
Weight Quotes

There are 1201 quotes

"As your weight goes up, the actual physical size and function of your brain goes down. That should scare the fat off anyone."
"Nessie's length is estimated to be between 33 and 43 feet, or 10-13 meters, and its weight is estimated to be around 5,070 pounds, or 2,300 kilograms."
"This one stone here weighs over 250 tons. How did they do any of this?"
"I have all this extra weight on me that I'm not used to carrying, and my balance is completely off."
"Weight is not the single determinant of your health status."
"This thing will get to 60 in five seconds or less, which is unbelievable considering how much this thing weighs."
"Snap! Who's under winter weight? We're just sort of for the compilations. I love it, it's so well made."
"You can be underweight or you can be overweight but you can't be white."
"It'll come back weighing right at six thousand pounds a little bit less but still fairly heavy nonetheless."
"That's like a fifteen kilo boom box, does that."
"You could take an RX-7, you could put an adult male polar bear inside this car, and it would still weigh less than a 3000 GT VR4."
"This feels like a modern gun this is actually very comfortable just a little bit heavy yeah you can tell that this is a commercial firearm and not a military one."
"It's such a massive weight off of my shoulders not putting the pressure on myself constantly to lose weight."
"The curb weight of the leforza at 50 to 50 pounds unbelievable."
"What is most curious is that there's some actual weight to clinoa the enemies and the world that they inhabit."
"A box of books is heavy because of the weight of the knowledge that's contained within them." - Arthur Miller
"The advantage of the 5.4 pound rifle seems to be a very significant advantage."
"While you prance around in four-pound diaper shorts."
"It's a little heavy given its size at least."
"I believe in reincarnation... your spirit kind of continues to linger around."
"Your soul has weight... it weighs 2.5 grams or something like that."
"This case adds a little bit of extra weight but it's that juicy juicy weight that you want when you're talking about phone protection."
"Grown human being and armor is a pretty heavy object 250 350 pounds is what you're looking at."
"The BMW i4 m50 weighs over a thousand pounds more than the M3 comp."
"It's kind of dreamy but also it's got weight to it."
"There's no such thing as being like a lean guy who's also dragging 700 pounds around."
"That just goes to show that steel isn't heavy necessarily."
"Beautiful, probably two and a half pounder right here."
"As long as you are at a healthy weight and you are happy, that's what matters."
"RL cans worth it... although they weigh a lot and they definitely cost some coin..."
"The camera weighs in at 557 grams, which is 50 grams less than the X-T4."
"It's big, heavy. In terms of an actual shield, I think we agree, it is a real shield."
"It's absolutely perfect, and it's eight pounds six ounces."
"This car only has 34 horsepower. Thankfully though, it's also one of the lightest vehicles I've ever seen at 1620 pounds."
"It really is tiny but quite heavy actually for the size."
"If you're thinking of getting an amp like this... plan on some weight anyways."
"Electric vehicles also happen to be heavier because of their battery pack, which puts passengers at a lower risk of injury in collisions."
"Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the Earth's gravitational pull?"
"I now weigh 197 pounds. I think I have won the genetic wars."
"The heaviest things in life aren't iron and gold, but unmade decisions."
"It's night and day, the weight and comfort."
"The largest among the Diquís spheres measures over six and a half feet in diameter and weighs more than 16 tons."
"It's really heavy, but the power is really smooth."
"It gives the drama both weight and populism."
"The DJI Mini 3 weighs 249 grams, helping keep it regulation friendly."
"The sugar that you find in fruit is not harmful, it's not hurting you, and it's not causing weight gain."
"This thing weighs 90 tons and can hit a top speed of 41 mph, and we're going to try to do that with all the Orbeez in the back."
"400 horsepower and 1500 kilos or less is a really, really good recipe for a fun road car."
"The true measure of a great sports car isn't how much horsepower it has; it's how many pounds it doesn't weigh."
"The overall feel is lighter in the hand, which I quite like."
"It's one big hunk of lead, weighs a ton."
"Hatred is heavy, it clings to the Earth; love blows away, hatred remains."
"We're gonna have to end up getting one around seven to eight pounds, maybe even bigger."
"All that weight resting on the dougong brackets connecting it to the columns below."
"It's a pretty light gun, it's under seven pounds even with the rail, a little over six and a half."
"But yeah, once you're rolling, boy, it picks up speed quick. It just glides. Once you're moving, it uh... you kind of forget how heavy it is on the nose."
"The hybrid doesn't increase the weight, and you can still take advantage of that weight allowance."
"The entire package weighs in at 40 lbs which is substantially more than anything else available."
"We're talking 10, 12, possibly 15,000 pounds."
"It's about releasing what's no longer serving, getting the extra excess weight off of us."
"This moment should feel triumphant, but it's completely unearned, and things carry more weight when they are earned."
"It felt like it was handling like something that was a thousand pounds less than what it was."
"You ain't getting none until you lose five pounds. That five pounds be gone, ma'am."
"The good is that you're getting a lot of bad Revenue talking about your weight but the bad is that you're going to be getting a lot of people along with that added Revenue talking about your weight."
