
Legal Protection Quotes

There are 384 quotes

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated."
"The Equal Rights Amendment, a bill first proposed in 1923, would protect gender equality under the US constitution."
"The First Amendment protects a significant amount of verbal criticism and challenge directed at police officers."
"This will help shield you from any potential liabilities and if you were to ever get sued, it will also protect your personal assets."
"The right to the custody and control of one's child is a fiercely guarded right in our society, in our law. It is a right that should only be infringed upon under most compelling circumstances."
"Where the laws don't protect privacy, technology can."
"Everyone gets taxed, but on the plus side, you have a legal system that protects you from random violence, and people get like welfare or UBI."
"All humans have human rights by nature of being a human. You are a member of the human family, and so any member of the human family deserves to be protected and treated by the law as persons."
"The 14th Amendment... provided equal protection of the laws."
"We should have laws that protect animals from being killed like we do for human beings."
"Powerful people don't need their free speech protected. It's people who are precisely marginalized and oppressed who need all the protection of the law."
"Sex matters... Sex-based rights are protected under law."
"That legislation signed today by California's governor protects anyone seeking abortions in California from civil actions in other states."
"The question is, what good are rights on paper when there's no one around to enforce those rights?"
"Emulation should be put up at the highest zenith. This is that final boss of the gaming world that keeps it alive and thriving long beyond its heyday."
"You know why the domestic assault code is there? It's there to protect people. The reason why they don't give us discretion on these things is because too many times, women at risk want to go back to their abuser. They just wanted him to stop. They don't want to have to be separated. They don't want him to be charged. They don't want him to go to jail. And then they end up getting worse and worse treatment, and they end up getting killed."
"This case is important because it basically is out there to protect these procedural fairness things to say listen, I know you guys made a decision, but we get to challenge that decision meaningfully in court."
"The Whistleblower Protection Act was signed into law to strengthen the protections for federal employees who disclose evidence of waste, fraud, and abuse."
"If they will go after your lawyers, you have no legal protections in this country. You have no rights."
"We must protect the Integrity of the Supreme Court."
"Most people are not taught that the original Constitution protected one piece of property, enslaved people."
"Truthful speech, even if disputed, is protected."
"Speech that no matter how abhorrent is still protected under the First Amendment."
"Not all hope is lost just because a given piece of intellectual property isn't protected by copyright doesn't necessarily mean it's not protected."
"It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me, but it can keep him from lynching me."
"Freedom of speech is a civil right enshrined in article 10 of the convention."
"A bill to codify the protections for abortion rights that are supposedly enshrined by Roe versus Wade."
"We do not need to punish law-abiding citizens, instead we should cherish and protect this right that we are so blessed to have."
"Human Resources is not for you; they're there to legally protect the company."
"Section two still fully intact... to target intentional discrimination."
"The right to travel is a constitutional right."
"The presumption of innocence, burden of proof, and reasonable doubt are three key elements of the criminal justice system that keep us all free from oppression."
"Unborn babies are human beings, and they should be protected as any human being would."
"The Supreme Court has decided without any evidence... now protects on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity."
"Fair use… a legal doctrine designed to protect transformative content."
"Don't hasten the day. Enjoy rule of law. Protect it, and don't seek violence."
"The Supreme Court cares a lot about protecting religious expression."
"Protection against interference and coercion is actually what the establishment clause... is about."
"The Supreme Court affirmed that religious organizations have broad protection against employment discrimination suits."
"There has to be some sort of protection given where men are not named until after their verdict."
"If Americans are commonly using it for lawful purposes, it's protected, period. Full stop."
"Every life is worthy of protection of our laws."
"The right of law-abiding Americans to own firearms must be respected and protected."
"It eliminates a 50-year-old constitutional right that safeguards women's freedom and equal station."
"Filming the military installation in a public area is a form of peaceful expression and is protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution."
"The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government, including Law Enforcement Officers."
"All Canadians must have confidence that laws are there to protect them, not harm them."
"Democrats will keep fighting ferociously to enshrine Roe v. Wade as the law of the land."
"Rushdie was immediately placed under police protection in the UK."
"It's a major protection against holding office by someone who has proven him or herself not to be loyal to the Constitution but to have tried to overturn it."
"Having a protest is constitutionally protected. You and your community gathering is First Amendment protected."
