
Quality Assessment Quotes

There are 703 quotes

"Also, remember that good games can have bad graphic design and vice versa."
"The Sigma 18 to 35 f/1.8 is by far the sharpest APS-C lens we've ever tested."
"There are some terrible films where the logic holds up and some excellent films where it doesn't."
"Facilities overall, for the level it's at, it's four stars. It's a lovely little (well, not so little) ground."
"You don't need to eat every item on the menu at a restaurant to know if it's a good restaurant."
"It has a rigid and stout stature, which helps with just feeling like a quality cooler."
"What an artist's supply, as you test it, excites you, and the characteristics you see start to excite you, you know you've got a high-quality product."
"Like the film, Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a comfortable experience that does everything well, even if it does little perfectly."
"It looks very valuable, it looks expensive, and it wasn't."
"Just because the game works doesn't mean it's good."
"Jasmine's paper is looking good. Further editing won't improve it much, so that means it should be outstanding."
"I think there are obviously whether you enjoy something is subjective, but I think there are objective measures of whether something is done well."
"I see now why this is considered one of the best. Yeah, it's damn good."
"If an idea does not stand up to challenge or scrutiny, it's probably garbage."
"This is quite literally the best supercar money can buy, guys."
"Cookout is one of the best burger joints in the country for several reasons."
"Neo 2 is a better game in every way shape and form one that is not only extremely worth it for souls fans but fans of magnificent games."
"What quality of developer are you getting behind these projects?"
"I'm not saying they're great, I'm just saying that they have great coffee."
"Wow. Oh no, what the heck? What a shitload of [ __ ]."
"I think Evil Dead is one of the best horror remakes ever."
"HDR performance is also clearly real and very solid."
"90 or 80 percent of stuff is just okay you know I totally feel that way and you know that there's there's another ten percent that's total [ __ ] and there's another ten percent that's like amazing I think most without is like really good yeah."
"Money isn't everything, especially when it comes to judging the quality of a film."
"This game is worthy of your time, this game is worth the investment, this game deserves to be counted among those other games because it honestly is that good."
"The XGIMI Halo performed extremely well in this test with an average score of 9.75, followed by the other two 1080p projectors the AAXA and the WEMAX and then the Anker and Benq 720p projectors."
"The interior quality is good if a little boring in terms of design but for the time, the number of features the car got was pretty mesmerizing."
"There's honestly not a bad song off the album... if I'm gonna be completely honest."
"It sounds as good as you're possibly going to sound on Twitch."
"Not a bad lineup. I would honestly argue this is one of the strongest PS+ lineups we've had in a very long time."
"All three premium cruise lines offer excellent value when you consider the quality of food, entertainment, cabins, and service."
"As a game, it's far far better than the sega cd version."
"Probably one of the best eyeshadow palettes I've ever tried, excuse me what?"
"This, for the record, is the worst adaptation of Phantom. It's the worst one."
"Long trade setups off of swing lows are of higher quality."
"Definitely my favorite out of all the new palettes."
"The voice acting is, I'll say it's the best in all of board gaming."
"Your offensive line is probably the best in the league, fair to say?"
"The quality of games from small developers, medium-sized, all developers, just like unbelievable where things used to be."
"Definitely by far the best... it is really good stuff."
"It's Wheeljack, it's G1 Wheeljack, that G1 Wheeljack toy, I'll even admit, is an absolutely terrible toy. This though is just wow."
"What makes a remake great, and perhaps more importantly, what makes a remake suck?"
"There’s no other way to describe Terranigma than to say it’s a masterpiece."
"In my eyes, this is the best Call of Duty overall since black ops 2."
"Surprisingly tight and not cringy or racist."
"I think that's the way you're going to win on certain bets that you know are quality."
"Quantity is what makes quality in a journal."
"This alone makes it one of the best boss battles."
"While this list is best to worst, worse does not mean bad."
"Trash cans, ambi is exactly what it sounds like... a piece of trash garbage."
"That's pretty good actually. And it's really, really good."
"For every one gram of poor quality protein, they make one gram of high-quality protein."
"Season one of Daredevil is pretty close to perfection."
"Wonder Woman 1 is pretty [__] good... it's really good."
"Just because an artist tries something new doesn't mean that it's automatically good."
"Batman one, I do think this is one of the best superhero movies, it's one of the best action-adventure movies."
"It's a shame we might never get another game as good as these."
"Perhaps the greatest variety and quality the hobby has ever seen... an unforgettable time to be in gaming."
"This was easily one of the best ones they did for Ninjago Legacy."
"Just because you have or like a gun that might've been ranked the 2nd or 3rd or 4th or even 5th best does not mean it's not a good gun."
"Some of the best movies I saw were made for Netflix."
"Honestly, the tour of this, I mean it's absolutely Exquisite."
"You can judge the quality of an idea by the quality of his detractors."