"Having a little bit of weight was a good thing."
"Weight can be a big indicator of health to an extent."
"When they get soggy and they get heavy and fat."
"Still going on the plane they're just below the plane as opposed to an overhead compartment. It's still equally as heavy. It's not going to tip over."
"If you want to fly, you have to give up everything that weighs you down."
"At 8.3 million dollars for around 40 milligrams, the British Guiana 1c Magenta is the world's most expensive object by weight."
"I feel like I lost 15 pounds crying."
"This electric bike actually isn't like super heavy."
"I think I'm getting out just so you're less weight."
"...it's okay to associate someone's worth based on whether or not they have sex but not okay to do the same with someone's weight."
"A few ounces either way is ridiculous."
"If I was 90 pounds right now, damn, I'd be skinny."
"Swords weigh roughly about the same and if they are different in weight it's for a reason."
"Her favorite insult was, 'You fat [__] loser,' or maybe, 'If you lost some weight you wouldn't get injured so often.'"
"It might be different for other people, but I know for a fact that when I gained all that weight back when I left YouTube, that wasn't because I was fasting, that was because I let my binge eating take over."
"Her past is like unbelievable, like the weight of it at the right time."
"This onion here is easily a pound and a half."
"That packs a lot of weight and power."
"Truth is heavy, that is why its bearers are few."
"You didn't know 65 pounds could weigh so much."
"This is the heaviest I've ever been. I remember being in college and thinking, 'Oh my god, this is the heaviest I'm ever going to be.' I bet you wear that weight now."
"The natural diet of people is starch. And so if you eat what we recommend, which is 90% starch, you avoid the oils and the nuts and seeds and avocados, you're going to hit trim body weight or less."
"The R has a 17.5 L gas tank since it is made entirely of aluminum it weighs only 2 kg."
"Every pound counts so when you're building them build them as light as you can because it will make a big difference."
"No matter what others tell you, 1500 lb of mainframe will move itself if the floor isn't perfectly flat."
"...definitely he has gained a little bit of weight but yeah they naturally put on weight when it gets cold."
"Nicocado avocado gets to the size that we all know he is today which is approximately 400 pounds."
"I've got 10 pound floral so I'll be able to lift them up to me."
"625w Bosch power tube built right into that down tube so really good weight positioning as well as the motor over here."
"Yes, it may not be the biggest but that's how they saved a lot of weight to keep the weight down and offer an off-road capable trailer."
"Useful load is literally more than the airplane weighs itself."
"This island with a Quartzsite top that came in weighing over 1600 lb."
"Even the 48 in cook top is 600 lb which really sets the tone for this kitchen."
"The whole bank together was 29 kilos."
"This is a heavy car, but it doesn't feel unwieldy at speed."
"20 lb for the system right there."
"You have to find a model for model premium of just under 2 700 pounds over a standard mercedes gle if you're going to own this more stylish coupe version."
"Oh mate do you want me to go and get my scales and we can wear on my scales and see if it's 50 pounds it's like no it doesn't doesn't it really doesn't matter 49 pounds it's still a very very big carp."
"This thing does have some weight."
"When you're choosing cookware... if it's heavy, it's good."
"Don't you think that that might help disperse your weight across a larger surface area?"
"I was a very, very heavy, heavy anchor."
"'Pretty much say his body was heavier and getting fat slowed down her movements so she ended up getting caught.'" (Note: This quote contains a typo, it seems "pretty much say" should be "Prima say.")
"Thousand pounds of food in the back of my truck a thousand pounds that's insane."
"The Revolutionary 895e hybrid is impressive, posting an operational weight of approximately 420 tons."
"It's heavy though I guess that's to be expected there is a motor inside of here."
"Overshoot adds weight or springiness to your animation."
"The lower weight is definitely noticeable and makes handling more comfortable."
"A good reproduction is going to be heavier."
"Honestly, listen, I can't even shake it more than once because it is that heavy."
"Stegosaurus, comparable in size to the largest animals we share the Earth with today, measured around 29.5 feet from nose to tail and weighed up to 7 metric tons."
"Stone half a million tons of it more than the weight of the Empire State Building."
"A huge benefit of lithium batteries is their reduced weight."
"Everything about this feels heavy."
"Women's frames are not meant to support that kind of weight."
"The weight here is extra light, that's 300."
"Neither heavy nor light shall touch my bum."
"Try not to get as heavy as I got there now."
"Clocking in at 800 pounds, a timely salvation."
"The silence seemed to amplify the weight of the past."
"Don't wait. There's no need to wait. Just get out there. You have to be comfortable at any weight."
"They're solid. Each one weighs several ounces. If you bought these, you'd be happy with them. They're not hollow. They're solid."
"Being attached to whatever or whoever it is, it is such a horrible feeling and it really does weigh you down so much."
"Looking for ways to improve your weight; if you're losing weight, you're probably losing bone too."
"Don't go to Weight Watchers, don't go to Google, don't go to the body positive Community, don't go to the weight loss Community, go to the [__] doctor."
"With great power comes great weight."
