
Medical Information Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"When cancer is actually able to get this blood supply, they start taking off. They can grow 16,000 times in two weeks."
"I want to share with you four things to consider when analyzing health-related information: The History, The Context, The Mechanisms, and The Short term vs. the Long Term."
"Even though they have an undetectable viral load, it doesn't mean that they're cured from HIV or their blood's free from it, just means that it's very low where we can't detect it."
"Allow dissenting opinions to be heard, confront them, correct them and put the accurate medical info out there."
"If you develop a lesion in the pica and you knock out that nucleus ambiguous, you knock out motor supply to all of the larynx, pharynx, soft palate, and uvula."
"Ticks are a neurological disorder, not a curse from the devil."
"Hydroxychloroquine is not effective in the treatment of Coronavirus disease or COVID-19."
"More people die of heart attacks with normal cholesterol."
"The track seems obvious: take away someone's right to speak, the ideas can't exist in public, and the Overton Window swings ridiculously to the far left."
"Diabetes is a disease that's completely reversible, but not only that, very quickly reversible."
"The Lyme disease information has changed out there because of Medical Medium books."
"Cancers are arising all the time but they're forbidden clones."
"Inflammation really just means a response to damage... innocent bystanders sitting there and getting caught up like a hand grenade going off."
"People need to know they can occur; they need to know they're rare."
"There is really some important and interesting information that can serve the medical community and end users alike."
"We have a lot of unbiased, unconflicted medical information that's come out of deep study or clinical experience."
"The efficacy of the vaccine in preventing someone from contracting COVID-19 is 91.6%—absolutely excellent."
"An absolute risk reduction of actually over 50 percent."
"The vaccines do reduce symptoms and fatalities."
"In this video we talked about the treatment, the prognosis, and precautions."
"Free t3 doesn't bind to protein, unlike normal t3."
"Let's have a public open debate about the vaccine side effects trial dates placebos and the yellow card reporting system."
"Once these blood vessel branches are produced, they cannot go away."
"From one cancer cell to a tumor takes ten years."
"High LDL cholesterol, high HDL cholesterol, and low triglycerides: the triad."
"Now what is hemophilia? Hemophilia is a genetic inability to make one or more of these blood clotting proteins."
"Billy Rubin is kind of a greenish yellow chemical colored chemical and when you have too much of it it creates a condition known as jaundice."
"The health of your spine is your health. Not having tenderness along your spinal column... the organs read the information that they're given by the brain."
"Ninety-three percent of headaches come from the neck - that's a pretty good chance I can fix it."
"Just because you don't have antibodies doesn't mean you don't have immunity."
"Thiazide diuretics - no change in calcium levels."
"For almost everyone who contracts it, cholera is a remarkably benign illness."
"So, we know a lot about the vaccines and I think most people are aware they decay with time, they wane even the booster wanes."
"Your bones are not like stones and they're not even like trees. Bones are constantly being remodeled up to ten percent of your bone in any given moment is actively being broken down and rebuilt all the time."
"The vaccination is 98% effective, meaning it won't make you get sick."
"We want to know are they protected afterwards and how long are they protected?"
"Thanks for watching this video and stay tuned for more comment on this and other antivirals shortly."
"Insulin resistance is implicated in causing diabetes, heart disease, and stroke."
"HIV is 10 times more treatable than AIDS will ever be."
"Spironolactone interferes with that signaling and can result in slowing down the hair loss process and hair regrowth."
"Leprosy is curable with antibiotics, and the treatment has been free since 1995."
"Your job as a medical journal editor is to make sure that the truth in whatever form and the best way possible at the time that you make the truth available to American physicians so they can practice the best medicine."
"Histamine is often involved with inflammation."
"The safest one there is according to the briefing booklet and what we're seeing in the literature is novavex novavex is the safest one."
"Information is power, and medically, early detection helps in any disease."
"The majority of the pain that's associated with it... is when that bulging or ruptured disc irritates or compresses surrounding structures..."
"Bromelain may inhibit the production of inflammatory cytokines."
"NSE is essential for mucolytic action in respiratory diseases."
"It is an ethical imperative for every doctor and patient to understand the difference between absolute and relative risks."
"Most of the time I see it within the range... free hormones are the active hormones."
"Most common symptoms: fatigue, shortness of breath, loss of smell, muscle aches."
"Metformin is probably the safest and... one of the most long-term efficacious drugs in the treatment of type 2 diabetes."
"And that's the vaccines, with a 95% relative risk reduction for symptomatic disease."
"Send your medical ID to emergency services... vital information that could quite literally save your life."
"The cluesive dressings BAM just with those two three man you were raising mortality rates by 80% brother 80% on a battlefield right."
"Previous vaccination and myocarditis only smallpox vaccine is the only one."
