
Graphic Design Quotes

There are 741 quotes

"Like always, we're going over more case studies of video games that showcase good and bad principles of graphic design."
"Also, remember that good games can have bad graphic design and vice versa."
"Graphic design is arguably one of the most important types of design nowadays."
"Layers provide a great way to make edits to your image and only have them affect certain areas of the image or to blend multiple images together."
"I love helping people learn this program and I love this program too because it's a free option for people who don't want to pay for Photoshop and want to be able to edit their photos or create graphic design compositions without having to pay $60 a month."
"I want to learn graphic design...to be able to design more planners like daily planners, health planners."
"There's so much variety with graphic design. You can really do anything that you want."
"An SVG is code, and we can scale up the size however large we want, and we'll never see blurriness or pixels."
"The way the timeline panel works is by stacking layers on top of each other in a hierarchy, quite like stacking sheets of paper on top of each other."
"If you are a graphic designer or a digital designer do make sure you apply for that. We're a very fun organization to work for."
"This tool is best used for those who want a quick and intuitive way to make a cool Duo tone color scheme for your next project."
"Line height is different, what we would want for a header is very different than what we would want for body copy."
"Masks is the fact you can go and edit them anytime you want."
"Smart objects in particular are really, really useful."
"This is like the cover of a graphic novel I would have seen in Borders." - Julia
"It's not just like playing around on the computer, which I think a lot of people think it is. It takes a lot of hard work but it's very rewarding."
"A game is only as interesting or as good as its gameplay components, no matter how fancy the graphics are."
"Connect particles close enough with lines, similar to constellations effect."
"It's centered if you only have one line of text. But when it gets to like director of photography, director of photography will be right in the center."
"Layers are awesome, there's so much that you can do with them."
"Procreate is a raster-based program, meaning it works in pixels."
"When you're dealing with a design that reuses the same elements, it makes your life so much easier."
"Graphic design does not have to be a scary process."
"Graphic design is still the foundation of really good form design."
"By the end of this course, you'll have so many graphic design techniques under your belt."
"I think it is pretty stinking fantastic I think it is powerful I think it's feature-rich I think there's probably of course a lot of things in there that it does not have that Photoshop does but personally those are things I can live without."
"Expressive typography and exploring a lot of things, refining the letter forms is something that you can definitely improve on."
"Stirring Abyss managed to capture by sending you into the depths using an unnerving blend of 2d and 3d graphics."
"More and more designers are using vintage 70s style fonts and type treatments in their design work."
"That's most common, start life like, and if I want to put in the colored background, okay, we put in just a big rectangle."
"Sometimes you don't want to spend the time making an actual custom brush... and then overlay it and it's just like it's just that easy."
"I cannot understate how game changing digital has become for title sequence designers."
"It's about using the right point size and letting. It's gonna start to come together."
"You're going to learn how to make your text look like anything you want."
"The logo design world is completely open to you and I hope this short course has given you some confidence to have a go at tackling professional logo design projects."
"An incredible amount of work... redraw and redraw and redraw."
"I think aesthetics is kind of like free marketing if you have to decide an art style and you have to create the graphics why not pick something that's bold and interesting and awesome?"
"One of the most universally praised things about Persona 5 is the UI design."
"Increase the subsurface... the more detail you're actually going to see."
"Photoshop has a powerful feature that allows you to create masks with editable text."
"A relatively new feature that was added to XD is called blend modes."
"Extreme Pool featured a large set of background locations including an inner-city basketball court, a plane cruising at 30,000 feet, a Caribbean yacht, a city rooftop bar, and a Japanese garden."
"My workflow and my graphic designer's workflow dictates that any image with five stars and in red label is what they need to Photoshop and deliver to the client."
"In a panel that has both a foreground and a background, maintain visual clarity between the two."
"Graphic design schools teach applicable skills."
"She has worked hard she's put together a good music project she deserves it she deserves everything that she has worked hard for."
"There's easier ways to make money, right? But if you're a graphic design artist, you want to make sure you enjoy this before you invest."
"Market yourself as a graphic designer. Don't sell yourself short."
"So there's no reason you can't also have more than one of these per layer."
