
Behavioral Impact Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"Emotional intelligence is your ability to understand your emotions and to respond to them effectively to produce the behavior that you want."
"Social norms have the biggest impact on behavior."
"Can our behaviors improve our conditions? Degrowth could be an important means in reaching that goal."
"Your intent does have a smell, and if you think you can just go around stinking, you're wrong."
"I understand that intention is different than impact."
"If we don't practice empathy, all of this stuff just continues in cycles."
"Violent video games relieve stress but do not make people violent."
"Habits at the end of the day are going to take you further in life than motivation."
"I think one of the greatest gifts of dealing with personal tragedies like that is knowing that you can come through it and knowing that your experience can help other people."
"Discrimination doesn't necessarily come out of evil."
"It's promoting a horrifyingly destructive set of behaviors."
"Some people might just be blissfully unaware, they just don't realize what they're doing is bothersome and maybe one's told, they'll stop."
"Alcohol tends to amplify who somebody really is."
"It's not about what you say, it's about what you do."
"Money makes people crazy. Money makes people do stupid ass things."
"Narcissism is on a continuum from low-grade superficial egocentric attention-seeking narcissism all the way up to manipulative exploitative menacing coercive terrifying malignant narcissism."
"We have not made offers to very qualified competent people because they were nasty to our driver."
"The most threatening weapon of all is behavior."
"It's almost as if behavior matters more than anything else."
"It's the little details like that that add up to make a big attitude change."
"Any behavior that causes harm is an issue, and we should strive to do better."
"I never once disrespected my mama the way you do."
"Every father should remember one day his son will follow his example, not his advice."
"Apologizing and doing all that, but it's also, I think that the thing that goes the furthest is just actions."
"We've got to toughen up we've got to our behavior our own behavior dictates our future here with combating this virus if we have any hope of returning to normal sooner than later."
"Money just makes you more of who you already were... if you were kind, you become kinder."
"Mental disorders will never be excuses for doing bad things... mental illnesses can make someone act like a monster and we should understand that..."
"It's to the point where you can't hurt somebody by breaking a rule. You can hurt someone when you break multiple rules."
"All this warring and fighting is because you're not acting like Christ, you're not practicing Christianity."
"If games were the influence behavior you would be starting Dallas Cowboy QB with how well you throw a schedule."
"The larger goal is to reduce the impact of implicit bias on people's behavior."
"Red 40 has been banned in certain countries because it's known to cause behavioral issues inability to focus different kind of problems like this."
"I felt it was necessary to have this all documented so that Blair's horrible behavior isn't just forgotten about."
"Things that aren't bad by nature can become bad when they become compulsive."
"When you become obsessive about something, whatever that thing might be, it slowly becomes really bad for you."
"I call these moments micro attractions the understated moments and behaviors that make us realize someone is the kind of person we might want to spend a life with."
"Behavior is infinitely more important than feelings."
"If you truly wanted to change and you understood that your personality creates your personal reality and your personality is made up of how you think, how you act, and how you feel..."
"Don't play the effing hero when you've been the villain."
"Actions speak a whole lot louder than words."
"We believe that the Gracie Academy learning experience can bring down aggressive tendencies."
"What would this person do? And then if I do that thing, I am that person."
"Trauma affects people neurologically - it does something to your neurology that is quite often expressed as cluttering behaviors."
"Is it possible to be addicted to a person? Toxic relationships are not technically a substance, but the behaviors they can drive you toward look very much like a substance addiction."
"henry viii's jousting accident in 1536 triggered his infamous fury"
"I can't enable this unhealthy and destructive behavior."
"Rage is something that's dangerous for the world at large; it often makes our freeways and highways more dangerous, it can make public places more dangerous."
"Men are being sedated out of their status-seeking and reproductive-seeking behavior through a combination of social media, video games, and porn."
"You always lead by example rather than by words and meaningless gestures."
"When you punch a bully in the face the bully thinks twice before they pick on you the next time."
"I know recall off leash was a big thing, right? I'd love for her to have some freedom. She's a working dog, she needs to absolutely exercise, and that makes a huge difference in her behavior in general."
"Justice can make a man do some really messed-up things."
"I pissed a lot of people off over a long period of time and they found a way to upset me, hoping that upset would bring a change in my behavior."
"Behavioral change will be important in delivering greater progress on air pollution."
"Positive thinking starts with positive actions."
"You are accountable for the things that you do, your behaviors and actions."
"Fat shaming is not a constructive conversation to have."
"Sometimes too much money can make you do crazy things."
"Words matter. The way you treat people matters."
"Actions speak louder than words but words are equally as important."
"Actions speak far more loudly than words do."
"The most practical way to change who you are is to change what you do because what you do shapes your identity."
"What you do speaks louder than anything you can say."
"Greed does not change people, it exaggerates your behavior."
"If you reward or punish a behavior, it will exist."
"Your thoughts control your feelings, your feelings control your actions, and your actions control your room."
"Being angry and aggressive with people is not a good role model."
"Karma's interesting because it comes in so many different ways."
"Situation truly has a dramatic impact on our behaviors."
"Kevin McCarthy is committed to making big changes. When you change structure, you change behavior."
"This is what we call destructive entitlement."
"The Muslim believes that God accepts is your behavior."
"The main thing is the main thing, but what we believe about the world will determine how we behave."
"If you feel held, if you feel cradled in the world around you by your supportive framework and network, the chances are you won't act as badly as Liam Ewan's chose to act."
"I'm jacked up on coffee like, I'm like, I don't know where to go, what to do, it's getting a little crazy."
"It's not one thing that changes who you are as a person, but every action you take is a vote towards the type of person you'll become."
"Fear is a very powerful tool. Fear can get you to do things you don't want to do."
"It's hard to tell these kids that they shouldn't do certain things when they get success from it."
"Good habits can be the difference between failure and success."
"When it reflects back to you, then I'm no good, so-and-so, and so forth. I'm reflecting the procedure that's reflected onto me."
"Money unleashes the beast in the narcissist."
"I think that a lot is going to hinge on the behavior of our population."
"Are you doing those things with the right attitude?"
"Religion so far from making people behave better has always been responsible for making them behave very much worse."
"Violence always leads to more violence, when we're taught to live with violence, we become good as long as we're coerced and accepted as part of life."
"Investigate it further because you will find that there are probably issues that you didn't even realize were there that are affecting your behavior now."
"Discipline in one domain helped me be more disciplined in other domains as well."
"There's a world of difference between doing something constructive and something destructive."
"This is exactly the type of response that this behavior should generate, and I hope that more cities across America will take a page from the Social Circle handbook."
"Depression can explain behavior, but never excuses it. Divorce is the correct choice."
"Actions speak louder than words, always."
"A smartphone is a dangerous weapon in the hands of someone like me because it just gives you something to do instead of the things that you should be doing."
"Inconsistency from adults to children makes children go crazy."
"When you meet a woman that makes you think, 'I should be careful', 'How will she react if I do this?'... You can do it too."
"Language planning is a deliberate effort to influence the behavior of others with respect to the acquisition, structure, or functional allocation of languages."
"When people feel beautiful, they act in beautiful ways."
"Every friend I make that has a high net worth, I'm always asking about money's effect on their behavior, spending decisions, and causation with happiness levels."
"From the bottom of my heart, I apologize for any hurt or damage or trauma that my behavior, when I didn't know what I was doing, caused. I'm deeply sorry."
"It's not the person who's toxic; it's their behavior that's toxic."