
Urban Living Quotes

There are 427 quotes

"Residents have access to all their daily needs within a five-minute walk... and the line's infrastructure makes it possible to travel end to end in 20 minutes."
"It just seems like when we lived in the city and the concrete and bills and everything, we were so out of tune except for when the payments were due."
"The fascinating thing about New York City is that even though it is definitely a place that is bustling with humanity, Manhattan has the largest percentage of single individual dwellings of any city in the world."
"New York, for walkability, you can't beat it in the United States, it's a 10 out of 10."
"In some cities like the country's capital, Helsinki, no one sleeps on the street."
"We're literally all living in ugly shitholes, well, almost all of us."
"These are things that are going to make families question why they're trying to remain here."
"You embody the live-work-play lifestyle of the enlightened urban city dweller."
"All women and girls should be able to feel safe on the streets of London at all times."
"Cities, especially a city like Manhattan, is 100% still worth it."
"The best cities thrive on diversity, and we've got to house everyone that wants to live in them, not just the wealthy."
"If you want city kind of stuff but don't want to be overwhelmed by huge cities, then this might be the perfect size range for you too."
"Bloomington is [expletive] great. You can argue compellingly for Bloomington, Madison, Ann Arbor, and Iowa City."
"Helsinki is ranked among the world's most livable cities."
"There's nothing like a world-class city on the beach but cheap living - are you kidding me?"
"Even on this street, one block west of my house, just about every door here has the steel doors."
"Do you think people who live in cities should escape the cities right now?"
"I can't be in that traffic dude. It's bad. I mean I don't know how much longer I can last here in LA to be honest with you."
"If you work 40 hours per week in America, you should be able to afford a home in the city in which you work, the essentials of everyday life, and be able to put a little bit away in savings."
"Who on Earth is going to want to live in a neighborhood already suffering from civil neglect if your solution is to send in armed thugs who simply ignore the law to enforce it?"
"How can we make apartments living and urban living feel more personal, more stylish, but how can we do it affordably?"
"My goal is to make witchcraft accessible to everyone, especially those in the city."
"It's better for everyone overall, aside from the reduced emissions."
"Getting this much land in the middle of the city, being this close to the beach for this price tag, it's kind of unheard of."
"It's actually good value to live in a well-designed building."
"The idea of taking a lump sum, getting some condo on the Chicago River, and then living life like every day is summer vacation and I'm 12 years old again."
"I have no idea to own a house and love living in high-rise apartments."
"London is great because people actually are much better about making food and eating it at home."
"It's like these are also to another thing to you mine this is a very very fancy neighborhood Brooklyn this is like where you know it's like kind of like a Greenwich Village of Brooklyn I'd say."
"Whether you work downtown or live downtown, it's definitely an interesting and eclectic area in just about any city you visit."
"London was ranked as the best city for 2023."
"Big dense cities, that's where we can all live. I like living in densities."
"Walking sucks, right? But when you live in a city where you can walk to everything you could possibly need, way better."
"He's just kind of staying there like, you know, I mean come on, city sucks."
"City life can be wearing on me sometimes. City life can have a negative influence."
"Having an officer like Dion Joseph has made us feel much safer here at Union Rescue Mission."
"Cities are where people live. You live in a state sure, but under that, you live in a city."
"Everybody got a gun out here I got a gun in my car, a big ass chopper you know what I'm saying that I don't leave without it."
"Clarity is like the best gift you could ever give yourself, and in this city, it's really hard to maintain and sustain it, but together, it's easier."
"She wanted something else in life, she wanted it through in view, she wanna move to a place downtown, be a part of the crew."
"So everyone collectively in New York City was looking out for me. I could walk through New York City and skate through the city and I never felt threatened at all because of that."
"Richmond is the worst city in the United States for seasonal allergies."
"If you live in the city, this could be the ID4 for you."
"Yo in the most remote locations with no whip can I get a ride your Uber bills yo."
"All monkeys are agile, so if you live in an area where they tend to live in Rome, it's best to keep your windows closed."
"There seem to be three million completely miserable [ __ ] living in the tri-state area."
"I will hype SF to no end when it comes to walkability."
"In a world of traffic, a golf cart is the ultimate city ride!"
"It's our responsibility to overcome crises such as the pandemic and climate change and make Tokyo a city where everyone can forever live happily with a sense of security." - Governor Koike
"People who live in congested cities are exposed to far more toxic chemicals than somebody who lives in a very rural environment."
