
Self-learning Quotes

There are 341 quotes

"Your children are autodidacts; they teach themselves. All you need to do is give them the tools, equip them so that they can teach themselves."
"This has huge potential upside because if you are able to find machines that can learn for themselves to find solutions, then this takes away the responsibility on us to find a solution in advance."
"Question everything. You don't believe it just because I tell you it's true, you figure it out for yourself."
"You can learn everything about investing for totally free online or at your free local library."
"By researching, disambiguating, and figuring things out on your own, you will build a lot of these key characteristics that will help you become successful in the long run."
"You don't need a university degree; you just need knowledge, and you can gain knowledge without going to school."
"Personally, I think that self-taught developers are some of the brightest, smartest, nicest, most talented, and hardworking people I've ever had the pleasure of working with."
"You don't need a degree, you don't need a PhD all the time, you don't even need experience to get started."
"The uniquely titled Trampoline Wrestling Federation... the two brothers taught themselves how to wrestle by mimicking what they had seen on TV."
"You might have to self-educate yourself in all this stuff especially if you go to our lousy universities."
"The cheapest option and therefore the best option from a pricing point of view is gonna be being a self-taught developer."
"Everything you need to learn is already on YouTube for free."
"You can learn everything you want on YouTube, on Google, and it's right there."
"That's real education, you know. Anytime you're in a school building or setting where someone's telling you what to do, you know instantly you're not in the right place."
"You have to have that drive to learn if you want to do everything yourself."
"The awesome thing about software engineering is that you can learn to code and get a high paying job while literally having no idea how anything actually works. It all just feels like magic."
"First of all, you don't need college to learn stuff. Everything is available basically for free." - Elon Musk
"He didn't do a lot of handholding, a lot of his work while trying to teach me how to teach myself."
"AI can teach itself to play Minecraft and decide for itself which new skills it should learn."
"YouTube is the new university, where people go to learn things."
"You don't need to spend money to learn how to do this, you don't have to buy an online course... I've learned this for free from other people and I'm gonna share with you for free today."
"The power of learning skills off YouTube is amazing."
"There's so much knowledge at your disposal now."
"I started teaching myself about six years ago... I put in a lot of work for it... I went to a school for a little while... they're the Nazis of the art world."
"The education system is broken with more people than ever turn into the internet for affordable training."
"It's quite amazing that I've figured it out all on my own."
"If you want to learn something, you can do it; it's all on you, your drive, your passion."
"The most exciting kind of teaching is self-teaching, and Brilliant lets you learn all kinds of STEM related subjects through fun hands-on lessons."
"The best way to learn something will stick much much better if you can figure it out for yourself."
"You can study the Bible for yourself and let the Holy Spirit teach you."
"That's a pretty hard question I mean yeah it's a hard question and an easy question the the the easy answer to that is you go to google and you start googling for stuff and then you watch the youtube videos that are most interesting to you."
"Basically half my adult life is just learned from YouTube."
"Everything practical you can learn on the internet."
"Passion and curiosity for filmmaking allowed him to teach himself everything he needed to know."
"Everything that the school system didn't teach us has created opportunities for us to teach."
"Start anywhere. Learn yourself. Don't let anyone control you by fear or anger."
"Once you're involved with it you could take third web as far as you want or you could go ahead and just start learning solidity and all these things and do it on your own."
"I had to teach myself how to cook in my 20s I had to teach myself everything once I became an adult I'm like wait why didn't I learn any of this stuff it was because you're at the school you almost a little sponge brain."
"If you want to learn something, there's always a tutorial on YouTube. So give it a go."
"It's a persian rug. You've got to figure it out for yourself or it won't mean anything."
"This question sat with me for a few weeks and then one day I finally broke down and just googled it. The answer is yes."
"The most important evidence ultimately is the evidence you will gather in your own personal experience."
"FreeCodeCamp is an alternative to university, a productive way to use your time."
"Practice using your ear, figuring out playing music you hear on your guitar just by listening."
"I can't with how good it looks, I'm so proud of myself."
"I did all this with no construction experience, I just taught myself everything off YouTube."
