
Social Needs Quotes

There are 166 quotes

"One thing people want more than being right is to belong; it's to be loved; it's to be a member of a community."
"The basic human need for social gathering and contact, this will not change."
"An extrovert is not better than an introvert and vice-versa; they simply have different needs."
"If you feel like you're by yourself all the time, you feel isolated. People need other people and people want to feel like they're part of something broader."
"What we desperately need is some recognition of our basic humanity."
"We're animals, us humans. We need to socialize."
"Every single time the government fails to meet the needs of the American people in some significant way, the response from the left is: if we didn't have such an astronomical defense budget, we could afford to take care of people right now."
"People need other people. You just can't say, 'I'm going to be alone,' you know? That's not normal."
"We are made because we need to be around other human beings that lift us up as well."
"We are social animals we need each other defy death go forth and build a loving family."
"Americans need a big hug right now but we have to social distance so we can't do that."
"Everybody's looking to be seen, valued, understood, and less alone on their journey."
"People are craving connection, community, and the energy that comes with humans being with other humans."
"Everyone just wants someone to talk to and hang out with."
"Human beings need socialization, they do. It's been proven time and time again."
"When all this fails and it invariably fails in the absence of other people because we all need observers, we all need friends."
"There's something within all of us that wants to belong, wants to be accepted, wants to fit in with other people."
"It's totally okay to crave connection, it's totally okay to want a friend, it's totally okay to want a lover."
"The human desire for company and support is powerful."
"Wanting to be accepted because we're social creatures, you know, there's nothing wrong with that. It's just understanding that it doesn't really take what you think it takes."
"Socializing, just like exercise or eating healthy, is a fundamental human need."
"People keeping pubs alive is what we really need."
"People want to feel like they are part of a community."
"Attention to women is like oxygen, it's like food they need our validation."
"That is perfect then we don't have to worry about social need and we don't have to worry about getting tense fantastic that is so good."
"I don't know if guys want to play a hero. It's not easy to be in solitary confinement. I learned through that time, we weren't meant to be solo creatures. We were meant to be social creatures."
"There's this force within us that wants to be and needs to be connected with other people."
"We all need it in our life to become full people."
"We simply don't want to be left alone again." - Alexander Stubb
"What this whole fight is about... health care, education, raising the minimum wage... doing what the American people want and need."
"I was one of those people who was just like leave me alone and I'll be fine... quarantine really has taught me that I need people in my life."
"That's called need, that's called redistribution of wealth."
"People like things that give them a sense of belonging."
"We need people, and like everyone else, we need a sense of belonging."
"I just need some social interaction and to feel normal and to feel alive."
"Donations like this can be game-changing for folks on the ground working hard to ensure people's rights and abilities to vote is protected and supported."
"I'm thoroughly convinced that neither party is speaking to the pressing needs of poor and working people."
"It's not good for you to be by yourself. You are built for relationship with God and with other people."
"Housing should not be seen as a commodity. It should be seen as a need because it is a need without a house, without shelter you die."
"Having close connections with other people is one of the few human needs that cannot be satisfied on your own."
"They want a release, they want some relief, they want something good. And they deserve something good."
"Everybody just wants to be seen, heard, loved, and acknowledged."
"Everybody wants to belong, they want to have a place within the world."
"I'm feeding my hunger for human contact right now."
"The importance of human connection, the importance of meeting deeper needs."
"People need to feel like you appreciate them. You think that they have... unfortunately, that's what people need."
"I feel bad for David because people need to be social, humans need to be social."
"Connection with each other is the number one human need that we have."
"Humans are social creatures who crave social interaction."
"Even those of us who are highly independent... still we have this very fundamental need within ourselves to connect with other people."
"Bigger cities are better, as you're gonna constantly be needing people."
"It's sort of almost a universal condition, people need to feel that they belong."
"To me, it shows you that people are hungry for things that connect them to like-minded people."
"We need to listen to actual people and what they actually need." - Solana Rice
"Attention certainly is a big factor in it because people wanna feel a sense of belonging."
"We don't need guns and flags, we need masks and healthcare and living wages."
"That's what it's about, man. Get everyone together, this is what we need."
"Humans in general just crave connecting with other humans."
"It just shows how much that we need each other, you know? It really does."
"Until we engage people's humanity, we won't access their real needs."
"Human beings need to have that human connection with others, they need that system of support and a sense of community."
"What we're seeking is some type of human connection."
"Family connectedness is a good thing; it's what we all need as human beings."
"Humans need more physical contact in their lives."
"No one likes to be in isolation, and everyone likes to have a sense of belonging."
"Everyone is so unique and everyone needs a different amount of social interaction and a different type of social interaction to feel fulfilled."
"I really needed that, you know, like I really needed someone to just like invite me."