"The graphics no longer seem exaggerated, they seem clear, they pop from the landscape and they are vivid."
"Phoenix Rising offers a significantly improved color palette with rich greens and deep blues that really pop on the screen."
"Graphics are one of the keys to unlocking emotions in players offering a journey of Discovery where imagination meets artistic expression."
"If any random person with Photoshop can slap this together and make it look better than what's in a triple-a video game that currently costs $60 you could have done better Bioware yet could have done better."
"The vectors from Illustrator will be compatible with InDesign. So the logo will carry across perfectly. Nice."
"And let's just go ahead and say like the style of graphics that they chose to implement after a very long time between games in some ways was a little bit of a risk and I think it really paid off."
"Ever since I was young, I have loved arcades, and it's been a dream of mine to build my own arcade at home."
"It's about picking the right font to find a nice logo."
"I want to start a graphic design business, freelance design. I'm already doing that actually, I'm working on it, it's really fun."
"The really key hotkeys are holding down shift...or the alter option key."
"The symbol behind him, a fist with a starburst behind it, signifies to me strength, power, authority even protection maybe?"
"It's a perfect blend of 2D and 3D, perhaps the most critical piece of this visual puzzle."
"Let's go ahead and open up an image in Photoshop."
"Photoshop gives you full creative range for how you'd like to stylize or enhance your images."
"Alright, everybody, my name is Aaron James Draplin, I'm 40 years old, I'm a graphic designer doing whatever the hell it takes to make a living in this town."
"Give the curvature tool a go throughout this one... it's pretty cool."
"Shape Builder tool: replacing the Pathfinder tool for smoother, quicker results."
"Bezier curves and corner options: making shapes smoother and more precise."
"Let's take our color palette color and input it here."
"Congratulations, you will be receiving a Wacom Intuos Pro medium."
"Photoshop has infinite possibilities and dozens if not hundreds of ways of doing certain things."
"Now I'm going to create an all-new logo to use on this website."
"Did you know that every individual blend mode with the exception of just a couple of them has a specific hotkey?"
"The visual design of this game... I mean, just stunning."
"There's just something I find so appealing about this 2.5D effect."
"I think it's really cool that we can lay things out like this."
"Hopefully, you guys enjoyed the games that we looked at today."
"For a PC version, they decided to make the cover have this guy zoomed in real tight and got some DBZ eyes."
"You're going to level up your game as far as graphic design in a hurry by learning how to use the pen tool."
"Smart Objects and placing graphics can be so, so useful and such a huge time-saver for graphic designers in general - an absolute must-know."
"This is some extremely advanced stuff and guess what, it's happening on one Layer with one Blend mode and the colors that you choose."
"One of the most important things you're going to want to do is add some adjustments."
"10,000 strong. I already got the graphic made. Let me show y'all because I've been trying to run dog on three Instagram accounts and I'm running out of steam but I ain't got no money paid for somebody else. Here's my 10,000 subscribers graphic."
"I'm really proud of how far I've come with these [thumbnails]. They look nice now because I put in time and effort to learn."
"It's way more important than people think, as well as is the graphic design because what people don't realize, like Facebook, Instagram, they won't even look at you if you're not to their specifications."
"It's so interesting seeing these kind of graphics, it feels so old school and retro."
"Your image should read graphically and 2D patterns and also 3D space."
"Makes any water look amazing, just beautiful."
"I think we can improve the overall look a lot by not changing the polygons."
"Let's learn how to do that now in Photoshop."
"The Surface Book still is probably more appealing to the graphics arts professionals."
"Graphic independence in WPF means it uses device-independent pixels, ensuring consistent display across different resolutions."
"I'm gonna add what I hope to be a drop shadow, hopefully it doesn't look too cool."
"Again constantly toggle your layers on and off just to make sure that the shape kind of makes sense."
"As we kind of do that we can see that this maybe looks a little bit off here so I would probably just burn this maybe a bit more and then just dodge this in a little bit."
"Clipping mask: Attached to layer underneath, color in without affecting transparency. Clean color without altering layer."
"Layers offer various options: rename, select within, transform, paint, copy, paste, fill. Control without altering the whole canvas."