"You learn a lot how you deal with issues, how you process issues, how you deal with pressure."
"Thanks to today's sponsor brilliant you don't have to go through all that to learn and understand Fields such as math data science and computer science."
"Learning the music stuff from the internet has given me the confidence that I can learn whatever I want."
"I didn't learn any of my coding skills at college. I used my computer to program instead of playing games on it all the time."
"There's a lot of online resources like a lot of other programming languages."
"You can go online and you can, as a matter of fact, go to MIT, Stanford, these blockchain courses and you can just start learning."
"Do it because you've done the hard bit of trying to understand it yourself."
"I chuckled to myself it might make fun of me for learning most of it on YouTube but it works."
"Self-education has taught me so much more than formal education."
"Gain every bit of the knowledge you'd get from a university course."
"The internet gave me the education you didn't."
"You got to derive some of these truths and insights for yourself."
"Just showing up to your sketchbook is just enough if you guys want to pursue the self-taught way."
"Majority of the comments are just like, I've learned here more than what I've learned in school for four years."
"There are so many things you can do on your own and build those projects on your own."
"The people who are good self-learners in general will be much happier and bigger winners in adulthood."
"I taught myself everything... I just googled things I looked on YouTube anytime I would run into a roadblock."
"Work with a mentor to learn new skills or teach yourself to succeed with money."
"You're not a stupid person, you learn, you grow."
"If you really want to take your teaching to the next level, you might try… letting the students teach themselves."
"Silence and seclusion are your greatest teachers."
"Everything you want to know is already on the internet."
"You can't teach a man anything; he has to find it out for himself."
"I learned on my own... there's so many young people getting into the markets you can find people to talk to."
"Read a book, you'll find everything you need to know with books."
"I taught myself I knew I was going to obsess at night trying to fall asleep about some topic I taught my brain why not obsess about something you're looking forward to that's exciting."
"Self-learning through technology: a crucial opportunity for today's generation."
"AI and digital tools enhance self-learning experiences."
"It's all about trying and figuring out for yourself: There are endless of art out there that you could learn and take ideas from, but eventually, you'll develop your own method of solving creative problems."
"Abraham Lincoln was basically self-taught, non-college educated. He studied Shakespeare and Euclid and the Bible. That's where he got his basis for reason, wisdom, and culture."
"I've learned so much from scratch, the whole way up."
"Imagine knowing so many different languages... just because you'd sat and read books at home when you were a kid."
"Don't dismiss self-tattooing, it can be beneficial to your learning process."
"Watch YouTube tutorials. You can become a creative ninja just from attending YouTube University."
"She's figuring it out, she's learning on the roads."
"I am gonna teach you how to teach yourself how to weld."
"When you understand how a form sits in 3D space, you don't really need someone to teach you how shading works."
"You don't have to go to an expensive school to do concept art. You can just learn at home as long as you work hard."
"So I really do believe that you can be self-taught and learn along the way."
"There is something deeply empowering for inexperienced players when a game makes them feel like they are teaching themselves."
"Then came alphago 0 which showed us that even better performance could be achieved entirely on its own without pre-training."
"I left school with nothing... YouTube is the best teacher."
"I can do everything from jump on free code camp and learn how to code to even build React applications."
"You're not just supporting me when you do that, you guys are taking the feeling I had when I first hit a thousand subscribers and giving it to others."
"If you have the will and the time, you can learn anything on your own."
"Once you learn how to do that, you can really build anything. Being self-taught, it's about being in a position where you can really go far."
"Do a little bit of learning how to code, a little bit of going on hacker 101.com, solving the lab, writeups on Pentester Doland, and read about how someone hacked big companies like Tesla."
"Self-taught developer, a path close to my heart."
"If you execute commands on your own, believe me, you're going to learn a lot."
"The best [] lifters are the ones who can figure this [] out for themselves."
"And as you grow as a software engineer and an web developer, you will start to understand all these things all by yourself."
"I would say it's a perfect pitch, perfect summary for the screen person for the boot camp because they are looking for people who are self-learners and ready to learn from others."
"I started learning coding on the side to see if it's something I can help him with and eventually I just ended up falling in love with it."