"In fact, overweight patients with chest pain are more likely to have acute coronary syndrome..."
"One of the things that's clear from the data is that even though vaccines... don't protect overly well against infection, they protect quite well against severe disease."
"Cholesterol has nothing to do with heart disease—it was just kind of a patch that was patching irritated spots on blood vessels."
"Fibromyalgia is actually a chronic inflammation at the cellular and the tissue level."
"Impacted earwax is just basically the normal ear wax which is also called cerumen which builds up in your ear."
"We're in a very dangerous place if we're only allowed to talk about medical information in a way that aligns with the mainstream narrative."
"Most forms of cervical cancer are preventable."
"It instantaneously became the most downloaded paper in all of uh covid-19 outpatient."
"Being a mouth breather has been linked with everything from Dental issues to cognitive impairment."
"The vaccine is effective against this particular variant, that's really good."
"Insulin resistance is the hallmark of type 2 diabetes."
"Tiny blood spots can be caused by a small rupture in the blood vessel."
"One in 10 adults watching this video will get a kidney stone in their lifetime."
"Essentially, you can now say that vaccines do not prevent infection."
"It's bad, there are three phases to poisoning before death by thallium."
"Cerebrospinal fluid provides the brain and spinal cord with nutrients."
"The healthy range for serum cholesterol is 50 to 70 mg/dL, where atherosclerosis does not occur. So if you can keep your LDL below 70 mg/dL, you should be able to avoid atherosclerosis."
"Glucagon is an antagonist to insulin. It offsets what insulin is trying to do."
"Miscarriages are fairly common before like the three-week mark or three-month mark. Usually, you wait till three months. She didn't."
"I'm not here to say you go get it or not to get it. I'm here to give you enough information."
"ALS symptoms typically appear between the ages of 40 and 70. On average, individuals with ALS live two to five years after diagnosis, with some people living more than 10 years."
"Strep pyogenes can cause impetigo. This is a skin infection that has honey crusted lesions."
"Thank you, thank you Dr. Thomas for your wealth of information and those great resources concerning the early diagnosis of lupus and lupus nephritis."
"...but she is undergoing chemo treatment. Do we know anything about the kind of cancer that she has or any of that? Is there any information that you've seen on that?"
"The key takeaway points of this video: Back pain is one of the most common presenting symptoms."
"The most common cause of back pain, particularly in young and middle-aged adults, is lumbosacral strain, for which there is no specific diagnostic test."
"So it's my pleasure to be able to talk about this and bring some information to our audience about why does this happen, what can we do to treat it, etc."
"Anaphylaxis is caused mainly by this innate immune cell called the mast cell that releases histamines."
"Stick around, you're going to find out my hemoglobin A1C, but you're also going to see why we care so much."
"You have the right to have your personal medical information kept private."
"Prostate specific antigen is a normal protein, it's specific to the prostate, it's not cancer specific."
"A stroke is a sudden disability of body function brought about by disruption of blood flow to the brain."
"Your doctor will help to inform you about the type of growth rate and aggressiveness of your particular cancer."
"The idea of a doctor is the source of knowledge; no doctor knows what the internet knows."
"BlackDoctor.org is the leading health and wellness destination for people of color."
"The normal blood sugar level is about 100 milligrams of glucose per deciliter of blood."
"Covid-19 is a disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2."
"What you're getting is a whole tapestry; you're getting the kind of information that you want if you are a clinician and trying to give advice to a patient."
"Visceral fat is the dangerous stuff; it's referred to as abdominal fat, belly fat, organ fat."
"Spirometry tells us two main things: volume, how much air you get in and out of your lungs, and flow, how fast or slow the air flows through the airways."
"As circulation of the RBC improves, hemoglobin improves because hemoglobin is carried in the RBCs."
"The spectral waveform has a lot of information that it can tell us."
"Stage five is called kidney failure, which gives anybody who's told 'you got kidney failure' the impression they need a transplant or dialysis."
"That shows you the entire cumulative patient profile, all of the information you might be looking for."
"What we really need to be able to do is provide information that they cannot see on their clinical examination."
"Medically, you have the right to know."
"The vast majority of untreated HIV infections eventually lead to AIDS, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome."
"Chronic inflammation is long-term... and it can lead to heart disease, diabetes, and cancer."
"This joint is called temporomandibular joint. So easy, a lot of info but so easy."
"In order for you to remain healthy and functional, you need to have something between approximately two and ten millimoles per liter of glucose in your blood at all times."
"Don't hesitate to get all the information you can about valve choice and anticoagulation before you make your choice of a valve."
"This will not be the complete story, but it will be enough of the story for the routine clinical care of patients."
"You have to be very careful when you're giving out medical information."