"The next digital product idea I have for beginners are logos."
"If you're good with photoshop, I would recommend designing your own stream overlay, that way you're going to be completely unique to anybody else on the internet."
"Mock-ups are the simplest thing in the world. Just click on the smart object, add your design, and save it."
"The graphics look so freaking good, it's incredible."
"A brilliant example of a logo animation... very impactful, slick, and professional."
"This kind of effect... you can use this technique for all sorts of logo animations."
"A really quick and easy way to get volumetric lighting in your scene."
"The color modulation will really color that streak effect."
"I'm interested to see what you guys create with this tutorial."
"I've done hamburger menus, illustrations, websites, carousels—all the things—but I've never done a countdown."
"I use Canva every single day almost to create images."
"The graphic designer to the wizarding world."
"And as you guys can see once you press ok we have some pretty cool lighting effects going on here."
"You can group multiple layers inside of graphics too so let's highlight both of these layers."
"There's literally hundreds and thousands of different ways you can use movie clips and graphics."
"Play around with movie clips and graphics play around with what they do what doesn't work and what does work."
"This is really important, this will ensure that the lines between your polygonal shapes will remain nice and smooth and seamless."
"Every frame would look as crisp and clear as a comic book panel."
"That's creativity for the desktop wallpaper."
"I'm gonna leave this one saving it as a PSD cuz when I save it as a PSD if when I open it again that's a Photoshop file that I'll be able to keep all my layers and everything will be ready to keep working on it."
"Usually the most effective modes are overlay and soft light."
"Don't be afraid to experiment with all of the different blend modes."
"Layouts from the 80s: variations on a theme, limited only by available programs."
"Creating that retro vibe: textures, fonts, and composition in perfect harmony."
"Graphic design per se is the creation of visual compositions to solve problems."
"Many designers turn to design assets from websites like Envato Elements."
"Graphic design is an essential tool for business growth and it will continue to evolve as a result of advances in technology and online mediums."
"Remember that our jobs as graphic designers is to communicate and organize information."
"Graphic design is important, because aside from making something look visually stunning, it also organizes complex information to be delivered in the most comprehensible way."
"Light probes: the secret to realistic lighting in Eevee."
"Cyberpunk features a wide range of materials, including many diffuse surfaces and shiny metallic surfaces."
"We're going to focus on graphics... Photoshop alternatives, 3D programs, video editing, and so on."
"Photopia is a browser-based software... almost a direct clone of Photoshop that runs in your browser."
"If you're looking for an alternative to Adobe Illustrator... there is Inkscape."
"If you're looking for a 3D graphics application... Blender is definitely one to check out."
"I always find it a bit hard to make text and titles look really cool and cinematic, but I think this is one of those sure ways to make it really cool and natural and cinematic at the same time."
"I don't need any third-party plugins to create some really beautiful images."
"I think the gameplay is a bloody blast it's really fun it keeps you on the edge of your seat there is something to react to all the time you've got a really cool graphic loads of stuff is really cool."
"Now that you know all the selection tools and methods in Photoshop, you can make a perfect selection for your image."
"This is not a gaming machine, but it has enough acceleration to make your Photoshop, as you saw, work."
"It's not just the infographic, it's the art of reaching people using plain language."
"The 10900 K beat even the 3950 X by a 7% margin in Photoshop."
"That rat skin, man, like you've got to be kidding me. That is one of the yuckiest things I've seen in my life."
"Consider the shape, word placement, font pairings, and then your accents."
"The Last of Us... really compelling storyline with phenomenal graphics and just like really I don't know what I would say about the gameplay."
"Thanks to the engineers and artists at Nvidia for this amazing work."
"Why did they make him look like that? His face skin is awful, bro."
"Ambient occlusion adds shading to our scene for a more realistic look."
"To adjust the brightness of a layer you can use a levels adjustment layer..."
"A poster should be to the eye what a shout is to the ear; it's exclamation, not explanation."
"The secret for creating reflective surfaces in Photoshop: high metallic, low roughness."
"The next step is to make sure that everything is rendered..."