"YouTube can teach you literally anything."
"I taught myself how to play guitar when I was in Middle School."
"I don't think a degree is at all necessary if it's what you want to do."
"Anything you want to go to college for, I'm pretty sure you can learn that stuff without going to college."
"I taught myself. I just read a whole bunch of books and did a lot of self-learning."
"If I interest them then doesn't make much difference what they learn in my semester they will continue to educate themselves for the rest of their lives."
"It's not your fault. All this information has to be self-taught because the world we live in, they're not gonna really show us how to connect with ourselves. We have to learn by ourselves. But don't worry, I got you."
"I was hoping to beat people to their moment where they learned anything online and not through the appropriate channels meaning like we should learn our history from us."
"Prince was one of the only artists that played every instrument, self-taught."
"What does your mom inspire? Anything is achievable because, I don't know, just bought real estate books and she's become a real, she's been a daycare owner, she's managed properties, she does social media edits, like she just like self-learned."
"So you can either hire a formatter or you can learn to do it yourself."
"...there's literally never been a better time to try to get involved in this because you don't have to go to school you can do it all on your own time on your own schedule..."
"If you are interested and you want to educate yourself you don't have to spend Millions on an education when you can self-teach yourself if you have the skill."
"I was on a really limited budget, so I taught myself a lot at the beginning."
"There's absolutely no way that anybody can say nowadays that a traditional education is necessarily more valuable than a self-taught education."
"I had to teach myself how to connect with people."
"Being autodidact and doing your own study is the most important thing."
"Start educating yourself. Access to all this stuff is free on YouTube."
"A good teacher will teach you how to teach yourself."
"I taught myself how to weld from watching YouTube videos and if we can do it, so can you, right mate?"
"Self-learning is the most important skill that you can have in any career in the IT field."
"But what he didn't know he taught himself."
"I started doing weird edits, it was all self-taught."
"I just sort of taught myself, Miss Honey."
"It taught me for the first time how to teach myself things."
"I never went to a creative writing class. Just started reading the greats for structure: Hemingway, Steinbeck, Faulkner."
"I always think once you've learned to read, you do the rest yourself, but I know that's not the fashionable view."
"I didn't have to go back to college, I didn't have to pay any sort of courses, etc."
"You can teach yourself way more than you ever thought possible by creating your own university courses."
"You can't do this in a school. Schools are not going to teach you fast enough. You're not going to learn fast enough. And in most cases, as we know, schools are not very effective. You don't even learn very useful stuff."
"I ended up solving this problem by getting online and teaching myself some skills."
"The most important thing you are going to learn in this course is how to learn by yourself."
"I learned just on my own how to navigate and how to push and I had good balance."
"My whole life is my self-learning. Without self-learning, life has no value whatsoever."
"Make your own curriculum. You don't need a chart to tell you to do problems."
"I just watch YouTube tutorials and then go Rogue."
"Don't ever apologize for being self-taught."
"You're the only one who can teach yourself how to do anything."
"I'm also a major believer that you can acquire so many skills on your own outside of a formal environment."
"I'm a self-taught front-end web developer. I learned everything I know online in my free time, mostly from YouTube and Udemy."
"People teach themselves if you create the right conditions for it."
"Never in that process did I say I'm going to try to find an exact video on YouTube that covers every single thing I need in my project."
"Most of what I know... is really self-taught."
"So if you don't know how to find stuff on your own, you don't deserve to pass SBL."
"Most people learn Sketchup on their own."
"If you're transitioning into DevOps, showcase your past two years or whatever you're learning from YouTube, and show it on your resume."
"What other human activity is there in which you can learn these things by yourself?"
"You should be able to learn how to do sales by yourself... It's a skill."
"Don't go to a general art school. Take classes if you need technical skills, then develop aesthetic skills yourself."
"So the problem for the self-taught artists that I think can often happen is this: instead of my focus being on learning to draw, my focus is on producing a drawing."
"I was inspired by the movement that was taking place at Def Jam, you know what I mean? I saw that money, I saw those checks, and I was like, this, this is inspirational enough for me to learn everything I need to learn on my own."