"For a bunch of CGI, they gave that a lot of weight and I gotta give them props for it, right?"
"Tears fell freely for the first time in my life. I felt the encumbering weight of my reason."
"Feel the weight but don't let it crush you. It's a sense of obligation and empowerment."
"Water weighs like eight pounds per gallon or something like that."
"When the boxes are getting heavy."
"If you put 100 lbs of weight in a backpack, your body's going to feel that. Your back's going to feel it, your legs are going to feel it, your lower back especially is going to feel it. That's stress."
"Even the bare minimum weighs, it has weight to it."
"When you feel 80,000 lb move you realize this is a serious job."
"Alright everybody, these are actually quite heavy."
"Ben is fat, but the trauma that goes with that... now."
"Most of my weight is just water weight."
"I'm spiraling out of control. My weight is literally a medical mystery."
"The car right now, the lightest version of the car, the yellow one over there weighs 3,297 pounds."
"Get yourself weighed and don't travel overweight."
"It's maybe three to four hundred grams heavier than a traditional setup but the benefits you get from that are incredible."
"I got me brother-in-law round to help me because that thing weighs an absolute ton."
"Insufficient sleep doubles the likelihood of struggling with our weight."
"The weight, the scale, the openness within the mid-range is truly reference class."
"Stress can make you lose weight or put on weight."
"Is it heavy?" "Very. Oh, it's very heavy."
"This is a heavy-ass choice that your person has to make."
"It's just massive, and it's heavy, and it's not cheap."
"I just want to eat 24/7 and not worry about being overweight."
"This thing is ultra heavy I mean it's just a brick of metal."
"That feels so heavy. It feels so solid, it's unbelievable."
"Quest 3 is a little bit heavier, but to me, it feels lighter and I can comfortably play until the battery runs low."
"It was refreshing to see a Marvel movie with some weight to its storytelling and characters untethered to the emerging multiversal conflicts."
"So freaking heavy you guys have no idea."
"That's close to a three-pounder right there."
"they install everything and even like the Mounting Solutions for everything is very nice look how big these rear ends are in these trucks so like the weight rating is just got to be astronomical"
"And it's light. It looks heavy but it's very light."
"You can't hurt my feelings more than I hurt my own feelings when it comes to my weight."
"No one would know, whereas the weight that I carry, I didn't gain it last week."
"Extra pounds can become Scarlet letters marking Saints as idolators, gluttons, and sluggards."
"It feels like it weighs around 11 11 12 lbs."
"just by themselves the crystals looked gorgeous and weighed a whooping 124.80 G"
"She never felt the need to lose weight because she was always comfortable in her own skin."
"...it's like 3 and a half pound on our third sh we not even got going yet."
"That's a good one there. Whatever this is going to be, it's got some nice weight to it."
"Some places carry the weight of centuries."
"We just checked in our bags, including our 200 pounds of fish."
"This is certainly the weightiest option available to you, but it is also one of the most high-quality writing experiences you will ever have."
"Gold is really [__] heavy. Yeah, that's why I bring a duffle bag."
"What's heavy, a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers? Feathers, 'cause they heavier than bricks."
"The mini I'm taking on today carries a ton of weight historically and personally."
"...the barrel in one of these is about two and a half pounds just by itself."
"30 percent heavier than lead so you get a total change in how you're jigging."
"Lightweight carbon frame making this thing weigh just 60 lb"
"105 is 630 grams heavier than the Dura Ace."
"The road toad trailer comes in at 400 pounds. That literally means you can stack Four Road toads on top of each other and still weigh in at one base model Bean composite trailer."
"It's not bad for being a heavy bike."
"'Literally, 2 lbs ain't going to make a difference.'"
"I don't think it's just a cop-out but I do think that your opinions on subjects like educational attainment and heritability do carry more weight."
"In the world of cycling, weight is power, and every gram matters."
"3,900 pounds is not heavy for a car anymore."
"There is no way you gained 2 lbs of fat overnight."
"It's got a real genuine heft to it but it doesn't feel to me like unnecessary weight."
"Handling is fantastic... this definitely feels more Nimble than average thanks to the lower curb weight."
"At 1,800 lb, that is U." (context: 280 horsepower, 309 lb-ft of torque)
"700 horsepower? That's fun, and these things don't weigh too much, even though it's a drop top."
"Your taste for fat, if you bring your fat content of your food down, your tastes will adapt to that level and your weight will adapt to that level too."
"His words carried more weight internally than most."
"Yeah, it's nice to have another guy in there, you're listed 6'4", 346, 347, is that all year or is that playing weight?"
"If you can cleanse yourself of all that crap and let that go, then you're a lighter person, you know? You feel lighter."
"The Harley is 580 pounds wet, weighed it in my driveway. BMW, 572. So there's only an eight pound difference, but these are big machines, no doubt."
"I've been 240 lbs since I was 16 years old."
"This vehicle weighs just over 6,000 lb, that is over 3 tons."
"McDougall hypothesized that the human soul weighs precisely 21.3 grams."
"This jack weighs about 14,000 pounds."
"I gained some weight over the holidays that I'm actually really happy about."