"A frequently requested feature by users was to move a layer into a group and have it on top, and now it works."
"The UV editor now has a pretty cool feature that is known as the correct face attribute."
"The black arrow selection tool, it is vital."
"In order to make scenes objects look like they're in the scene, they obviously need a shadow, otherwise, they're just floating around in space."
"Match the hue, saturation, and luminosity to blend foreground and background."
"It's making decisions intelligently based on, well, this is a vertical so I should put a vertical in it."
"I just wanted to remind you that this particular video is only a small part of my larger InDesign essentials course."
"Color backgrounds with precision, no stroke, just vibrant fills."
"Designing these can also be quite profitable."
"Each time you make a new thing, just reapply the shape tool, the text tool, tracking, masking, keyframing, etc."
"We're going to make samus move, we're going to have a shine on her visor, there's going to be glowing particles all sorts of cool stuff like that."
"What that retain layer sizes allows us to do is when we open up our composition all of our layers are still separate."
"Photoshop master, James Fridman, is a graphic designer who's found a way to turn annoying free Photoshop requests into comedy gold."
"For example, one Twitter user asked James to make her and her friend the same height, which he technically did by replacing her neck and torso with her own head."
"The game looks absolutely beautiful at the moment."
"The graphics look amazing, the designs, everything about this project is very well done."
"Sharing my experience as a graphic designer to help you be more successful."
"Let's actually switch back into our rendered view, nice, nice."
"It's easier to get to an ocean that looks believable, and the controls are much simpler."
"Designing in vector means you just design it once and then you can export it as all those different resolutions afterwards."
"Working in vector means that everything is very non-destructive."
"Adobe Illustrator is sort of known for its power and the ability to do anything in multiple different ways."
"While no designer in their right mind would swear by one single rule, the golden ratio has seemingly become a mainstay in graphic design."
"Paint.net is basically a free version of Photoshop but honestly it's very very good."
"They're going to be making this the absolute best in terms of graphical detail and visual effects possible."
"We're using overlay because overlay is going to allow this stroke... it's going to allow that to interact with any color beneath it."
"It's a very subtle effect but adds a bit of realism."
"This cover is just really fucking awesome in fact it's black white grey but the bold red text and stuff I just thought this look really cool."
"Vector-based patterns, resolution-independent, scale them to whatever size you want."
"In Adobe Express, you can quickly resize your assets to the correct social media platform you're posting to with just one click."
"I absolutely love using patch tool I think it's amazing."
"Usually when I do design work for the channel or just design work in general I use professional tools like a 22 inch Wacom tablet or my iPad pro."
"That's how to create an awesome neon text effect in Photoshop."
"The Devils logo does not get enough credit, it's simple, it incorporates cool elements of what a devil is, I love the Devils logo."
"The abstract design of the 3D world looks fantastic."
"In this video, I will show you seven practical examples and techniques in InDesign that will turn you into a real typesetting maestro."
"First and foremost, you need entry points on your spreads. These will help readers to be engaged and start reading the content."
"Some of the weapons look really good as well as some of the things in the levels look good as well."
"Normal mapping is a really, really simple concept."
"We're gonna be doing some fun things with animating gradients and some things that people don't even know that you can do."
"Publisher is a great tool for designing and laying out flyers, handouts, worksheets."
"That's probably a bit big. Let's get down to maybe 60 pixels."
"The shooting is awesome, it is graphically very impressive."
"Put it to something like an overlay on the settings and it really helps bring everything up a notch."
"Ignore when people are like graphics graphics graphics. It is not the end of the world for a game to have a pixel style graphic appeal."
"Remember, always make sure that your logos are in vector format."
"One thing that you might notice here is that these images are all different sizes."
"Nice work with this one, I love the colors and the orange, this teal and orange blue and orange vibe."
"You can grab this PSD file and follow through with it, and also grab a few of the photo packs all for free."
"Strategy text animations are really fun to make and super satisfying to watch."
"Hopefully that little demo convinced you the texture Looper is the easiest way to apply texture loops to anything in After Effects."
"Graphically, the game is actually lovely. Vivid colors, great music, a nice blend of 3D rendered environments and sprite players and items..."