
Emotional Bonds Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"There's a hormone called oxytocin which forms emotional bonds... any time you hug someone, you get a little spurt of oxytocin."
"Travel is usually a positive experience and it creates many happy memories. This creates an emotional bond between a person and a place."
"The bonds between your related Sims are important and complex."
"You'll always be a part of me no matter what you do, and for the record, can't nobody say I didn't give my all to you."
"You have a handful of 20 people in your life that really matter."
"We don't just love one kid, we love multiple children."
"You know what, that's what I love about you man."
"While still conveying the essence of its original intent, the lengths we will go to to protect ourselves from being hurt by other people, but also how important and powerful those bonds can be."
"Shared suffering binds good friendships together."
"I've been through [ __ ] the dirt with this [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like I've been through so much [ __ ] with this guy like are you serious."
"Community means a lot. Having people there with you when it's time to grieve or celebrate is really important."
"Love comes in multiple forms: romantic, platonic, family, and collective."
"This is a powerful demonstration of how we are made better by the bonds of love that we make with others."
"Luke's attachment to his friends and family made him stronger and more compassionate."
"All that matters is the love they feel for each other and that will never go away."
"They're reminiscing, thinking a lot about times you share together."
"You can tell these players really love each other."
"A lot of you you have a decision to make regarding this connection the soul connection you have with this person because there is some kind of magnetic pull that you have to them."
"She's my heart, you know. I love my parents but she's at first place."
"Vulnerability is the glue that holds a relationship together."
"Pisces people never forget the person, all of those people have a special place in their heart."
"In both Saving Private Ryan and in The Last of Us, sharing elements of the past connect you with people in the present."
"We'll be your brothers, Dad. We'll be your brothers."
"The power of friendship transcends even death."
"The most important part of life is the bonds we form."
"Sociopaths don't actually value relationships and bonds with other people. Any emotional bonds that are thought to have been created with the sociopaths aren't real."
"I will miss Drew dearly, but she'll be in my heart forever."
"Trust can be beautiful when it's given to the right person."
"Even though you guys don't see eye to eye on a lot of things, they still love you."
"The attraction just doesn't go away no matter what else sort of intervenes."
"That was the kind of relationship Ash had with his dad before he died. They were important to each other, big time."
"Love is the glue that brings us all together."
"You'll never have a connection like that again."
"Remember, real soul connections are rare. Hold onto them when you find them."
"Abigail the kangaroo insists on giving her caretakers a hug every single day."
"Animals sometimes seem to know that you did something special for them which saved their life."
"Mia's not Riley's friend, Mia, you're his family."
"I believe people stay with you, even when they've left."
"The cult of the ancestors was about emotional connections people created with each other."
"Never say goodbye. If you don't say goodbye, you're not really gone."
"You cannot let each other go unless the cord is broken; choose whether to walk away or stay."
"I hope I never lose you to the ultimate loss of all, and that's life itself."
"War reveals that bond between brothers in arms or even between enemies across a field of shared sacrifice or the strength of love that can develop."
"Those people who you feel that connected with you should not let go."
"Real best friends don't leave without saying goodbye."
"You become family... It's an extended family."
"The found family component in this is amazing."
"Burden bearers: those who stand by you, cry with you, laugh with you, and die with you."
"They spent a lot of time together. They were pretty much inseparable and they were like brothers."
"I think love is a kind of connection with that, you know between people."
"Building a friendship is a critical piece in developing deep bonds."
"There are all sorts of different families but if there's love dear and you'll have a family in your heart forever."
"The love they've had for each other never really goes away."
"Emotional connection between living creatures is a special component of psychological health."
"I feel like they really respect the love that you have for them."
"This person recognizes that there's a very strong bond between you because this person is like obsessed, they've got the devil card energy."
"The bond between Beattie and Cooper only gets stronger as the story progresses."
"They feel as though your connection runs really deep, they want growth within your connection."
"I feel like you're the one, we belong together."
"He values the relationship he's built with his family."