"About 100 square kilometers are still absolutely barred by law from public admission and agricultural usage."
"So you hear what Joe Lubin said, if you design your product correctly, your infrastructure correctly, you will not be subject to threats by the SEC of being sued." - Video narrator
"This doesn't demonstrate how important Judicial Watch is and how useful it is to protecting the rule of law, I don't know what is."
"In short, you can assure yourself from negligent defamation, you can't suit you can't insure yourself against willful defamation and that's what she got caught out there about."
"A rule of absolute immunity for the president will not leave the nation without sufficient protection against misconduct."
"I'm in the camp that was convinced that you need to start off as an LLC as soon as possible to protect your personal assets."
"This is the one amendment that protects all of the others."
"Having some kind of legal protection is vital."
"I'm entitled to be protected by the First Amendment."
"Understanding our constitutional rights and all it doesn't necessarily mean these rights protect you in every situation."
"Freedom of speech not just has to be protected from a legalistic perspective but also has to be believed in people's hearts."
"This person appears to follow that whistleblower protection laws and ought to be heard out and protected."
"The right to petition is cut from the same cloth as other guarantees of the First Amendment."
"Under the First Amendment, the prosecution cannot dictate what is true or false on politically charged questions."
"The First Amendment does not permit the prosecution to dictate what individuals are required to believe or say."
"The Supreme Court has held that judges are absolutely immune from civil liability and criminal prosecution for their official acts, and the sole remedy is impeachment."
"If it has any sort of redeeming quality like artistic value then it could still be protected under the First Amendment."
"The Second Amendment guarantees all the rest."
"Section 230 avoids what has been called the moderators dilemma ensuring that websites are free to remove objectionable content without increasing their legal risk."
"The idea is that the people are protected from cruel and unusual punishment and excessive fines and bail."
"Your data should belong to you and to no one else, and put this in law."
"A former president enjoys absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for his official acts."
"Roe v. Wade protected a woman's right to choose up to the point of viability... viability was always the main question when it came to Reproductive Rights."
"The Fifth Amendment protects the innocent as well as the guilty."
"The first amendment protects people from prosecution from the government, it doesn't protect you from criticism of what you're saying."
"You can't just get rid of it when it no longer suits your purposes. The Constitution is here to protect the rights of all Americans."
"You have the constitutional right to plead the fifth."
"Every vote must be protected from the diluting effect of illegal ballots."
"Judge bowsberg affirmed the idea that Mr. Pence had some protection under speech or debate based on his role in overseeing the certification of the election inside the capitol on January 6th."
"This law is designed to protect both clinic workers and the women who are going to them."
"The right to life, liberty, and security of the person."
"I see the law as a sword and as a shield to protect those who are vulnerable."
"We're protected by Shield law as journalists in America."
"The Constitution exists because the founding fathers knew your inalienable god-given rights could be infringed upon."
"Responses are 100 percent confidential and can't be shared with your landlord, law enforcement, or any government agency."
"The current copyright law stipulates that copyright protection exists for an artist for the duration of their life plus at least 50 years after their death."
"The state slowly and surely have already protected the lives of the unborn in their jurisdictions."
"Anonymous speech is protected by the First Amendment. It should be and it is."
"Freedom of religion is one of the protective characteristics."
"Thankfully our constitution protects and secures the right to remain free from religious persecution and coercion."
"The first reason why you want to form your LLC is not for the business, it's for you to protect your assets from business creditors."
"Separation of church and state shields our shared laws from religion's influence, ensuring equality. It frees us to come together as equals and build a stronger democracy."
"The criminal justice system, law enforcement, prosecutors, they are there to protect survivors. Protective orders are meant to protect you, not to hurt you."
"A copyright holder is not liable for misrepresentation under the DMCA if they subjectively believe that the identified material infringes on their copyright."
"You shouldn't just be asking people, 'hi well I would think but at the very least if you're going to have it they should have to have a warrant to get it."
"Americans' privacy and rights should be protected so that these systems are not used against people unfairly."
"The fight for proper legal protection for whistleblowers and public interest journalism must continue."
"Property rights are one of the greatest things that government must protect."
"Freedom of speech means freedom from consequences from the government."
"Medical personnel performing their duties are to be considered non-combatants and afforded full protection under law."
