
Food Relationship Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Fasting...can change people's relationship to food like nothing I've ever seen."
"Intuitive eating is not a perfect process, but rather it's guidance to a healthier relationship with food and eating."
"I've improved hundreds of thousands of people's relationships with food, and it's been so rewarding."
"Food is not good or bad, and you want to have a positive relationship with food."
"We can be better than diet culture. We can fix our relationships with food."
"Our relationship with food becomes so complicated and at times very difficult."
"Eating when you're not hungry isn't that much fun. I'm a food addict but I'm in recovery. I'm working hard every day to develop a healthier relationship with food."
"The idea of intuitive eating is to make peace with food."
"People with a healthy relationship with food don't obsess and pine over it."
"I just don't want people walking away from this video thinking not having a cheat day routine is best practice in healing your relationship with food."
"Food is a comfort, it's like your friend. So when you're on a diet it's like losing your best friend."
"The more that you try to control food, the more food controls you."
"My relationship with food has taken a long time to improve."
"Happier than ever, restoring their relationship with food."
"You don't have to build an identity around how many times you mess up on your diet."
"I honestly love it. I mean, I've shared a lot of my food relationship online before, and I really do feel like I have never been in a better place with food."
"I think the guilt is really gonna mess you up like a lot more than the actual food that you ate that's the thing it's like all the guilt that people are feeling you're holding on to that food actually you're not letting it go but it's a real thing."
"Helped me understand my relationship with food."
"Food became my life in a better way... I had a better relationship with food."
"When managing a complicated relationship with food, it's not about the way you look; it truly is about the way you feel."
"The purpose is to get rid of your nasty relationship with food."
"Demonizing food as if one is good or bad is really problematic because it does contribute to the development of unhealthy relationships with food."
"For me, to be at peace with food, that means that I'm at peace with myself, I'm at peace with you, and I'm at peace with food."
"I'm beginning to understand the deep emotional and psychological factors behind my poor relationship with food."
"Knowing your glucose levels transforms your relationship with food."
"Fasting's benefits really begin and end in my opinion with how it can affect your relationship to food, how it can affect relationship to yourself, how you handle stress, how you handle, you know, bad feelings because we tend to develop these relationships with food."
"Ultimately where we're trying to get our clients to get to is symptom-free, neutral with food stresses occur in life and there isn't a desire to start restricting again."
"I control how much I eat... I don't need to be afraid of food."
"Heal your relationship with food, not being afraid to eat certain foods anymore."
"We should not fear our food; we should love our food."
"I have a healthy relationship with food, I have a healthy relationship with activity and movement and exercise."
"It's the foundation of their relationship with food and how they feel about food."
"I'm definitely like the happiest I've been in regards to my relationship with food."
"My relationship with food is the best it's ever been in my entire life."
"You begin to remember that you, like all babies, were born with a healthy relationship with food."
"My relationship to food has completely changed."
"I enjoy just having a normal life and a normal relationship with food."
"Just keep up a healthy relationship with food."
"I get to eat what I want, when I want, see results, and my relationship with food has never been better."
"My love for food is like my best friend but my worst enemy at the same time."
"For the first time in years and years, I have a healthy relationship with food."
"One of the biggest benefits is it heals the relationship with food."
"I realize I have a really warped relationship with food."
"People use food as such an emotional layer and trigger that I think it's good to remove all that so you can kind of have a better relationship with food."
"I find healthy eating to be a healthy relationship with food."
"As soon as I was able to challenge those thoughts I had around food... the more memories I made with the people I love."
"This would be a good opportunity to talk about this and relationship with food and how you can develop a good relationship with all of these foods."
"I'm really, like, confidently happy and proud of where I'm currently at with my relationship with food."
"I stopped tracking calories very intentionally a few years back and since then I've been working on unwinding and unpacking and better understanding my feelings toward food."
"I am so grateful for where I am at with food, not only personally living in my body, but I'm also really glad that I've built the confidence to talk about this more freely."
"Allowing myself to eat the foods that I craved and to eat a more balanced and all-inclusive diet was something that I found necessary to healing my relationship with my food and my body."
"I developed a very healthy relationship with food."
"It's taken a lot of hard work and time and trial and error and failure and tears to get to this point where I feel like I have a very healthy relationship with food."
"I'm very happy and relieved to be able to say that I'm now in a place where I have a very good relationship with food."
"There's so much more to life than a bad relationship with food."