"Indianapolis for being a major city is very affordable."
"New York City does not have to be a tourist trap."
"In small fourth or fifth tier cities the monthly rent is only 80 to 100 US dollars so a monthly allowance of 500 US dollars will be good for many people to live decently."
"I figured out that, believe it or not, you save money with Uber. You save a lot of fucking money."
"Wireless charging even low powered wireless charging, if it was kind of embedded in the street... that could help people charge their EVs in urban places."
"Park in expired meter parking to save on parking tickets."
"It's been amazing to be able to walk or take public transport everywhere."
"Trash collection is one of those interesting things that everyone just expects to happen."
"The suburbs themselves exist as a sort of prison for the average person."
"It's not just Londoners, it's any city that has a train system."
"Savannah: ranked as one of the 10 best walkable cities in the U.S."
"I could never ever have survived in a more expensive City when I was doing these little freelance jobs I made eight hundred euros per month that was for everything and that was tough."
"The rent is just too damn high for most people in England and especially if you live in a big city."
"Cities remind us how much we benefit from and actually desire to share physical space with other people."
"Living in big cities is what leftists want you to do, because they want you poor, dependent on government transportation."
"I love Yorkville I love the shopping but I don't think it's somewhere that I want to live full term"
"I think particularly just from a woman's perspective, living in a city, it has the ability to be a really great safety device as well."
"From alleyway to oasis: transforming cramped quarters into cozy corners."
"Unfortunately, crime has been a deterrent for some people to return."
"Go outside, go inside your nice fluffy apartment in New York City and you'll be fine."
"Big city dwellers are no longer captive audiences. We have power, and we're moving away."
"Emily is paying $4,000 a month for an apartment that is so small she says she smells her neighbors."
"Third places are also the first spots that new residents in a city might make friends or social connections."
"I'm just somebody who personally feels safer being in a city, being in a condo building surrounded by lots of other people."
"There is a decent possibility that with the advancements in technology, people may not want to live in cities for much longer."
"I love driving and LA will beat that out of you."
"He's dead silent he never complains about the noise level I record a show that requires me to show it at full volume and he has his windows blacked out so I have the entire fire escape to myself."
"I'm not concerned about living in a loud place... Tough luck, buddy, get over it."
"You're gonna see a migration where people are gonna say, 'Look I live in New York City why do I live in New York City when I can do a lot of things digitally.'"
"Vienna has been voted the city with the best quality of life for the last seven years in a row."
"Living in a city that does a lot of demolition can be advantageous to repurpose some of this stuff."
"I'm in New York and Philly, I'm between the two places."
"I don't know how to fix the fact that a studio apartment in a shitty neighborhood is twenty-two hundred dollars and that a decent apartment in New York City is three to four thousand dollars."
"It's the best place to get the most sun in the city." - New Yorker
"Live outside of Manhattan... more space at a cheaper price."
"If you're living in an urban environment in cold weather conditions and you don't have home charging, well, this is sort of worst case scenario for an EV."
"If you live in the city big city you have more chance to develop some sort of dementia."
"If there's one thing that everyone knows about New York, it's that it is an expensive place to live."
"We moved to New York for the city, to be able to have everything at our fingertips."
"Okay, nowadays people are okay with living in tiny spaces. We go tiny so we can live right in the heart of everything."
"When you have a car in New York City, your car is going to be messed up, period."
"So I think it's definitely a rising trend for people to rent near the city centre instead of buying their own place."
"...if people flee your core City but still live in the suburbs then there's something still desirable about that core City that makes them want to be near it at least."
"This enables anybody to grow potatoes whether they're on a farm or whether they're on a 10-story apartment."
"I feel like I can't really walk anywhere like I can watch the farmers market and Deep Ellum for example I can't technically walk to get my groceries like a Tom Thumbs or something but I feel kind of constricted a little bit."
"I have to make use of every inch of space as one does in New York."
"It's a perfect mix of campus and city uni."
"Living in Brooklyn is just as expensive as Manhattan these days. But what if I told you you can still find amazing cheap eats in this borough?"
"Cycling is a great way to get around town, but what if we could make it even better?"
"Living in the suburbs, it's not something that I love. I'm a person that really loves seeing people when I go outside."
"It's kind of crazy that this is all happening within a place where a lot of people believe to be one of the best places to live in London."
"I love flowers and nature and City."