"Intellectual property rights, as the crystallization of human wisdom, should be respected and protected to maintain fair competition."
"The less people know you have money, the less likely you get sued."
"I'm in favor of laws that protect the right of the woman to make that choice."
"It's meant to protect your intellectual property from theft and abuse."
"The Constitution and settled case law protect all verbal insults of police."
"Prenup agreements or post-nuptial agreement as a form of insurance."
"I hope that the government steps in or this county or whatever steps in and says no more of this [expletive]. She becomes an adult, hopefully she gets a lawyer... to protect her."
"It's the Sexual Assault Survivor Bill of Rights. A Bill of Rights that enshrines a couple of very basic things. Now the first one is to not have your rape kit be destroyed before the statute of limitations."
"The Constitution is set for a reason, to protect the rights of every American."
"I'm all in favor of laws that protect communities from being abused and smeared and hatred incited against them."
"I would protect legally protect the right of people to mock religion any religion not just islam."
"The impeachment Clause provides the president with critical structural protections from attacks from his political enemies."
"Equality, diversity, making sure the law protects and serves everyone especially the most vulnerable."
"The unborn child should be protected legally."
"Ask them to please apply the necessary protections for whistleblower Mike Shumate."
"Children in utero are living human beings and should have their basic human right to live protected by law."
"If we didn't have that camera, I can only imagine we would've ended up in jail."
"If you want to have the plain language of the Second Amendment protected, then you better want to have the plain language of the First Amendment protected."
"Our constitutionally protective rights are the most important thing in this country. You guys are violating that."
"I want a law that my mom can't get attacked when she goes to the grocery store."
"It'll include indemnification and that'll mean that they can't be sued ever again ever just like the cigarette companies so no."
"A progressive attorneys general are absolutely there...on the front line of protecting people from what I described as pandemic profiteering." - Keith Ellison
"This is about protecting women's bodies...50 years since Roe vs. Wade, there is no exception in Roe versus Wade for pandemics." - Tish James
"By protecting speakers whose statements cannot reasonably be interpreted as allegations of fact, courts provide assurance that public debate will not suffer for lack of imaginative expression."
"You'll be foolish to not protect yourself in the case of something going wrong prenups."
"The First Amendment is first for a reason. Second Amendment is just in case the first one doesn't work out."
"This is the power to take our country and turn it in a new direction just like that."
"I will protect those rights at the federal level, I will codify roe v wade, and I will appoint Supreme Court justices who will agree with the truth that women's reproductive rights are human rights."
"McConnell simply does not want business owners to be able to get sued by their employees or by their customers as long as they're acting in good faith."
"The burden of the state to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt protects us from tyranny."
"The Bill of Rights protects citizens from the use of government authority for political purposes."
"The Women's Protection Act would codify Roe v. Wade into law."
"All individuals are worthy of respect and protection under the law."
"As long as I am Attorney General no reporter who is doing his job is going to go to jail."
"That's exactly what fair use is for copyright law. Copyright is to protect creativity and inventiveness, and if that creativity and inventiveness has applied to use your original idea to create a new idea, that's totally protected."
"What protects our rights here is the rule of law and the structural design of our Constitution."
"He expropriated land from the wealthy to distribute to the poor, opened several schools and enacted laws to protect widows and orphans."
"Let's have the ability to say yes there are differences between men and women but we can still have expectations and laws that protect them from discrimination."
"The rights that are fundamental to our way of life."
"The only point of the bill of rights is to say if these laws get passed with majority support they're still invalid because they violate basic fundamental rights which the majority doesn't have the right to do."
"The US may be full of crazy state laws, but at least the Constitution's First Amendment protects freedom of speech."
"Filming in public is protected activity. If we don't exercise that right, it diminishes."
"Be smart artists. Don't have to go through all that stuff that I went through, man. Get your entertainment lawyer off the rip and handle your business."
"We can't move through the world keeping ourselves from shedding DNA... and more importantly, we can't stop other people... from making decisions about genetic transparency."
"The Second Amendment protects people from legally defending themselves."
"The Second Amendment... the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
"Speech is protected in this country, at least most forms of it."
"Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech or press."
"Let's really put protection and laws around sustainability... it's a start, but it's a start."