"We often don't meet our needs for connection on a regular basis... until we're starving for connection."
"Humans are social beings, we all need to have people in our life to love us and hold us and encourage us, and I'm proud of you for realizing that need in yourself and finding a way to fulfill it."
"So even though our eyes and search engines may make it seem like everything has shifted online, our bodies are still out here knocking around in real time, craving social interaction and community."
"Once your physical needs are met, your brain focuses on social needs."
"Erikson believed that we make conscious choices in life and these choices focus on meeting certain social and cultural needs rather than purely biological ones."
"When you neglect your psychological and social needs that badly for that long, you eventually become so desperate for social interaction."
"Life changes and opportunities change, but what people seek out of their interchanges with other people will never change."
"What do people want? People want attention. People want admiration. People want acknowledgement. People want a group to be in. People want like-minded people."
"Connection is important for everybody so for us it may be marriage, for someone else they may not want to get married but they want to have that tightly knit group of friends."
"It takes energy to do direct air carbon capture, and it's almost always a better use of that energy to supply other social needs with the green energy that you're producing."
"At some point, everyone has felt the desire to fit in."
"People with ADHD long for friends and they'll go to tremendous lengths to make and keep friends."
"It's not bad to have needs met by other people; that's actually very human and social and part of who we are."
"You can't be alone all the time. You got to have somebody notice you."
"People love to be acknowledged, people love to be heard."
"I just wanted to spend time with family and friends, which is definitely needed sometimes."
"What is it exactly that we're getting from talking all day long with other humans? It's something we're getting there."
"I think that's one big kryptonite to that, but I do think people still do crave connection."
"They need company, they're used to living in large family groups."
"Relatedness refers to our need to belong to, care for, and connect with others."
"We need people, you need friends."
"You just need that intimacy with others."
"I just feel this need in myself for community and connection."
"We need more connection in our life."
"I tell ya a guy gets too lonely, and he gets sick."
"Books ain't no good. A guy needs somebody to be near him."
"We are not meant to live in isolation."
"We need friendship, we need social contact if we're going to be happy."
"We do need hugs, we do need human connection, we do need eye contact that's not through cameras, laptops."
"We want a community, we just don't want a place to live."
"The basic human need is to connect to other human beings."
"Most of your social needs can be met by friends; that's just a reality."
"Basically, you're going to need some type of sense of belonging."
"That's what she was missing, her friends."
"You can't live in isolation; you need someone to talk to."
"Guinea pigs are clearly very social animals and we as owners should always recognize that and put their needs before our wants."
"One of our basic needs as people is social interaction and companionship."
"Some people don't want to be alone."
"I need people, Tracy, I need companionship, I need somebody to share my life with."
"People need friends... I need a friend more than I need space."
"It's more valuable to understand that they probably need more people in their life anyways."
"Humans need humans; we're not meant to live alone, be alone all the time."
"I think people need a sense of community."
"We all need other people in varying degrees, but we need other people."
"I see lots of people around me and I wanted somebody to be on my side."
"You need friends, an intimate relationship, to do something that's of benefit to the collective, a family, and you need to figure out what you're going to do with your own private time."
"Recognize how badly you need friends and then pursue them."
"You need that social interaction. Like, we crave social interaction."
"Women especially are craving connection, togetherness, voices, seeing faces."
"Physiologically we need social connection... neurologists call it social pain."
"Everybody needs someone to talk to."
"We all need people; you need more than just a partner in your life, you need friends."
"The community experience is vital to our humanity; we need it to thrive."
"It's perfectly okay to have the friend that you're always going out with and hanging out with, having other people in your life who fulfill certain needs for you."
"We need people, we need interaction."
"I need social interaction; I can't just stay here all day alone."
"Your authentic needs are different than my authentic needs; we're all social beings, we all need connection, we all need to learn, we all need feedback from other people."
"Meeting our needs for friendship and cooperation first is what actually allows us to meet our other more basic needs for food and shelter."
"We actually miss social interactions with people, we need each other."
"I think people need to feel seen, you know what I mean?"
"Humans have a basic underlying need to belong and be social."
"You'll be surprised how much people are starving and hungry for real connection."
"We've evolved to need other people just like we've evolved to need food."
"When we deny ourselves that exposure, the effect is in fact as toxic as anything you can get."
"Social contact is needed for optimal human performance."
"People have two fundamental social motivations: they want to be liked and have a need to belong."
"You have a biological need to have interaction with people."
"All human beings are born with the desire to be liked, accepted, and respected by other people."
"People want to belong to something; they want to feel like they belong."
"We are social people; we need to... you want somebody to share things with, you want somebody to love, you want somebody for them to care for you and you care for them."
"We're human beings, we need people, and that energy when you're away from people, when you're isolated, is so horrible for your mental well-being."