"People are like, 'New York is dead.' I'm like, 'Yeah, sell that to the 10 million people living in Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island.'"
"The reason I use this as a secondary lock is, number one, my seat still has a quick release, and I live in a major city."
"A change of clothes and sturdy shoes are essential for urban survival."
"This is just a nice little fire kit if I ever find myself again I probably wouldn't in an urban environment but if I find myself needing to have a fire to start a fire you wouldn't believe how useful some of these things are."
"Neom City, Saudi Arabia: Building the future with smart technology."
"...we eliminated the cost barrier right we we understand that we understood that um in the city of Newark a large majority of Newark maybe 70 percent of New Yorkers are renters..."
"It's just a little bit of nice added privacy whenever we're in cities or camping around other people."
"Looks like I'm in somebody's dungeon. don't worry, this is just my new apartment and it has these exposed brick walls, which apparently people pay a lot of money for."
"...to live here is to truly experience the Pinnacle of Metropolitan l..."
"This is a City full of opportunity. It's affordable. You could come here, you can get something done."
"It's crazy how in a city like this you have such a discrepancy between where and how people live."
"Life in the city is a completely new experience."
"Living in a big city can be quite overwhelming, especially when you are a foreigner."
"My dream is to one day have an apartment above one of these shops."
"...if you don't need [a car], I don't think you need a car to live in the city."
"I love that this city is so self-contained. It's such a cool vibe."
"Life in easy mode. If you're in the city, it's life in easy mode."
"You must accept violations of your personal space just because you want to live in a city? F that."
"What if you're in a place in a city that doesn't have any plant-based? I mean that's what we need out there is access."
"Aon City is where Innovation meets luxury with five distinct districts designed to redefine Urban living."
"I live in Queens, NYC where parking can be difficult on occasion."
"Having your home in an urban environment be your first and only line of defense is a great way to get utterly overrun and destroyed. CQB is not a great way to defend against an even moderately large organized group that wants your fancy toys."
"More persons want to live closer to work."
"I don't hate trains. I hate trains. I live in London for God's sake."
"The ultimate flex in New York City, a washer dryer."
"Conveniences such as a bank, a supermarket, boutiques, an art gallery, a bakery, and an ice cream parlor."
"Kind of makes you wonder why so many of us want to live in big cities and put up with all the drama and BS."
"I love city views. Like, I would always pick this over any other type of view. I don't know why. I have always been like that."
"The mansion in the sky offers expansive living spaces, private terraces, and floor-to-ceiling windows that frame the city's vistas."
"...it is so ideally suited for city life for people like me."
"I'm by myself in an apartment in downtown Toronto, no family, no nice house in North Vancouver with a backyard."
"I would adore a micro house in London like a shot."
"It's easier to detect gravitational waves than to find an apartment in New York City with a good closet."
"For me, these micro houses act as switches. They enable us to connect to the urban energy and at the same time to disconnect from it when it becomes too intense for us."
"Ideal for people who live in big cities and have less time."
"Vietnam has an extremely low cost of living even in their major cities."
"I'm going to be living in a city. I never thought that I would ever be a city boy, but turns out I am."
"Understand how bad traffic can be and this is why i preach proximity to your job."
"Thriving in the city and not just surviving."
"Be safe because, people, you need to be safe. Okay? Living in New York City, living in Oakland, living in Stockton, California, living in San Francisco, living in LA is dangerous. So be safe."
"Driving in London definitely does like a stress."
"Shout out Brooklyn, shout out Manhattan. I live in the city now, five years already."
"These places offer a glimpse into the possibility of tomorrow's Urban living."
"Living Central is maybe not the best for saving money on groceries but it definitely is for saving money on transport."
"This is why I thought about moving here. Like you guys, stop, like this, 7 o'clock in the morning. I'd take this over a breakfast sandwich any day of the week."
"High rise apartments are actually much safer and have incredible engineering that protects you."
"...invest your money into moving to a place where every day when you walk outside you have a view of a city you have a view of money you have a view of an economy that's moving."
"Even a compass can be utilized sometimes in urban areas."
"Downtown is very vibrant, a lot of luxury high-rises with beautiful city views."
"It's a really good vehicle for Big City driving, maybe you live in an area that's highly congested and having a larger vehicle such as that Ford F-150 that just turned in front of us a full-size truck might not be as enjoyable to drive."
"I really want to be in the city because my whole life is in the city."
