thought, is the information carried on that wave."
"Man's life: Man is what he thinks all day long. In his character is the totality of his thinking."
"Your emotions and thoughts are so powerful, you are a master manifestor."
"Your soul is basically dyed with the color of your thoughts."
"The way you feel comes from what you've been thinking about."
"Every thought you have, every idea you have, everything."
"Be very aware of your thoughts that you're putting out because they're creating the reality."
"The mouth of God is the mind of man captures the essence that our thoughts and words have divine power shaping our reality in powerful ways that we often underestimate."
"The predominant thought or mental attitude is the magnet. Like attracts like."
"We live in a thought world which is part of a thought universe."
"It's the words and the thoughts that shape the things that happen around you."
"Controlling our media is the closest thing there is to controlling how we think."
"What you think will affect how you feel, and how you feel will affect what you do."
"Narrative is the secret. Somebody controls the parameter of how you think."
"We live in a world in which our thoughts have actual control over elements of our brain chemistry."
"Remember, you are what you think; your life is determined by your thoughts."
"Success and failure are the results of day-to-day evolutionary forces through which dominating thoughts are pieced together bit by bit."
"Your subconscious mind recognizes and acts only upon thoughts that have been well mixed with emotion or feeling."
"Our intentions reach out and affect others too, which is why if you think about somebody, they may pick up your intention and start thinking about you."
"We live in a world of thought and it can take a while to see how that affects everything that we do."
"You are what you eat is not about the body; it is you are what you eat because the food I consume will influence my thoughts, and my thoughts will write my destiny."
"Whatever thoughts are in your mind becomes your reality."