"The idea score... helps you determine whether this is a bad product, a good product, or a homerun product."
"It feels more like a Golden Age RPG than pretty much anything out there I’ve played for years."
"Batman: Mask of the Phantasm has earned its place as one of the best Batman films ever made."
"I actually think it works really really well."
"It's a good product, it's a good price, it's high-quality in my opinion, the burning capability was very good."
"Instant classics are a myth. Only time can tell whether or not an album is or isn't."
"The plot about the island is like a b-movie that's so bad it sometimes feels intentionally satirical."
"Hand shakers is without question one of the worst anime I've ever had the displeasure of watching."
"I'm just surprised how little people online discuss how bad this game truly is."
"It's a really really good album it's a really good album."
"So does that mean final fantasy 14 is the best mmorpg out there right now objectively one might say yes."
"Is Fable as good as I remember? Yeah, it actually is, maybe even a little bit better."
"I honestly feel like the high-end products that were picked for the Allure Award winners were really well thought out."
"For the longest time, I always wondered why I ever thought the sequels had way worse quality than the originals."
"Some of the best production we've heard ever on a hip-hop album."
"Just because something was intentional doesn't make it good."
"The dynamic range on the a7 3, in an absolute sense, is right up there at the very top."
"Israel has probably the best Judiciary in the world."
"But it's certainly not as good as the first three."
"I think they did a great job with this overall."
"There wouldn't be a best Pokémon movie video without including this film."
"Frame rate's not acceptable, how could you give that an 8 out of 10?"
"Reliability in a system is super important to whether or not it's good or bad."
"Emerald definitely did the best of all the paints we've tested."
"This is unquestionably the best arc of the entire series."
"Simply put, one of the best scenes I've ever witnessed."
"It's one of the best modern cartoons out there."
"At the end of the day this is a real testament to the quality of that diamond that's within this rough."
"There's really no contest, Gears 5 holds up great today with lots of great texture work."
"It's not about whether you like something it's about whether it actually is makes sense if it fits if it's quality."
"Three factors determine if a power supply is good or bad: power cleanliness, PSU design and materials, and protections."
"This is one of the best written video games I've ever played."
"I think on all accounts, God of War's a better game."
"It's a really really great game and it's a solidly good game."
"Clear is too young, cloudy is great, amber means you've got all the others to catch up."
"The Wii Classic Controller Pro may be one of the best controllers of all time."
"Everything is performing how it should right there, and it is crisp, it is punchy, it is detailed."
"Season five battle pass is an S-tier battle pass as well."
"This is an S tier skin, it's gorgeous, it is gorgeous."
"Breaking Bad? Fantastic show. Can't really fault it."
"There's no denying that the Disney-owned Marvel films have been great. In fact, some have been absolutely excellent."
"Like is Blair Witch Project quality? Is a Casey Neistat video, like what is subjective quality?"
"Low view counts don't always point to someone who isn't producing quality content."
"I was just really overall impressed with these. They're just super rich and buttery and incredibly pigmented."
"But like sometimes, too good, you know what I mean?"
"It feels really, really comfortable guys, even the seat feels incredibly comfortable."
"It's a black movie, no question, but it's a great movie, and that's more importantly."
"It doesn't matter how a product looks or how it feels if it doesn't work, and four out of five of these products just did not work."
"It's definitely one of the best games on the Game Boy Advance."
"Avatar The Last Airbender is seen as being as close to perfection as possible for a show of its kind."
"If you took the license away from Game X, would it still be a good game?"
"I was overall quite surprised by how good this was."
"It's like the strat is so slinky but yet not puny. That's tough."
"This might be the most impressive Sennheiser headphone I've heard a long while."
"One of the subjects is one of the quality questions... Most of the time, unless they have a better attribute."
"This is the first pre-built we've seen that's not complete garbage."
"Without a doubt, the 11 Pro is the better device."
"Quality stakes can be a pricey proposition, so it's best to do your homework before dropping some major coin."
"Captain Toad Treasure Tracker is an excellent game through and through."
"While I appreciate and respect the hell out of these products for their level of customization and tremendous build quality, I get nothing out of this."
"Runs well, plays well, controls well - has pretty much everything that you would expect from a really good PC version."
"Destiny has the best gun play of any first person shooter."
"Probably the best Hogwarts Express at the time."
"Is there such a thing as a perfect remake? The 2002 version of Resident Evil argues that there is."
"The atmosphere is top-notch and one of the best of the series even to this day."
"It's actually very very quality considering the fact that your first month you get all of this for $60 is pretty insane."
"It's an embarrassment, a travesty, and it is insulting."
"Without a doubt, it's one of the 2020s best games so far."
"But, for me, noise cancellation on these guys is elite level."
"The Apple airpods Pro 2 are El Jefe approved 100 they are very very good."