"It's more that Soul Bond energy between you and someone else, that's terribly unique, it cannot be replicated."
"Cut the tie, otherwise the cord remains connected."
"Certain relationships suddenly feel stronger."
"There's still a part of them that keeps wanting to bring them back to you, to work things out."
"You are someone that is so hard to get over, and they don't intend on being away from you in every sense of the word."
"Diane had been babysitting for the Fongs for three years and had essentially become part of their extended family."
"All of you, all of those kids, are my heart and soul. I have pieces of myself with all of them."
"You cannot break a soul tie on the phone with the virus. You cannot break a soul tie letting the virus in your house every Friday night."
"Somali community in particular, mom, because I really, I feel like the anger that the Somalis have because of the love they have."
"Bonds, they really are important to us all, aren't they?"
"Health is not complicated, it's really quite simple, and so is food."
"The connection between the two of you is just beyond deep. I mean you could never fully plumb the depths of the connection between the two of you."
"You can just see how illogical that reality is when you think about one human being being infinitely meaningful to the people who love them."
"No matter how much they go away, they always feel tied and they come back."
"Hearts define friendships and connectivity, and so no matter where we are, I will always, always, always be connected with the people who matter most to me."
"The bonds of love do not sever because of physical death."
"Blood is not the only thing that makes you family."
"We must not be enemies though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection."
"Soul ties can be good or bad, they can start out good and turn bad."
"It's pretty special, that friendship and that bond."
"You're never gonna find unconditional love like you will with family."
"Eleven created all of this, she created all of it and, well, I mean because of one, right? Because of one was able to influence her and build a relationship with her and like basically powerful create this bond."
"You know the expression, 'friends are the family you choose with your heart.'"
"It's all about the family you choose for yourself."
"Trust is not easy to give, but I hope you trust me."
"Without trust, there's no friendship, no closeness, none of the emotional bonds that make us who we are."
"Venus in Cancer in your 11th house is about building emotional bonds with loved ones, nurturing your hopes and dreams."
"This person did not let you go, they're still in your energy."
"Grief is like the one place where family members and friends can become strangers and strangers can become family members and friends."
"In matters of relationships, Virgos can expect a blend of harmony and introspection, encouraging them to nurture authentic connections and deepen their emotional bonds."
"I think one day we're all gonna look back as parents and think oh my God I remember when you needed to hold my hand to fall asleep."
"Every time he says 'I love y'all' and you say 'We love you too,' you're tightening that soul tie."
"You can form soul ties online where you start looking for this person, this person begins to fulfill something in you."
"He'll be known because of his impressive social game, strategic maneuvering, and strong emotional bonds that he's formed."
"Somebody loves you. Somebody loves you with contracts here."
"Their powerful bond is impenetrable."
"We could never truly leave each other, even if we tried."
"When you love somebody, it never really goes away."
"When it comes to your loved ones, there is such a thing as unfinished business."
"The love, affection, and emotional ties existing between each parent and the child."
"The most passionate friendships are often torn asunder by the most seemingly simple of things."
"The bonds of love that connect us are some of the most precious things in the world."
"You're building the strength, the bonds, even apart."
"Even as adults, we're programmed to seek affective or emotional and social bonds to enhance safety and protection."
"So much love flows out and around in circles."
"Differentiation means being able to have different opinions and values from your family members, but being able to stay emotionally connected to them."
"We have a connection, you and me, that goes far beyond anything."
"Choose partners you have strong emotional connections with, people you feel safe around."
"When you really truly love somebody, even if you don't get back together, I feel like you always love them."
"Blood doesn't matter; what does matter is the heart of a family."
"We have this capacity to love the people that we are having sex with and/or feel attached to them."
"There's certain relationships within families that are centres of gravity."
"I do definitely feel that the family bonds... there's so much to her love for her family even with distance."
"There are friends, there is family, and then there are friends who became family."
"Cancer season is about our connections, our deep bonds with family, friends, lovers, things that make us feel safe and secure."