"I taught myself engineering. I did not take any courses or anything."
"Learn to use your own brain, do your own research and learn first yourself."
"People can learn so much on their own and then show up for periodic evaluations to see if their level is where it needs to be."
"Nobody's going to do it for you, you guys are all adults in adult education. You can't force a person to learn, you can't force a person to prioritize."
"When gleeking was a thing in like fifth grade, I taught myself, I just figured it out, I don't know, you can do that."
"Self-learning can be one of the best virtues someone has."
"I was never taught how to love. I was never taught how to be the husband. I was never taught how to be a man. I was never taught how to be a father. I had to learn that [ __ ] okay."
"He just taught himself how to do it on YouTube."
"In the absence of those [formal education], I think there's a lot you can do just in terms of your personal projects."
"...learning to code is certainly something you can do and all the information to do it is available for free online all you have to have is a laptop an internet connection and an incredible drive to learn how to code."
"Nobody wanted to teach me. There was no training. I just sat there and I didn't even know what to ask if that makes sense."
"Teach a boy to read, and leave good books lying around the house, the child will take care of his own education."
"I locked myself in my room... taught myself how to use Adobe Premiere and Photoshop."
"YouTube University is a hell of a school."
"If we learned from YouTube, would you argue that we aren't self-taught?"
"Being self-taught is like finding answers yourself."
"I personally don't believe in teachers, I felt like I always understood material more when I learned it myself."
"I was 13 years old and I fell in love with computers and taught myself to program."
"Humans hardly learn from the experience of others; they learn when they do, which isn't often, on their own, the hard way."
"The biggest thing I would caution if you're doing this completely on your own is don't feel like you need to learn every single tool that you hear about."
"Take courses online; there's so much content online to help you, and a lot of what I'm doing now is self-taught and just learned from online education."
"Without any tutor, this is basically learning by doing."
"I can't teach you how to play guitar, you got to teach yourself."
"Emily Carr is an art school. They do not teach you how to use these programs to teach you how to think independently and think creatively and how to be proactive about learning things for yourself."
"I had mononucleosis... I borrowed an acoustic guitar and taught myself to play."
"The best education I've ever had was being on the internet, being on YouTube."
"They don't teach financial literacy at school, it's something that you need to learn yourself."
"That's the beauty of the videos, you could watch it and gain the knowledge."
"I learned best when I'm on my own and make my own mistakes."
"I'm 100% self-taught, and if I can do it, you can do it."
"He developed an interest in computers and taught himself how to program."
"It was very satisfying to learn it for myself and then, of course, satisfying to share with those of you who have an interest."
"I learned everything through YouTube."
"Through all the growing pains of it all, you've managed to do it all on your own, figuring it out and learning as you've gone."
"I finally finished my website. I've been teaching myself HTML and CSS."
"Every single dating experience that I have is teaching me something about myself."
"Don't listen to me, go to the references to people I got it from, and learn from them."
"I really worked hard to teach myself these skills but I really do think it's possible for all of you guys to teach yourselves how to pattern make."
"I taught myself when I was 18 just because I was like, I have to know something, that's music."
"I taught myself how to do a Rubik's Cube in a week watching YouTube videos."
"I taught myself very quickly how to take a few shortcuts while still maintaining the integrity and the strength of the polymer clay."
"That's how we get thoughtful folks, that's how we get a generation who can make choices not based on what we've told them but based on what they have learned on their own."
"If you're going to do that self-taught approach, I would highly recommend making sure to reach out to anyone in your social network who can mentor you."
"She's got this from me, where she'll just watch a tutorial of something and like, 'I'm gonna do that,' and she freaking does it."
"I've spent hundreds of hours at least, just out of pure desire to figure this out for myself."
"Learning how to teach yourself instead of just watching tutorials all the time is a really, really key part in becoming a developer."
"Learn how to do things for free on YouTube... there's so much you can learn, so much education."
"I taught myself how to use the software with a bit of help from a couple of friends."
"I had to teach myself how to use a camera, how to edit, how to use the editing software."
"Stand on your own feet, learn for yourself."