"I truly do believe that every eligible citizen of voting age should have the right to vote and be protected by law. Everyone."
"In a courtroom where a lot is at stake, the Constitution comes to life."
"Stay focused, ladies and gentlemen. Everyone is entitled to the protection of the law."
"Every employee of the DOJ and the FBI has an unfettered right to communicate with Congress without the approval, consent, or awareness of the department or the FBI. Federal law protects these disclosures."
"If you don't think it's going to be used against you, maybe it won't."
"Federal law protects a bank account... Twice the amount of federal benefits deposited is automatically protected from garnishment."
"Remember copyright is there to protect your work not prevent other people from creating new work."
"Everybody's entitled to their rights; the Fifth Amendment was invoked, and that's what our great Constitution provides us."
"Money changes things. Get a lawyer and have a real contract written up to protect yourself."
"LLCs are a blanket of protection in case you get sued."
"It basically gives you an extra layer of protection from getting sued personally."
"Every child is welcomed in life and protected in law."
"It is always in the public interest to prevent the violation of a party's constitutional rights."
"We need to make political expression a civil right in this country right up there next to the other protected classes."
"Trade secret laws are primarily intended to prevent industrial Espionage and the public at large remains free to discover and exploit the trade secret through reverse engineering of products."
"That means we need laws in place to protect people from hate crimes, and if you are campaigning against those, you are actively campaigning to hurt people."
"This is incredibly important if this amendment didn't exist people could be detained at any time their things could be taken without any real evidence to do so it would be Anarchy."
"Responses are 100 percent confidential can't be shared with your landlord law enforcement or any government agency."
"One could rationally argue that the protection of the law is required from the moment of conception."
"We badly need effective anti-slap laws nationwide to deter powerful people like Bob Murray from using the courts to shut down people's legitimate dissent."
"The first amendment is the most important. We have the second amendment to protect the first amendment."
"We love India because it's a democracy. We love India because there's a court system. We know our intellectual properties are safe."
"That girl has been held against her will she has been forced to wear them clothes... she need a guardian and she need somebody to watch over her money."
"The laws are ours; they were written for us to protect us."
"The Second Amendment is so sacred. It gives teeth to every other right that we have."
"The minute that you create something you own the copyright on it."
"That's why you have to have a lawyer look at these contracts because the lawyers going to look at that and say that's new too that's too broad that's too general."
"Throwing out pre-clearance when it has worked and is continuing to work to stop discriminatory changes is like throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you're not getting wet."
"Americans have a right to speak freely... when it needs the most vigorous protection."
"We're talking about a fundamental structural protection mechanism that is needed to protect the rights of voters."
"No person in urubal nation shall be subject to slavery or involuntary servitude."
"The First Amendment protects an individual's right to speak his mind."
"It's much better to pay an attorney before you need them to stay out of trouble than to pay an attorney to get you out of trouble."
"Qualified immunity shields government officials from liability unless it's proven they violated a clearly established right."
"Simply to say that it is a spoken word is not a protection that doesn't cloak you in the First Amendment."
"We're supposed to be American citizens protected by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights."
"It is very dangerous for me – come and help me gain some protection from someone who's going to repeal this stuff that is putting me in danger."
"You can't fire someone for unionizing, like that's illegal. You can't threaten someone when they want to unionize, that's illegal."
"It's going to protect more speech not less speech."
"Kanye's done fighting. You can be single but I'm going to protect my property rights and my custody rights."
"This is exactly why we have defamation laws."
"That is an infringement on our most fundamental of rights as Americans. That's literally one of the most core rights to Americans: protection from searches and seizures in your own home."
"Surround yourself with good attorneys and tax advisors to protect your assets."
"You could always say, 'Oh look, you had cover, you could say look it's an official station.'"
"The first amendment is a constitutionally protected activity."
"If you depend on a firearm for self-defense, whether concealed carry or even home defense, having some kind of legal protection is vital."
"The First Amendment is supposed to protect freedom of expression."
"Fundamental rights are the rights we give the highest level of protection to."
"Unlawful for a government officer to seize work product materials by a person reasonably believed to have a purpose to disseminate to the public a newspaper, book, broadcast, or other similar form of Public Communication."
"You can put it in your LLC even if it's your primary residence too. This is very popular, especially when you open up your LLCs and it's very important that you protect yourself."