"Brenda K is a banker, her husband Bruce a computer analyst. They can afford to raise their children in the suburbs but they chose to stay in the city: 'We are not going to run from the crime and the drugs and the negatives we're going to stay here and fight.'"
"London is a one-hour train away, and I'm the first black person you've met."
"Toronto has a great public transit system."
"Toronto has never had more than 100 homicides in a year."
"You can easily get one of those hourly car rentals, car-to-go kind of things, and go 15 minutes out of the city and buy all your stuff and come back, and you're good to go."
"It's really nice to have a calm, quiet place to escape to even though we're still in the city."
"Uptown has a great walkability. If you're one of those type of people that like to walk out of your front door and go down the street to some bars or restaurants, cafes, little cute shops, uptown is perfect."
"It's not common, but you should still get one because half of New Yorkers here want to leave anyway, so we need a car anyway."
"Stick to the city that you live in."
"I love the actual city, like I love the farmers market. I love the shopping. I love the restaurant scenes."
"Moving house in London without owning a car is really, really hard."
"Chicago literally has it all. It's got the kind of friendly and genuine people you can find in the Midwest in a clean and accessible big city."
"Living in a city like London is incredibly important where we have diversity, and we need to appreciate it."
"...whether you're living out on the countryside or in a thronging metropolis."
"The important thing at this point is just get a scooter, any good scooter. If you live in a city, it is life-changing."
"Public transportation in Toronto is a really good way to get around the city."
"The buses labeled urban lines U run from 5:30 a.m. to midnight."
"There's no shortage of demand for condominiums out here in the city."
"One of the most important elements of being stealth parking in the city is learning shade. Always be looking for shade every time you pull into a parking lot anywhere in your town."
"One of the most significant expenses in Makati is none other than rent."
"I could definitely see for those who live in very congested cities this could be a very beneficial tool for you."
"...perhaps what is the best choice of Mast to support your antenna in a typical Urban situation."
"You walk to the metro, you walk to the grocery shops, you walk to drop your kids off at school."
"If you live here, you're always just a few blocks away from something fun happening."
"I live in New York City. I'd rather live in New York City because I like New York City a lot."
"So where you park your car so if you have a car park I am they know that at least it's a bit safe for you but if you don't have a car park and you have to pack on the streets at night that can also affect how much you pay for your car insurance."
"Brown is located in Providence Rhode Island which to me is the best of both worlds because Providence is still gonna give you that city feel but it's not gonna be too overwhelming like being in New York City."
"Honda e might just be the perfect city car. If you live in a city and not having wing mirrors is a real benefit in the city."
"I've been living in New York City The Last Five Years and love it. I can get by easily with no car and can walk and bike almost anywhere, but it's tough to be a car Enthusiast unless you're very wealthy."
"You have to have a reason to be out on the street, and the reason you chose is you go to the subway with the story that you needed to get some eggs at Walgreens at two o'clock in the morning."
"Anything that makes the city's greener is just such a wonderful thing for not only the environment but people that live in the city to be able to be around that."
"Imagine a town of 10,000 people where you move around on the water, you have the local block, you have this sort of neighborhood and you have the entire city."
"if it wasn't for the heroin needles and the potential to get stabbed on the train it's actually really fire"
"I love the alleyway views of this thing. It's newly renovated and we have two floors, that's pretty crazy."
"If you're living in a brand new skyscraper, there's no need to go without style and substance. You can create a unique and individual expression of you."
"There's more to the draw about living in Midtown than just the bars and the houses and apartments."
"Irving is in a prime location if you're looking to be centrally located in the Dallas Fort Worth area."
"...there's like a real sense of community in the city..."
"I honestly can't believe a train goes through an apartment block."
"If you're someone who doesn't like being in the midst of a lot of action... then Capitol might not be the right place for you."
"We have a lot of nice green spaces. Like I live right beside the Phoenix Park, so that's a really positive space."
"Stick to the cars that are winter-dependent, so the SUVs, the seven-seaters, those cars in a big city like Toronto always going to do well."
"You're close to everything not only in Midtown itself but all of the surrounding neighborhoods are very desirable."
"If you want to be right in the heart of the city... you could do a lot worse than city of Decatur."
"Inman Park... probably the most desirable, hottest neighborhood in Atlanta."
"If I lived in New York City right now, folks, I'd be buying everything I could."
"And the winner of my very prestigious most sustainable city in America award is New York City!"