"This isn't the best Cod by any means; however, out of the last decade, it's the one that screws up the least."
"There's never been a more polished early access survival game on day one."
"The horror of the experience was considered to be of the highest quality."
"For all that and more it is undeniably the finest video game DC has to offer."
"It's the best solo Batman movie since The Dark Knight."
"If you want to up the production quality of your project or on your YouTube channel, I honestly don't think you can find a camera that delivers much better image quality than the XT4."
"One of the best grocery stores I've ever had the personal pleasure of shopping it like for real and I am a connoisseur of grocery stores, honey."
"The S4 is a capable car right out of the box, some might even say the ultimate driving machine."
"Longevity, ease of use, durability, and design are all factors that can mean the difference between a $10 gem and a $10 disappointment."
"Maybe this is what proper wine is supposed to taste like."
"I think it's one of the best pilots on television."
"Half just sounds really cool but in all honesty, this is actually a lot better than half."
"I'm not going to say that this trigger is bad because it performs phenomenally well."
"Red Dead Redemption is a sequel to Red Dead Revolver. And I think this is a prime candidate for a remake because it's a quality game."
"Do you have a stick burner quality pellet? I think the results of that test show yes you do."
"Honestly, this has to be one of the worst debunkings I have ever seen."
"For those of you who haven't played it, know that it is absolutely a worthy contender for game of the year."
"Sonic Frontiers is probably the best 3D Sonic game, period."
"It was about as good as this genre could get."
"Troll whisker cores are considered relatively inadequate but passable."
"I really enjoyed it, is it a great movie no I don't think it's great I think it's good I think it's enjoyable."
"Personally, I think this film skirts the line between so bad it's good and just bad."
"Rustoleum pro definitely seems like the best all-around paint."
"How good is this performance being from Trent?"
"I'll argue why they offer tremendous quality to rival FromSoft's best or at least how their achievements are worth recognition beyond a single romp between fog walls."
"It's definitely not the best but it's also not the worst."
"DreamWorks undeniably has a phenomenal track record with follow-ups... many arguably better."
"That's a testament to how many really good comic book films we've had in the last five years."
"This biscuit, man, this, this is where, this is where they kind, I think this is their top Contender."
"I think that was the best built electric car I've ever been in."
"This is a 10 out of 10, this is really good."
"It turned out really well... it's a well-done pilot."
"The facial and motion capture, meanwhile, is generally excellent."
"It's pretty obvious if you've watched my recent coverage of the Fantastic Four doomsday by far the best deluxe mission."
"This is easily one of the warmest mitts that you're ever going to use."
"It's an excellent read that's just as breathtaking as its predecessor and another knockout from Ishikawa."
"Possibly the best Darth Maul minifigure yet."
"Surely if it tastes clean and pleasant, then it's good. If it tastes kinda chloriny and disgusting, then it's bad."
"Minecraft might be the best major developer out there."
"This stuff tastes exactly exactly like a really really good egg roll."
"It's a no brainer to give the nod to the newer Tantive 4 as having the best minifigures."
"It still sounds like one of the best new cars on the market."
"I can't wait for what's next. I think this thing is... I can't believe how quality both the single player and multiplayer experiences in this one game are."
"Mass Effect 2 in my opinion is still one of the best role-playing games of all time."
"The fight scenes were really, really well done."
"Comparing this armor to real high-quality armor is like comparing an airsoft gun with a real gun."
"There may be 21 good companies in the entire world."
"If it feels a little flimsier or like you could probably rub the texture off then you know it's fake."
"A lot of these shots are keepers in my opinion."
"This movie was leaps and bounds better than first class, not even close."
"This might be the best built phone of the year."
"Everything is just perfectly done with this movie."
"The F-18 is probably one of the best fighter jets in the world."
"The entertainment value of this movie is impeccable."
"Just because something is free does not mean that thing is worse than what you pay for."
"Of all these pistols on this table, that's the one I would choose. I can just tell the quality of this pistol."
"The show is far beyond pretty much every American Western cartoon released in the last decade."
"I think this is definitely a top-tier Marvel movie."
"These are two of the better songs we heard in a while."
"Charlotte's ice cream swirl review: absolutely delicious, 10 out of 10."
"There's no question it is absolutely one of the Best Buys in the world of watchmaking."
"This is the greatest 2K of all time by the way."
"The success of a video doesn't necessarily correlate with the quality, so I think it's a high-quality video that was not very successful."
"Just because something is expensive or has a brand name associated with it doesn't necessarily mean that it's high quality."
"Seriously, if what he delivered was in some B grade 80s Star Wars rip-off we would be laughing our asses off."
"The third one comes out I actually thought it was probably the best of the bunch I did too yeah I thought it was I mean best of the Fantastic Beasts not the best of the Harry Potter World."
"This is lazy, this is guard, it's not even lazy, this is just garbage."